
Chapter 879: Ancient Starry Sky Road (Part 3)

Xu Yangyi had already fallen into a coma.

He also felt very strange. Just when the other party bit his neck, something suddenly exploded in his mind. It seemed that it had been hidden in his mind for a long time, just waiting for the right time.

It was an inexplicable feeling, and... he felt himself standing up, and with a light wave, the huge bloody hand that wrapped him in a blood cocoon suddenly let go.

It was like an arm to use his fingers.

It was like a king coming.

He could see and feel it, but he couldn't control his body at all.

In mid-air, the vampire looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief. On his neck, two pairs of tooth marks emitted a red light.

Yes, two pairs. One pair of two.

One was his own, and the other one was someone unknown. But... both bit the same place!

Shalala... drops of black blood floated out from the tooth marks. The vampire's heart trembled.

It knew what it was. Of course, the Luotian Blood Cult would not tell them how to cultivate. Instead, it gave them three drops of blood from the Blood Cult Saint. Only with this thing could they refine the Moro Blood God Formation.

However... it was now being discharged drop by drop under his eyelids.

This meant that the level of the kisser was even higher than that of the Saint of the Upper Realm!

"How could it be..." He stepped back several steps with a chill all over his body, his voice trembling: "Who kissed him... marked him... How could the Lower Realm... have something that surpassed the Upper Realm!"

He had long forgotten that the Zhenwu Realm back then was even stronger than the Earth.

Xu Yangyi stood up little by little. This feeling was very strange. It was obviously himself, but he felt that it was not himself. He could feel that there was another person's consciousness in his mind.

Not repulsive, very warm.

"Angel..." He looked at his hand, his heart felt a little sour and swollen, and the next second, he punched out.

"Swoosh" There was no terrifying sound before, and there was no strange vision. But at the same time as the punch, a huge blood hole suddenly appeared on the chest of the vampire a hundred meters away. It was stunned for two seconds before looking at its chest in astonishment.

"Can you send and receive freely?"

Before he could speak, another punch hit its head directly. With a bang, its entire head began to explode.

"You can't kill me..." There was a loud thumping sound, and the other party simply turned into a sky full of blood bats, gritting his teeth and saying: "I never thought that you would be kissed... If the blood of the kisser is not as good as the former, it will trigger the former's protective mark... Who gave you the mark!"

Xu Yangyi couldn't speak, but his eyes were slightly red.

He remembered the scene at the end of the Tower of Babel, when Angel bit his neck without hesitation.

"Not someone you can talk about." He finally spoke with all his strength, and the next second, his hand automatically raised and waved a weird seal.

Never seen before, mysterious and profound. At the same time as the seal appeared, the blood bats in the sky screamed together: "Blood Ancestor Seven Seals?!"

"Boom boom boom..." The sky was buzzing, and a huge figure appeared behind all the bats. The reflection of the Lord God was projected on the ground.

All the blood bats seemed to be stiff, slowly turning their heads, mechanically looking at the huge shadow above their heads, trembling and almost unable to fly.

"Puff..." A blood bat fell to the ground, lying on its back, trembling. Then, blood bats fell like raindrops, covering the ground with a layer of red carpet.

Xu Yangyi also looked over.

It was a female shadow, made entirely of spiritual power, with a phoenix hairpin in her hair, a golden crown on her hair, and pearls and jade in her hair. But her face could not be seen at all. It was about hundreds of meters in size.

Sha... A bright red tongue spit out from the mouth of the female phantom, and just like that, the blood bats on the ground were swept away cleanly, as if they had never appeared.


Xu Yangyi's eyes were solemn, not dead, but disappeared. He could feel that the pure-blooded vampire no longer existed in this plane.

I don't know who this is. A tongue across countless planes licked gently, just like a king summoning his ministers. The vampire was stripped off the Earth plane without any reaction.

"Buzz..." Before he could finish his thought, the woman's shadow slowly disappeared. At the same time, three golden light spots flew out, and the fragments in his storage ring also appeared together.

Four golden light spots circled, and then they all converged towards the center.

"Swish..." The golden light was like a tide, and the star map that had been displayed before spread out again.

At the moment when the woman's shadow disappeared, Xu Yangyi's senses returned to his body. Just when he was about to take a closer look, an anxious voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Master, where are you?"

"I'm here." Xu Yangyi calmed down and said in a deep voice: "What's wrong?"

"The defense line of Tianshi Cave has been broken! The enemy has approached the Sanqing Siyu Palace! If this line of defense is broken again... the Laojun Temple is below!"

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

It's almost time... The final moment of this war is coming. With such a huge price to pay, success or failure all depends on the last moment.

He is also gambling, gambling on the other party's choice.

"I know." He pondered for a moment: "Let Chu Zhaonan tell everyone that until now, everything must follow my plan, and there must not be any mistakes."


There is still a little time left.

He looked at the dilapidated square and his eyes fell on the huge star map covering the sky.

It is vast and boundless, and majestic.

The worship and reverence that people should have when facing the entire starry sky also filled his heart.

"This is not the sky of the earth." He looked carefully: "The pure blood also said in his trance that this might be the starry sky of Xu Kunlun. But it is not sure what the ancient road of the starry sky is?"

"From the few words it revealed, it is very likely that it is a road that has never been known by Xu Kunlun... that can reach Xu Kunlun from the earth. What does this have to do with pure blood?"

He was puzzled.

At this moment, his chest suddenly shone brightly, and a green light suddenly flew out of his chest.

He was stunned, but immediately felt a familiar majesty from the green light.


The green light shone, and in a moment it turned into a small green snake. He looked at Xu Yangyi with a spiritual look, and then immediately flew to the star map.

Spinning in the sky, finally, it landed on a star in the lower left corner.


Then... the green snake actually flew among the stars along a strange route. It landed in a place from time to time. It shone for a minute and flew away again.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi looked at all this in a trance, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind: "This... could it be the route map of Quetzalcoatl to become an immortal?!"

Dan Ling, who had a photographic memory, played again, and everything just now was remembered in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he felt so!

"The planes where it stayed should have its traces. And... they should all be powerful planes with cultivation civilizations. Yes, it should be like this. What stopped here... is the Seven Realms?"

He stretched out his hand, as if to touch the sky, and the green snake stopped on a broken plane. Next to this plane, there were six planes of almost the same size.

These seven planes are above most planes, but... they are not the only ones!

These seven planes next to each other are not the only ones that are above other planes.

Far away from here, there is a towering ancient tree, standing proudly in space, one flower, one world, and countless buildings on each branch.

In a farther place, a one-legged beast is sleeping in the galaxy, and on its back and head, there are crowds of people.

There is also a whirlpool composed of oceans, groups of things like mermaids, and crystal palaces are located in it.

There is also a huge sphere full of cracks, and the fire of cultivation bursts out from countless cracks.

He was stunned and intoxicated.

This is the true face of this universe.

This is the precious map brought by Quetzalcoatl after thousands of years of wandering in the Milky Way beyond the distance that human civilization cannot explore. Perhaps Xu Kunlun doesn't know where there is an equally powerful cultivation civilization.

"The universe... is so big..." He suddenly laughed: "I... am so small..."

This splendour, this completely different cultivation civilization, makes him obsessed and intoxicated.

He can't wait to end this war of all worlds and go to a more glorious world!

This map provided him with a possibility.

A possibility to go to other upper realms without going to Xu Kunlun, which has attracted enough attention!

There is no Xiahou there, or Taichu. Maybe they know the Seven Realms, or maybe they don't, but in short, the sea is wide for fish to jump, and the sky is high for birds to fly.

The earth is too small for someone like him who already knows too many secrets of the earth.

"Wait for me." He clenched his fists and took a long breath. As if hearing his voice, the whole star map began to ripple.

At the same time, Qingse flew to a plane and suddenly stopped.

It didn't move anymore, but the whole plane began to turn slightly red, and an extremely familiar aura rushed into his spiritual consciousness.

"This is..." His eyes suddenly flashed: "Blood Clan?!"

"Here... is the Blood Clan's lair!?"

He looked carefully, and the star map had begun to disappear. That place was not far from the Seven Realms. It was a rotating blood pool, and a magnificent palace stood proudly in the center of the blood pool. And below the blood pool, countless huge puppets were holding huge pieces of ground, floating above the blood pool.

Finally found it!

He put his hand on his chest and pursed his lips. Here was the destination he wanted to go!

As if sensing his thoughts, a piece of information slowly floated into his mind.

"Yuanxue Realm."

"It is in the same dimension as the Seven Realms. It is the eighth plane outside the Seven Realms. Its area is equivalent to one-third of the size of Xu Kunlun. This world only has blood cultivators, and the skills are strange. People who are not selected by the Seven Realms cannot enter."

He wrote down the name. He calmed his mind for a while, and with a wave of his hand, the ground of the entire hall was completely annihilated.

Including the teleportation array engraved on it.

"Come on..." Turning around, his figure disappeared in a cloud of gunpowder: "End everything..."

"Zhenwu Realm, this real person is no longer in the mood to entangle with you."

"Let the battle of the Southwest National Gate become the Moscow Battle of World War II..."

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