
Chapter 874: Battle of the Ancestral Court (XVI)

What is hope?

They don't know, but they know that the presence of the Three Saints Master is hope!

This hope is very slim and small. Facing countless Jin armies, six golden pills, and golden clouds rolling in the sky, how can one person defend the gate of the ancestral temple?

However, their golden pills and their hopes did not hesitate at all. Facing millions of people, the hundred-foot giant rushed out heroically, and hundreds of people died in the blink of an eye.

"Stop him!" Zhengdong Hou shouted loudly, and suddenly, a sea of ​​magic weapons surged behind him, and the unified sword pierced the whole body of the Three Saints Master.

"Ants shake trees." The Three Saints Master laughed loudly, what is physical cultivation? The whole body is solid, magic weapons cannot invade, and supernatural powers cannot enter. Although he is not as pure as Xu Yangyi, he is definitely not a mere tens of thousands of people who can stop him.

He is 820,000 spirits! The mountain guardian ancestor of Heming Mountain!

"The ten thousand feet golden body opens the green wall!" The sound of a huge bell like the rhythm of Taoism rang out, and the spiritual energy rushed through the meridians, penetrating the blood and bones. The hands burst out with golden light, and the whole body emitted a light golden color.

"Boom!!!" The palm was born and destroyed, and the palm of several meters in size slapped down. Any Dajin monks who touched it vomited blood and fell into the clouds. When the palm touched the ground, a terrifying shock wave rose up!

"Shua La La!" The sand and stones flew, and when it was lifted up, there was a clear palm print on the ground. Within a few hundred meters around, no Dajin Dynasty monks survived!

"Ten thousand ways return to the sect!" The bright red blood released the demons in the hearts of both sides. The master of the Three Saints Temple laughed loudly, and the six arms behind him rotated. In an instant, hundreds of palm shadows filled the sky. One man guarded the pass, and ten thousand men could not open it!

"Boom boom..." The loud noise continued. Two hundred meters below Qingcheng Mountain, the attacking iron hoof of the Dajin Dynasty finally stopped.

All the monks who were guarding the place stood up, took the pills, and tried their best to regulate their breathing.

"Master..." A woman suppressed the blood in her heart and said in a deep voice: "Master of Sansheng Temple... Why did he come?"

Everyone knew that there would be no reinforcements.

They were not abandoned, but they had to sacrifice here. Xu Yangyi told everyone from the beginning that there would be no reinforcements.

From the moment they stood here, they knew that they would be buried in the mountain gate, but Master of Sansheng Temple... He was a golden elixir! Why did he come here?

The master did not speak, but looked at the golden jade slip floating in the ear of Master of Sansheng Temple with red eyes, and his voice was choked with sobs: "Because, the general's order is here."

Yes... the general's order is here.

They are soldiers, and the two million spirits of Langdu Zhenren are the commanders. Whether they win or lose, whether they are masters or slaves, all depends on how the other party arranges.

They must have confidence in Langdu, and they can only have confidence in Langdu. And because of this confidence, even though they know they will die, Master of Sansheng Temple will come.

This is his responsibility, and it is also the awareness of all the cultivators in Qingcheng Mountain now.

"Hahaha! How wonderful!" The master of Sansheng Temple roared to the sky, pointing at all the Dajin cultivators: "You, you, and you."

"Come together."

The six expeditionary marquises were where his finger passed.

"Hehe..." Su Changqing jumped off his mount and sneered: "Fools who can't see the situation clearly."

"If you don't surrender to the Return Realm Golden Dan, you will at least be a deputy sect master of a blessed land." Zhengnan Marquis lifted his black hair and sneered, and his Guandao passed through the vast black tide behind him: "Do you really think you can defend the mountain gate alone?"

"Amitabha..." The master of Sansheng Temple was very calm and smiled: "Even if I bury my bones in the ancestral temple, I will never regret it."

As soon as the voice fell, golden lotuses floated behind him, with great divine power and solemn appearance. The spiritual power is getting stronger and stronger, while the vitality is getting weaker and weaker.

As others said, he came here and also gave up his life.

"Since you have such lofty ambitions, we will send you off." All six of the Zhengyuan Hous got off their horses, and six powerful spiritual energies rushed straight into the sky, even the surrounding gravel was crackling. Six pairs of eyes scanned the giant. Zhengdong Hou shouted loudly, and four wings of light grew on his back, and he pounced on the master of Sansheng Temple.

"Looking for death!" Zhengnan Hou dragged his Guandao on the ground with a sound of karaoke, and Fengxiang nine days, a bright golden light like a golden curtain winding down.

"Three thousand pagodas! Destroy the way of heaven!" Two roars shook the sky. With a loud rumbling sound, the spiritual light raged in front of the mountain gate.

Pieces of stone turned into powder in an instant, and countless black tides surrounded the master of Sansheng Temple, surrounding the two thousand meters in radius into a black giant pillar. Even so, it was impossible to conceal the spiritual light bursting out of it.

The master of Sansheng Temple was like the reincarnation of the Taoist ancestor. He pinched the Taoist formula with his hands, and the rootless lotus rose under his feet. Thousands of green lotuses gathered into one. He sat cross-legged on the green lotus and slowly rose into the air. His six hands were like six huge doors. When they opened and closed, no one could get close to him.

"Boom!" With a palm slap, the body cultivator's every move was magical. Under the palm, Su Changqing narrowed his eyes slightly, and his head quickly became dark. His hands opened and closed, and a small golden spear hummed in his hands.

"Fast as the wind!!" He raised his head and howled, like Sun Wukong in the hands of Tathagata Buddha, and the surrounding spiritual energy was swept away with a bang. The next second, the giant palm fell.

The ground was full of smoke and dust, and the shock wave was rolling. At this moment, countless golden lights exploded between his fingers.

"I am no match for Lang Du. Do you think you are Lang Du?!" With a thunderous shout, a figure appeared in the palm of the Three Saints Temple Master. The spear pierced into the flesh with a "puff". Su Changqing's whole body was covered with golden light: "Fierce as fire!"

"Brush!" The dragon flew into the sky, its golden figure carrying streaks of lightning, dragging it directly from the palm of the Three Saints Monarch to his arm. Suddenly, a terrifying blood mark, deep enough to see the bones, exploded on his arm in an instant.

"A rock is like a rock! It is like water!"

Two more shots, golden light burst out, almost cutting off the arm of the Three Saints Temple Master. However, the other party's expression was indifferent, neither sad nor happy. In a blink of an eye, the arm immediately recovered, and at the same time, several giant palms swatted at Su Changqing like mosquitoes.

"Have you asked me?" Before the giant palm fell to Su Changqing's side, a figure appeared in the center of the three palms. All three thousand blue hairs turned into red and flew into the air. In the seven orifices of the pupils, the surrounding space was burned with flames. There was a burning smell.

"Crying Phoenix Wheel!"

As she screamed, flames roared out from her whole body, forming a huge wind and fire wheel outside her body. Between the wheels, the sea of ​​​​fire in the sky actually pressed her palms against the outside.

"One versus six?" A figure emerged from the Heavenly Spirit Cover of the Three Saints: "I don't know whether to live or die."

"Thousand Soul Devouring Souls!"

Shrouded in black aura, General Zhengxi suddenly pressed the head of the Three Saints Temple Master. Suddenly, there was a scream, and the calm Three Saints Temple Master finally spit out the first mouthful of blood.

"Who do you think you are? You are not Wolfsbane, and you want to imitate others in playing general battle?" Just as he tilted his head back, the strong figure of General Zhengbei appeared, but in his hand was a sword made of white bones. Giant hammer.

"Three kills of the giant spirit!!"

"Boom!!" The first blow hit the back of the head. A mouthful of blood sprayed into the sky.

The second hammer hit the vest, with the force of wind and thunder, and the sound of lightning. Suddenly, the vest of the Three Saints Temple was dented a small amount.

"The last blow." General Zhengbei rushed down with a trace of bloodthirsty on his face: "Take your life!"

"Boom!!!" With the third hammer, the world seemed to stop. It hit the giant's waist.

"Kalara..." A violent bone shattering sound, accompanied by a suppressed scream resounded through the sky. The huge figure finally fell. Before slamming down the mountain gate.

"Guanzhu! Real person! Are you okay?"

The moment the Three Saints Temple Master fell, everyone rushed over.

The eyes of the Master of the Three Saints went dark, but he still shook his head.

One against six is ​​really too much. Even if you use a simplified version with three heads and six arms, it will not help.

The six expeditionary generals strolled in the courtyard and stood proudly in the air: "Are you convinced?"

"Hehehe..." The Three Saints Temple Master laughed miserably. As soon as he opened his mouth, blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth. His figure quickly shrank and returned to normal. He broke away from the monk who was supporting him, stood up slowly, and let out a faint breath.

"I can't believe it..." He looked back at the mountain gate with infinite nostalgia in his eyes: "The ancestor of Heming Mountain was actually defeated here. How can I go to see the hundreds of thousands of believers in the mountain?"

"Zhenren..." Several Zhujis around him bit their lips. They wanted to say that this was one against six. They want to say that the Jin Dynasty's tens of millions of troops are here. It's not your fault.

But, I can't tell.

"Everyone." The Master of the Three Saints Temple smiled and looked at the mountain gate: "Do you know why the three mountains are called the three ancestral courts?"

Before anyone could answer, the sound of iron hoofbeats sounded in the distance, and the row of golden waves had reached the front of the mountain.

"Rumble..." With golden weapons and iron horses, millions of strange beasts ran wildly at the same time, creating a tremor that was enough to change the color of the world. Step on people's hearts and become the waltz of death.

Unstoppable and unstoppable!

"I don't know why." Zheng Nanhou smiled and said, "I only know that if you lose, you will die."

Looking at the mountain gate in front of her like peeling off an eggshell, she waved her hand gently: "Create a massacre formation."

"Now, at this moment, everyone who is guarding the gate of the mountain will be killed without mercy. The heads will be placed in the capital. This palace... must be placed from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain!"

It seemed as if he didn't hear their words at all, and ignored the golden waves that were only a few hundred meters behind. It was the Zhenwu Expeditionary Force that made countless planes tremble. It was invincible and invincible. The Master of the Three Saints Temple just looked at everyone and said slowly: "Because...the three mountains have special status. Secondly, the mountain chief of each ancestral court can invite Taoist souls."

"That's what you saw that ** sect asked for before."

Everyone seemed to understand something, and one of the sect masters almost exclaimed: "No! Zhenren, this thing cannot be reincarnated! As long as you can save it! In the future, it will be rebuilt again, Zhenren will never fall so easily!"

"That's because they don't want to die." The Master of Sansheng Temple looked at the people in front of him kindly. Each one of them was a Taoist fire. With a wave of his hand, everyone floated together.

A green lotus floated at their feet, and then... actually took them flying towards the mountain!

"Real person? Real person!!" The eyes of the several sect leaders who had just understood became red instantly, and they tried desperately to rush down the mountain, but Qinglian was like a prison, wrapping them tightly.

"Master! No way!!" A sect leader was stunned for two seconds, and then immediately shouted heartbreakingly: "You can't die! You can't die! Let the juniors replace you! You, you absolutely can't! "

However, there was no answer, Qinglian quickly rushed into the mountain along the mountain road, and everyone only saw an old voice outside the lonely Qingcheng Mountain Gate.

A person, a door, a mountain.

"Don't worry, I will let them come down to accompany you soon." Zhengnan Hou said with a smile.

The Master of the Three Saints Temple turned around, his expression neither sad nor happy. He looked at the general's order floating in front of him, the order to guard the country's gates, and suddenly smiled.

Bowed to the end: "Lu Xiangsi, the unworthy disciple of the three great ancestral temples, please ask the Daozu Daohun!!!"


A few minutes late... I have a fever and a cold these two days, and I feel a little dizzy. It takes about 3 hours to write a chapter... I am really sorry

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