
Chapter 886: Fire Tribulation (I)

"This is..." Xiong Anguo, who was charging forward, looked at the sky in astonishment. Suddenly his hands felt hot. He took a closer look, dropped his weapon with a cry of surprise, and immediately stepped back several hundred meters.

The weapon in his hand... is actually melting!

"What the hell is this?!" He looked at the cloud cave in shock. The red inside was getting hotter and hotter, making people feel more and more uneasy.

It's like a bow and arrow. The bowstring has been bent but it never comes out.

"Let's go!!!" At this moment, a loud shout sounded in the ears of all the Qingcheng Mountain monks. They were stunned and immediately realized that this was Zhenren Xu's voice.

"Let's go! Let's go now!!" Before they could react, Xu Yangyi's voice seemed to be suppressing something: "This is the best time... let's go now!!"

Chang Qingzi's eyes flashed slightly and he looked up. Even with his golden elixir cultivation, he felt uneasy at the moment, as if something world-destroying was about to fall into the world.

"Retreat!!" Without hesitation, the military order was like a mountain. He gave the order and led everyone to fly towards the five main peaks of Qingcheng Mountain, the last line of defense.

Some people were stunned at first, but soon, all the Chinese monks could only suppress their unwillingness and fly towards the main peak.

But... Zhenwujie did not take action.

Those who rushed forward were all frightened back.

Xiong Anguo looked at his hands, which were still trembling. At that moment, he felt the smell of death from the cloud cave. He wasn't sure.

"What are you doing standing there!!" At this moment, the time was counted in seconds. Liu Mingyang was as powerful as a mad tiger, waving a thousand golden waves with his golden sword: "Charge over! Kill him!!"

"Wait a minute!" Xiong Anguo shouted loudly with his hair standing on end.

All the monks in the true martial arts world looked at Liu Mingyang and then at Xiong Anguo. For a moment, no one took action.

"There's something weird here..." Xiong Anguo calmed his beating heart: "Liu Xiang, I see..."

In the whirlpool of spiritual energy, Xu Yangyi's eyes turned red.

Twenty minutes left...

Twenty minutes later, that extremely ominous premonition was about to come, he could feel it! The Seven-Star Divine Calculation also calculated the exact time.

He understood what it was.

Heavenly calamity...

He didn't know which heavenly tribulation it was, and he had almost forgotten that he was a demon cultivator. After Nascent Soul, demon cultivators and cultivators all came to the same destination through different paths, and there was no difference. And Nascent Soul is the first hurdle for cultivating demons!

Disaster is coming!

The power made his hair stand on end. Once it fell, it was enough to clear out all the Dajin monks around him!

But...they have to come over!

I thought I had taken the bait, but I didn't expect that at the critical moment, Xiong Anguo actually disobeyed Liu Mingyang's command!

How to do it?

In the silence, the scratching sound of the second hand echoed through my heart. He gritted his teeth and broke free from the shackles of the will of the plane.

"Kalara!!!" Before Xiong Anguo could finish his sentence, the Aura Galaxy exploded!

The endless white aura was violently blown thousands of miles away, looking at the man in the center in surprise.

"Is he crazy?" Outside the sky, Xia Hou frowned: "Without the protection of the will of the plane, the natural disaster completely bombarded him, and he had no chance of survival."

"Looking for death." On the other side, Shen Chenyang on the chariot sneered disdainfully: "You're a frog in a well, you don't know how big the river is. Under the catastrophe, the will of the plane does not protect you. Do you really think you can resist the catastrophe?"

The moment he broke away from the will of the plane, Xu Yangyi clearly felt that the cloud cave above his head became silent.

This was a calamity coming for him, and he knew very well that this was not silence.

This is gathering.

The power is even more terrifying than before! More violent!

However, in Liu Mingyang's eyes, this was not the case.

The moment the will of the plane dissipated, Liu Mingyang's pupils suddenly widened, and then he shouted with all his strength: "Where is the Phoenix Army!!!"

In the sky, tens of thousands of floating boats surrounding Qingcheng Mountain all lit up with bright beams of light.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

bring it on……

I bet on my own defenselessness that you will come in. I've already bet big enough, and I hope you won't take the bait...

All he had left was a wry smile.

"Buzz buzz..." Tens of thousands of spirit-gathering cannons fired at the giant spirit, and the space trembled slightly, like a human heart. On the five main peaks, all the monks’ hearts were in their throats!

"What on earth is Master Xu trying to do? Withdraw all defenses and be bombarded by tens of thousands of spirit-gathering cannons... How can he withstand it?"

The white spiritual light gathered more and more, and Xu Yangyi had mobilized his spiritual energy to its peak.

Nineteen minutes left...

Time seemed to stop. Just when the spirit gathering cannons reached their peak, suddenly, black smoke burst out from countless floating boats.

"Boom!" The sudden explosion resounded through the sky, not only the monks in the Zhenwu world were stunned, but also the Chinese monks!

"Are you late?" From the horizon, a black cloud came over. A man in the lead said with bright eyes in the cockpit, "It looks like it's not too late."

"This is..." Chang Qingzi looked at the sky in astonishment, and almost cried with joy the next second: "Mortal!!"

Yes, mortal.

On the horizon, thousands or even nearly 10,000 aircraft outline a black cloud, and the steel shell reflects a chilling light under the sun. In the leading plane, a man shouted through the intercom: "Every team is ready..."



"Boom!" In the next moment, endless missiles came across the sky, and hundreds of floating boats landed in response.


"This... mortal?!" Liu Mingyang's heart tightened in an instant. He never expected that such a new force would appear at such a critical moment!

And... the weapons of mortals are extraordinarily powerful!

They didn't know that a day ago, when the Luxiantai closed the space of Dujiangyan, they entered the Dujiangyan Air Force Base. It was just when it was closed, and there were at least 3,000 planes behind that had not come in. The outside world couldn't see the battle situation in Dujiangyan, but they could see it!

They knew that the power of mortals was not strong enough for a war of this level. Then... steel must be used on the blade!

"Smash them!!" A female officer wearing blue and white air force camouflage looked at the floating boats that filled the sky not far away, and launched the second attack without hesitation. In an instant, thousands of missiles came across the air with white light tails and hit the Minghuang Army of the Great Jin Dynasty fiercely.

"How can it be so powerful!? Unbelievable... Is this really a mortal weapon!? Can the mortal technology of the Unreturning Realm reach this level?!"

Amidst the exclamations, nearly a thousand floating boats slowly fell with flames and black smoke, but the weapons of the Chinese Air Force have not yet finished!

From the moment the Ten Thousand Worlds War was learned, the Earth began to develop mortal weapons with all its strength. After the explosion of the moon, the second light finally flashed in Qingcheng Mountain!

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly opened.

"Come on!!" Even he couldn't help but grit his teeth in a low voice.

It's too timely!

If they hadn't joined, he might not be able to withstand the bombardment of tens of thousands of spirit gathering cannons this time.

The most important thing is that after they joined, how could the Great Jin Dynasty kill him?

"Come on..." He looked at the boundless black tide surrounding him calmly: "I'll wait for you."

There are still eighteen minutes.

Liu Mingyang looked at everything in front of him tremblingly.

He was so lucky... It was really fate, and he finally understood what it meant.

Lang Du was about to surrender, but there was such a strange army with such powerful weapons!

"Xiong Anguo!!" He turned around and roared, his eyes bulging: "Kill Lang Du!"

"As long as he is killed, everything will be over!"

Xiong Anguo still did not speak.

The suspicion in his heart just now still did not fade away, and at this moment he was like a frightened bird. He stared at Lang Du, but found that the other party was pale and pursed his lips without saying a word.

"Are you trying to lure me over? Or is it really a great opportunity?"

"Jin Dan occasionally has a premonition, and it will never be wrong. Just now, this real person did feel the threat of death. But..."

"Zheng Bei Hou!!" Liu Mingyang swept away Su Xingyao's palm with a sword, his voice was hoarse, and he roared from his teeth: "You are unworthy of being a king of Dajin!"

"At this time and place, you are actually afraid to move forward!?"

Xu Yangyi's heart was also stretched to the extreme.

Seventeen minutes left!

At this moment, a dull sound suddenly came from Qingcheng Mountain.

"Kara... Kara..." As if something was about to fall off.

Then, everyone's pupils became sharp.

The whole mountain flashed a black light, no, not on the mountain, but outside the mountain... Thousands of meters outside the mountain, a series of ink paintings competed to shine, and then... faded slowly like weathering.

God help me!

Xu Yangyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, the outcome was decided. No need to be nervous.

"Kill!!!" This time, before Xiong Anguo went out, Qin Xiangfei had already taken the lead and rushed over with Guandao.

"Southern Expedition Army! Follow me!!"

"Kill!!" The rolling black rushed towards the unprotected Xu Yangyi like a tide.

Sixteen minutes.

"General!!" The deputy generals around Xiong Anguo of the Northern Expedition Army were all anxious: "The map of the country is about to collapse! We..."

Xiong Anguo's face changed drastically.

After a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and said, "Kill!!"

"Send my order, the entire Northern Expedition Army will attack!"

Xu Yangyi was neither happy nor sad. Since the collapse of the Mountain and River State Map, he knew that he had won.

The other party could not let the Mountain and River State Map collapse, and he was still advancing to the Nascent Soul stage.

In an instant, the overwhelming black tide swarmed in from all directions, getting closer... even closer! A distance of thousands of meters is a blink of an eye for cultivators. In the sky, planes and floating boats bloomed with brilliant colors. On the clouds, black clouds surrounded the sun, and the dark tide swallowed the sky.

"Bang!!" When the first piece of magic weapon hit Xu Yangyi's spiritual shield, there was only one minute.

Dispatch, action, for an army of millions of people, the other party has shown its mobility to the extreme.

This extreme will cost them their lives.

Just after the first wave of thousands of magic weapons bombarded, ten seconds later, the air began to tremble.

That was the overwhelming buzzing sound of millions of magic weapons!

At this moment, Xu Yangyi raised his head, opened his eyes, and glanced at the scene coldly: "Go to hell."


"Boom!!!" As soon as he finished speaking, thousands of red lights suddenly burst out in the windless cloud cave! Everything in the red light turned to ashes, whether it was magic weapons, spiritual energy, sky, or people.

Zhu Rong is born! The catastrophe of fire!

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