
Chapter 877: Ancient Starry Sky Road (I)

As Gao Changsong finished speaking, he suddenly pressed his hand to the ground, and a golden talisman instantly covered the ground. Then, a black spiritual light rose from everyone's body. It rushed into Gao Changsong's head like a flood.

"Boom..." The spiritual energy of thousands of the most elite Dajin monks gathered on one person. It was so huge that Gao Changsong's body swelled up like a balloon, and his skin became redder and redder. Then black bone spurs pierced out from under his skin, and his pupils stood up and turned golden. Two huge bat wings suddenly grew out from behind him.

"Ashura Blood Demon Body!" Gao Changsong shouted, and his body had swelled to more than ten meters high, and pieces of black things suddenly sprayed out of his body.

Like the tentacles of the shadow, the sickle of the god of death, the tentacles were all connected to the thousands of Shenlong Guards. The next second, all the Shenlong Guards' bodies were shriveled! It was like thousands of people turned into mummies at the same time!

"Forbidden Technique?!" Many golden elixirs behind him gasped, and Lanxue Patriarch's eyes flickered, and he rushed out without hesitation.

"Why are you running away?" Three voices sounded, laughing and crying: "What's wrong with merging with the three ministers of the Great Jin Dynasty?"

"Swish!" Shadows filled the sky, and endless black tentacles danced wildly! The core of Taoism, the land of Daozang, instantly turned into a Shura purgatory.

"No..." Lanxue Patriarch's scream had not yet finished, and he was swallowed by the endless black tide.

"Karala..." A blood mist surged up and quickly engulfed the entire space. The fairyland turned into a sea of ​​blood, forming a huge blood-colored vortex in the center. The rotation became faster and faster. Five minutes later, accompanied by a shocking roar, a monster that could not be called a living creature, carrying an extremely ominous and bloody breath, roared out from the thick fog of the sea of ​​blood.

"Zizizizi!!!" The monster raised its head and let out a sharp roar. Visible shock waves spread in the blood-red world. After a few seconds, he lowered his head and looked at Xu Yangyi: "Really... I haven't smelled such a fresh feeling for a long time."

Black bone spurs all over the body, three heads and six arms, a face like a skeleton bat, golden pupils, skin and bones... However, what made Xu Yangyi look sideways was the other party's color.

Pure white!


"Pure-blood vampire?" He suppressed the fluctuations in his heart, and before he took a step, he suddenly lowered his head and looked at his left hand in surprise.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The storage ring vibrated constantly, far more than when he saw the Lanxue ancestor. The next second, a golden light shot straight into the sky from his storage ring!

It was the unknown fragment given to him by the Tagul family.

It is said that the ultimate secret of vampires is hidden here, and it is also said that the only way to break the pure-blood curse is hidden here. He has always kept it in the deepest part of the storage ring, and now, without the mobilization of spiritual energy, he rushed out by himself.

Golden light was like an arrow, emitting brilliant brilliance in the sky, as if the void had unveiled its veil, and a starry sky he had never seen before slowly appeared in the golden light.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

None of the two spoke, not only Xu Yangyi, but also the ten-meter-tall pure-blooded vampire, who was also shocked to see the sky gradually spreading above his head, and exclaimed in disbelief: "Ancient Starry Sky Road?!"

"How is it possible... this... which starry sky is this? Is it Xu Kunlun? Without the guidance of the upper realm, there is actually another road leading to Xu Kunlun? Which sage opened this up? And it is so detailed?"

Before the voice fell, it was all over, and in its astonished eyes, a little golden light flew out from its forehead, and instantly turned into golden light spots all over the sky, and continued to depict it with Xu Yangyi's fragmented light.

"What on earth is this..." It was stunned, looking at its whole body in disbelief. It felt that this thing was hidden in its soul, as if it had been sealed here for tens of millions of years, and it would only be stimulated when it encountered certain specific factors.

At this moment, both of them stopped fighting. They all looked at the magnificent picture in the sky.

The starry sky was like the sea, and the planes were like the tide, getting bigger and bigger, more and more detailed, and planes they had never heard of appeared one by one. After dozens of minutes, the two were like being in the real starry sky, beautiful and magnificent.

"I have never seen a starry sky before..." Xu Yangyi looked at the top of his head in a trance and murmured.

"I can't believe it... where is this place?" The vampire also spoke in shock.

Suddenly, a blue light spread out from the lower left, like a giant snake, crossing thousands, even tens of thousands, millions of light years, traveling in the long river of time. Finally, it reached a huge vortex in the upper right corner.

"Swish..." The golden light was dazzling, and the sudden light made both of them close their eyes.

When they opened their eyes, the starry sky map had disappeared.

Silence, Xu Yangyi said lightly after a long time: "What is the ancient road of the starry sky?"

The words were said to the vampire, but his eyes looked at a golden luminous body the size of a fingernail in front of the other party.

It kept spinning and gushing. The spiritual energy was not strong, but it was extremely pure. Even if he had been transformed by the flower in the mirror, he didn't think he could beat the other party.

Of course, there was also a fingernail-sized luminous body in front of him.

"Hehe..." A hint of enthusiasm flashed in the vampire's eyes, and soon disappeared: "Want to know?"

"Go to hell and ask!!"

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed over like a ghost.

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and rushed over without retreating.

The battle between physical cultivators is fought with fists! While charging forward, he twisted his body and swept a whip kick. There was a harsh sonic boom in the air, and even the lotus hundreds of meters away lowered its head.

"Snap!" The next second, the leg was actually grabbed by the vampire, and the golden pupils suddenly stood up and grabbed it hard.

"Kara La..." The space in all directions was bursting, and the power of the grab was so great. But he couldn't grab it!

Xu Yangyi's feet seemed to be cast in iron, standing still in the layers of explosions. Without waiting for the vampire to stop, he used his strength to his toes, and the attack came like a storm.

Crazy, but not messy.

Extremely fast, but looking for the vital points.

What greeted him was the same fierce ** collision, fist vs fist. Physical cultivators are extremely rare in all major planes. Now that they have met their opponents, everyone chose the most instinctive ** to fight.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The six claws and two fists could not be seen at all, and only the space of dozens of meters in front of the two people was distorted. Even the air was buzzing with this terrifying destructive force. Afterimages wrapped around the two people, and countless spider web patterns cracked around them.

"Swish!" A claw swept across Xu Yangyi's face, bringing up a string of blood beads, and the murderous intent hidden in his eyes suddenly burst out. The right fist hit out at a faster speed than before.

Killing is just a moment, but it takes several hours to prepare.

Probing, estimating, and constant psychological games, the war between physical cultivators is simple and unpretentious, but every sword is bloody and every sword is a throat.

Find the weakest point among countless possibilities and kill with one blow.

"Boom!" The punch was thrown at lightning speed, and the surrounding space directly turned into layers of nothingness. The speed cannot be seen, and the sonic boom can only be heard. The vampire's pupils suddenly stood up.

So fast...

"Zizi!" With a sharp cry, four hands defended the chest tightly, and two hands had already grabbed Xu Yangyi's chest.

Once caught, it would be disembowelment.

The distance was only tens of meters, and in an instant, the cold wind came over him. Xu Yangyi's eyes showed a long-hidden cruelty. Instead of retreating, he advanced, and his hands were as fast as a shadow and punched out three more punches.

Like a meteor chasing the moon, one punch was as fast as another. He hit the opponent's head, chest, and lower abdomen.

Using attack as defense, the two claws immediately retracted, waving into a sky full of light and shadow, blocking the blow.

But... it's still speeding up!

In an instant, the vampire's hair stood up, not in fear, but in shock.

In just five minutes, the opponent accelerated three times, each faster than the last! The punch force was stronger than the last! The last time, the fist was covered with a layer of residue after the collapse of the void. This is not a punch at all!

How can it be so strong! ?

They calculated Xu Yangyi's strength, and the Blood Demon Body could definitely kill him. Especially since Liu Mingyang had deprived him of all his magical powers. But they could never imagine that it was because of Liu Mingyang's domain that Xu Yangyi reached such a terrifying state. Especially... Liu Mingyang was possessed at that time and could not remember what he had experienced.

"No... This cannot go on!" After three speed increases, the vampire's defense circle became smaller and smaller, and in an instant, Xu Yangyi pushed across the Chu River and Han River. In a distance of 30 meters, he only occupied 10 meters!

The opponent was about to detect his bottom line...

If the opponent grasped that line and maintained two more points of strength, he would not even have a chance to fight for his life!

This cannot be done!

This is the edge of the physical training battle. Once one party's physical skills surpass the other party and finds out the other party's bottom line, the other party has no room to turn over.

He wanted to escape, but the opponent's fist wind completely enveloped him. Now he could not take it and could not escape.

Getting faster and faster, more and more fierce, he could only bite the bullet and take it hard. The defense circle went from ten meters to five meters to one meter.

Xu Yangyi's fist was like a wind wall. It was no longer the surrounding Qinglian. Even the magnificent hall more than a hundred meters behind, the glazed tiles on it and the bricks and stones below seemed to be caught by invisible giant hands and lifted up piece by piece. The vampire's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared continuously, and suddenly felt that the wind in front of him stopped.

"So it's here." I don't know when, Xu Yangyi has stood in front of him, looking at him coldly. The figure of less than two meters is enough to make it feel cold in its heart.

The line is broken.

The obscure bottom line was finally found after dozens of minutes of trial.

As if something moved, its nerves suddenly tightened, and six claws stretched out at the same time by reflex.

At this moment, it reached its fastest speed.

"Bang!" The next second, the fist had landed on its face, and the six claws were still a few centimeters away from Xu Yangyi's chest.

A slight difference can lead to a thousand miles of loss.

"Zizi!!" With a sharp cry, the ten-meter-tall body was directly knocked back a hundred meters, and hit the surrounding restrictions like a meteor. When the vampire stood up, he felt dizzy.

But it was not over yet.

At the moment he could see clearly, countless fist shadows were already hitting him like a tidal wave.

Simple and brutal.

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