
Chapter 873: Battle of the Ancestral Court (XV)

But no one regretted it.

A female cultivator gritted her teeth and looked at a certain part of the picture.

She saw that it was her fiancé, who was usually the darling of the sect, but now he was stabbed in the chest by an unknown cultivator, and his life and death were separated.

"Exerting the power of **, can teach one qi to become three pure..." She closed her eyes tightly, and a line of clear tears flowed out. No longer any regrets, any attachment, all the life span rushed towards the top of the head.

At the same time, I don’t know how many people’s hearts were torn, and they tried their best not to cry. They had a last bit of nostalgia, and they used all their strength to attack the formation above their heads.

"Boom boom boom!" Three hundred meters above Qingcheng Mountain, black clouds turned into ink but did not cover the mountain. A green halo unfolded out of thin air, and countless rootless lotuses opened in the void, as if dividing the entire mountain into two.

Above, there was a thousand meters of vastness, and below, there were two hundred meters under the clouds.

All the monks who rushed up groaned and fell to the ground when they touched the rootless blue lotus sea, but the crane spirit arrows shot from Qingcheng Mountain never decreased.

"There is still a forbidden air formation?" Zhengnan Hou looked up at the sky and narrowed his eyes. He understood that there might be more than these two formations in the entire Qingcheng Mountain. They could only attack layer by layer.

"Stay alive." He took a deep breath, and then suddenly shouted: "Where is the boundary-breaking army?!"

The voice spread a hundred miles, as if hearing his words, the black tides surrounded by mountains in all directions sank.

"Swish..." A green light flashed from behind, illuminating the entire night, making this place like a hell burning with ghost fire. The pupils of all the monks on Qingcheng Mountain suddenly became sharp, and they took a breath and looked at the sky.


Layer by layer, countless light spots shone like stars in the Milky Way, besieging the planet.

Brighter than the stars, more gorgeous than the Milky Way. The infinite silence in the moment of beauty, this scene is shocking and unforgettable.

It was a floating boat as dense as stars, and at this moment it showed the fangs of death.

"Daozu above..." A young monk looked from left to right, from top to bottom, and his heart was cold.

There is no way to escape...

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, all are within the enemy's firepower range.

"Woo woo woo..." The desolate horn sounded throughout the Dajin army, and the next second, it was dawn.

Countless white suns shone up, and terrifying spiritual energy tore through the sky. It was impossible to count them. Countless spiritual light cannons bombarded this bright top like raindrops. In an instant, the roar of hundreds of thousands of cannons made the sky tremble, and the suffocating spiritual light printed the world into a piece of snow-white.

Light, only light.

There is also a terrifying murderous aura hidden in the spiritual light.

"Activate the nameless Dao formation!!" In a cave, Zhao Ziqi's heart almost stopped when he saw this scene. Then he suddenly turned his head and roared.

That was a person, a mountain, facing the huge pressure of the Milky Way's collapse.

The sky was replaced by a dark mass of floating boats, and the stars were drowned by the spiritual light cannons that lit up together. The grass and trees shook with murderous aura, and the stars lost their luster. The moment the million spiritual energy cannons bombarded, all the trees on Qingcheng Mountain were like sweat hairs, clinging to the mountain tightly.

These million floating boats worked together to attack, surpassing the Nascent Soul!

Following his order, a token suddenly flew into the air, shining green on Qingcheng, and then, huge characters emerged from the entire Qingcheng Mountain.

The Tao can be said, but it is not the Tao. The name can be named, but it is not the name...

The Tao Te Ching has five thousand words, and every spiritual light cannon bombarded it, all blooming with boundless brilliance.

"Boom boom boom!" After a violent vibration, the spiritual light of the five thousand words of the Tao Te Ching dimmed. Then, the spiritual light cannon that looked like stars gathered power again. Between heaven and earth, endless white spiritual energy was absorbed into the surroundings. There were wind tunnels, black holes, and white holes, gathering into a thousand-eyed death god, and each eye was fixed on the mountain.

The shock wave above was overwhelming, and below, everyone entered a hand-to-hand fight with bayonets.

"Defend the mountain gate to the death!" Several middle-aged men waved flags, and tens of thousands of troops gathered in front of the mountain gate just a few meters away.

And in front of them, there was a black tide that could not be seen at all!

"Roar!" Su Changqing was covered with iron armor and took the lead. His determination to kill Xu Yangyi was like a raging sea. Today, here, he will end his Dao Heart Oath, and he can't wait!

"Those who stop me will die! Hahahaha!" He laughed wildly and killed one every ten steps. The strength of Jindan Zhenren was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep among the foundation-building people. No one was spared wherever the spear passed. He rushed towards the mountain gate like a mad tiger.

Looking at the word Qingcheng from afar, it was ancient and vigorous, stained with blood. He laughed loudly, clamped his legs together, and the giant tiger under his feet spread its wings and flew into the air.

Just behind him, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of tiger soldiers rushed straight to the mountain gate like a raging sea.

In front of the mountain gate, countless young faces, a talisman flashed in front of them, forming a piece of golden giant shield, and countless spears stood up behind them. Su Changqing laughed loudly, and the spear was like a red dragon, turning into thousands of peach blossoms in front of all the cultivators.

"Swish!" A little cold light came first, and then the spear came out like a dragon, and the golden elixir-level spiritual energy rolled up a frenzy in the sky. At this moment, all the cultivators in front who turned into giant shields gritted their teeth and did not retreat a step.

A golden elixir shot was a myth to them. At this moment, their minds seemed to be empty.


Where to retreat?

The ancestral hall is gone, can I still retreat?

Some people have only practiced for more than a hundred years, and too many people have not even touched the edge of the golden elixir. But at this moment, they only remember the last scene of their lives, and then resolutely urged all their spiritual energy to the talisman.

"Boom!!" The long spear swept past, and dozens of people flew out without any sound. Never stand up again.

No name, no one remembers, such people, too many in this battle.

Even, there is no complete corpse. Because at the moment when Su Changqing rushed up, the boundless black tide behind him all pressed up, rushing madly towards the mountain gate.

"Kill!!!" The shouts of killing shook the sky and rushed from below. In front of the mountain gate, the Rixin School, the Xiantian School, the Qingyin School, the Guanghui School... several sect masters had bloodshot eyes and stared at the black tide below.

Closer... Closer...

"Clang!" The Guanghui Sect master drew out his sword and shouted hoarsely: "Everyone... defend to the death!!"

"Defend to the death!!"

One person shouted, and ten thousand people responded.

Clang clang clang, the sound of long swords being unsheathed gathered into a surging wave in front of the mountain gate.

Twenty meters... ten meters... five meters!

"Innate Demon Breaking Array!! Pure Hiding Return to Immortality Array! Broad Wisdom Dharma Array!! "

"Boom boom boom!" Several figures made of light blocked the mountain gate tightly, floating in the air, landing, and blocking the road to the ancestral temple.

They knew that they could not stop it.

They also knew that they should die.

However, they would rather die standing than live on their knees!

"Kill!!!" In a moment, a shocking shout of killing broke out in front of the mountain gate, several large/magic arrays burst into a sky-high brilliance, tens of thousands of sharp swords gushed out a dazzling, and the monks of the Jin Dynasty in front of them fell down like wheat being cut, but... there were too many of them. The corpses in front had not disappeared yet, and the endless black tide behind them had already come flying. The sharp blades, which were countless times more than them, instantly pierced the figures of the first row of monks.

"Hold on!!" However, what shocked the Jin Dynasty was that the first row of monks had been stabbed with thousands of holes, but they were still alive!

With a breath of energy, all the monks who were seriously injured and should have died, like the Shura of hell, gritted their teeth, and blocked their swords tightly, with a twist in their blood-red pupils.

"Not good..." Several centurions in the front exclaimed: "They want..."

Before they finished speaking, thousands of spiritual lights flashed at the same time, dedicating everything in front of the mountain gate.

One's own way, one's own adherence!

"Looking for death..." Su Changqing was in the crowd. He knew that the earth monks were extremely fierce and strong, and it was difficult to capture prisoners. Most of them would choose to self-destruct. But now the continuous self-destruction in front of the mountain gate still shocked him.

What kind of belief can make them turn their backs on the ancestral court and choose to die?

And it was this belief that the first wave of impact did not rush down the mountain gate!

The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the turbulent times know the loyal ministers.

"You... die with your so-called integrity!" He licked his tongue, without any reservation, the horn sounded, and the sound of iron cavalry rose. A golden sky came.

The expeditionary army of the Great Jin Dynasty was fully dispatched!

Each of them was wearing a golden helmet and silver armor, and their spears were blood red. Running like thunder, the iron cavalry was roaring, and the golden tide swept the foot of the mountain.

Kill people if they stand in your way, and kill Buddha if they stand in your way!

"Boom boom boom..." The sound of iron hooves seemed to break through the sky. All the monks in front of the mountain gate were already covered in blood, looking coldly at the scene in front of them.

"Give me..."

"How dare you!!"

Before the voice fell, thunder and lightning crossed in the sky, and the three treasures of talismans, seals, swords, and gathered together, and a magnificent figure fell from the sky.

The old man was dressed in a simple Taoist robe, but the surrounding aura was distorted because of his arrival. And he himself did not carry a trace of aura, and between his steps, the space under his feet made a slight sound of being overwhelmed.

"If you want to pass through the mountain gate, please ask me for permission."

The master of Sansheng Temple, here you are!

He opened his dim eyes and looked at the golden tide in front of him, but his eyes were calm.

"Born here, raised here. Gained the Tao here, and... returned the Tao here."

He smiled slightly, and a golden order suddenly flew out of his sleeves, with only four words on it.

Defend the mountain gate to the death!

"Three flowers gather at the top of the head." He flicked his long sleeves, and before the blue spiritual energy converged at the mountain gate, all the cultivators... were actually linked together by spiritual energy chains, and the chains were intertwined into an iron chain as thick as an arm, directly connected to the back of the master of Sansheng Temple.

"Boom!!!" His spiritual energy suddenly surged, and his whole body swelled like a giant spirit. After a few seconds, a giant 100 meters tall, with black hair, three heads and six arms, stood in front of the mountain gate.

Physical cultivation!

"As long as I am here, the mountain gate will not fall." He pointed proudly at the black shadow that rushed over, his six arms holding wheels, spears, swords, halberds, knives, bottles, seals, and shining brightly: "Today, I will let you see the power of the Taoist golden elixir."


Currently coding the third chapter, hope it can be out before 12 o'clock,

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