
Chapter 891: Star-Destroying Gate - Lotus (Part 3)

"Beep beep beep!!!" At the same time, all the aura detection instruments in the entire land of China and major bases all screamed frantically.

"Alarm, alarm, Yuanying-level aura detected. Located at the southwest gate, counting starts now..."

In countless bases, people who were originally detecting other places all looked over when they heard this voice, and everyone had an unbelievable look in their eyes.

Yuanying-level aura?

Could it be that the Shanhe Shejitu was broken?

Then it should be detected that there are two, why is there only one now?

"Two million, two and a half million... three million... three and a half, sixty... eighty... four million! Four and a half million, seven hundred thousand... five million!"

In the Yinlong base, a woman with a head full of silver hair stood up, and then everyone around her stood up in astonishment.

"Five and two hundred thousand!"

When this number appeared, the scene was dead silent, and then it exploded!

"Five million and two hundred thousand?!" The door was pushed open with a bang, and a lieutenant general rushed in eagerly. He didn't wait for the guards at all, and rushed to the light curtain in one step. He stared at the light curtain, his lips trembling: "Who... is this?!"

No one answered.

The ban of the Immortal Killing Platform blocked everything, and nothing could be detected before.

"The Jin Houzhu has more than 7 million spirits, and Xu Zhenjun has more than 7 million spirits... It's not them..." He leaned on the operating table like a tiger, cold sweat came out of his forehead, and his eyes were like fire: "In other words... the third Yuanying appeared in Qingcheng Mountain?"

"Could it be the poison phase Liu Mingyang?" A white-haired researcher said anxiously, not only the lieutenant general, but even they were anxious.

The battle of Qingcheng Mountain is related to the southwest national gate. Now a new Yuanying suddenly appeared, the variables are too big!

"It's not him, he is called Yuanying, but in fact it is only 1.9 million spirits, "Xing" is enough to deal with it..." The lieutenant general hammered the operating table fiercely: "Where is the picture! Let the Southwest Theater transmit the picture immediately!"

In less than five seconds, the picture was transmitted. However, everyone who saw it was dumbfounded.

"Star destroyer weapon... Lotus?!" An old man with a Taiwanese accent, his eyes were about to burst, and his voice suddenly rose: "That's it... That's it!! They actually used a star destroyer weapon!"

Above the light curtain, green light filled the sky, and the ground rumbled loudly, a scene of destruction.

Dead silence.

"My God..." After a few seconds, someone spoke in a trembling voice. No one could have imagined that the battle of Qingcheng Mountain would reach this point, and the Great Jin Dynasty actually activated a star destroyer weapon!

"Heh..." A female researcher's legs softened, and the guards behind her immediately protected her. She was pale, holding the guard's hand, and looking at the light curtain with trembling lips.

Green, green, and green, destroying the world, waves rising.

Who can survive?

"Damn it!" A man pounded the console: "Damn it... Damn it!"

No one spoke except these few shouts. The lieutenant general gritted his teeth, his red eyes showing resentment. There are millions of people... and there are newly promoted Yuanying. Who is it? If it is an earth cultivator, can he survive the attack of the star destroyer weapon?

He was heartbroken, but he was powerless.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he rushed out without saying a word. The guards behind him immediately followed.

"What is this, Chief?" The woman frowned, but before she could finish, more than a dozen experts in the room rushed out.

She was stunned, and three words flashed in her mind, and then she rushed out as well.

Heroic Monument!

At this moment, all the Yuanying on the earth, and any place where the Heroic Monument could be seen, suddenly raised their heads.

In the Forbidden City, Tianzai Zhenren's eyes suddenly opened, and he stood up all of a sudden, looking at the west with trembling hands, his beard and hair all fluttering.

"Nascent Soul... Newly promoted Nascent Soul! And definitely not weak! Spiritual power exceeds four million! Even five million! This... This is the realm of the middle Nascent Soul approaching the late stage!"

"This... This is the spiritual energy of the Earth cultivators... In the battle at the gate of the country, someone broke through on the battlefield!?"

On the prairie, hundreds of sharp swords flew beside the Xuanyuan Sword Master. The next second, he looked up in astonishment and looked to the west.

"Newly promoted Nascent Soul?"

"And... What exactly is this terrifying spiritual energy? The legendary star-destroying weapon?"

India, Taj Mahal, above the palace, an ascetic monk opened his eyes. Shocked, he looked in the direction of China: "Which Taoist has broken through? Joined the ranks of us?"

In Egypt, a group of black-robed men covered in blood rested in front of a ten-meter-long monument, panting and swallowing elixir. But the next second, the inscription on the monument behind them suddenly shone.

"This is..." A man stood up and looked at the monument in shock.

Jerusalem, this place is already a bloody area, but countless Muslims looked up at the same time, looking at the stone tablet in Hinnom Valley that suddenly burst into golden light.

In the sky, old eyes opened one by one, and all looked over without missing a single one.

On the monument of heroes, a name burst into a sky-high light, and actually... from the position of Jindan, it began to slowly rise to the position of Yuanying!

This name was originally ranked first, and this time, it jumped up. And... it's not over yet!

"Ding..." The name flashing with golden light instantly surpassed the last row.

Zhenwu Realm, Dongtang Dynasty, the Supreme Elder of Guixian Sect, Yin Tieyi. Domain: Ten Thousand Demons Return to the Sect. Spiritual Power: 3.92 million spirits.

The Realm of No Return, the Holy Spirit of the Elf Clan, Malorne, the King of the White Deer. Domain: Sacred Land. Spiritual Power: 4.27 million spirits.


In Scandinavia, a land full of deserts was suspended in the air, with attics standing in rows. At this moment, a shocking cry broke out!

"Who!! Who is it! Just broke through and actually surpassed the Supreme Elder?! This... This is too terrible, this person must be a peerless genius!"

"Boom!" In the center of the desert, the raging sand of ten thousand meters in radius burst out. In the sand storm, the incarnation of an old man condensed into thousands of golden lights, looking at the monument of heroes in disbelief.

Alarmed the Supreme Elder himself!

"Just promoted... actually surpassed this True Lord?"

Not only him... The infinite eyes of the Zhenwu Realm all looked over. One by one, the geniuses, the saints and sons, all focused on the monument of heroes.

But... it hasn't stopped yet!

"Ding..." Another one went up!

Just promoted, directly surpassing several Yuanying!

Zhenwu Realm, Flowing Sand Sea, Crystal Palace Master Qin Wuyue. Domain: Lanhai Realm, Spiritual Power, 4.5 million spirits.

No Return Realm, Satanism, Pope Frederick. Domain: Sin Abyss. Spiritual Power: 5 million spirits.

Surpassing four people in a row!

"Swish!" The golden light shone brightly. Finally stopped.

Who is it?

Who is it!

Countless eyes, all looked over. Just a few seconds later, the whole earth burst into a thunderous cheer!

Zhenwu Realm, a dead silence.

No Return Realm, Huaxia Taoism, Wolf Poison Master Xu Yangyi. Domain: Killing Domain. Spiritual Power: 5.18 million spirits!

Newly promoted Yuanying!

"It's Wolf Poison Master!! Stop yelling nonsense! It's Wolf Poison Master!! Oh my god... Hahahaha!! Wolf Poison Master has been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage! He surpassed four people in one step! Great! So great!! Strengthen the prestige of China! Great job, Wolf Poison Master!! "

"Pah!!" In a villa in the imperial capital, a man excitedly knocked over his coffee cup, and his whole body was shaking with excitement: "I knew... I knew Wolf Poison Master would definitely be promoted! Good... Good! Someone come!"

A group of housekeepers came over immediately: "Master, what do you want?"

"Right away... Go to the head office of China Cultivation Bank to get 5 million medium-grade spirit stones! Send them to the Xingtian Legion immediately!! Hurry! I'm thirsty!"

The housekeeper pushed his glasses: "Master, the master has already done this."

Shenyang, Xi'an, Wuhan, Shenzhen... One by one, the big cities got the news first, and the whole square was boiling! All the people who were working shouted excitedly. In an instant, all work was thrown away, and he quickly opened the practice network to express his excitement like a flood in his heart.

It was the same abroad. At this moment, the world had no national boundaries, and there was only the pride of resisting foreign enemies.

However, it was not the time to explode yet.

Wait until the southwest gate is over, and this will be the real explosion.

Now, the war has not ended, and they are all waiting, waiting for the final result of this war.

They also don’t know that Qingcheng Mountain, their hero, idol, is also on the verge of life and death.

The sky was full of blue, and the formation above their heads was shaking wildly, but it was not broken.

Just before the blue light shot into Qingcheng Mountain, they couldn’t see that the earth’s protective formation was shining together, and the blue light had weakened again.

“Boom boom boom…” All the people in Qingcheng Mountain looked at the top of their heads, and the world was shaking. This was a real star-destroying weapon, not the last annihilation zone. Although it was not activated 100%, but…whether it can survive depends on God’s will.

Xu Yangyi was not in a hurry. He stared at the formation in the sky. If there was a trace of it breaking, he would have one last trick.


The magic weapon left by the Earth for counterattack.

Only he knew how to use it. He didn't use it before because this magic weapon was too special and he couldn't find the right time.

"As long as we catch the last emperor of Jin..." He looked solemn: "That's the day when the Earth will counterattack!"

The violent green light was like a natural disaster that destroyed everything, whistling and roaring above their heads. Everyone below stared at the top of their heads. However, Tai Chi, Four Symbols, and Eight Diagrams did not move at all!

After roaring for thirty minutes, the green light finally dissipated gradually.

At the same time, in front of the Laojun Temple, the thousand-year-old peach tree turned into ashes with a "puff" and no longer existed.

There were still pieces of gunpowder smoke all around. The terrifying spiritual aftermath tore the space into black cracks.

No one spoke, and everyone's heart was beating wildly. A few seconds later, Tianqingzi trembled and said, "Is it over?"

As he said this, the Tai Chi Bagua above his head slowly dissipated. Countless people breathed a sigh of relief silently and finally looked around.

"Daozu is above..." A cultivator just took a look, trembled all over, and almost fell to the ground!


In the entire Dujiangyan area, a continuous mountain and river appeared around. Qingcheng Mountain, which was originally more than a thousand meters above sea level, was now surrounded by mountains!

There is no way out, a real basin!

"What the hell is this..." Changqingzi was also stunned. Changing the world is too terrifying. He was stunned for a moment, and his spiritual consciousness was fully opened, sweeping in all directions.

Wherever he looked, the mountain was full of lakes, and the mountains were all around.

"This is not changing the world..."

"This is forcibly driving this piece of land into the ground for nearly a thousand meters... This kind of power..." He closed his eyes and took a breath: "If there is no Daozu's blessing... We would have turned into ashes with the ancestral court..."

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