
Chapter 869: Battle of the Ancestral Temple (XI)

Before the shock wave was over, everyone on Mount Qingcheng took a breath of cold air.

"Thump, thump, thump!" One after another, 30 levels of the Immortal Killing Platform lit up, and a beast head lit up on each level, opening its mouth and madly absorbing the surrounding spiritual power.

This was not an ordinary absorption, even beyond the Nascent Soul. As they absorbed, countless cracks appeared in the surrounding space. From those cracks, a white light spot that had never been seen before, far superior to the spiritual energy, rushed towards the Immortal Killing Platform like a group of dragons.

Hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions! Hundreds of millions! Hundreds of millions!

In less than a few seconds, the Immortal Killing Platform had become a pure white holy platform of light. A layer of flawless white light spun around the giant platform, like a vortex of flames, a devil's dance, and the opening of hell.

The next second, the entire giant platform actually bloomed like a flower.

Layer upon layer, the light was brilliant, and a golden spiritual light with a thickness of 100 meters rushed straight into the sky from the stamens!

"Destroy... star-destroying weapon!?" A cultivator with a Minnan accent turned pale in an instant. He had seen the scene a few years ago. The brilliant light was cast from the clouds, piercing everything. The treasure island of Taiwan was instantly reduced to ashes. A huge tsunami of unknown magnitude almost submerged the coastal cities of Fujian. It was impossible to leave the port for a whole year. There is still a huge vortex at the location of Taiwan.

That is the scar of the earth.

As if responding to his words, the light column was not thick, but it revealed an indescribable holiness, majesty, and unsurpassable. When it shot into the sky, the black clouds rotated and became a super cloud hole with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and then they were lit up layer by layer.

It was like the only candlelight between heaven and earth. Lighting up the vastness of the ages.

The entire sky was dyed golden from Dujiangyan, and then spread wildly, turning into a pure golden kingdom of God.

Dujiangyan, Chengdu, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet... The six major provinces in the west turned from dark to white at this moment. Not only cultivators, but all mortals saw it.

"What is this?" Too many mortals came out from the streets, alleys, and buildings, places that had not been through war, and watched this spectacle in the dark night.

"My God..." A sanitation worker who was sweeping garbage pushed his hat and stared blankly at the golden clouds that were spreading rapidly on the horizon. And everyone at the barbecue stall not far away was stunned.

Countless vehicles were jammed on the national highway at the entrance of the provincial capital, staring blankly at the sky full of brocade flying thousands of feet and golden waves surging thousands of edges. The sound of taking pictures was heard.

"Chief!" The door of the confidential office of the General Staff was suddenly pushed open, and several colonels almost rushed in, their voices hoarse: "The spiritual power in the southwest area is rioting! It has reached more than 60 million spiritual power! The six western provinces have seen strange phenomena in the sky and the earth at the same time! You..."

The situation was urgent, and before the chief could speak, he had already turned on the computer. As soon as he turned it on, the eyes of the two lieutenant generals in the room suddenly straightened.

In the west of China, a red signal spread across six provinces, and it was still spreading wildly!

What on earth is this? !

A lieutenant general was the first to react and stood up suddenly: "What are you still looking at! Immediately notify the Southwest War Zone to be on full alert! Evacuate the crowd!"

"The winner has been decided." Outside the sky, Xiahou retracted his gaze: "It's not a star destroyer, it's a weapon at the level of a annihilation zone. Also, the last emperor of Jin has been captured, and they don't have a moment to delay."

He turned and left. Not far below him, the golden light rising from Qingcheng Mountain had exploded into countless fireworks in the air, shooting wildly towards the bottom.

At this moment, all monitors in China could see the golden rain covering the entire west.

At the moment they fell into the atmosphere, the earth's protective array suddenly lit up with countless lights. Above China, the broken sword exploded, and the seemingly gloomy protective array lit up from this node, one point at a time, and instantly spread across the entire earth!

Above them, there was a rain of arrows with fire.

"Boom!" The broken sword drew thousands of talismans, and countless rootless golden lotuses bloomed in the void. Each of them was condensed from talismans and was extremely mysterious. Starting from it, every super magic weapon burst out with terrifying spiritual power, pulling the last layer of net above the earth unbreakable.

But... not enough!

"Boom boom boom!" The golden light fell, and the light dimmed instantly when it passed through the formation, but there were still tens of millions, hundreds of millions, and infinite lights passing through this fishing net and arriving in the west of China.

Stars fell like rain.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!" When the first ray of light appeared in the ears of unconscious mortals, a bridge over Qianjiang River was instantly shattered. A man and a woman who did not return late at night looked back in amazement at the strong wind behind them.

A scene of world destruction.

Endless golden light fell from the sky, and the high-rise buildings and pavilions of the past were submerged in the golden light without any reaction. Decades of modernization construction were completely burned at this moment.

There was no sound, no screaming, because it was too late. Everything in the light turned into nothingness. Lijiang, Guizhou, Kunming, Erhai Lake, Xishuangbanna... all the way to Chongqing, a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

The light of killing, no mercy.

If it weren't for the protection of the Great Array of Guarding the Realm, it would be unknown how many people would be left in these provinces.

"Hua La!!" In the light that seemed like a divine calamity, the Great Array of Eight Million Scattered Demons broke with a sound. It turned into blue light spots all over the sky and dissipated between heaven and earth.

No one took action.

All the monks in Qingcheng Mountain looked at the sky above their heads as the center, radiating golden light towards the six provinces, and the auras of the eight million scattered magic arrays flying in the sky, like fireflies on a moonlit night, and colorful dreams. butterfly. The splendor of death and the scene of divine punishment are unforgettable.

In the palace of the Jin Dynasty, Liu Mingyang was sitting on a golden chair, holding a golden command arrow in his hand. Just now he swept out all the general orders, leaving only two.

One was the general's command he was holding in his hand at the moment, with the golden snake entwined on it.

On the light screen in front of him, the moment the Qingcheng Mountain protective formation exploded, a subtle smile finally emerged from the corner of his mouth. Then, the Golden Snake Token shot out quickly, rushing like lightning onto the tens of millions of troops, and suddenly exploded.

"Roar!" A nine-headed beast, like a unicorn, made entirely of spiritual light, looked up to the sky and roared! The sound shook thousands of miles.

Order of annihilation!

Thousands of black waves slowly rose into the sky. The six expeditionary forces and six golden elixirs at the front all opened their eyes. Then, he looked up to the sky and smiled.

Expedition to the Northern Army, the big man shook his body, and the forbidden air was gone. He pulled the reins, and the tiger, two people tall, rose up from the ground, stepping on the black clouds.

"My sons..." The strong wind was howling, blowing the cloaks, and the spears in their hands were cold, eager to be soaked with blood. He yelled angrily: "Kill this real person...!!!"

"Is it an order to destroy the world?" Su Changqing laughed wildly in front of him: "Leave no dog or pawn behind, we will fight until death! Kill the last person in the Taoist lineage! Hahaha! Okay! Okay!! Okay!!!"

After laughing wildly, he stared at the top of Qingcheng Mountain.

Just be there...

Wait for me, I'm here to take your dog's head! Yuan Benzhen’s Taoist vow!


It's not a human roar, it's the sound of heaven.

With this sound, the entire Immortal Killing Platform suddenly collapsed, and hundreds of spiritual energy that was at least the foundation of the Great Perfection rolled in from the sky. Within thirty minutes, surrounding the fifteen major cave heaven paradises of the Jin Dynasty, there were bright lights, hanging mountains, reverse rivers, holy mountains of bones, bloody wasteland, thousands of floating boats, surrounded by flying sword monks, and finally moved their sky A huge figure.

At this moment, everyone on the mountain felt extremely calm.


With continuous shouting, the mountains fell down, the grass and trees screamed, and millions of sword lights rushed out of the mountains, drawing a black and white curtain between the sky and the earth.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi looked coldly at the brilliance dissipating in his hands, and looked at Linyangzi in the corner without any emotion.

As if facing a formidable enemy, Linyangzi has a long sword across his chest and his gaze is like a tiger's. The aura throughout the body climbed to its peak, perfectly coordinated with the rise and fall of the muscles.

This is the potential that arises from human beings when faced with a powerful enemy that is impossible to defeat.

"If the Tao is not taught, it is inhumane." Xu Yangyi's figure gradually disappeared into the white mist, and he was so chill in the cold: "I have inherited the Taoism of Zhang Daozu, and now I am actually wielding the sword in the Taoist place. The moment you use the Tai Chi sword, I really don't feel it. Shame?"

"You fart!!!" With this ordinary sentence, Linyangzi's eyes instantly turned red. He who was originally defensive almost rushed out in anger.

The light of the sword was like a sword, tearing through the layers of white fog in an instant, but Xu Yangyi could not be seen.

"Four Elephants Reincarnation!!"

As he roared, sword energy overflowed from his body, and this ancient palace that had existed for who knows how many years was instantly riddled with holes, countless defensive talismans buzzed, and golden lotuses bloomed in all directions.

"How many times have you participated in orthodoxy battles?!" Linyangzi was as powerful as a mad tiger. Xu Yangyi's words just now struck a chord in his heart: "Do you know how cruel the orthodoxy battles are!?"

A sword struck, clearing away layers of white mist, but Xu Yangyi could not be seen. Linyangzi gritted his teeth and shouted: "Come out!"

"get out!"

"A common man who can only show off his skills with words!"

Suddenly, he felt the sound of wind behind him, and reflexively waved his sword. But before the sword could reach him, a strong force was stamped on his vest. He vomited blood and flew dozens of meters away, crashing into a row of people with a loud bang. On the bookcase, several rows of books fell down with a rumble.

"Is this your reason?" There was a moment of dizziness in front of his eyes. He heard the approaching figure, gritted his teeth and stabbed nothing with his sword.

"Three rings enveloping the moon! Two rituals are reborn!!"

Huge fear and anger filled his heart. He shouted to the sky, and countless spiritual swords flew around him, but there was still nothing.

"Do you know... I will be able to sit on the position of the mountain master in a blink of an eye..." He held his sword and gasped: "However... the true king came out of seclusion..."

Even Liu Mingyang would shy away from a kick in physical training, especially Xu Yangyi's extreme physical training, let alone him?

He looked around with his eyes, and said word by word, "Forget it, True Lord... We are willing... but why..."

He suddenly raised his sword and pointed around tremblingly, like a trapped animal: "Why did he pass the throne to an outsider like you?!"

"With your two million souls?!"

Anger arose in his heart, and evil grew in his courage. He struck out with his sword madly, and the sword light swept all around. White mist and jade clouds around a hundred meters in radius clarified. He looked at the empty hall and roared: "There is no orthodoxy, no inheritance, and different ideas! You... you evil heretic, you actually let the True Lord preach! You actually passed on the position of commander-in-chief!"

"Taoism is old...the ancestral court is also old! The true king is old! The new Taoism should be based on us! We will never respect you!!"

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