
Chapter 878: Ancient Starry Sky Road (Part 2)

Rumble... The ten-meter-tall (shēn) figure was thrown hundreds of meters away, a trail of blood spilled into the air, and the pupils of the three heads shrank together with a hint of rage.

Thousands of people merge...

He is actually no match for this bastard!

"You..." When the feeling of wakefulness hit him, he was about to turn back with a mouth full of blood, but a fist accurately stamped on his face.

"Buzz buzz..." Starting from the fist, the whole body trembled like ripples. An indescribable force ripped his whole body apart.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, but before he could react, endless fist shadows came overwhelmingly.

"Zizzizi!!" The cry of severe pain resounded across the sky, and the whole world was torn apart by the terrifying destructive power. With each punch, an overwhelming scream sounded in the air. The entire huge bat was crushed to death on the ground, and traces of blood spattered.

A few minutes later, Xu Yangyi straightened up. With the blow he just received, he was sure that the opponent would no longer be able to fight. The damage range of physical cultivation is not as wide as that of legal cultivation, but it is still within a thousand meters. But the most terrifying thing is to hit the chest directly. The ferocious spiritual power fluctuations are enough to crush the opponent's internal organs.

"Ha..." Wiping away the blood on his face, he slowly exhaled and looked at the huge lump of flesh at his feet that was no longer human.

The entire vampire had no shape at all and was torn into pieces, just like a lion that had pounced on its prey before biting it violently.

"Get up." He ((licking tiǎn)tiǎn) ((licking tiǎn)tiǎn) his lips and looked down: "You are defeated like this, don't tease me."


"I can feel that your aura is still there. Don't even think about tricking me into leaving."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bloody scene below suddenly shrank, as if the devil's mouth turned into a talisman several meters in size, and exploded in the next second.

Countless pieces of blood (flesh) flew in all directions and sank into the ground with a sizzling sound. Immediately afterwards, the entire ground rippled.

"Buzz buzz..." An extremely ominous spiritual energy rushed out from below, and with the first sound of "Ka", a bloody spear stabbed out from below.

Xu Yangyi reacted so quickly. The moment he stabbed out, he had already left the place. But it didn't end. Then countless bloody spears covered the entire ground, even destroying all the teleportation circles. Pieces of white marble bricks were all lifted up, and the smoke filled the air.

His body moved like a butterfly in the forest of spears. These spears are not long swords, but extremely sharp triangles. It seemed like it was all formed from clots of coagulated blood. It seems to be wrapped around the soul. Just one look at it makes people feel cold all over.

"Moro Blood God Formation..." A hoarse voice sounded from all directions. At this moment, he suddenly turned around and punched the back with all his strength.

"Boom!" Countless barbs flew thousands of meters, and among the splashes, they turned into drops of blood and fell into the ground. Soon, countless barbs rushed out.

"Don't bother." The hoarse voice sounded again: "Do you really think we dare to come without any trump cards?"

"I admit that you, Wolf Venom, are very strong, but no matter how strong you are, you will never be able to defeat a dynasty!"

"Ding Dong..." As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly shrank and he immediately looked up.

A small golden bell was hovering above.

is it...

The moment he saw Jin Ling, Xu Yangyi's heartbeat stopped for half a beat.

This... is the thing that once told me to stop and not dare to pursue again! It is also the indescribable thing in the Jin Palace. Always lock his magic weapon!

An unspeakable murderous intent enveloped his whole body, and he couldn't help but clenched his fists. Over the years, the only things that could make him feel dangerous were Xiao Qing, White Samu of Sand, and Tower of Babel. In addition to Quetzalcoatl, this is the sixth dominating part (shēn) in the world.

"The feast begins."

"Boom!!" The blood was like a tide, and the barbs seemed to cover the entire sky, and the speed was much faster than before. He rushed upward without hesitation, but at this moment, he found that he could not move!

Looking down in shock, he didn't know when his legs were grabbed by countless bloody hands, and the source of the bloody hands turned out to be the Shenlong Guards who had been swallowed up one by one!

Wailing, crying, sadness... Countless negative emotions eroded his mind in an instant. He almost looked up to the sky and roared, but in his mind, Bodhizi suddenly emitted a green light, making him clear up. .

When he came back to his senses, there were bloody hands from all directions, grabbing at him with mournful sounds, as if they were trying to pull him into the bottomless abyss. Each hand grows from barbs and is connected to a twisted shape. There were thousands of Shenlong Guards and dozens of golden elixirs. The terrifying pulling force actually made him unable to move.

"Click, rub, rub!" Below, the flower of death bloomed, and a bloody spear pierced out from the lower part, trying to stab him to death.

At this moment, he felt the long-lost death threat.

"Suzaku falls!! Fighting among the stars in the dense forest!!" At the critical moment of life and death, with a loud shout, the Suzaku flames burst out, a layer of black armor swirled around the body in the flames, and a bright flame rushed out crazily, hundreds of meters around. Forming a gorgeous sea of ​​fire.

"Zizzizi..." The bloody hands in all directions melted, but did not evaporate, but fell into the soil again. This time... the entire land below rippled like waves!

"What the hell is this!?" He gritted his teeth, rose from the sea of ​​fire, and rushed into the sky like a phoenix, wrapped in black armor and accompanied by flames, like the arrival of the God of War.

"Death struggle." The old voice echoed around: "Although physical cultivation is rare, it is by no means extinct. Over the long years, legal cultivation also has methods to deal with physical cultivation. In order to ensure that I can kill you, I specially took out The treasure of the palace is the magic lamp.”

"Okay... In order to kill you, there are 7,000 Shenlong Guards, 32 Jindan Zhenren, plus the Three Dukes of Jin Dynasty. Your... death is worth it!"

"Boom!!!" Before he finished speaking, the ground cracked layer by layer, and a bloody hole with a radius of a hundred meters appeared below. Around the hole, bloody hands were waving, and there were screams and cries, condensing this place into the entrance to hell. . And outside the hole, giant hands tens of meters across the ground were grabbing at Xu Yangyi like a sea wave!

There is no way to avoid it!

Xu Yangyi looked around cautiously, the sky was overwhelming... there was really no room to dodge, and his spiritual energy circulated throughout his body, firmly protecting himself.

"Pa..." One hand pinched Xu Yangyi, followed by the second, third... and dozens of others! In less than ten seconds, it had intertwined into a huge blood cocoon in the sky.

Amid the layers of blood, he tried to struggle, but his brows immediately furrowed.

After gathering the strength of thousands of people and being imprisoned by dozens of golden elixirs, he was unable to break free!

Not only that... the Blood Hand Dao talismans inside emerged, and he could see that this was not killing, but sealing.

The other party will bury himself in the mouth of hell forever!

And the power of physical cultivation that he was proud of was like a hundred steel-making encounters with Rouzhirou at this moment. The (yin and yin) evil force from all directions actually faintly suppressed his own body. I want to explode, but I can't. It's extremely uncomfortable.

"Kakaka..." At this moment, his eyes flashed slightly, and at some point, a layer of talismans like living creatures spread from his armor. Wherever he passed, the stars in the dense forest quickly turned gray.

"How do you feel about this great gift?" An old voice sounded from behind: "The blood sacrifice of thousands of people... This is still a group of people at the top of the Jin Dynasty..."

A cold hand touched his neck, and he calmly said without any ripples: "What on earth is this?"

"Physical cultivation is the body of the supreme yang. The blood of the female cultivator of the supreme (yin and yin) body born in ninety-nine thousand (yin and yin) years (yin and yin) months (yin and yin) (sun and sun) is refined in the magic lamp. It took ninety-nine and eighty-one days to create this array..."

Before he finished speaking, the voice behind him suddenly took a deep breath.

In the endless sea of ​​blood, a bright light flashed, with such power that it could shake the heaven and the earth.

Avalokitesvara without form!

The only magical power that has not been withdrawn.

"I was careless..." Xu Yangyi sighed: "But there will be no next time."

"Yes..." The voice behind (SHēn) also said calmly: "There will be no next time."

The next second, an old head suddenly bit Xu Yangyi's neck, and his spiritual power exploded in all directions.

"Kalala..." The sea of ​​golden light opened under the feet, and the huge phantom of Guanyin slowly lifted up.

However, just when Guanyin's shoulders first appeared, they began to shake like never before.

A strong sense of dizziness suddenly rushed into Xu Yangyi's mind. The feeling was extremely familiar, and countless pictures flashed through his mind like a revolving door.

In the Tower of Babel, meeting Angel, going to the final center, to Quetzalcoatl at the back, and then to the other party biting my neck...

Yes...this is what it felt like to be bitten by Angel...

"I said... there will be no next time..." In the haze, the old voice said with a smile: "We have been preparing for so long, and the three princes are dispatched together. Do you really think there will be a next time?"

"Come...come to my country...become my citizen...from now on, wander aimlessly in hell without any consciousness, and obey my orders for free..."

Xu Yangyi's pupils flickered and began to slowly collapse.

In my heart, infinite regret welled up.

In the way of spiritual practice, those who fall will never imagine that they will fall in the next second. Too many times, one oversight leads to unbearable consequences.

Such as now.

He understood what the other party was going to do.


A pure-blood vampire's kiss, unless Angel was so selfless, otherwise... even he would not be able to compete with the power of this bloodline.

In the haze, the scene in front of him changed again. He seemed to see the star map, as if he saw an extremely long inheritance... very ancient... even before the earth was formed...

The old head bit Xu Yangyi's neck tightly, and he felt... the man's muscles under his body were relaxing, his spiritual consciousness was disappearing, and another consciousness closely related to his was in the other person's bloodline Germinate in.

"The blood slaves of Luo Tian Blood Sect are indeed extraordinary..." He narrowed his eyes with satisfaction, it was worth it... Although the Zhenwu community has paid a large deposit for this, but once Wolfsbane dies, Qingcheng Mountain will surely be destroyed. Defeat, they won this battle after all...

"The eighth plane independent of the seven realms... the oldest heritage in the upper realm according to legend... hehe..."

At this moment, he suddenly exclaimed, and the whole person screamed and flew up.

"What is this?!" The three-headed, six-armed vampire as big as a person looked at Xu Yangyi in shock: "How come he... how come he has the mark of another pure-blooded cultivator on him?!"

"And he is much purer than me... He... was actually kissed by a cultivator from the upper realm?!"

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