
Chapter 890: Gate of the Star Destroyer - Lotus (II)

Just as he spoke, golden light shone all over his body, and a blood-red talisman loomed on his forehead.

"Boom, boom, boom..." As the light became more and more intense, the red talisman seemed to come out of the body, exuding a majesty that had never been felt before, and the surrounding sky trembled.

"This is..." On Qingcheng Mountain, Chu Zhaonan was shocked to feel this terrifying pressure. He took a breath and looked at Liu Mingyang, who was almost crazy, in disbelief: "What a terrifying pressure... but no spiritual energy? What exactly is this?"

"Brother's punch just now was so light that I could feel the terrifying impact..." Zhao Ziqi also looked at the surrounding sky in shock. As the fluctuations became more and more violent, the ink drawings surrounding Qingcheng Mountain were now visible to the naked eye. Countless black catalogs fell off the ground, like jet-black phantom butterflies, spinning around the entire Qingcheng Mountain.

"This old dog actually has a trump card that makes the Nascent Soul Formation tremble?"

Not only them, Chang Qingzi and all the monks looked around in astonishment. This tremor is too ominous, and the pressure that instantly fills the entire sky is too unsettling, as if... there is an alien god, approaching here step by step with steps that make the plane tremble.

But... just when the Chinese monks were stunned, all the Jin monks almost raised their heads in unison, their pupils shrunk to the shape of needlepoints, their mouths opened wide, and they stopped in place as if struck by lightning. The next second, with a tear With heartbreaking screams, countless people stood up like crazy and fled in all directions!

"No!!!" The Tianlan Sect leader's eyes were red, and he screamed at the top of his lungs: "You can't do this to us!!"

"Liu Xiang... stop! Stop!!" The leader of the Guizang Sect had a hoarse voice, and he used all his strength to rush towards the edge of the ban arranged by the Immortal Killing Platform: "We are also throwing our lives and blood for the Great Jin Dynasty, how can you? Use this trick!"

"No...I don't want to die!! Stop, please! We have no choice but to surrender! Wolfsbane is invincible! Prime Minister Liu, are you going to kill millions of our people with your own hands!!"

"Boom!!" All the sounds were drowned in the endless tremors. With a loud rumbling sound, endless spiritual energy poured into the sky crazily, and blue dots of spiritual light rushed into the sky like a tsunami. Just above Dujiangyan, a huge devil's mouth quietly opened, and clouds thousands of miles around gathered to form a majestic and twisted cloud cave.

This cloud cave... is even bigger than the previous one from the Fire Tribulation! Tens of millions of spiritual energy points were absorbed like the Milky Way upside down, making Dujiangyan look like a summer wilderness with fireflies flying all over the sky.

The beauty hides the chilling killings.

"Big, big brother..." Zhao Ziqi was stunned, and suddenly shouted: "Quickly, kill him quickly!!"

"Don't let him live!" Chu Zhaonan's voice sounded almost at the same time.

Not just them... everyone saw it. At this moment, the wind was surging above the clouds. Big trees and boulders were pulled up from the ground by the invisible force, with a thick fog. Slowly fly to the sky.

Space is weightless!

", no!!!" Guizang Sect, Yuanzhen Sect...the sects that were running away seemed to have seen the end of the world, screaming, as if being pulled up by invisible giant hands, and they stretched out their hands hoarsely. , trying to grab the ground, but they all strangely flew upside down with their heads down and their feet up, millions of them forming a black tornado.

Tian Qingzi's hair stood on end when he saw it. The change was too fast and too sudden. He suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew to the front of Laojun's palace. Before Xu Yangyi could say anything, a green token flew straight to a dead peach tree in front of Laojun's palace.

"Three Ancestral Courts, Longhu Mountain Tian Qingzi! Please protect me from Tao Ancestor!"

This is their last trump card!

The peach tree of enlightenment was planted by Taoist ancestors, thousands of years ago. It looks like a withered tree, but there is a leaf and a flower on the tallest trunk.

"One is born with two, two begets three, and three begets all things." As soon as he finished speaking, an indescribable voice in the void slowly sounded. The sea of ​​clouds is boiling, and the momentum is magnificent, like a yellow bell and a big Lu, with a loud sound.

As soon as the words fell, the peach blossom exploded in an instant, and a pure white light curtain instantly enveloped the entire Qingcheng Mountain, and the sound of infinite Taoist rhyme sounded. The five thousand words of the Tao Te Ching are vaguely visible in the ancestral court.

"Earth follows heaven, heaven follows Tao, and Tao follows nature."

"Brush!" The last green leaf on the peach tree came out in response. It turned into a golden Tai Chi in the white light, and then turned into four images and gave birth to Bagua. It only took a few seconds. Thousands of rays of rays of light from the top of Qingcheng Mountain returned to Zifu, and thousands of auspicious energy Through Huangting. The two rituals transform into the four images, and the four images generate the eight trigrams. Tens of thousands of meters in radius, spinning in the air.

"It's useless... It's useless! It's useless!!" Liu Mingyang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Die... let's all die!! Even if I don't want the Jin Dynasty, today... you have to die with me!! "

"You traitors, the remnants of Qingcheng Mountain! And the Empress of Jin, Xu Zhenjun! Come together... hahahaha!"

In the roaring wind, he opened his arms, his python robes made a hunting sound, and his expression was crazy, like a demon.

"Open the Star Destroyer Gate... activate the Star Destroyer Weapon Lotus!!! Huh?!"

The moment he shouted the last word, his eyes suddenly bulged out, his chest exploded, and a hole the size of a human head appeared directly.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Just as Liu Mingyang was bleeding from all his orifices, he looked at his chest in shock. The Dajin monks circling and flying into the sky, the trees and boulders, and the infinite spiritual energy rushing into the cloud cave like a galaxy of fireflies suddenly stopped, and the world seemed to stop at this moment.

"This is..." He looked at his broken body tremblingly, and then looked at the tall body opposite: "That punch just now?"

"It's a bit unexpected." Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "It just broke out now... I have just been promoted, and my spiritual power is not yet accurate."

As the last word fell, Liu Mingyang suddenly felt as if countless blue dragons were coming out of the sea in his body. Every joint, every key point, countless energy spiraled outwards, and even his whole body and surface were undulating.

"You have been dead since just now."

"You have no right to live."

"Boom!!" The next second, Liu Mingyang's entire body exploded completely, sprinkling a rain of blood in the sky, and he didn't even scream.

A generation of poisonous men, Liu Mingyang was destined to die in Qingcheng.

Just one blow, no chance to fight back.

A huge flower bloomed in an instant, lighting up the sky.

On the top of Qingcheng Mountain, flowers bloom on the other side.

"It's not the real true king, otherwise he wouldn't be so weak." Xu Yangyi looked at the blooming flowers of the other side and immediately moved to the surroundings.

The feeling of being in the eye of a tornado finally disappeared. All the monks in the Jin Dynasty showed a look of despair in the sky at this moment, appearing to be crying and laughing at the same time. Everything that ascended slowly fell down.

"Is it over?" On the top of the mountain, Chang Qingzi took a deep breath and wiped the cold sweat from his head. The feeling just now was so ominous, as if the whole of Dujiangyan would be wiped off the face of the earth.

"Huh..." Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan let out a long sigh of relief at the same time, and the whole mountain was filled with the sound of relief. Even if they didn't reach Jindan, they still felt the aura that would destroy the world.

"Finally..." Chu Zhaonan took out the cigarette but before lighting it, the cigarette fell to the ground in the next second.

"Buzz buzz..." Dujiangyan, which had been silent for a minute, started to boil again!

The spiritual energy re-rotated, and everything outside the Dao Ancestor Formation flew towards the sky again.

It's not over yet!

However, the speed is more than twice as slow as before.

Outside the sky, Shen Chenyang's eyes flickered. From their position, an upside-down green lotus was slowly blooming in western China. It was extremely clear even in the universe.

A beam of red light spread from the bottom of Qinglian and connected to the center of the universe. The location of the connection was a huge and unparalleled Star Destroyer Mothership on the moon.

As the green lotus bloomed inch by inch, the Star Destroyer Mothership was awakened from its slumber, its eyes glowed with red light with a radius of several kilometers, and the talismans all over its body gathered together, slowly condensing towards the human-faced trumpet.

"The Star Destroyer Gate is open..." Shen Shenyang frowned and sat down, saying in a deep voice: "The Jin Dynasty chose to die in the end. I'm afraid there is no one alive in Qingcheng Mountain, right?"

"Once the star-destroying weapon is activated, it will not stop. Even if the earth has a boundary protection formation, at least a small country will disappear. If it hits Qingcheng Mountain, at least the entire capital of Sichuan Province will be wiped off the earth." The woman riding on the four-faced mountain is faint. He glanced at the earth, shook his head, and drifted away.

"It's also good luck. The 'key' that unlocked the Star Destroyer weapon was killed and did not exert its full power. However, this is still one-third." On the other side, a big man carrying a wine gourd looked at the earth coldly. : "That's fine... when they are all dead, I will go find where the innate spiritual treasure is."

"If this person is not killed by this saint, the will of the plane should not reject it, right?"

Xu Yangyi has rushed to Qingcheng Mountain at full speed, and a large part of the flying troops fighting against the Jin Dynasty have also come in.

Already close to the edge of destruction. The entire space was trembling, and everyone was looking at the increasingly larger cloud hole in the sky. The spiritual power revealed in it was actually more terrifying than the Lihuo Tribulation.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The clouds trembled violently. Three minutes later, pieces of green light came out from the clouds. A green lotus bud, more than 20,000 meters long, made entirely of spiritual energy, broke through the clouds and appeared in the sky. Thousands of meters above their heads.


Everyone in Qingcheng Mountain watched this crazy blow, the final blow of the Jin Dynasty.

Spending all the country's capital, all one's life, and the final madness.

"Brush..." Thousands of green lights shine on Qingcheng Mountain, and the layers of green lotus are opened. Every time a layer is opened, a circle of ripples of talismans rises in the sky. The light in the center of the green lotus is like a blue sun, getting hotter and hotter. The more violent.

I don’t know how long it took, the green lotus was fully unfolded, and the Milky Way seemed to be rotating in the center. With a deafening sound of "Boom!!!!", a huge light beam with a radius of 10,000 meters suddenly shot down from the green lotus and split open. It touches the sky, shines on the earth, and makes the space between heaven and earth vast.

"Crash!" At the same time, the restriction created by the Immortal Killing Platform surrounding Dujiangyan instantly turned into a red aura, without any struggle or resistance.

The power of creating the world!

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