
Chapter 889: Gate of the Star Destroyer - Lotus (I)

"You... all deserve to die." Without mercy, he squeezed his hands fiercely, causing the sea of ​​clouds to shake, and the spikes from all directions moved towards the center crazily.

"No!! I surrender! Surrender!! True Lord, spare my life! Spare my life!"

Suddenly, screams started coming from all directions. Xu Yangyi didn't seem to hear him at all. Layers of black mist rose from the ground, and sharp spikes moved closer to him like mountain peaks.

A dramatic scene occurred.

The Dajin monks who had been running around just now rushed back towards Xu Yangyi. The black tide was just like the one that surrounded him before. However, the difference is that every monk now has a look of deathly despair on his face, and has no intention of taking action at all.

"Kakaka!" Just when all the Dajin monks fled to the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, watching the sharp spikes approaching crazily, even too many people closed their eyes and waited for death. The spikes finally stopped.

"Heh...heh..." The monk, who had survived an unknown number of catastrophes, opened his eyes in horror.

Wherever you look, the thick fog turns blood red. The millions of monks just now are reduced by at least hundreds of thousands at this moment! Countless corpses hung upside down from the spikes. Blood stains.

The remaining people were herded here like pigs, their hearts beating wildly.

I don't know who it was, but he threw away his weapon, his voice became hoarse, and he cried: "I surrender...I surrender!!"

"Surrender! Surrender! Please don't kill me, Zhenjun!"

Swish, swish, swish... Hundreds of thousands of weapons were thrown into the sea of ​​fog, and all the remaining people knelt in the clouds, touching their foreheads to the ground, trembling and not daring to say a word.

Afraid of being killed...

In just ten minutes, countless people died in the field of killing. Who dares to do the roar of war now?

"Too strong..." Chang Qingzi looked at the foot of the mountain blankly. Just now, he was worried about what to do with the millions of monks on the other side. Unexpectedly, Xu Zhenjun's domain had just opened and he was slaughtered all in an instant!

No wonder Nascent Soul Lord is not allowed to take action.

Some realms of True Lord Nascent Soul are not so terrifying, but once there is a pervert like Xu Yangyi, a million-strong army will be destroyed at the drop of a hat. This is an absolute forbidden weapon in war!

Xu Yangyi slowly stood up from mid-air. When he raised his legs, a black hole seemed to appear in the space under his feet. All the surrounding clouds swarmed in. Taking one step forward, he felt as if he had crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, stepping on a black crowd of kneeling Dajin. In front of the monk.

Shrink into an inch!

The Dajin monks who had had a bit of luck just now fell silent in an instant and lowered their heads. The obvious sign of Nascent Soul, they can no longer deceive themselves and others.

The leader of the Tianlan Sect, an old man who seemed to be in his fifties or sixties, when Xu Yangyi's feet landed in front of him, his pupils suddenly shrank and his eyes became like needlepoints.

very scary……

You can't even feel it when you're far away, but in front of you... just like you can't help but kneel down in front of the lights of the gods in the dark. That feeling of worshiping without any thought of resistance was like a tidal wave hitting the lock in his heart called "resistance".

In silence, Xu Yangyi stood calmly in front of them. And three seconds later, he already made an indescribable "de" sound.

It was the sound of the upper and lower teeth constantly colliding out of extreme fear.

With silent momentum, he felt as if a giant hand of death was caressing his head. And he is the docile kitten under the giant hand.

Not only him, but everyone around him was trembling and sweating like rain.

"Not even Prime Minister Liu can give me this feeling!"

"This is the million-level golden elixir, the strength of the first person under two million Nascent Souls to advance to the Nascent Soul?"

"What is he waiting for? Is he hinting? What...what are we going to do?"

Five seconds...ten seconds...twenty seconds later, the leader of the Tianlan Sect suddenly felt blessed, his eyes lit up, and with fear and piety, he reached for the storage ring.

At this moment, he was hesitant, but he immediately gritted his teeth. The next second, he held a jade slip in his hand, shining brightly: "Tianlan Dao Tianlan Sect surrenders, please don't kill the true king, the Seventh Heavenly Sect The destiny list of ten thousand disciples is here, I hope the true king will accept it!"

The voice was trembling with fear.

Xu Yangyi did not answer and looked coldly at the white-haired old man kneeling in front of him with his hands raised above his head. Not a word was spoken.

The old man did not dare to move at all. He remained in this position for several minutes, with cold sweat pouring down his head and his heart beating wildly in his chest. After a full five minutes, he heard a faint "Yes."

The jade book flew away, and the old man's whole body seemed to fall apart, and he immediately touched the ground with his forehead. Trembling, not daring to sweat.

Immediately afterwards, voices sounded out one after another, for fear of being slowed down, "Qihuang Daoyuan Zhenmen's entire sect surrenders, please don't kill me! The fate of fifty-seven thousand disciples is here, I hope Zhenjun will be open to you! Tenglong Dao The entire Guizang Sect has been surrendered, and the 63,000 members of the Guizang Sect have been registered here. I beg you, the True Lord, not to kill them! The Guizang Sect will definitely be ruined to repay the Holy Grace!"

One after another, the sounds rise and fall like ocean waves. The eighty-three major sects of the Jin Dynasty fought fiercely for two years, three months and seven days, and opened the gate of Laojun Palace, but they all surrendered on the top of Qingcheng Mountain within twenty minutes.

Millions of monks disarmed!

One after another, the fate books flew to Laojun's palace, how brilliant it was. Chang Qingzi and Huayangzi were biting their lips on the top of Qingcheng Mountain without saying a word.

A total of 1.2 million Jin remnants surrendered at 12:35 noon!

The Chinese army had 780,000 remaining, and 2.32 million died in battle. There were countless injured.

In the Jin Dynasty, there were 1.2 million people left, 4.71 million people were killed in battle, and no one was injured.

"Daozu, above..." A young Taoist priest, after completely relaxing, leaned against the wall. Only then did he realize that he was already in tears: "Dear Taoist friends, if you are still alive in heaven... did you see it..."

A female cultivator dropped her long sword to the ground, pursed her red lips, and looked up at the sky with tears in her eyes: "Brother... we won... we won!!"

"Dang...dang..." All the cultivators' long swords fell to the ground along with their emotions. After a few seconds, a roar of venting and rebounding after being suppressed to the extreme broke out on Qingcheng Mountain.


"We won! We won... we won!!"

Countless people sat on the ground, laughing with tears in their eyes, and laughing wildly at the sky. However, their burning eyes all looked at Xu Yangyi.

"In the future... I will definitely reach the level of a true lord one day..." This figure, covered with the light of the sun, has been completely engraved in everyone's heart the moment all the Dajin cultivators knelt down. This sentence rose in the hearts of almost all living cultivators.

One person fought against a general.

Two people besieged the last emperor of Jin.

One person wiped out a million troops.

Then in front of millions of people, the fairy music sounded, the earth was covered with flowers, and babies were born on the spot.

One battle to become a god!

As Xu Yangyi nodded slightly again and again, all the life books flew to the top of Qingcheng Mountain. The so-called life book is the real family of any religion. Believe in the same god and the same faith. Once their names are crossed out on the life book, their cultivation will be greatly reduced at best, and they will fall to a higher realm. At worst, they will become useless.

When all the life books of the major sects flew to Qingcheng Mountain, Xu Yangyi looked quietly at the other side of the sky.

There, Liu Mingyang seemed to have aged a hundred years. He was still wearing a vermilion dragon robe, a jade belt and a golden crown, but his spirit seemed to have reached the end of the road of cultivation.

He just looked at Xu Yangyi quietly, facing his gaze, with an expression that seemed to be crying and laughing, and indescribably weird and crazy.

After a long time, he spoke hoarsely like a machine: "You are in the Nascent Soul stage?"

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to answer, he turned his head with a sneer and looked at the dark group of Dajin monks kneeling in the air in front of him: "You surrendered to the enemy in battle, and you still don't have the Dajin Dynasty in your heart?"

"Born here, raised here, and betrayed here, I really didn't know that there were so many spineless people in the Dajin Dynasty."

Faced with his calm questioning, no one spoke. No one dared to look back and look at him.

No one wanted to die. Nor was he ashamed to face him.

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden sword in his hand quickly dimmed, and with a crisp click, cracks covered the sword body, and then pieces broke into pieces, turned into a golden light, and disappeared into the sky.

The Dajin Dynasty, the luck is gone, and the sword of luck will never reappear.

"When you were killing prisoners, did you ever think of this day?" Xu Yangyi spoke calmly.

Liu Mingyang looked at him calmly, his eyes cold: "Are you asking me if I regret it?"

"No, never." He turned his eyes and looked at the group of Dajin monks like slaughtering livestock: "I just want to kill the enemy, but I can't save the situation."

The moment the last word fell, Xu Yangyi's right fist moved.

"Swoosh..." The sound was almost inaudible, the space was not broken, and there was not even a single strange phenomenon. However, Liu Mingyang's pupils suddenly became sharp.

This is not nothing...

It's a light lift, a great skill!

"Boom!!!" The next second, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the entire space in front of him erupted with a thousand-meter shock wave, drawing a blood line in the air, and flew directly out nearly a thousand meters away.

With a loud bang, he crashed into a mountain at full speed, and the mountain collapsed. The physical cultivator of the Nascent Soul Realm has begun to show his terrifying strength.

Gun smoke dispersed, boulders fell like rain, and a few seconds later, Liu Mingyang stood up from the half-cut mountain with his mouth covered with blood, his eyes full of unbelievable resentment.

So strong...

Too strong...

At least four million spirits, no, more than five million spirits!

A punch actually made him completely powerless to resist, directly piercing his spiritual shield, and now his spiritual energy can't even condense.

It's simply a human-shaped killing weapon!

Such a person... must not be allowed to live!

His eyes swept over the former Dajin monk who was kneeling at Xu Yangyi's feet, and a strange smile rose on his bloodstained face, as if his old face was blooming.

"So that's the case..."

"Then I'm relieved..." He stood up tremblingly, laughing like a night owl, and a few seconds later, he laughed up to the sky.

"Hahahaha!" After laughing wildly, he suddenly lowered his head and stared at Xu Yangyi: "I'll go first."

"You, just come down and accompany me!"

"And you, you... and you... these cowardly traitors, and the entire southwest gate of China! Come together... hahahaha!"

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