
Chapter 883: Conceiving a baby (I)

The golden light slowly spread out in the sky and turned into a golden lotus, but Xu Yangyi's eyes never moved away from the woman in front of him.

With his back to him, he looked like a banished immortal.

He remembered what happened after he graduated, his first woman, and his promise to her. Now, the face of the person is nowhere to be found. Su Lianyue never saw her sister until her death. She turned into a corpse and raised in the womb. He had no confidence to find Su Xingyao in the vast sea of ​​people, but the other party appeared in front of him in this posture.

"Swish, swish, swish..." The golden light became stronger and stronger. He felt that the illusory plane rules were opening up to him. Around him, endless white light spots quietly appeared. One hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters! Finally, it reached a huge height of thirty thousand meters!

The bright spiritual light spots, like the Milky Way, revolved around him. At the same time, the clouds above his head whistled past, gathering from all directions, forming a huge cloud cave covering the entire Dujiangyan.

"Boom boom boom..." The cloud cave rotated with thunder, and everything was centered on him, and golden light rose from the ground. Everyone, whether Chinese cultivators or Zhenwu Realm cultivators, was completely stunned at this moment.

"What is this?" A cultivator in the late stage of foundation building looked at the strange phenomenon in front of him in amazement. At this moment, both sides seemed to have forgotten the battle, and he murmured.

"Magic power? How could the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth suddenly appear? What happened?"

"This is..." Chang Qingzi stood up suddenly, shaking the spiritual light galaxy, and shouted with all his strength after three seconds: "Protect the emperor!!"

"Protect the real person of Langdu at all costs! He... has formed a baby!!"

Wow! !

One sentence, like a huge rock thrown into the lake, set off a thousand layers of waves.

Forming a baby!

There are only a few Yuanying Zhenjun in the world, and now another one appears in front of them?

"Is this... the formation of a fetus?! The phenomenon of a fetus?" The leader of the Sazu sect stared blankly at everything in front of him, his expression changed from astonishment to disbelief, to shock, to ecstasy, and then he screamed at the top of his lungs: "Sazu sect! Follow me!"

"Who dares not to protect you with all your strength! I will definitely expel him from the sect!"

"Swish!" A stream of light appeared, and almost at the same time as his voice fell, tens of thousands of cultivators flew out on their swords, firmly guarding outside the spiritual energy galaxy.

On the top of Qingcheng Mountain, Hua Yangzi stared blankly at everything below. Two seconds later, a sword sounded, and the whole person turned into a white crane phantom and rushed down without a word.

The sword light rushed into the sky, swallowing the stars, and this sword rushed out, actually reaching the peak of his cultivation!

"Lingbao Sect! Those who can still move, follow me and kill me!! Protect me! Protect me with all your strength! If we let the thieves from Dajin come to kill us, we will be ashamed of our ancestral home! Where is Qingwei Sect! Come to me!!"

In an instant, the defense line of Sanqing Siyu Palace, which had just been closed, suddenly whistled with thousands of streams of light. Outside the spiritual energy galaxy, like the stars in the sky, everyone came out without reservation and tightly surrounded the spiritual energy vortex.

Liu Mingyang was stunned.

This is impossible...

How is this possible! !

How old is he? How long has he been practicing! ? Two hundred years, and he has won the position of Yuanying! This speed is too incredible!

He has found all his causes and effects? He actually became a baby here? How did he do it?

"Boom boom boom..." Without giving them any time to react, a golden beam of light suddenly shot down from the cloud cave, and the sky was covered with talismans. An indescribable will came down and completely enveloped this world.

Plane will!

Once you start to advance to the last realm of the lower world, no one else can enter unless the will of the plane allows it!

Liu Mingyang's lips trembled slightly, looking at the nearly one million blood-stained and wounded monks in front of the spiritual energy vortex, and seeing their united will and the common hatred of the enemy, his heart was filled with sadness.

He felt... he couldn't get in!

Why... why he could enter when he advanced, but he was rejected by the will of the plane when he advanced!

God is unfair!

"Why are you still standing there!!!" A furious roar finally broke out from his mouth, and his eyes looked at everyone at the scene with bloodshot eyes: "Send an order... Send the Supreme Order to Destroy Demons!! The whole army attacks Langdu! Otherwise, when he advances, we will have only one way to die!!"

Not only that... By then, even if the Jin Houzhu comes out, he will face two true lords! The consequences are really unimaginable!

However, after an order was given, he suddenly found that no one took action.

"You..." He was so angry that his hands and feet were cold. The will of the plane was definitely not something he could break. With the strength of tens of millions of people in the Zhenwu Realm, there was hope. However, the military order had been issued... but there was silence.

His murderous eyes swept across the six golden elixirs. These were the only remaining fruits of the Jin Dynasty, but compared with the Jin Houzhu... if they were afraid to move forward, don't blame him for being ruthless!

However... a glance over, a wave of sadness rushed into his heart.

The spear in Su Changqing's hand fell to the ground, bleeding from all seven orifices, and the spiritual energy in his body was rioting, erupting from hundreds of thousands of pores. The pure white spiritual power had taken on a bloody color, surrounding him like a blood mist.

"How could it be... How could it be..." He kept saying these three words, and after a few seconds, he looked up to the sky and howled: "How could it be like this!!"

"Boom!!" With his roar, his whole body collapsed, and a crisp "Kara La" sound resounded through everyone's eardrums, and then, on Qingcheng Mountain, the flowers on the other shore bloomed.

Zhengyuan Hou, died.

Liu Mingyang took a breath, his eyes were about to burst, and his hands were twisted behind his back, making a creaking sound. He understood that on the day of the generals' battle, Su Changqing made a great vow to his heart of Taoism, not to advance unless he killed Lang Du. Now he finally saw a glimmer of opportunity, but the other party actually advanced to Yuanying in front of him!

How big a blow is this?

On that day of the generals' battle, several Tianjiao died after the battle. Su Changqing was determined and held on to today, seeing the dawn and hope. But at the last step, the situation was reversed. How could he bear it?

His heart of Taoism was broken, and the last hope of cultivation was wiped out by the advancement of Lang Du. His heart was ashen, and his soul was annihilated.

He was actually killed by the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth without Lang Du's action.

The other five expedition candidates were also shocked to see the increasingly terrifying strange phenomenon of heaven and earth. Not only them, but millions of Dajin troops were in a dead silence.

Yuanying... The pinnacle of the lower world, for foundation building, it is a god. For Jindan, it is a vague legend. Just like when Liu Mingyang attacked, the Chinese monks were also restrained.

That was the instinctive awe of the lower monks for the higher monks, in their blood.

"Bold..." Liu Mingyang closed his eyes, his chest bulged, and all the spiritual energy in his body gathered on the Panlong Golden Sword. When he opened his eyes, bloodshot, he stabbed with a sword, and shouted with all his strength: "Disobey the general's order! Bold!!"

"Boom!!!" Thousands of fierce golden dragons swallowed a corner of the Dajin monk in an instant, and everyone woke up in the blood and flesh flying. The five expedition candidates trembled suddenly, cold sweat waterfalls on their foreheads, and looked at Liu Mingyang who was on the verge of exploding in fear. Xiong Anguo gritted his teeth: "Northern Expedition Army, charge!"

"Southern Expedition Army, charge! Eastern Expedition Army, kill!"

The orders finally reached the ears of the Dajin monks who were still in shock. After several minutes, the flags were barely erected.

This is a Nascent Soul...

The Nascent Soul of the Jin Houzhu is forming a Nascent Soul right in front of me, and I want to challenge him? Can I really do it? Isn't it said that you can't get close to it during the process of forming a Nascent Soul?

Compared with the slowness of the Jin Dynasty, all Chinese cultivators have already faced a great enemy, and put aside their lives. Now the first priority is to protect the Langdu Zhenren from forming a Nascent Soul.

Xu Yangyi didn't hear or see anything.

In the golden light, he tried to stretch his hand forward. He could feel that the spiritual power of heaven and earth had formed a huge funnel with him as the center. Now it was difficult to raise his hand.

"You..." He reluctantly opened his mouth and wanted to ask, do you still remember that you have a sister?

However, just as he said it, a brighter red light burst out from his seven orifices.

"Om..." His body seemed transparent, and all the meridians were connected to form a Dan Ding-shaped atlas. In the middle, a golden apple was floating up and down.

Encountering this opportunity of madly devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth without limit, the golden apple burst out its terrifying effect for the second time.

Su Xingyao did not speak, her eyes mechanically looking at Liu Mingyang in the distance. Her voice was cold and not human at all: "Statistics, 1.93 million spirits. Order: Kill. Estimated time: eight hours later. Success rate: 30."

Her voice was not loud, but it rushed into the eardrums of everyone around. Tian Qingzi, who was guarding the spiritual energy vortex with a sword, looked solemn. As China's trump card, no one knew what kind of power the three killing weapons had.

The next second, with a "boom!", Su Xingyao's delicate body rushed out like a missile, and the space on the spot cracked inch by inch. As fast as lightning.

During the rush, her whole body had burst out with green light, and her hands quickly pinched the seal, like a machine calculating the most precise.

"Zero five of the hundred solutions."

"The way of heaven has no form."

Xu Yangyi sighed and closed his eyes. Thoughts were completely gathered, eyes looking at the nose, nose looking at the heart, and the heart was as calm as water.

"Hua La La..." Just when he was completely in a trance, the whole world was boiling, and the figures, the sky, and the air were all shaking and blurry. Since the Nascent Soul Advancement, this place has become his absolute domain.

The white galaxy of spiritual energy began to rotate slowly, and each spiritual light point burst into dazzling light, as if cheering and rejoicing for the arrival of this moment.

It was getting faster and faster, and more and more violent. After a few seconds, with a white light that shook the world, all the spiritual light points rushed towards Xu Yangyi.

"This is..." Outside the sky, Shen Chenyang was leisurely sipping tea, his eyes suddenly moved, and then he stood up suddenly and looked in the direction of Qingcheng Mountain.

"Someone has advanced to the Nascent Soul." A shadow guard who was surrounded by black shadows said in a deep voice.

"No..." Shen Chenyang's eyes were like stars, and he looked over: "This is not just the advancement of the Nascent Soul... Look carefully."

Everyone looked over, just in the direction of Qingcheng Mountain on the earth, the spiritual energy formed a huge funnel, which was clearly visible in outer space. But… Along with the spiritual energy came a stream of spiritual energy in five colors: gold, green, red, blue, and brown.

They came from the void and did not join the spiritual energy funnel, but kept spinning and circling around, as if to condense something.

"Heavenly tribulation?" Shadow Guard took a breath: "After the Nascent Soul, there is no distinction between demon cultivators and human cultivators. He… is a demon cultivator? He needs to go through the heavenly tribulation?"

"I just don't know which tribulation it is." Shen Chenyang sat back, his eyes flickering: "It is worthy of being the former fairyland. After tens of thousands of years, there are still such evil people with such talent, but… hehe… it is several times more difficult for demon cultivators to go through the tribulation than human cultivators. I hope you don't get beaten to death."

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