
Chapter 875: Battle of the Ancestral Court (Seventeen)

Two more shots, golden light burst out, almost directly cutting off one arm of the Three Saints Temple Master, however, the other party looked indifferent, neither sad nor happy, and in a flash, the arm immediately recovered, and at the same time several giant palms slapped Su Changqing like slapping a mosquito.

"Have you asked this real person?" Before the giant palm fell beside Su Changqing, a burst of giggles, Qin Xiangfei's three thousand black hair turned snow-white, her eyes turned black, her red lips were red, her jade arms were lying horizontally, and the thirty-six demons pulled the silk thread tight, and the Three Saints Temple Master's hand could not move forward or backward.

"Ming Huang Lun!"

With a scream, she spit out a finger ring from her mouth, which grew in the wind, and whistled on the arm. With a flash of black light, the arm was broken.

"Boom!!" The arm fell to the ground, splashing dust all over the sky. However, the Three Saints Temple Master just frowned slightly, and golden light appeared at the broken arm.

It's still too much...

"One against six?" A figure emerged from the top of the head of the Three Saints Temple: "Don't know whether to live or die."

"Thousand Soul Devouring Spirit!"

Surrounded by the black aura, General Zhengxi suddenly pressed the head of the Three Saints Temple. Suddenly, with a scream, the calm Three Saints Temple finally spit out the first mouthful of blood.

"Master!!" All the meditating monks in the back stood up together, but immediately heard a loud shout: "Stop!"

Blood flowed from the head of the Three Saints Temple, and his white hair turned red. He whispered: "The general is still here, who allowed you to act without permission?"

"General?" There was a burst of laughter, and just as his head tilted back, the sturdy figure of General Zhengbei Xiong Anguo appeared, but in his hand was a huge hammer made of white bones.

A series of terrifying runes filled it, and the Three Saints Temple Master felt cold in his heart. The previous distraction actually allowed the other party to break into his protective aura.

The sign of death has appeared.

"Giant triple kill!" Without giving him time to react, Xiong Anguo's muscles swelled, and a giant bear phantom appeared behind him, with black hair all over his face and chest, like a humanoid giant bear, swinging a hammer with all his strength.

"Bang!" The first hammer hit the back of his head. A mouthful of blood sprayed into the sky.

The second hammer hit the back of his back, with the force of wind and thunder, and the sound of lightning. Suddenly, the back of the master of Sansheng Temple was dented a little.

"The last hammer." General Zhengbei rushed down, with a bloodthirsty look on his face: "Take your life!"

"Bang!!!" The world seemed to stop with the third hammer. It hit the giant's lumbar vertebrae.

"Karala..." A violent bone-breaking sound, accompanied by suppressed screams resounding through the sky. Rays of golden light gushed out of the body of the master of Sansheng Temple, and the huge figure became smaller and smaller in the golden light.

"Master! Real man! Are you, are you okay?"

The moment the master of Sansheng Temple fell, everyone rushed over.

His eyes went dark, but he still shook his head.

It was too much of a struggle to fight one against six. Even if he used a simplified version of the three-headed, six-armed man, it would be useless.

"Hehehe..." He laughed miserably. As soon as he opened his mouth, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He looked back at the mountain gate with infinite nostalgia in his eyes: "The ancestor of Heming Mountain was defeated here. How can I face the hundreds of thousands of believers in the mountain?"

"True man..." Several foundation builders around him bit their lips. They wanted to say that this was a one-on-six battle. They wanted to say that the Great Jin Dynasty had millions of troops stationed here. It was not your fault.

But they couldn't say it.

"Everyone." The master of the Three Saints Temple smiled and looked at the mountain gate: "Do you know why the three mountains are called the three great ancestral temples?"

"This True Man doesn't know why." Qin Xiangfei smiled and said: "This True Man only knows that if you lose, you have to die."

Before they could answer, a magnificent horn sounded from far away in the sky. And in the sound of the horn, the golden sea tide in the sky had reached the front of the mountain.

"Boom boom..." The golden swords and iron horses, millions of strange beasts running wildly at the same time, the kind of tremor formed is enough to change the color of the world. Stepping on people's hearts, it becomes the waltz of the god of death.

Unstoppable, unreachable!

Looking at the mountain gate in front of her, which was like peeling an eggshell, she waved her hand lightly: "Form a slaughter army formation."

"Now, at this moment, everyone guarding the mountain gate will be killed without mercy. The heads will be arranged into a Jingguan, and I will... arrange them from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain!"

As if she didn't hear their words at all, and ignored the golden waves of only a few hundred meters behind her. It was the Zhenwu Expeditionary Army that made countless planes tremble, invincible and invincible. The master of the Three Saints Temple just looked at everyone and suddenly laughed.

The laugh was free and easy, and the laugh was heroic.

In the dead silence, everyone seemed to understand something, and a sect master immediately exclaimed: "True man, no!!"

But it was too late.

Before the voice fell, a green lotus grew under the feet of everyone present, and then... actually took them to fly up the mountain!

"Master? Master!" The eyes of several sect masters who just understood instantly turned red, and they tried desperately to rush down the mountain, but the green lotus was like a prison, wrapping them tightly.

A lonely mountain road, a faint ancient lamp, hundreds of thousands of green lotuses spread up, as if a row of soul-calming lamps lit on Qingcheng Mountain.

"Master! No!" A sect master was stunned for two seconds, and then immediately shouted heartbreakingly: "You can't die! You can't die! Let the younger generation replace you! You, you can't!"

All the cultivators understood, and the blood rushed to their heads in an instant. Countless young cultivators even knelt on the green lotus with a plop, choking and saying: "Master... No!"

"You are the headmaster of Heming Mountain! I am so humble, how can I let you escort me! True man, I just want a fight! Chinese monks are not afraid of fighting!! True man, I am willing to accompany you to sleep in the mountain gate! I just want a fight!!"

However, there was no answer.

The tearful appeals were getting farther and farther away, weaker and weaker.

The master of Sansheng Temple closed his eyes, feeling the trembling of the sky, no one could see, his hands were shaking.

"Do you think you can escape the killing calamity by sending them away?" Su Changqing sneered: "Don't worry, on the day when Qingcheng Mountain is broken, this True Man will send them down to accompany you immediately."

"Boom boom boom..." The rolling iron hooves have drowned out his voice. The 700,000 world-breaking soldiers are galloping at lightning speed, in unison, and one hundred meters outside the mountain gate, all raised their spears.

In their eyes, they saw a bloody hell on the opposite side.

They saw the calm face of the guardian Daojun in the bloody hell.

It's still one person, one door, and one mountain.

"Crush him." Qin Xiangfei said without emotion. After speaking, hundreds of thousands of riders rushed through the air like a golden tide.

At this moment, the master of the Three Saints Temple stood up and bowed to the gate of Qingcheng Mountain: "Lu Xiangsi, the unworthy disciple of the three great ancestral temples, please come to the Daozu Daohun!!!"

Outside the sky, Xiahou, who had already left for an unknown distance, suddenly flashed his eyes, took a breath and looked at the earth.

The huge chariot was moving slowly in the universe. Suddenly, Shen Chenyang's voice sounded in fear: "Stop! Stop! Kneel down immediately!!"

Starting with him, the entire convoy of hundreds of people immediately bowed down.

In the far distance of the universe, on a speeding planet, a huge eye suddenly opened. Around it, all the planets were trembling.

"This is..." The planet immediately stopped moving forward and looked at the sky tremblingly: "Is this... immortal?"

A magnificent gate opened above the entire earth.

The circular gate was completely composed of spiritual energy. And... this is not an ordinary gate, this is...

Tai Chi!

Kaitian Tai Chi, Liangyi Bagua. As the gate opened, the entire battlefield was dead silent again.

Here it comes again... Here it comes again!!

The ** sect had used it before, asking the ancestor. And this time... Who is coming?

This aura... No, there is no aura!

This is a feeling, as long as it is touched, it feels like a star field is under the control of the other party!

"Lord of the Stars?!" Outside the sky, an old man fishing in the void exclaimed, and then immediately knelt on the ground: "No... Impossible! Immortals have never come to the world! The immortal world is all legends! How is it possible..."

"Boom boom boom..." Under the Qingcheng Mountain, it was like the gate of the kingdom of God opened. Not to mention the Zhenwu world, even the master of the Three Saints Temple himself was stunned.

Forbidden techniques can only be used once, the price is one's own life, and there are too many limitations.

The limitations of the plane laws and the confinement of crossing the planes make this forbidden technique only kill a designated person, and the distance must not exceed one thousand meters. Otherwise, the forbidden technique is invincible.

Shua La La... The Tai Chi gate opened, and a green figure, plain and ordinary, wearing a Taoist robe, stepped out from inside.

When he stepped out, the earth did not react at all, but it was visible to the naked eye outside the sky. The whole earth... With this step, it actually paused!

"Who calls me the Taoist Ancestor?"

The voice was also plain, but this kind of voice was enough to make anyone kneel down!

"Hua La..." I don't know who started it, a cultivator of the Great Jin Dynasty finally couldn't stand it anymore, knelt down like crazy, and touched the ground with his forehead.

The Breaking Realm Army in front was also completely stunned. The strange beasts under them had half-knelt on the ground when this ordinary figure appeared, not to mention roaring, even their tails were tightly clamped.

The master of the Three Saints Temple trembled, and immediately reacted, kneeling on both knees, and kowtowed continuously: "I am an unworthy disciple, Lu Xiangsi, and I ask the Taoist Ancestor to help me!"

As soon as the voice fell, he was stunned.

Dao, Dao, Dao, Taoist? !

Then, then...then this person...this person...

He raised his old head tremblingly. Because of the consumption of forbidden skills, his whole body had begun to shrink and collapse, but at this moment, there was only a burning fire in his eyes.

Looking around Taoism, there is only one Taoist ancestor!

"If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening!!" He shouted with all his last strength and kowtowed in the void with all his strength.

The shadow of the young man did not speak, as if he saw through what the master of the Three Saints Temple wanted. After a long time, he sighed: "The Taoist family of Baiyun Huanghe, a zither, a sword and a cup of tea, the feather clothes are often smoky and unstained by the peach and plum blossoms of the world."

"The Taoist ancestor, Zhang Daoling, will answer your request."

The six golden elixirs in front of him were already pale, and they all knelt on the ground. Covered with cold sweat.


It's really a monster!

The last time he came, he was still close to Xiahou, but this, this monster, just the shadow surpassed Xiahou!

That was the trembling of a person facing the universe!

Even though there are so many people here now, it is not this phantom that is trapped, but them.

Run... leave here. Screaming in the heart, but unable to move a step, that is the instinct of creatures facing too much unknown beyond themselves.

Can only bear death.

As soon as the voice fell, hundreds of thousands of boundary-breaking soldiers kneeling in the void, in the horrified eyes of everyone, all turned into ashes.

No movement.

No spiritual power mobilization!

Just quietly, in front of the Qingcheng Mountain Gate, turned into nothingness.


Recently, I’ve been having a hard time…First, I was renovating, then I caught a cold…I’m so sick, it should be better today. I posted one more chapter yesterday, 3 more chapters,

It feels like an explosion…but I’m powerless…I’m so…

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