
Chapter 881: Killing Weapons (II)

Not only them, but all the cultivators of the Jin Dynasty raised their heads and looked at the black tide coming from the horizon in astonishment.

"How is it possible?!" Su Changqing's eyes almost popped out: "San Gong, Shenlongwei, apart from all our Jindan, how could he come back alive?!"

"He is not dead yet?" Qin Xiangfei shook her head in shock, opened her mouth, and looked at the sky in disbelief: "Where is San Gong... Where is Shenlongwei? Even if he has two million spirits, he can never annihilate so many people!"

This is the core force of the Jin Dynasty. She absolutely does not believe that it was annihilated by a Jindan cultivator!

"Boom boom boom..." Thousands of meters away, for Jindan, it will arrive in an instant. When Xu Yangyi's figure like a demon god reigned over the Sanqing Siyu Palace, the faint "I'm back" was spoken, which only brought the whole audience to boil.

A cultivator half-knelt on the ground, regardless of the blood on his body, followed by another. Soon, the entire Sanqing Siyu Palace was filled with hundreds of thousands of cultivators, all worshiping this person.

"Welcome to the Immortal!!!" The sound of a landslide and tsunami shook the sky.

In contrast, there was a dead silence in the Zhenwu Realm.

The God of Killing is back...

Countless Zhenwu Realm cultivators looked at each other. Just seeing this person's figure made them afraid before they even started fighting. Their eyes completely turned to the six golden elixirs in front of them. Didn't they say he was dead? Why did he appear here again?

Xu Yangyi stared at these people, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

His plan was to use himself as bait. Qingcheng Mountain still had one last trump card, right in front of the Laojun Temple! As long as the other party dared to come, he would definitely let the other party die!

But the key is that the other party is willing to come. And not just one, but all the remaining elites were invited into the trap by him.

Kill the general!

With a numerical disadvantage, only kill the general! Kill until they have no generals to go!

His thinking became clearer and clearer. Plans can never keep up with changes. He must be bold when things come to an end. He thinks there is no better opportunity than now.

"Still don't believe it?" Xu Yangyi looked at the people below, but his spiritual consciousness fell on the palace, and his voice was like a bell: "The three dukes of Dajin, the Dragon Guards, and all other real people are no longer in this plane."

"You, all the elites are lost, only one defeat!"

"How could it be... How is this possible! How did you do it! No... No... You must be lying to us. The three dukes plus the Dragon Guards, even the real monarch can hold on for most of the day, how could you do this!"

In the palace of Dajin, Liu Mingyang suddenly opened his eyes.

Wolf poison... Wolf poison again!

Anywhere he is, there will always be huge waves! And this time... It's not a huge wave, but a devastating impact!

He looked ahead with a gloomy look. In front of him, all 7,3027 natal jade slips were dim. Dim means they still exist, but they can't be contacted at all.

"How did he do it!" He struggled hard in his heart, and clenched his hands on the armrests. He tried to stand up several times, but he didn't stand up in the end.

Yuanying, as the top fighting force, no one has taken action yet. This is an unwritten rule in the war. Once any Yuanying attacks a camp without Yuanying, the other side's Yuanying will retaliate wildly. Especially on Earth, there is a monster like Xuanyuan Sword Master.

Once he takes action in Qingcheng Mountain, the consequences will be disastrous! I'm afraid this battle will be directly escalated to the final Yuanying War!

"Don't panic!!" In front of the Sanqing Siyu Palace, the six Zhengyuan Hou exchanged glances. They knew that now the Great Jin Dynasty only had their six remaining golden elixirs, and they must stabilize the morale of the army.

Xiong Anguo stepped forward and laughed: "Langdu, I don't know what method you used to prevent us from detecting the information of the Dragon Guards and the Three Lords. But who can you fool with such a childish trick?"

"The Three Lords have the most powerful secret technique of the Great Jin Dynasty. Every member of the Dragon Guards is comparable to the Void Pill. A hundred people form a small formation, a thousand people form a large formation, three thousand people can kill the Golden Pill, and seven thousand people can resist the Nascent Soul. Just you?" Qin Xiangfei waved the Guandao and sneered.

"I might as well tell you that the Three Lords and all the Dragon Guards have sneaked into the core of Qingcheng Mountain." Su Changqing also said loudly: "Within an hour, you are destined to perish. Pass my order, kill for me!!"

"Shua La La..." The flags rose again, and the words of the six golden pills were like a reassurance to all the cultivators of the Great Jin Dynasty, just when they had not yet burst out with a cry of killing. The sky suddenly shone brightly.


Death-like silence.

All the Dajin monks were stunned. A light curtain appeared in the sky, recording everything that happened in the Daozang Land. From the arrival of the Three Lords, to the fusion, to the appearance of the huge phantom, nothing was missed, except that the ancient road of the Starry Sky was erased.

"Damn it!!!" In the palace of Dajin, Liu Mingyang stood up with an angry shout!

It's bad!

This thought flashed through his mind like lightning. The cultivation civilization of the Zhenwu Realm is a hereditary system of the cultivator dynasty. For all cultivators, the stronger the strength, the higher the official position. The Three Lords... are already the highest position under the left and right prime ministers! The Shenlong Guards, who are famous in the Zhenwu Realm, are the trump card of the Dajin Dynasty.

When there is no picture, Langdu can say whatever he wants. The presence of the six golden elixirs can at least stabilize the situation, not to mention boosting morale. But I never expected that this bastard was so careful that he didn't know when to use the magic weapon to record all the battle processes!

Whether it is true or not, the cultivators can tell at a glance. The evidence is as strong as a mountain. The six great golden elixirs have no chance of turning the tables!


His chest rose and fell, and he looked at the figure on the light screen. He was the prime minister of Liu, the supreme Yuanying, but he was actually defeated by a small golden elixir general! And it was him who was hesitant at this moment!

What to do?

Should I do it myself?

What kind of changes will this consequence bring to this cross-border expedition? Can the Great Jin Dynasty withstand the accusations of other dynasties and holy places?

"Ka Ka Ka..." The golden handrails were creaking when he gripped them, and cracks appeared one after another. But he was completely unaware.

In the Sanqing Siyu Palace, Xu Yangyi's heart was also beating wildly.

There is only one real general on the other side.

Let the other party walk out of the deep palace... Although it may be a hard battle, although it will be very dangerous for him, he is confident that he can kill Liu Mingyang!

"The battle in the Daozang Land cost them their most elite troops. Once Liu Mingyang dies and the three dukes leave Earth, they will have no one to command the millions of troops of the Great Jin!"

"Don't you believe it?" He laughed loudly, "Take a look at your sect's natal jade slips or soul-gathering lamps. Are you going to follow in and die?"

"What?!" The deputy cave master of Lanxue Cave Heaven was shocked and immediately took out a black box. He opened it with trembling hands and saw that the jade slip inside was still shining. He tried to contact it carefully, but he couldn't contact it at all!

"Ancestor!!" Before the deputy cave master of Lanxue Cave Heaven could exclaim, a shrill scream broke out from another blessed land. Several elders looked at their natal jade slips in disbelief, and they couldn't believe their eyes at all.

One by one, the blessed lands took out their natal jade slips and looked at them. In an instant, panicked screams resounded throughout the sky.

"How could this happen..." An elder of the cave heaven held the jade slip and trembled, "This... This is true... This is true!"

"Three Dukes died! The Dragon Guards died! All the real people of our cave heaven and blessed land died... This..."

The noises rose and fell, and at this moment, the shock far exceeded their determination to conquer the Three Pure Ones and Four Imperial Palaces. The Three Pure Ones and Four Imperial Palaces, which were originally in danger of closing the mountain, suddenly calmed down strangely.

At the same time, Liu Mingyang suddenly slapped the golden python chair and turned into a blue light and rushed out.

Here it comes!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and his whole body spiritual power had been mobilized to the peak.

"Quiet!!" A magnificent voice crossed the sky, and the blue light suddenly bloomed, and all the Dajin monks shut up.

A figure, Lingbo microwave, when he raised his foot, the space under his feet shook, and when he stood firm, he was already standing in front of the mountain.

Shrinking the ground into an inch.

The spiritual power of the Yuanying level swept the whole scene. Liu Mingyang put his hands behind his back, suppressing the desire in his heart to tear Xu Yangyi into pieces, and said through his teeth: "Wolf Poison... I didn't expect you to be able to do this..."

All the cultivators of the Great Jin Dynasty fell silent, looking at Liu Mingyang with fiery eyes. No matter how shocked they were, they could only endure it under the high pressure of Yuanying Zhenjun.

Now, only Liu Mingyang can calm the turmoil of millions of people.

The two people's eyes met in mid-air, like the sound of swords and swords. Liu Mingyang's right hand clasped behind his back, and his heart was in a state of conflict.

He couldn't retreat.

It was not feasible to repair the plank road in the open and cross Chencang secretly. The only way left was to attack with all our strength.

The army was in chaos, and the three officials and the Dragon Guards were beaten out of this plane by the other party in some way. The map of mountains and rivers is about to reach the 9981st day. Not to mention him, even the two holy places can't afford this variable!

If he doesn't take action, the Dajin Dynasty, whose morale is shaken, may not be able to conquer Qingcheng Mountain!

"Do you know?" Having made up his mind, he calmed down and looked at Xu Yangyi calmly: "Anything is false before the 'plan' becomes 'reality'."

"This True Lord believes that in order to achieve this 'reality', no rules are needed."

As soon as the voice fell, a surging purple spread out from under his feet, and the sun, moon, and stars seemed to come out of it, and the stars seemed to come out of it. In the blink of an eye, it spread out 20,000 meters, and Liu Mingyang in the field seemed like the king of the kingdom of God.

"Yuanying took action!?" In front of the Sanqing Siyu Palace, Chu Zhaonan stood up in astonishment: "Isn't he afraid of the revenge of the Earth True Lord?!"

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