
Chapter 884: Conceiving a baby (Part 2)

Liu Mingyang stared at the fairy figure rushing forward.

Very strong...

Actually on par with myself?

Which Nascent Soul is this? Several years into the war, the Nascent Souls of both sides had records, and he had never seen this woman. Newly promoted Nascent Soul?

However, there was no time for him to think too much.

"Kakaka..." Su Xingyao opened countless space cracks beside her, and mirrors made of spiritual energy flew out from them, each reflecting Liu Mingyang's waiting figure. Tens of thousands of precious mirrors reflect the sunlight, making her look like the fairy Lingbo.

Without words, he gently shook his hand, and in the next second, tens of thousands of rays of light burst out from the treasure mirror, rushing towards Liu Mingyang overwhelmingly.

"Destroy the Realm!" Liu Mingyang narrowed his eyes, and a golden treasure seal rushed out from his Tianling Cap. At the same time, he raised his hands, and the black tide rose and fell.

But then his eyes widened.


Not a single black crystal floated on Su Xingyao's body.

"Boom, boom, boom!" In a shocked moment, countless brilliance exploded a hundred meters in front of him, and the treasure seal emitted a light blue light, protecting Liu Mingyang within it. But even so, he heard the sound of the space around him shattering.

"Kalara..." The violent explosion lasted for two minutes before it ended. When the light went out, Liu Mingyang immediately gasped before he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"This is……"

In front of him, Su Xingyao's white clothes were fluttering, her black hair was dancing, and she looked like the Queen Mother of the West, cold and arrogant.

One hand was already raised in the air, like a holy sword. However, what was even more terrifying was that in the thousand-meter golden pool of light beneath her feet, a huge phantom of the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara was slowly rising from below.

Divine power is like prison, divine grace is like ocean!

"Zero of a hundred solutions." The ethereal voice was like the edict of the God of Death: "Immortal method. Formless Guanyin."

"Boom!!!" The giant snow-white hand waved down, as if the world was about to be cut into two pieces.

The terrifying shock wave instantly roared across the entire mountain range. Amid the flying sand and rocks, all the trees lowered their heads as if on a pilgrimage.

Everyone was stunned, especially Zhenwujie. Especially the five major expedition signs.

"Who is this?!" Concubine Qin Xiang bit her red lips: "I can't feel the spiritual energy... Is this the true king? If so, why not open the realm? If not... Liu Xiang..."

Is Liu Xiang so useless?

Being pinned down and beaten by a woman?

"Brush!!" A white shock wave circle visible to the naked eye flashed across the sky in an instant. Liu Mingyang grunted, and his figure had been knocked down a thousand meters. Submerged in layers of mountain fog.

In the white mist, there was silence, and the songbirds did not fly.

The next second, with an earth-shattering roar, a huge red python shot straight into the sky, with two heads and one horn, hovering in the air like a swimming dragon, and its four eyes staring at Su Xingyao.

Liu Mingyang sat cross-legged on the head of the giant python, his eyes filled with surprise and uncertainty.

There was a tiger in front of him and a hungry wolf behind him. At this moment, he felt that he could not advance or retreat.

Come on, this woman is blocking the way, Wolfsbane is advancing. This battle has been difficult to achieve. could he retreat? !

I'm on pins and needles, this is really on pins and needles, are we really going to reveal that trump card? His heart was like a knife, and his spiritual consciousness was swept away, and he was furious: "Who allowed you to retreat?!"

From all directions, visible to the naked eye, the layers of black tide that besieged Qingcheng Mountain were receding rapidly. In the blink of an eye, at least half of the troops were out of touch with the black tide that besieged the city. Even the floating boats in the sky had at least one-third extinguished their spiritual light and began to turn around.

There was no answer, only a silent retreat. He almost spat out a mouthful of blood. After taking a closer look, he gritted his teeth and roared: "The fifteen great cave heavens and blessed lands... Aren't you afraid that when the Lord of the Jin Dynasty returns, he will raise an army to punish you!?"

"The emperor is trapped, and you don't even think about rescuing him, but you actually escape from the battle?!"

The dominoes finally started to collapse.

The master of the Jin Dynasty was trapped. If Liu Mingyang hadn't advanced to Nascent Soul at the right time, the Jin alliance would have been scattered. However, it was rumored that the dead Wolfsbane returned and the three dragon guards were wiped out, which gave them a blow in the head.

At that time, I don't know how many people were concerned about the safety of the cave master, and planned to return to the major cave heavens and blessed places to make calculations and rescue the cave master.

At this moment, Liu Mingyang came forward personally and put pressure on the entire army. On the top of Qingcheng Mountain, there was a battle between the two dragons of Wolf Venom. If he defeated Wolf Venom in one go, he could continue to command.

However, when Su Xingyao appeared next, Wolfsbane immediately became a baby. He himself was suppressed, and the ropes that were forcibly twisted together finally burst open.

Again, Prime Minister Liu is not equal to the emperor + the Senate.

He is not the master of the Jin Dynasty.

"You dare!!!" Looking at the black tide that was completely silent and retreating, Liu Mingyang's eyes turned red. Gritting his teeth, the Coiling Dragon Golden Sword roared, and the sea of ​​golden dragons roared out and rushed straight into one of the caves.

A deep chill.

The building will collapse!

If they withdraw their troops at this critical moment, they will most likely move to another dynasty's holy land afterwards, but what about them?

Where is the Prime Minister of the Jin Dynasty and his millions of troops?

"Boom..." A brilliance shot out, and a jade pendant flew out of the cave sky, with thousands of brilliance, firmly blocking the blow.

"Stop... come back! Come back! Don't you care about the safety of the dynasty?! Aren't you afraid that the Empress of Jin will ask and behead her!" Silently retreating, shouting hysterically, Liu Mingyang hung alone in the sky like a wounded beast, but again He couldn't call back his companions either.

Sadly, he found that he could only rely on the title of Lord Jin.

Xu Yangyi couldn't see all this.

He had completely wandered in the ocean of Yuanying. The moment all the spiritual energy rushed into his body, he suddenly felt that something in his body was pried open.

It was a throbbing from the blood, a trembling from the soul.

As if echoing with the sky, echoing with the plane, and reaching a consensus with the rules, the next second, he felt that his whole body was ethereal.

The purest original spiritual energy from the plane rushed into his bones, flesh and blood in one breath, blending with the spiritual energy in his body, and a change that was difficult to see with the naked eye quietly occurred in his body. He was like an old monk in meditation, and his spiritual consciousness carefully checked every part of his body, not letting go of any flaws.

To break through the shackles of the body, break the fixed frame of being a "human" with the help of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and move towards the direction of "God".

"Hmm?" He frowned slightly.

No physical barrier?

Strange, every realm, big or small, has a physical barrier. Although it is not a big deal for physical cultivation, it suddenly disappears, which makes people feel a little wrong.

His pupils shrank slightly, and countless spiritual consciousnesses gathered in the sea of ​​consciousness into a pure white incarnation. He rushed towards the center.

The sea of ​​consciousness was boundless, and white mist was lingering. As he rushed through, the white mist dispersed layer by layer.

The further he went in, the more he felt something was wrong.

"It's not that it didn't appear..." He looked around solemnly: "It was the moment the physical barrier appeared, no, or it was shattered when it condensed. As if... making way for something?"

At this moment, a hazy light interrupted his thoughts.

He was already far away from the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, where the redder than gold light illuminated the layers of white mist. The triangular golden elixir rotated in it, and below, the **Cause and Effect Lamp flames burned through the sky, scorching the golden elixir inch by inch.

"Kara..." Just as he rushed to the front, a crack finally appeared on the golden elixir. Then, the second, the third... In an instant, spider-web-like cracks covered the entire golden elixir.

Break the elixir and become an infant!

"No... No..." He frowned even more: "It's too smooth... This is the last realm of the lower four realms! How can it be smooth sailing?"

It's not that he has a masochistic tendency, but the greater the reward, the greater the risk. Although the situation of advancing to the Nascent Soul this time was unexpected, it would never be so smooth.

Not only that... He always has a terrible sense of crisis lingering in his heart.

Time passed by minute by minute.

"Kara... Kara..." The sound of the golden elixir breaking resounded through the spiritual consciousness. After dozens of minutes, the whole golden elixir burst into a brilliant golden light. As the light became more and more intense, he couldn't help but close his eyes. Finally, there was a golden color between heaven and earth, shining for a few seconds, and he finally opened his eyes.

"This is..." He looked ahead in astonishment: "Where is the Nascent Soul?"

In theory, it is inevitable to break the elixir and become an infant, but after the elixir is broken, there is no Nascent Soul!

In front of him, a small tree about a foot high constructed by spiritual energy fluttered gently, and the golden body of the Nascent Soul that should have appeared was nowhere to be seen.

"This is not the Nascent Soul..." He took a deep breath and walked up: "This is the body of the wolf poison."

"I almost forgot that I was born as a demon cultivator."

The moment his hand touched the small tree, the entire body of the wolf poison turned into a green light and rushed straight into the sky, directly breaking through his spiritual consciousness, rushing into the clouds, and sinking into the cloud hole above his head.

In the outside world, the sudden light made everyone stunned.

However, after the green light sank into the cloud hole in the sky, it was like a drop in the ocean, without any news.

No one knew that at this moment, outside the sky, Xiahou, Shen Chenyang, and several people whose clothes could not be seen clearly, had their eyes focused on the earth.

A bright emerald green light, like a morning star, rushed out from the Qingcheng Mountain on the earth and sank into the universe.

As if a key, the green, blue, brown, and gold colors surrounding the spiritual energy vortex quietly disappeared, and the remaining fiery red became hotter and more gorgeous.

"Boom boom..." As the fiery red color began to spread, the surrounding meteorite fragments and space debris turned into ashes in an instant! Even the so-called static universe became blurred.

"Wood-type demon cultivator, fire and wood are mutually exclusive, this is the fire calamity." Shen Chenyang's eyes moved slightly: "There are nine levels of the five elements, and the third level of the fire calamity. This little demon cultivator has a very strong demon body... Even if the Taixu realm is only the sixth level of the heavenly calamity in a certain line, he can actually reach the third level of the heavenly calamity in the Nascent Soul stage?"

As soon as the voice fell, the red cloud seemed to be summoned by something and began to rotate slowly. Finally, along the huge spiritual energy funnel, it rushed madly towards Qingcheng Mountain.

"It's started."

Inside his spiritual consciousness, Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head.

I felt it...

It's started... This is the real infant formation.

An indescribable pressure from heaven and earth, mixed with the scorching temperature that destroys everything, and the terrifying murderous intent, are coming from an unknown place, aiming at him!

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