
Chapter 872: Battle of the Ancestral Temple (XIV)

Pieces of brilliant light burst out from the sky above Qingcheng Mountain. The night sky was reflected in a colorful way.

The two characters Qingcheng were engraved on the ancient mountain gate, and they hummed as the whole world trembled.

There was no one to each other, no distance, and the monks who only had eyes for each other were different in color. The war that had been suppressed for two years was ignited by fuses one by one, and even the sky was wailing.

Tonight, the bones are destined to pile up in the river and the sky will be stained red with blood.

"Swallowing Heaven Array!" In front of the Zhenwu Realm, dozens of voices sounded magnificently. These were the real people of the Zhenwu Realm. With their orders, dozens of flags were raised, and millions of Zhenwu Realm monks rushed in at full speed.

Getting closer and closer! Getting clearer and clearer, three hundred meters, two hundred meters!

"Prepare" Before the mountain gate, the middle-aged man in the lead was wearing a Taoist robe, his eyes burning hotly, like a flame in the night. One hand had been raised high.

Defend the national gate

The three formations below have been broken, hundreds of thousands of people have died for their country, and before the mountain gate, he is the last barrier.

What is there to fear?

Behind him, the mountain gate of Qingcheng Mountain stood still for thousands of years, and the two words of Qingcheng were full of golden light. Surrounding the mountain gate, 100,000 monks sat cross-legged, eyes closed, and quickly pinched their fingers.

"Tai Chi is judged to form the universe, Qian is the father, Kun is the mother, and the ancestors of the universe are created."

The magnificent chanting sound resounded at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain. Right in front of them, the scene of black clouds turning black but not covering the mountain fifty meters away could not be seen at all. Where they could see, there were only countless monks from the Zhenwu Realm.

One hundred meters!

"Release!!" The middle-aged man shouted, and all the monks before the mountain gate put their palms together, and the rhyme of Tao spread around, and the weather and spiritual energy were instantly disordered!

"The two yin and yang are divided into (yin yin) and yang, yang belongs to heaven, (yin yin) belongs to earth, and the embryos of heaven and earth are the primordial spirits!"

One hundred thousand people said in unison, and golden light appeared above the word Qingcheng. A shadow of a green bull stepped on auspicious clouds, and walked towards the top of the mountain with lotus flowers. And just in front of the green bull, a young man with a blurred face led the bull head and walked towards the area below the mountain.

Yin Xi led the bull!

If there was no Yin Xi leading the bull, how could there be the five thousand words of Tao Te Ching?

"Moo" the shadow of the green bull made a low cry, and the next second, starting from Qingcheng Mountain, the green color spread out piece by piece, forming a group of upside-down swords in the sky!

In the past (every day), Zhang Daozu killed eight million ghost cultivators in Qingcheng Mountain.

Today (every day), the successor of the Taoist tradition, Qingcheng Mountain, vowed to kill tens of millions of enemies.

"Kill!!!" The middle-aged man's eyes were cracked, and he shouted with all his strength. In an instant, the whole sky was sprinkled with endless green sword rain.

At the same time, in the place of light, an old man's hand flashed. He did not hesitate at all, and shouted to the sky: "Where are the disciples of Shenxiao Sect!!"

"Yes!!!" The 100,000 armored soldiers around responded in unison, the sound was like thunder.

"Five Thunders Righteousness!!"

Not only him, all the sect leaders of Hunyuan Sect, Namo Sect, Jinhui Sect, and Zhengyi Sect opened their eyes at the same time. Several voices rang out at the same time!

"Heavenly Heart Original Self Divine Thunder! Zhengyi Golden Light Divine Thunder! Jinhui Demon Breaking Divine Thunder!!"

"Dang" Laojun (Diandiàn), a bell rang. Hundreds of thousands of talismans rose into the sky, at least five blue phantoms that were a hundred meters high appeared in various places in Qingcheng Mountain in an instant, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only blue lotuses were left in the air.

Blue lotus at midnight, a moment of fragrance.

"Boom boom boom!" Above the sky, Thunder God opened his eyes, and seven huge cloud holes slowly formed. Pieces of white light illuminated them layer by layer, and electric dragons wandered in between. With a loud bang, countless thunders mixed with green sword rain poured down.

Feng Bo, Yu Shi, Thunder God and Lightning Goddess, when the foundation of Qingcheng Mountain was revealed, the world was impressed by this first major sect in China.

Thunder roared and rain fell from thousands of peaks!

At this moment, a magnificent voice resounded through the Dajin army formation. Liu Mingyang's voice was like the god of the sky. A golden big hand spread out in a radius of ten thousand meters. One of the seeds flashed with dark brilliance.

"Suddenly, as if a night (spring) wind came, thousands of trees and pear blossoms bloomed."

As soon as the voice fell, the surface of the seed exploded, and branches instantly covered the sky, spreading for tens of thousands of miles, with green leaves waving and buds ready to bloom.

"Boom!" Endless thunder struck the trees, and white flowers bloomed. Most of the divine thunder was blocked by the Jianmu wall and could not fall. Only a few hundred fell into it, blowing up silver-white snow all over the sky.

Each one killed at least hundreds of people, and even too many Dajin monks were turned into ashes by thunder without screaming. The screams were endless, but for the war of tens of millions, these screams were too small. It was impossible to stop the iron hoof of war.

Yes, it was impossible to stop it. Once this millstone started to rotate, there would be no moment of stopping unless one side disappeared from the earth.

"Yunyang Sect, Yuxian Sect, Tieguan Sect, prepare!"

There was no panic, no shock. The iron hoof of the Dajin Dynasty had already entered the Qingcheng Mountain (forbidden jin) area. The mountain gate was in sight, and the monks below could already see everyone in the black tide.

Clang clang clang, everyone drew out their swords, the crowd moved aside, and puppets more than ten meters in size appeared in front of the battle formation, with their arms clasped together to form a giant shield, waiting for the moment when Mars hits the Earth.


Now, no one can hide their trump cards.

"Zizizizi" On the top of the mountain, on the mountainside, several sects, each holding a long-term worker engraved with runes in their hands. The new recruits were breathing rapidly, their lips were trembling, and their hearts seemed to be beating in their ears, while the veterans had only murderous intent in their eyes.

If you offend China, you must be punished even if you are far away!

I don't know how many people fell, but more people were spreading like a tide. The gate of Qingcheng Mountain is already within reach. At this moment, everyone turned into a bloodthirsty beast.

The six expeditions took the lead. Su Changqing clenched the spear in his hand. The Great Jin Dynasty was like a fist, holding it but not firing it, and even the spiritual power and magical powers were not driven. They had fought in too many planes and knew very well that the best way to destroy a Taoist ancestral land was not a long-range attack, but a close-range killing.

The foundation of the Taoist tradition is not magic weapons, but people. Only by killing all these people can we truly destroy a Taoist tradition. And this, magic weapons can't do.

"Shuashasha" the tip of the spear made a sound of metal clashing in the air. Within ten meters, he shouted, leaped into the Qingcheng like a tiger, and the golden elixir spirit power burst out. The spear was like a dragon, and pierced the head of the puppet defending in front of him.

"Kara" he heard the sound of the skull breaking, and then the puppet's head exploded. A young monk, with his eyebrows pierced by the spear tip, stared at him with infinite regret in his eyes.

Died with eyes wide open.

"Rubbish" he spat, dragged the spear, and the ten-meter puppet was instantly turned into pieces, and the corpse was thrown into the air. The spear turned into a sky full of spear shadows again, and laughed at the sky: "Surrender and no killing!!!"

"Boom!!" The golden dragon on the tip of the spear burst out instantly, tearing a gap in this area. Just behind him, endless death gods came on swords, pulling out the afterimage of death in the sky, casting the despair of the end of the day.

"No killing for surrender!!!" Endless blackness rushed over in an instant.

It was a moment of silence.

It was a bloody moment.

Time seemed to slow down. In this moment, I don't know how many monks fell. I don't know how many earth monks' throats were pierced by the long spears of the Great Jin Dynasty, and I don't know how many Great Jin monks died under the long swords of Chinese monks.

But no one stopped.

Blood and blood do not mix, but they can interweave a prelude to killing that makes people unable to stop.

"Shoot!" With an order, the entire mountain, the blue light curtain instantly filled the sky within a radius of 100 miles, and rushed into the oncoming Great Jin army formation inch by inch.

"Seize, seize, seize!" When each arrow flew out, it turned into a crane, flying together, millions of them were immersed in the Zhenwu Realm formation, but they were desperately weakened by layers of magic formations. Countless people fell, but more people stood up.

"Shoot again!" On the mountainside and the top of the mountain, the roar was hoarse. This is a three-stage (shooting) attack. The first rain of arrows just passed, and the next rain of arrows came overwhelmingly. The azure light curtain never stopped, doing its best to weaken the boundless army of the Great Jin Dynasty!

Su Changqing roared loudly, and the six great expeditionary marquises were like entering an uninhabited area. No one could enter within a hundred meters, and circles of corpses were already lying around. The long sword of the Zhengbei Marquis turned into a sword light of dozens of meters, cutting several monks in front of him in half at the same time. Looking at the sky where the fairy crane spirit arrows were constantly spraying (shooting) in the sky, the long sword dripped blood and pointed to the sky: "Who dares to take this place for me? I will exempt his sect from paying tribute for ten years!"

"The Tianlong Sect of the Great Jin Dynasty is willing to go!!" With a loud shout, thousands of (figures) soared into the sky. Being suppressed from above, this feeling was also not good.

"The Luohuo Sect of the Great Jin Dynasty is willing to go! The Fengming Dao of the Great Jin Dynasty is willing to go!"

Thousands of black waves surged on the ground, and one after another, human figures rushed straight into the sky with various spiritual lights. At this moment, Wang Chen, who was watching everything in the belly of the mountain, was shaking with his hands and screamed, "Start the formation!!"

All the trump cards were revealed

Both sides drew each other's trump cards one by one. Whoever drew all the trump cards first would die.

And the way to draw was to pile up with human lives, fill them with human lives! Fill this ancient famous mountain!

"Buzz buzz buzz!" With his order, all the monks on the scene gritted their teeth, looked at the light curtain with red eyes, and chanted together.

A young man, looking at the extremely chaotic scene in front of the mountain gate, his heart was bleeding, and his lips were bitten.

His brothers, sisters, and relatives and friends who have supported him in the past (Daily) for more than a hundred years are all in front of the mountain gate.

He was selected from the seven major sects in front of the mountain gate and came here, but he could only watch his fellow Taoists go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and then stain the mountain gate with blood, but he could only wait here.

Now it is finally time for him to go to the battlefield.

"The Tai Chi diagram is nothing but the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams!" Thousands of people shouted in unison, and a spiritual green lotus grew on each of their heads, swaying in the wind.

"Boom!" As the green lotus light sank into the formation above their heads, the entire Qingcheng Mountain suddenly burst into thousands of golden lights.

Dark night mountain, bright summit.

As the light of Qingcheng Mountain flashed, everyone on the scene vomited blood, their faces were like gold paper, and too many people even had white hair.

This formation is actually maintained by the vitality of the cultivators!

999 cold capsules are still good. I feel much better today. Although I still feel a little dizzy, it's not bad. I just got up not long ago and slept for a whole day. (hot rè) Colds are really painful

I will continue to write today

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