
Chapter 882: Killing Weapons (II)

"No..." Xu Yangyi pushed him down: "Compared to this revenge... If they can't save the Lord Jin, I'm afraid they won't be qualified for revenge."

"Boom!!" As soon as he finished speaking, the entire Kingdom of God was already boiling. Except for Xu Yangyi, black crystals slowly condensed on everyone's bodies. Even with the protection of the mountain guard formation, they could not completely resist the domain.

"What are you still looking at!!" Liu Mingyang knew the principle of cutting through the mess with a sharp knife, and shouted: "Kill me, Lord Benzhen!!"

At this moment, Qingcheng Mountain erupted from the Sanqing and Siyu Palaces into a bright light curtain with an unknown number of kilometers in radius, as if a huge piece of paper was stuck into the mountainside from the center. Above is the top of Qingcheng Mountain, below is the infinite black tide, and millions of magic weapons light up at the same time. He stood proudly on the top of the "piece of paper" alone, with flying boats filling the sky behind him.

As soon as he finished speaking, the six expeditionary candidates also reacted. With a wave of Su Changqing's hand, a ray of light rose into the air: "Charge!! This is the last pass in front of Laojun's Palace! Anyone who retreats will be killed!!"

At the same time, five rays of light rose straight into the sky, and in an instant, the sky was filled with six giant beast totems. The six expeditionary candidates issued their own princely orders at the same time, shining in the sky.

"Even if the Three Lords, the Dragon Guard, and the real person are not in the plane, we still still have the True Lord Nascent Soul!" Concubine Qin Xiang turned her head, with three thousand black hair fluttering, and her beautiful face was as ferocious as a devil at this moment: "The True Lord will not fall, Dajin Don’t fall! Go to me! Anyone who dares to retreat will be punished by me!”

"The true king is still here. If anyone steps back from this line, don't blame me for being ruthless with the sword." Xiong Anguo waved his sword, and a ravine several meters deep and kilometers long appeared in front of him. He looked at everyone with red eyes. Person: "The Captain of Ten Thousands will lead the troops, Minghuang Army, Xiangfeng Army, and Tianyu Army will attack in full force. Today we vow to capture Laojun Palace!"

Order after order was sent to the ears of all captains, captains of thousands, and captains of ten thousand. After a few seconds of silence, the billowing black tide started again.

"Damn it..." The elder of the fifteenth cave heaven paradise gritted his teeth. No matter how much he didn't want to, Nascent Soul was on top and he had to rush.

"Rumble..." The huge black vortex spun again, and the endless spirit-gathering cannons in all directions lit up again. The burst of spiritual energy made the sky roar.

Liu Mingyang raised his hand, his face slightly distorted, no one could tell, his heart was on fire at this moment. Only one thought remained.

Solve this place as quickly as possible...and then kill all the Earth monks who know about it. The more people who know about this matter, the better! Immediately afterwards, all the armies went down the river and divided the territory of China, leaving them no time to investigate this matter...

"Destroy the Realm!"

Following his command, the entire black country surrounding the top of the mountain erupted into a sky-wide black light. In front of the Sanqing and Siyu Palace, everyone except Xu Yangyi stared at the slowly flying crystals on his body, dumbfounded.

"This is..." Chu Zhaonan watched the small crystals float out of his body. Even Tian Qingzi beside him couldn't figure out what they were.

"It can make people's magical powers disappear, and it is stored in this crystal. It is very weird." Xu Yangyi glanced around, and his eyes instantly became solemn.

The spiritual energy of the earth monks in the entire sky was stripped out and injected into crystals, forming a sea of ​​black gems in this space.

The mountain-protecting formation cannot block the Nascent Soul Realm!

Even if Liu Mingyang was seriously injured on the way to advance, he was still a genuine Nascent Soul.

"What should I do?" Tian Qingzi was also anxious. Below, earth-shattering magic weapons bombard the formation all the time, and above, the Nascent Soul realm covers the top of the mountain. In such a weird field, once the magic circle is broken, how can the earthly monks who have no magical powers find the strength to fight back?

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi rushed out with a bang!

Challenge Yuanying alone!

The moment the black light erupted, Liu Mingyang also shouted in shock: "Well done!!"

"The top of Qingcheng Mountain is the place where you were beheaded by Wolf Venom!"

The long-standing feud broke out in full force here. Xu Yangyi just wanted a fight, so why not Liu Mingyang?

He was defeated in front of tens of millions of people with the imperial weapon in hand, and his advanced Yuanying was forcibly broken. If he didn't kill Xu Yangyi, how would he be the Prime Minister in the future?

"Brush!" The Panlong Sword brought out brilliance all over the sky. One side was like a black dragon, and the other side was like a golden phoenix. In an instant, a bright glow burst out from the periphery of the Sanqing and Siyu Palaces.

"Rumble" Once they fight, the two will have no reservations. After Nascent Soul, Liu Mingyang was far more powerful than before. Every time he thrust out his sword, a terrifying crack was created in the sky.

Xu Yangyi didn't have any fear at all.

His body was like a petrel flying over the Congcong Sword Mountain, missing by a hair's breadth and missing by a thousand miles. Every sword almost brushed his body. He rushed towards Liu Mingyang at full speed.

Nothing to fear.

Why should he be afraid of an opponent he has defeated twice, even if he is Nascent Soul?

"Swish, swish, swish!" The golden dragon roared out, and the dragons gathered in front of Xu Yangyi. Without hesitation, he raised his left fist and struck it with all his strength!

"Boom!!!" In an instant, the twisted shock wave rushed him a thousand meters away, and the same was true for his opponent Liu Mingyang. But the two of them didn't say anything. They shouted loudly twice, resounding through the sky at the same time.

Like two golden and black dragons entering the sea, flying and meandering in the foggy valley.

With loud noises, patches of sky were shattered. Revealing ugly cracks in the void, the power of Nascent Soul has begun to touch the laws of the plane. This time, the void could not heal for a long time, and within tens of thousands of meters, it seemed to be a dark night.

No one saw that just when their spiritual power was fully erupting, a green one-meter-high stone outside Laojun's palace suddenly erupted with misty green light.

They did not light up at the same time, but started from the bottom and rose rapidly, approaching the peak in an instant.

Imperial capital, Hidden Dragon Base.

The main brain of Tiandao was running fast, and suddenly, everyone was shocked to find that the data in front of them had stopped.

"What's going on? What happened? Is there a bug in the main brain?"

There was no answer, and the main brain seemed to have suddenly crashed. After a few seconds, all the green data streams rushed back. The huge human face closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the mechanical sound was terrifying and murderous, and red lights scattered along the dense circuits on the ceiling.

"The spiritual power that threatens the plane level is detected."

"Detection direction: 31 degrees 01 minutes 0763 seconds north latitude, 103 degrees 32 minutes 4737 seconds east longitude."

"Nascent Soul level, two, wanton explosion, has threatened the existence of the plane rules."

"Activate the highest authority, the Slayer 'Star' attacks."

"Boom!!!" A ray of light rose magnificently from the sky above the Hidden Dragon Base, and a golden coffin vaguely existed in it, flying into the air.

"Pah!" In front of Qingcheng Mountain, Liu Mingyang and Xu Yangyi separated again, and both of them had a sharp rise and fall in their chests. They were injured.

"People like you..." No matter how hard Liu Mingyang tried to suppress it, his face was distorted: "You shouldn't appear on the battlefield!"

He knew very well that if it weren't for his high pressure now, the troops of the Fifteen Great Caves would definitely retreat first. They belonged to the Great Jin Dynasty, but not to him, Liu Mingyang! Liu Mingyang is not equal to the emperor + Senate + Parliament.

It's okay to let him command for a while, but it's too much of a stretch to obey his orders when the cave master has disappeared. If he hadn't been crowned as a Nascent Soul, he probably wouldn't be able to command them.

If his battle with Wolf Poison dragged on any longer... he didn't dare to think about it!

Xu Yangyi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "But, I'm still here."

"Then, please sleep forever!" It couldn't be delayed any longer. Liu Mingyang's right hand flashed with golden light, and the Nascent Soul spiritual energy poured into the Panlong Golden Sword like a tide. His eyes were filled with murderous intent: "Do you think... you broke through the rules of heaven and earth and severely injured me on the day when this True Lord advanced, so this True Lord can't touch you?"

"Nascent Soul, Golden Core, those are two realms. No matter how weak this True Lord is, he is still a Nascent Soul!"

"Swish!" As soon as the voice fell, a brilliant sword light burst out, and with a crisp sound, it destroyed tens of thousands of meters of space, and a little bit of space fragments rose into the air, and the invisible sword energy turned into a half moon and slashed towards Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were a little solemn.

Liu Mingyang's strength was weaker than he expected. If he was given three hours, he would be confident that he could defeat the other party. After all, if the other party really wanted to count, it was just a show.

But... he didn't have three hours.

Liu Mingyang wanted to finish quickly, and he wanted to too. However, the two were equally strong at the moment, and they were both like a tiger trying to eat the sky, with no way to start.

"Damn..." The muscles of his whole body bulged, and the spiritual power flowed through his bones and muscles. Just as he twisted his body to gather his strength, suddenly, a blood-red light column fell from the sky!

"Boom!!!" The sword light slashed on the light column, and a misty red light flashed. The sword that cut through the space actually made a sound of metal and iron, and then immediately disintegrated.

"This is..." At the gate of the Sanqing Siyu Palace, Tianqingzi took a breath of cold air: "Killing weapon?!"

"Killing weapon?" Chu Zhaonan beside him frowned. This name was very familiar. He had heard it before, but he forgot what it was. After all, the current Chu family is no longer the Chu family when his grandfather was still alive.

"Sun, Star, Glory, three killing weapons..." Tian Qingzi looked at the scene in shock, and almost didn't hear who was asking: "Legend has it that it appeared at the same time as the Heavenly Dao Mastermind... No, there are also records that the method of making three killing weapons was found first, and then the mastermind was found by following the clues... Even this real person has never seen it."

The black tide below can't see here, but Xu Yangyi and Liu Mingyang are looking at the center of the two in amazement.

A golden coffin is shining with blood.

Carved dragons and phoenixes, inlaid with gold and jade, extremely noble. But every flower, every cloud, naturally condenses into a mysterious talisman. This coffin alone is definitely worth a lot of money.

The next second, with a sound of Carala, the golden coffin quietly opened. A figure stepped on the void and slowly appeared.

A beautiful face, without a single flaw. Pure white hair, pure white ladies' palace dress, without a trace of decoration on the body, pure as a lotus out of water.

But... those eyes, but without a trace of emotion, not even a trace of consciousness, looked at Liu Mingyang in front of him like a robot.

"You..." Xu Yangyi looked at the woman in front of him, slightly opened his lips, and finally showed a touch of shock on his face that rarely lost its composure: "Su Lianyue?!"

"No... you... aren't you dead? How come you are here?"

At the same time, thousands of golden lights suddenly burst out from his chest. The long-silent ** cause and effect lamp, the sixth silent cool.

All six flames rose, cause and effect are complete!

In the dazzling golden light, the world roared, but Xu Yangyi didn't care about it at all, but stared at the woman in front of him.

He knew who this was...

Su Xingyao... Su Lianyue's sister...

The first promise he made after graduation, the promise he had never fulfilled, turned out to be his last cause and effect!

Now, the cause and effect are complete! The gate of the Nascent Soul is open!

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