
Chapter 870: Battle of the Ancestral Court (XII)

"Just because of such a boring reason?" Xu Yangyi's voice sounded from behind, making Lin Yangzi's eyes instantly red. Before he could swing his sword, his body stopped.

Chongxiao had already pressed against his neck, and Xu Yangyi said coldly: "Because of this damn jealousy... you let hundreds of thousands of Taoist friends die because of you..."

"You deserve to die!"

"Snap!" The cold light flashed, and Lin Yangzi's body instantly turned into golden light and drifted away. In the golden light, Xu Yangyi's somewhat gloomy face was reflected.

"Hehehe..." Lin Yangzi's last voice sounded around: "Don't worry, if it's not mine, you can't get it..."

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes. The debts of these two people have not been paid off, but this sentence made him very concerned.

Outside the hall, Mao Baer, ​​who was not seen during the battle, came in cautiously. As soon as he came in, he shrugged his nose: "What a strong smell of blood."

"Smell of blood?" Xu Yangyi put down his thoughts and frowned: "Too many people died."

"No..." Mao Baer took a few steps timidly: "No... This bloody smell is much stronger than outside, as if all the blood of the dead is concentrated here?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he rushed to the center of the hall at full speed.

This hall has a history of thousands of years. It has been repaired by successive dynasties and currently retains the style of the Ming Dynasty. But each room is a space in itself. Sometimes, after turning a screen and looking through a wooden door, you will find that you are suddenly bright in front of you and come to another place.

This is the greatest heritage of Taoism, called Daozang. For those who are not familiar with it, it is a maze, and for those who are familiar with it, it is an endless treasure house. However, except for the Zhenjun token, no one can go to the last floor.

However, the most precious thing is not placed on the last floor, but... the second to last floor!

The last floor is where Zhang Daoling's Talisman and Yin, two treasures, are placed. They are symbols of Taoism and spiritual sustenance. All other secret treasures are placed on the second to last floor.

For example, the map of mountains, rivers, and states.

After a few months, Xu Yangyi has already been familiar with this place. He rushed to the second to last floor quickly. The Zhenjun token flashed, and the layers of restrictions were dispelled. The next second, a man and a dog gasped.

There is a huge teleportation array there!

Like the eyes of a demon, red lines spread out, all drawn with human blood. Xu Yangyi rushed to the window and looked down. The snow-white square just now, now a series of terrifying runes appeared silently, forming a large array with a radius of one kilometer in the entire hall area!

"Is this... a teleportation array?" Xu Yangyi's heart was cold. He finally understood what Lin Yangzi meant by: If it's not mine, you can't get it.

So cruel, he actually let the wolf into the house!

"Are they crazy?!" Mao Baer was also stunned, and said in shock: "What benefits did the Great Jin Dynasty give them!? They didn't even care about their motherland and mother planet?!"

If they hadn't discovered that at the most intense moment of the battle between the two armies, Liu Mingyang might have walked out from here. Maybe... he would have brought all the Tianjiao and Xuying of the Great Jin Dynasty with him!

This is a fatal blow!

"It should be to make Taoism the state religion of the Great Jin Dynasty." Xu Yangyi clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth, saying: "They didn't even think about it! How can a defeated country have the qualifications to negotiate conditions! Don't they understand the principle that if the skin is gone, the hair will not be attached?!"

A low roar came out of his throat. This place is too dangerous... It must be destroyed, but... Where is the strength to destroy it now?

At this moment, the whole palace rang.

All the red talismans shone brightly, like a slight earthquake. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he immediately rushed behind the magic circle.

There, a black and white light was looming, and a one-meter-long scroll was floating in the air.

The map of mountains, rivers, and states!

No matter what, this map must be kept! This is the hope of China and the hope of the earth!

Only by catching the last emperor of Jin can this war turn around!

Just when he touched the map of mountains, rivers, and states, a golden light flashed, and he was suddenly bounced away.

"Yang Yu, are you okay?" The cat had eaten it, and immediately jumped over to lick his hand.

"It's okay!" Xu Yangyi pushed it away, his eyes were already a little red.

The whole square was shaking more and more violently. It was obvious that the outside world, the Great Jin Dynasty, had broken the mountain protection formation, and here... a group teleportation was about to take place!

Who was coming?

The three ministers of the Great Jin? The six ministries? The three provinces?

Or the left and right prime ministers, or... Liu Mingyang himself?

Or the master of the fifteen great caves and blessed lands?

However, he couldn't take the map of mountains, rivers, and states away! The seal above can only be unlocked by Yuanying!

"Yuanying?" A thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and his expression calmed down.

Mao Baer's eyes turned around. He knew Xu Yangyi too well. The other party's calmness was not calm. Either the killing intent reached its peak, or it was resolute.

No matter which one, it could not be changed.

"I understand." The vibration became more and more intense. With a "boom!", the talismans in this room shone into the sky, and the countless talismans that appeared on the square also glowed with a hundred-meter red light.

Red as blood, Xu Yangyi strolled leisurely, sat down, wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and said slowly: "Only by getting the map of mountains and rivers can the seal be unlocked. This seal was set by Xu Zhenjun to be unlocked by Yuanying only. It should be because he was afraid that if Qingcheng Mountain fell, other Yuanying could take it away."

"But...he didn't expect that Liu Mingyang would also advance to Nascent Soul. If I leave here, everything will be over."

Not just to contribute to Qingcheng Mountain...

The opponent wants to take grain from the fire. Once there is no scruple, the huge combat power of tens of millions of people will explode, enough to level Dujiangyan!

"You, you can't be..." Mao Baer was stunned. He saw the other party wiping the blood on Chong Xiao's body with his fingers, how could he not understand what the other party was thinking?

"No, listen to me, you have a long time to come! Just follow..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi looked over with cold eyes and swallowed all the words below.

"If you dare to say that I am leaving with Xiahou now, don't blame me for being ruthless." Xu Yangyi breathed out, his eyes softened a little, and a token flew into Mao Baer's mouth: "This is the True Lord's Order."

"It doesn't matter whether I leave it to the two real people from Longhu Mountain or the Three Saints Temple Master from Heming Mountain."

"Tell them... no, maybe it goes without saying that Linyangzi and Chaoyangzi should have been discovered by now. They are much more ruthless than me. They are also much more careful. In addition, don't touch my arrangement. They should understand."

Mao Baer bit the token tightly, his voice was trembling, his tail was drooped, and his expression was unclear in the red light: "What about you..."

"Men, either you don't agree, or you have to do it if you agree." Xu Yangyi stood up and kicked Mao Baer out: "I will stay here."

"Are you crazy! The people here are definitely the elite of the elite of the Jin Dynasty! One thousand meters... can teleport tens of thousands of people at one time! You are looking for death!"

"You underestimate me too much." Xu Yangyi cracked his neck and said proudly: "I dare not say anything about others. I am staying here, and it is not certain who will die!"

At the same time, the tremors in the entire square reached its peak, each talisman burst out with strange light, white light fell from the sky, and hundreds of figures were reflected in the formation.

"Let's go!!" Xu Yangyi shouted, looking firmly at the teleportation array on this floor.

He could feel that a familiar figure and a familiar aura, far superior to the others, were slowly condensing in it.

"Woof!" Mao Baer said nothing more, and flew in the square like an earthquake. These projections will turn into real people in ten minutes, and they can't attack at all before this.

It quickly rushed out of the attic, rolled on the ground, and rushed out of the hall at full speed.

However, just as he rushed to the door, an old voice suddenly sounded.

"Did I let you go?"

In the lotus ponds on both sides, water columns suddenly burst out, and two giant hands made of blood, carrying lotus leaves in their hands, suddenly spanned hundreds of meters and grabbed the flying cat Baer.

"Woof!" screamed, and his hands immediately squeezed Mao Baer's body. The voice said calmly: "Death."

Hold it with all your strength.

At this moment, Mao Baer's figure suddenly swelled, and the three-headed giant dog, which he hadn't seen for a long time, used all his strength to break free of his arms, and escaped before the opponent's spiritual power was fully constructed.

"Seeking death." At the same time, the first figure was condensed. An old man smiled slightly, moved his hand slightly, and two hundred meters of bloody hands continued to catch up.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped moving.

Big beads of sweat slid down from his forehead, and his originally calm face suddenly distorted, his lips opened wide, his pupils shrank, and he turned his head mechanically to look at the figure standing on the white jade steps above the hall.

"Wolf...wolfsbane..." He gasped, then screamed and fell back hundreds of meters.

He had a secret technique, so he could show up in advance. This was originally a good thing, but now no one showed up, and he had to face Wolfsbane alone.

"Long time no see. Ancestor Lanxue." Xu Yangyi looked at the spinning piece of paper at his fingertips, a trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, and then turned into determination.

", why are you here?!" Ancestor Lanxue flew upside down, waved his broad sleeves, and countless blood-colored bats roared out.

Facing the shadows of bats in the sky, Xu Yangyi moved his energy to his dantian and shouted loudly.


"Crash!" All the blood bats were shattered before they could reach within a hundred meters!

"This is what I should ask you." As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's figure had disappeared on the steps. Ancestor Lanxue screamed, wings sprouted from his back, and he quickly retreated.

"Why are you here?"

"Dang!!" Chongxiao made contact with a bone knife. Ancestor Lanxue vomited blood and fell back: "Wolfsbane... don't be rampant! The Qingcheng Mountain formation has been broken! Millions of soldiers from the Jin Dynasty are pressing down on the territory. Surrender now. I protect you. Hereditary prince!"

Xu Yangyi smiled and struck harder with each strike. After three strikes, Ancestor Lanxue's bone sword shattered and was knocked into the air.

"Then, I will give you a choice." Xu Yangyi put his hands around his waist and looked up at the sky with a cold light: "Tell me the secret of Lanxue Cave, and I can make your death more pleasant."

"three two……"


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