
Chapter 880: Killing Weapons (I)

"Brush..." There was a flash of light in front of his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, pieces of cold sword energy had completely surrounded him.

There were monks carrying long swords around him. Different from the monks on the previous mountain, all of them were dressed in black. Silent, like a killing machine. Looking around, tens of thousands of people were surrounding him like the center of a whirlpool, tightly surrounding the exit.

"It's me." As his eyes gradually adapted to the light, he spoke in a deep voice. A young monk in front of him had already grabbed his arm, and he almost threw it away reflexively, but the other person's choking voice reached his ears.

"Brother Xu...are you okay...are you really okay?! That's great, that's great!"

The blurry figure gradually became clearer. Zhao Ziqi looked at him with somewhat red eyes, covered in blood. Before he could speak, he said in a hoarse voice: "The Heavenly Master has broken the hole...Senior Chang Qingzi used the unique skill of Longhu Mountain to sit." Wuwu defeated 100,000 enemy troops and sat in front of the Tianshi Cave. Millions of troops have approached the last barrier of the Three Pure Ones and Four Royal Palaces..."

Before he finished speaking, the light from the sky suddenly flickered, and then the entire mountain began to tremble suddenly. Everything Zhao Ziqi said was swallowed up in tremors.

Xu Yangyi shook his hand and looked up.

It is now the time when the sun is rising, and the rising sun is like blood, reflecting the ground in red. Under the bloody sky, with a continuous roar, countless floating boats fired at the top without stopping. The sky lost its color, and the overwhelming aura turned the entire Dujiangyan into a pale white.

Below these countless floating boats is an endless expanse of black, as if the entire space has been elevated hundreds of meters. Flag after flag, puppets hundreds of meters high, and torrents of steel, swirling around the top of Qingcheng Mountain, which is only 300 meters away, turning into a black whirlpool. Countless streaks of black smoke rose lonely into the sky.

The Kuroshio besieged the city, and there was an isolated island in the river.

"Is the Three Pure Ones and Four Imperial Palaces broken?" Xu Yangyi asked in a dry voice, looking at this doomsday-like scenery.

"No, but... we can no longer defend it. Senior Tian Qingzi has used the Dragon Tiger Order. Thirty thousand Dragon Tiger Mountain mountain guarding monks are coming from Jiangxi. This is their last military strength... and... and the true martial arts world They keep saying that you are dead! We can’t enter the Daozang Land, and we are going crazy!”

"Who is guarding the Sanqing and Siyu Palaces?"

Zhao Ziqi paused and said nonchalantly: "Brother Chu..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi turned into a black light and rushed over.

Too many people have died in this war.

He didn't want the only people he knew to die.

The front and back mountains are not far apart, and the two mountains are actually one. Now only the road from the front mountain to the back mountain is open, and a terrifying prohibition divides the front and back mountains into natural chasms. On the mountain road thousands of meters long, dozens of pairs of beacon towers were lit like the Great Wall. The distance of one thousand meters was reached in the blink of an eye, and just when he was about to break out of the restriction, he suddenly froze.

The overwhelming aura, full of murderous intent, suddenly converged. He walked out like a god of death in the dark night.

"This is..." After walking a hundred meters away from the restriction, he solemnly stretched out his hand and touched the black restriction in front of him.

Surrounding Qingcheng Mountain, a circle of black ink paintings of mountains and rivers is slowly rotating around the entire mountain.

Map of mountains and rivers.

Withdrawing his fingers, a spiritual light shone on them, and his fingers began to tremble slightly.

"Could it be..." He took a deep breath and looked solemnly at the ink paintings surrounding the entire mountain. Ten minutes, twenty minutes... a full hour later, he took a breath and looked away.

"Carrara..." If they didn't look carefully, no one would notice that in some extremely small places on this ink painting, the black has begun to fall off, and a faint trace of aura is slowly seeping out from it.

And this trace of aura...contains not one person, but two people!

Two boundless spiritual powers, far above him, are spreading indistinctly from them, for at most six hours...six hours later, the fluctuations of spiritual powers will no longer be concealed!

The spiritual energy is leaking out, and the Shanhe Sheji Map is about to collapse!

"It's at this time..." The sudden sense of crisis hit him like a ray on his back. After a moment of shock, he immediately calmed down and started thinking: "There are two spiritual powers inside, one big and one small. I can't tell them apart. But. No matter what, even if Xu Zhenjun wins, he will definitely not be able to fight. Instead, he will usher in the final fierce attack of Zhenwujie without any reservation. "

"Rumble..." The huge ink painting rotating outside Qingcheng Mountain not only did not give him a sense of safety at this moment, but instead made his back feel cold.

The time left for them is only the last six hours!

"Damn it!!" He gritted his teeth, and the spiritual energy all over his body exploded. He no longer concealed his figure, and a bright black light spread thousands of meters in radius, flying over everyone like a giant eagle.

Six hours... He wants everyone to see that he is back and that he is not dead! And I want to tell everyone that the Three Dukes of the Jin Dynasty, the Dragon Guard, and the Elite Golden Pill no longer exist in this plane!

"Rumble..." Black light was like waves, coming from the back mountain and engulfing the top of the mountain. As he flew by, he saw that the wounded were already lying below. Everyone was silently adjusting their breathing and taking elixirs. Many people's arms had disappeared, and many more were covered in blood. But no one retreated into the restricted area behind the mountain. Instead, once the teasing was completed, they immediately grabbed their swords and entered the battlefield.

Silence and a tragic atmosphere spread over this road of dozens of miles. Just by looking at this place, one can guess how fierce the battle in the front mountain is.

A young monk was silently treating his arm, sprinkling it with spiritual medicine. His pale and tender face now had a touch of solemnity that was exclusive to the battlefield and the unique killing of veterans. There were too many people like him, and under the blood-red light, they formed a silent sculpture group.

"Zizi..." He bit a needle-shaped magic weapon tightly, the spiritual thread flew, and a piece of simple talisman flew on his arm and sewed himself. At this moment, suddenly, the top of his head was dark.

He stood up almost like a conditioned reflex, then grabbed the broken sword beside him and looked up suddenly. Not only him, everyone looked up at the sky at the same time.

The next second, their expressions changed from solemn, to shock, to ecstasy!

"Boom boom boom..." The black tide came from the east for 30,000 miles, and at the peak of black, a familiar figure swept across the sky like a demon.

"It's Master Langdu!" The young monk was stunned for three seconds, then bowed all the way down. Because he used too much force, the sudden severe pain made his face suddenly distorted, but his eyes were filled with unspeakable madness and piety: "I wish Master Langdu a long victory!!"

"Master Langdu?" A female monk, with a pale face, was regulating her breath. Her eyelids moved slightly and she opened her blood-red eyes. When she saw the black light filling the sky, she couldn't restrain herself at all. She trembled and wanted to stand up, but she couldn't stand up. She knelt down in great piety on the spot, touching the ground with her forehead.

"Master Langdu a long victory!!"

The black light covered the sky and the sun. On both sides of the beacon tower, the emperor went out, and the sound of Master Langdu's long victory resounded from the back mountain to the front mountain!

This is the flag.

This is the idol.

As long as he is there, there is hope for the front mountain!

Whether it is blind or unconditional belief, defeating twenty-two Tianjiao in a row and trapping the last emperor of Jin is enough to make them surrender their true hearts.

Boom! The black light penetrated the sky, and the sound on the entire mountain road did not stop until it flew for a few seconds. All the cultivators' chests rose and fell. The tens of thousands of wounded here actually laughed at this moment.

"Who said that the Wolf Poison Master is dead? The Great Jin Dynasty is afraid of Master Xu! I never believed that the master would fall! The commander is still here... The commander is still here!"

Xu Yangyi took in everything below.

It's a pity... It's a pity that his last causal lamp has not been lit yet. Once it is lit, he will break through the Nascent Soul on the spot. But everyone has so many causalities, who can find out which causal relationship this is?

It's time, it's luck.

Putting aside the regrets in his heart, the spiritual power is fully activated, and the boundless black is like the wings of the devil, rushing towards Qingcheng Mountain frantically.

In the Sanqing Siyu Palace, Chu Zhaonan was covered in blood, and Tianqingzi was pale. The two were constantly regulating their breath on the steps.

Behind them was the Sanqing Siyu Palace, surrounded by endless fairy clouds, and spiritual energy formed countless auspicious beasts. Qinglian, a hundred meters below them, opened a large formation covering the last place.

"Boom boom..." As the spiritual light cannon sounded in the sky, the magic formation kept humming. And the entrance of the magic formation below, every minute and every second, erupted with heart-pounding vibrations.

No one spoke, hundreds of thousands of people were suspended in the air, with injuries all over their bodies, and hundreds of thousands of magic weapons soared into the air, all aiming at the entrance.

Silent killing field, silent hell.

"Fellow Langdu... haven't you contacted him yet?" Tianqingzi adjusted his breath for a long time, opened his eyes, and asked hoarsely.

Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth and shook his head.

Since a few hours ago, Xu Yangyi has not received any spiritual consciousness, and even he doesn't know where the other party has gone.

However, they don't know, but the people around them have to give them answers.

"Wolfsbane is dead! Qingcheng Mountain is leaderless. Open the mountain gate quickly and give you a quick death!" Surrounding the last two hundred meters of Qingcheng Mountain, the countless floating boats with flags fluttering and horns continuously transmitted this news.

Tianqingzi didn't want to believe that this level of cultivators would be invincible in the Golden Core if it weren't for the strangulation of thousands of the most elite cultivators and targeted arrangements. But if he didn't die...why didn't he return to the battlefield?

The situation was already so critical. As the last line of defense of the five major peaks, once the Sanqing and Siyu Palaces were broken, the Laojun Palace would be in danger!

All the people guarding here went from disbelief to wavering to doubt.

"Where did you... go..."

Before he finished sighing, his eyes suddenly moved. After two seconds of doubt, he stood up suddenly.

The action was too abrupt, causing everyone around him to look over. Ten, one hundred, one thousand, tens of thousands! One hundred thousand! In an instant, all the monks trapped in the Sanqing Siyu Palace looked towards the back mountain.

"Boom boom boom..." Black clouds pressed down, and an endless black tide came from the east. It was pure black, soul-stirring black, and it made people's blood boil!

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