
Chapter 871: Battle of the Ancestral Court (Thirteen)

As soon as the word fell, a sky-high light flashed, and the Lanxue Patriarch groaned, and one of his arms was cut off by Chongxiao.

"Heh..." He let out a chill from his teeth. He didn't even have the will to fight Xu Yangyi. If he had met him alone, he would have run away long ago, but... it's different now!

His eyes looked through the tall figure of the man in front of him with resentment, and fell on the increasing number of human figures behind him, flashing more and more fiercely.

"Shua La La..." The terrifying spiritual energy became more and more dense, and Xu Yangyi seemed to be unconscious, staring at him.

As long as it lasts for ten minutes... No! Five minutes! All the Great Jin Shenlong Guards came... A total of 42 Jindan, 270 Xudan, and 1,300 late-stage foundation-building people will definitely be able to remove this thorn in the eye!

"I can tell you..." He panted, trying his best to suppress the resentment in his heart, thinking quickly: "Lanxue Dongtian has a long history, tens of thousands of years ago... Ah!!!"

Before he finished speaking, his whole body was blown into the air before it fell. His other hand was splashed with blood, and the murderous intent in his heart burst out. He screamed to the sky, and the piercing sound spread in the air, shaking the figures around him.

"Don't try to play tricks on me." Xu Yangyi didn't even look at him, and the cold light shining brighter and brighter, and he said calmly: "In thirty seconds, I can take your life, you can't wait for the transmission to be completed."

"Wolf poison!!" Lanxue Patriarch's voice was trembling with pain, and a sentence jumped out from his teeth: "Aren't you afraid that you will be wiped out when the iron hoof of the Great Jin steps on you!?"

There was no answer, and another cold light flew up. In the exclamation, Lanxue Patriarch turned into a bat shadow in the sky and fled in all directions.

"I'm giving you good advice, but you still don't listen. Wait... In a few minutes, I will make you bleed on the spot!"

The voice was filled with extreme fear. He was scared. He never expected to see this evil star when he went out. If he knew, he would never use the secret technique to rush here in advance.

Xu Yangyi looked at the bats fleeing around with a lake-like gaze, and a red cloud spread desperately. He just sneered.

A trifling trick.

If it was the previous self, it would probably be more troublesome. Now with the pure virtual spirit immortal body, this is completely a show of skill before an expert.

The body twisted slightly, the foot pulled out a semicircle on the ground, and kicked out with a quiet rustling sound!

"Swish!!!" The peak physical cultivation, the supernatural power was completely withdrawn, and the hand and foot were enough to cut the wind and waves.

There was a flash of light around him, and thousands of people were in the shadows, and some of them could already see their faces to serve. However, with this kick, it was like the invisible Pangu swinging his axe to open the sky! The figures not far away flashed wildly, and the entire space was cracked into a space crack one meter wide and tens of meters long, as if the invisible god of death was chasing the surrounding bat shadows.

The wind sounded suddenly, like the sound of gold and silk being torn apart. The bat shadows in the sky looked back, and in an instant, the dead souls were surging!

What kind of magical power is this! ?

There is no pinching of the formula, no spiritual energy movement, is this simply tearing the sky with **? !

Is he the reincarnation of Pangu? !

"You..." The huge fear instantly gripped the heart of Lanxue Patriarch. He just said three words, and a bat shadow turned into a blood flower all over the sky and exploded!

"Zizizizi!!!" A shrill and sharp cry came from all directions, and all the bat shadows gathered towards the center. In the blood-red haze, they turned into the figure of Lanxue Patriarch, with disheveled hair, no longer a trace of fighting spirit, and rushed straight out.


Get out of here!

He couldn't even last five minutes!

The same golden elixir against the golden elixir, I came one step earlier, just a few minutes, it turned out to be the difference between life and death!

Now the biggest hope is to rely on my immortal secret technique of Lanxue Dongtian to delay as long as possible. In a few minutes, it must not be me who dies!

"Looking for death!" Xu Yangyi's murderous intent was strong in his heart. Angel... I'm sorry, but now, I have to make a choice.

If the clue is broken here, even if I travel all over the heavens and the world, I will find a way to restore you.

Kill if you should kill. After a second of hesitation, he waved his hands quickly, and the whole sky was waved with countless scratches, tearing the void, and swallowing up the Lanxue ancestor.

"Stop!! Wolf poison... If you stop now, I will spare your life!! Doomsday is coming, you dare to be rampant!?"

Just as the claw shadow spread, three golden elixir-level spiritual energy burst out. A jade ruler, a mirror, and a small shield the size of a palm flew from three directions and blocked the back of the Lanxue ancestor.

Finally...someone has completed the teleportation.

Xu Yangyi sighed. The other party's movements were faster than his. The Lanxue Patriarch could not be killed.

The most important thing for a commander is to make a decision before a big event. Once a decision is made, it will never be changed. What he wants is to defend this place, stop everyone here, and cut off this sharp knife inside. Compared with this matter, the Lanxue Patriarch is no longer so important.

He swept his eyes across the entire square. In the entire square, countless spiritual lights burst out like stars in a cold night.

Increasingly strong, increasingly clear.

The terrifying spiritual energy, the majestic spiritual sea composed of thousands of people, formed a chilling vortex at this moment. All the elites of the Great Jin Dynasty came out, red, white, black, blue... colorful spiritual energy surged from the figures of each projection, and gathered into a colorful galaxy.

Each figure was like a group of shining stars. Slowly surrounded this lonely galaxy walker. Looking around, everything was dazzling. Opening the spiritual consciousness, a vast expanse.

The suffocating feeling of being surrounded by thousands of troops and horses made the blades in the sky buzz wildly.

"Did you feel it too?" Xu Yangyi smiled and gently traced his fingers across the wide sky. At this moment, his heart was unexpectedly calm. In the center of the crazy galaxy, the eye of the swirling sea. There is no way out, so why panic?

Wherever the Tao is, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there.

"Shu Lala..." In the relative silence, the stars shone, and the increasingly terrifying spiritual energy even made the main hall square, the core of Taoism, begin to tremble.

In this earthquake-like trembling, Xu Yangyi was like a spear, watching the ebb and flow of the surroundings. Finally, after a few minutes, all the light converged into a pillar of light reaching the sky. Swallow everything, wrap everything. Then, it receded like a tsunami. The next second, the sky would tilt, and countless white rays of light shot down from the sky. The vast crowd of thousands of meters around him finally slowly solidified.

There was dead silence.

Only a thousand meters of darkness and countless heads of people are left.

Each one is different from the monks from the Jin Dynasty seen on the battlefield. Whether it’s energy, spirit, or whole body cultivation. Surprisingly, none of the thousands of people was lower than the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen. There was no military order, and no one spoke. Their eyes were as cold as machinery, looking at Xu Yangyi on the white jade steps.

No one leaked anything from their body. Even the face was covered with a black mask. This is the most powerful army in the Jin Palace, commonly known as the Imperial Guard in China, no... even the Shadow Guards in the Imperial Guard. Although the number of people is small, their cooperation and strength are by no means an ordinary sect, comparable to that of Cave Heaven and Paradise!

In a cold confrontation, Xu Yangyi stood at the top of the steps, as if he were a condescending king. The black tide is rolling below, and soldiers are approaching the Jinluan Palace.

"Get lost." A few seconds later, a man said coldly in front of the dark army.

"Oh?" The silent pressure from below made Xu Yangyi calm on the surface, but his heart was completely tense, and he said slowly: "You want to try?"

"Sand..." The huge sky drew a line on the ground, just in front of the last step: "Anyone who crosses this line will be killed without mercy."

"As many as you come, I will kill as many as you want!"

no response.

Powerful monks are not scary. What is scary is that powerful monks are manipulated like arms! He could feel that this army was different from all the monks he faced! This is a hand, a clenched hand. One of the real trump cards of the Jin Dynasty!

"Arrogant." After a few seconds, the leading monk lowered his hands and "Clang Cang" twice, and two arm swords spread out from his arms. At the same time, all four thousand people made the same move almost at the same time without making a sound.


The sword is unsheathed.

Four thousand people, one voice.

In front of them, there is no golden elixir. There are no real people. only commands

"Kill!!" There was no roar, just a hoarse command that was calm enough to get used to. The next second, the black tide exploded towards the main hall.

"Kill!!!" At the same time, just in front of Qingcheng Mountain, the war was already in full swing.

The six major expeditions took the lead and rushed towards Qingcheng Mountain. The black tide was rolling and changing rapidly during the rush. In just a few kilometers, after the forbidden air formation disappeared, the black tide had replaced the sky and surrounded the entire Qingcheng Mountain. The water is blocked.

I went to pick up a friend at 4 o'clock last night...and then caught a cold...I slept all day. I will try to write some tomorrow and try to break out. Now I am very dizzy. It took me more than three hours to write these 2,600 words. It's really overwhelming. It's not working anymore... I just bought the medicine. It should be fine tomorrow. I will try to break out tomorrow.

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