
Chapter 887: Lihuojie (Part 2)

At this moment, the sky seemed to be quiet. Time also stopped his steps.

Zhu Rong descended, and endless red light pierced the sky, like countless swords of Damocles falling. Anything that touched it immediately turned into ashes. Covering a radius of 5,000 meters!

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The air was blurry. This was not red light, but the purest fire of the Vermillion Bird, the divine fire of heavenly punishment.

The demon cultivators were crossing the calamity, and the heavens were jealous.

Everyone saw pieces of red curtains falling from the sky, and the cloud caves were spinning wildly, and were instantly burned by the terrifying high temperature to a cloudless sky. The air disappeared, and everything disappeared. In this 10,000-meter absolute domain, all that was left was fire, fire, and fire!

"Oh my God..." Chang Qingzi was on the top of the five main peaks, looking at the scene in front of him, trembling all over.

It was too terrible... This was a sea of ​​fire, a kingdom of fire. Any words to describe it were pale. These fires were no longer fire, condensed into light, and everything turned into ashes. He no longer dared to look at the scene within the 5,000-meter range under Qingcheng Mountain.

"Oh my god..." Liu Mingyang's eyes suddenly became straight.

In an instant, countless complex emotions surged into his heart. Even if Su Xingyao slapped him on the shoulder, he was completely unaware.

It's over...

These two words immediately appeared in his mind.

It's over... It's completely over... How many people can stand in a 5,000 square meter area? Moreover... The monks are standing in a three-dimensional position. It can be said that the flame column projected from the air, in this column, there are only Dajin monks!

At least more than one million!

No wonder he had to go so far to form a baby... No wonder he asked everyone to leave... At this point, he has figured it all out. Looking at the Dajin monks who disappeared instantly like wheat without any reaction under the red light, his lips trembled for a few seconds, and he let out a heart-wrenching scream like crazy.

"I... I'm ashamed of Dajin..." He cried hoarsely like a madman: "It's me... It's all me... I ruined today's good situation!"

"I forced them to go up... I am a sinner in the Zhenwu world..."

If it weren't for his order, all the troops would not have gone up.

Eighty-three sects and six expeditionary forces no longer have any fighting power after this battle. Even if the southwest gate is conquered, the Jin Dynasty will be eliminated from the Zhenwu world.

When Xiong Anguo saw the red light erupting above his head, he had closed his eyes in despair.

Yes... It was this feeling, this feeling that made people unable to resist at all, the feeling of destroying the world...

I... was still not firm enough...

In the last second, he glanced at Xu Yangyi's figure in the firelight and suddenly smiled.

"But... you also go to death!!"

As soon as the voice fell, he turned into ashes in an instant.

In the distance, on the plane, on the floating boat, everyone was stunned. Even forgot to attack the opponent.

The picture of the world's destruction slowly unfolded before their eyes. Every Jin monk felt cold in his heart.

Further away, the fifteen retreating caves and blessed places. In the sect, countless people rushed out of the retreat place in shock, looking at the red waves sweeping the sky tens of thousands of meters away in disbelief.

"The Great Jin is over..." An old woman, holding the handrail with trembling hands, seemed to be crying and laughing: "The Great Jin is over... It's completely over... The dynasty of ten thousand years... It turned out to be completely overturned in Qingcheng Mountain..."

An old man, shaking like a stroke, looked at the black that kept disappearing in the red light in the sky, opened his mouth wide, and couldn't say a word. After a few seconds, he pulled away and fell.

"Ancestor! Ancestor! What's wrong with you! Where is the master of Dandao! Please come immediately!"

"Don't!" The old man woke up suddenly, holding on to the people around him, his eyes were extremely nervous: "Immediately... Immediately notify the Vatican, the masters of the two holy places in Jerusalem!"

"Qingcheng Mountain was defeated... The Great Jin Dynasty collapsed, and the last emperor of Jin was captured... This news... must be delivered immediately!"

"Quick!! Go quickly!! Get out!!"

The scene in front of him was too shocking. In silence, the fifteen great caves and blessed places shone brightly, and a series of buzzing sounds of activation came.

I can't fight anymore...

The Golden Core was lost, the Yuanying was captured, the main force was destroyed, and the rest were all a group of foundation building elders. How can they fight without a leader?

And... what was that just now? Was it a magic weapon?

The scene was too horrifying, and they had no intention of fighting at all.

They didn't even dare to find out whether Liu Mingyang was still alive.

"Boom boom..." The terrifying fire wave ravaged everything within 5,000 meters, just like Zhu Rong stretched out his hand, and everything was annihilated.

There was another figure in the endless red light.

Xu Yangyi!

If anyone else in the Great Jin Dynasty saw him, they would probably want to eat him.

Everyone died... All the remaining Golden Cores took the lead and died here, leaving no bones, but he was still alive?

"Huh?" Outside the sky, Xiahou was stunned: "His skills... are very strange."

"He can actually withstand the third-level fire disaster in the fire element? This saint can't do this at his level."

Yes... The more turbulent the flames of the Eternal Pill Scripture King, the better! At this moment, Xu Yangyi's skin was "crackling" and cracked, and his hair and beard had long since turned to ash. However, the Dan Ding Rune appeared in his body, and all the fire sources were actually returned to his Dantian, which was inextinguishable!

"Ka Ka Ka..." No one heard it, and his teeth were trembling.

Too strong...

No one knew his feelings, and his feelings were the most intuitive. These flames were too strong! He had never thought that flames could take other forms. Become light and illuminate the sky.

Countless flames drilled into his limbs, but once they entered the meridians, they were immediately caught by the Eternal Pill Sutra King, entered the Dantian and ignited. Then they fed back to themselves.

His whole body was almost burnt, and he could even smell the fragrance of meat. His muscles were shrinking, and the unforgettable pain almost drove him crazy. But it was the Eternal Pill Sutra King who kept circulating the spiritual energy that made him stay on this steel wire!

If there was more on either side, or any circulation collapsed, he would instantly turn into ashes! Even no screams would appear.

Pulling away from the initial pain, when this sea of ​​light and fire sprayed for ten minutes, he gradually felt something was wrong.

"This is..." He didn't dare to open his eyes, and only dared to draw out a little bit of spiritual consciousness, looking at two places at the same time.

First... In the sea of ​​consciousness, the wolf poison body transformed by the spiritual light actually transformed into the form of a baby around it!

"Conjugation of infants!!" His spiritual consciousness incarnation stood up suddenly, and finally understood that it was not a formation of infants before, but now it is!

"Can demon cultivators only form a fetus after going through a catastrophe? Is this catastrophe related to the fetus?"

The spiritual incarnation is separate from the five senses of the original body, and it can still maintain a trace of clarity.

The second... is his body.

As the flames burned, his internal organs seemed to be scalded, but after the Eternal Pill Sutra King was running for ten minutes, he actually felt that his body was tough again!

From the fourth level of Qianli Buliu, he began to break through to the fifth level!

"Kara La..." The skin that started to curl up actually smoothed out a little bit, and the almost dried blood also circulated again. But the biggest change was his tendons and bones.

After looking inside, he was surprised to find that his whole body was covered with flames. But these flames burned every bone of his, and gradually, these bones were covered with cracks, and gradually faded the fourth layer of golden shell, and then... a white jade-colored luster was faintly revealed from the cracks.

And his muscles.

Under the burning of these terrifying flames, they actually stopped shrinking, and with each operation of the Eternal Pill Sutra King, they became elastic again. A trace of golden light wandered in the muscles.

Refining the elixir is to refine the person, and the divine fire that descended today has made him perfect.

"Shua la la la..." The terrifying spiritual fire lasted for a full thirty minutes before it disappeared. Twenty minutes later, he felt that these fires could only feel severe pain for him, instead of the feeling that his brain was boiling and he would die immediately if he gritted his teeth.

"Heh..." He opened his mouth and gasped, and he really walked through the gates of hell. His whole body reflected the emotion of fear.


He looked inward in confusion.

The baby phantom outside the wolf poison has not been stared at yet! Only one-third of it has condensed?

"Brother Xu!" At the moment when the spiritual fire in the sky stopped, Zhao Ziqi almost cried with joy.

Chu Zhaonan also looked at the fire column in disbelief.

Xu Yangyi sat cross-legged in the air, his whole body was red, but strangely, every pore was shining with golden light. It looked like a golden arhat, majestic and incomparable.

And around him, there was nothing. The Dajin army just now was gone. Only five kilometers away, they were already scared silly. I don’t know if there are still 1.5 million Dajin monks.

"Fuck!" Chu Zhaonan cursed fiercely, tremblingly took out a cigarette, trying to find a lighter, but couldn’t find it.

Mao Ba Er was behind them. Seeing their hands shaking in their trouser pockets, he shook his tail disdainfully: "What a fuss."

However, its four legs were shaking violently like a stroke now.

One person reacted, and the second person reacted, followed by the third and the fourth! In less than ten minutes, the whole Qingcheng Mountain, after being stunned, burst into a thunderous cheer!

"It's Master Xu! Master Xu is not dead?! This is too strong! With him, the country will never fall! He, he is still advancing to the Nascent Soul stage!!"

On the contrary, the Dajin Dynasty has completely lost the will to fight.

Yes, they still seem to have more than one million people, but no one dares to cross the line.

Xu Yangyi just sat there quietly. The flames had stopped, but no one dared to move, or even whisper a word.

Too strong...

Everyone had this thought in their mind.

Too terrible... Too horrible!

Millions of troops, six golden elixirs, I thought at least they would be buried with the wolf poison, but no, the others were still sitting cross-legged in the air, except for the big bald head, everything was intact!

How could this be done! ?

"This boy, are you willing to give it to me?" In the void, Shen Chenyang looked at Xu Yangyi deeply for a few seconds, and suddenly spoke.

"Haha, I have already reserved it, how can it be your turn?" Xiahou raised his eyebrows and laughed.

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