
Chapter 888: Fire Tribulation (Part 3)

Shen Shenyang raised his eyebrows: "A furnace of Bixiao Pill?"

"Shen Guolao." Xia Hou smiled disdainfully: "A talent like this is worth a furnace of Bixiao Pill?"

Shen Chenyang also smiled. At this moment, he was truly moved to appreciate talents.

Talent indeed.

There is no need for the will of the plane to resist the third-level fire calamity. This kind of person... even in Xu Kunlun, he is definitely a holy son of a religion.

"I'm talking to you seriously." Shen Chenyang leaned forward, narrowed his eyes and said: "A fake fairy treasure. The Chain of Seven Realms points are worth 500,000 points."

Xia Hou was a little surprised: "Fake fairy treasure? Five hundred thousand points?"

"He is worth the price." Shen Chenyang said calmly: "Okay or not, in one sentence. How about you tell me your conditions."

Xiahou pondered for a long time: "Huanglong Province belongs to me, I can give it to you."

"The lion opens his mouth!" Shen Chenyang laughed angrily and waved his hand to interrupt the communication between the two. this moment, Shen Chenyang's eyes flashed and he looked at the earth in disbelief.

Not just him, everyone who thought the drama was over looked over. There was a hint of shock in everyone's eyes.

"Rumble..." In the direction of Qingcheng Mountain, a fiery red spiritual energy gathered again, calmer than before. But in the eyes of everyone, they all took a deep breath.

"Two heavenly tribulations!?" Outside the void, a female cultivator riding a horse looked at the earth in astonishment: "How is this possible?"

"And... this time is actually a fourth-level calamity, a calamity of fire?"

At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, Xu Yangyi stretched his muscles and saw Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi flying over. Before he could laugh, he suddenly looked solemnly and looked at the sky: "Let's go!"

Both of them were stunned. Chu Zhaonan raised his head and suddenly saw the cloud cave that had not disappeared in the sky. He took a breath, picked up Zhao Ziqi and flew towards the mountain.

It's not over yet!

However, they were not the ones who reacted the most. At the same time that Xu Yangyi made the sound of walking fast, a circle of Dajin monks five thousand meters away suddenly let out miserable screams and fled madly in all directions.

Xu Yangyi didn't look at them at all.

The dogs of the defeated army have lost their military morale. Now they are just a bunch of rabble, ready to kill at any time.

In his eyes, the cloud hole above his head was getting redder and brighter, but it didn't spread in all directions like before.

"Rumble..." The clouds rolled rapidly and were dyed into a blood-red ocean. Three seconds later, a long "ding" sound came from the sky, like running water from a mountain, and then, a drop of bright red liquid fell from the sky.

Liquid fire!

The speed is not fast, but... during the fall, everything it passed was scorched black! Facing him, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly widened.

"What the hell is this..." He looked at the slowly dripping red liquid, but it was like facing the sun! Completely different from the previous level!

From slow to fast, to faster and faster! In less than three seconds, this drop of liquid turned into a huge fireball! No... I couldn't tell whether it was a fire ball or a water ball. The water droplets were wrapped in infinite flames and pressed down like a comet hitting the earth!

"Fuck..." Xu Yangyi rarely cursed, and the next second, a red thing appeared on his hand.

It was a fire.

A ball of pure fire. At the moment when this ball of fire appeared, the fireball in the sky suddenly erupted with an anthropomorphic scream, and the flames in Xu Yangyi's hand also trembled violently.

Nanming Lihuo!

"Boom!!!" Before he could trigger it, Nanming Lihuo suddenly turned into a red bird, spread its wings on Qingcheng Mountain, and reflected half of the sky in red.

Xu Yangyi didn't even understand what was going on. It stands to reason that Nan Ming Lihuo has lost his intelligence a long time ago. He only provided fuel for the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra. Now... he can only explain it as instinct.

"Innate Spiritual Treasure?! Original Seed?!"

At the same time that Nanming Lihuo appeared, countless exclamations came from the sky. The next second, four bright hands passed directly through the sky and grabbed Qingcheng Mountain.

However, the moment they touched the earth, the boundary-protecting array emitted a golden light that reached the sky. The seemingly broken boundary-protecting array actually blocked the four giant hands of light from the sky.

Dead silence.

In the void, there was deathly silence.

"This kid... we must get it!" After a long time, Shen Chenyang opened up his spiritual consciousness and said to Xia Hou: "There is something wrong... Several other old ghosts also saw it. I didn't expect... this guy actually has a clue. As for luck, even in Kunlun, there are only seven innate spiritual treasures in the hands of the Five Kings and Two Queens. How could he have such a chance!"

Xiahou didn't speak, but after a moment he calmly replied: "I still want him."

"Stupid! The innate spiritual treasure is so precious! It is rumored that you can find the long-lost gate to the fairy world! You actually want someone else?"

"What if I don't dare to take action in the realm of no return, destroy this realm, and get the innate spiritual treasure? This time, four people from the Taixu realm came!"

This time, Xia Hou directly cut off the spiritual consciousness.

His eyes flickered towards the azure plane below.

The potential is endless!

Once you reach the upper realm, you will surely soar into the sky!

He could tell that Xu Yangyi had unique skills, and he might even have learned the upper realm techniques or ancient inheritance. However, this has a fatal weakness.

That is...these techniques are all restricted by the will of the plane in the lower realm!

"Come on... come to Xukunlun..." He felt that he hadn't been so excited for a long time, and licked his lips: "This is your stage."

"Even if the No Return Realm was once the Immortal Realm, it is too small for you now."

"I believe that the day you reach the upper realm will be the day when all your skills will be truly 'unsealed'."

Then, he looked at the endless void and snorted coldly: "The Seven Realms Chain has been beaten back year after year by the Taichu Legion, and the front line has reached Tenglei Mountain. Are you still thinking about the innate spiritual treasure?"

Under the Qingcheng Mountain, in full view of the crowd, the drop of flame that was much more violent than before was swallowed by the Vermillion Bird in one gulp, and then it rumbled into Xu Yangyi's body.

Xu Yangyi stayed in place for half a second, then raised his head and roared, and flames burst out of his seven orifices.

"Brother Xu?" Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi spoke at the same time, looking nervously ahead.

"Boom!!" At this moment, the endless white spiritual light rushed from a distance like flying, and once again enveloped Xu Yangyi, forming a brilliant galaxy.

Circling and cheering, the next second, they rushed into the cloud cave in the sky. Then, a tornado of spiritual energy poured down towards Xu Yangyi's head.

Spiritual energy pouring down!

"Boom boom boom..." The huge light column trembled, and Xu Yangyi felt that as the spiritual energy gathered more and more, the Nascent Soul in his body became clearer and clearer.

From illusory to dense, the spiritual energy poured into the body quickly formed the appearance of a baby. However, unlike other Nascent Souls known, the baby sat cross-legged in the void with his hands around his lower abdomen. In his hands, the body of the wolf poison was lush and green.

Eternal life in the flames.

As the spiritual energy poured into the body became stronger and stronger, the sound of bells and chimes rang out in a radius of ten thousand meters. In the sky, dark yellow light columns hung down, and petals bloomed.

"The fairy music sounded... the earth was full of flowers..." Chang Qingzi's tears fell. He had dreamed of this scene for too long, and now it appeared in front of him. Even if it was not him, he was moved to tears.

This is the lifelong pursuit of most cultivators.

"Only one step left... Only one step left!" He half-knelt on the ground tremblingly. Behind him, countless cultivators had already knelt down in a black mass.

"Boom!!!" Thousands of golden lights. The flames in Xu Yangyi's seven orifices suddenly disappeared. Behind him, a shadow of a baby suddenly flashed and disappeared immediately. Behind him, the sound of golden swords and iron horses made him look like the commander of thousands of troops. Countless shadows of the army appeared behind him.

Daocheng Atlas, Yuanying Dacheng!

"Any cultivator will show his own way on the day when Yuanying is first formed. Zhenjun, this is the way of killing, the way of ruling, and the way of selflessness... Junior Changqingzi, kneel down to Zhenjun!!"

"Welcome Zhenjun Yuanying Dacheng!!"

Led by him, the entire Qingcheng Mountain erupted with a landslide and tsunami of congratulations.

It lasted for a long time, and the roar never stopped.

The second Zhenjun... The second Zhenjun appeared on Qingcheng Mountain! This war has no suspense, how can they not be happy? How can I not be excited?

Xu Yangyi looked at his hands quietly.

Is this the True Lord?

Yuanying? Has he really reached this point?

Looking inward, a golden Yuanying quietly sat cross-legged in Dantian. Although it was a baby face, it felt majestic.

He could feel that there was an extremely powerful force flowing in his meridians, bones and blood, which was completely incomparable to the Golden Elixir. It was the kind of power that could turn the sky upside down with a hand and the ground with a foot.

It would be a lie to say that he was not happy. After more than two hundred years of practice, he finally reached the last realm of the lower four realms. The great satisfaction in his heart made him almost forget to see how strong he was now.

The little cultivator who was trembling with fear back then is now a sixteen-year-old Yuanying on Earth. After the ecstasy, he couldn't help but sigh at the changing times.

His eyes looked at the Dajin cultivators who were fleeing in all directions.

"Why are you running." He spoke softly, but his voice seemed to linger in everyone's ears. Many Dajin cultivators were so scared that their legs softened and ran faster.

"Domain." His eyes darkened, but he didn't use it immediately. Instead, he smiled: "I've been hesitating."

"What should I name my domain?"

"Just now I remembered that this domain has made a name for itself in Bohai and killed too many people who deserved to be killed. So I decided..." He raised his hand and said slowly: "Let's call it the killing domain."

"Boom!!!!" As soon as the words fell, in the sea of ​​fog on all sides, terrifying spikes shot up into the sky, so dense that it was impossible to count how many there were. Countless monks who had no time to escape died instantly under the spikes. What's more terrifying is that he actually formed a prison of spikes with a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

Puff puff puff... Like the execution column of hell, sharp barbs pierced out like an eruption, and dark spiritual energy filled the air. Many of the fastest Dajin monks were not stabbed to death, but were shattered alive by the majestic spiritual power. There are even more monks with low cultivation who have just entered the foundation building stage, who fell from the clouds the moment they touched the black fog.

Dance of the sting, prison of death.

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