
Chapter 892: Capture the thief and then the king (Part 1)

Xu Yangyi was also shocked at everything in front of him.

It was too terrible... The power of a star-destroying weapon was so great. He flew up first, and then all the survivors took off, sweeping the spiritual consciousness in all directions.

"Zizi..." Zhao Ziqi, Chu Zhaonan, and Mao Baer were right beside Xu Yangyi. Zhao Ziqi took a look and took a breath of cold air, his voice trembling: "Unbelievable... This... is too scary..."

Dujiangyan disappeared.

Not only Dujiangyan, but also many national highways, hills, trees, houses... everything that spread to Chengdu seemed to have never appeared. The whole land was nothing but yellow sand, a desolate place.

It was impossible to imagine that this place was lush and green just a few minutes ago.

"Huhuhuhu..." The wind rolled up the yellow sand, and the yellow sand was fierce, carrying the former glory of Dujiangyan, the blood and tears on the ground, and the broken thousand-year-old monuments, turning into ashes, and rolled into the air and drifting away.

No one spoke.

The destruction of the world a few minutes ago, the last madness of the Jin Dynasty, the jubilation of the national team's victory, the lingering fear of surviving a hundred battles, the three emotions intertwined into a rope called silence, leaving everyone speechless.

"Fuck..." Chu Zhaonan sat cross-legged in the air with a plop as if he had lost his strength, and took out a cigarette with trembling hands and lit it.

Beside him, Zhao Ziqi looked at the desolate land around him calmly, his eyes trembling. After a long time, he spoke hoarsely: "Da Chu... hit me... did we... really survive the catastrophe just now?"

Chu Zhaonan ignored him, holding the cigarette in his mouth, trying to draw out his lips but seemed to have cramps, and couldn't inhale.

He looked at the earth, looking far away, a vast expanse, smooth as a mirror, everything on the ground turned into dust. A huge lotus shape, tens of thousands of meters in radius, was neatly engraved on the earth.

It was like a sad song. A touch of forest green in the yellow world, the lower limit was more than a thousand meters, at the center of the entire lotus dent. All around were cliffs, neat and tidy, equally smooth and calm.

"Damn..." He bit his cigarette butt hard: "We...are not dead!"

My heart is still beating wildly.

The hesitation and struggle between life and death, the Styx, which was only a light curtain away, unfolded before my eyes. This scene was too unforgettable and shocking.

Xu Yangyi's eyes swept across the ground inch by inch, and after a long time, he looked at the sun in the sky, and his voice was a little hoarse: "We won."

It's over...

This long-lasting battle at the national gate is finally over. As far as the eye can see, all the cultivators of the Great Jin Dynasty turned into ashes under this blow. The entire Dujiangyan was nothing but Qingcheng Mountain and a huge dent of tens of thousands of meters.

The words were very light, and they were sent to everyone's ears with the strong wind.

The emotion of surviving the disaster was too strong. After several minutes, a heart-wrenching roar was heard: "Ah!!!"

I don't know who it was, but he looked up to the sky and roared, and the violent emotions in his heart rushed out like a flood. Then, a series of bloody roars resounded through Dujiangyan, which had become a desert.

"We won... we won!! Fuck!! Did you see it! Finally, we are standing here!! It's us!! Report! Report to the whole country! Southwest National Gate won a tragic victory!! Hahaha!"

The roar mixed with tears went with the wind and fell into the yellow sand. Millions of people died for their country, and the last hundreds of thousands of people held on. Here, the flag of China has always been planted.

Red, like blood.

Never wavered. Never fell. At this moment, they forgot the difference in realm, forgot everything, and the sky was shaking with venting roars, one after another, like wild geese flying south.

In the back mountain, on the road leading to the front mountain, countless monks who were covered with wounds and could no longer stand up, smiled, tears flowed down their cheeks, and quietly closed their eyes.

The string broke.

The string that tightened everyone quietly broke after the last star-destroying weapon Lotus.

Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze, his eyes red. He did not cheer, but with a "swish", a spiritual sword condensed in his hand, pointed the sword at the yellow sand, and said hoarsely: "Salute."

"Salute to the millions of Taoist friends who died in this battle."

The cheers gradually weakened. Countless people's noses were sour, those who could move, those who could not move, those who were seriously injured, those who were slightly injured, those who could hold the sword, those who could not hold the sword... At this moment, all struggled to pick up the weapons around them.

Whether it was a broken sword or only the hilt was left.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of long swords pointed obliquely at the yellow sand, in the same direction, which was the last direction of the Dajin Palace. It was also the place with the most casualties.

Silence is better than sound, that kind of surging heroic emotion is like hearing thunder in silence.

No one spoke, only pieces of hot tears were left on the long gown.

"The ceremony is over." There were no gorgeous words, nor any speeches that made people's blood boil. Ten seconds later, Xu Yangyi retracted the long sword in his hand.

"I will remember..." A young monk quietly retracted his sword, tears welling up in his eyes. In this battle, he was the only one left in his family. His father, grandfather, grandmother, relatives and friends... died to protect him. He also changed from a rookie, a young man who thought he could kill hundreds and thousands on this battlefield, to a veteran soldier who has fought hundreds of battles.

"Rest in peace... mother..." A female monk threw her sword down the mountain, and with a "sound", the sword was firmly inserted into the foot of Qingcheng Mountain.

"Father, I am still alive, and I will live well. Junior brother... you go first, and I will work with you and the sect to carry forward our lineage. Junior sister, I am the only one left in this lineage, and we are not dead yet. Jue. Did you hear..."

Sharp swords, like falling stars, were inserted into the foot of Qingcheng Mountain. In an instant, there was a sound of dragon roars, and a forest of swords appeared at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, stained with blood, extremely damaged, but with a tragic and majestic meaning.

This is a trace of history.

These are the scars of a warrior.

There was silence, and millions of heroic spirits walked with them, turning into stars to protect them in the sky. I don't know how long it took before Xu Yangyi woke up from this tragic atmosphere, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Qingcheng Mountain.'s not over yet.

There is one last step!

Only by completing this step can the Battle of Qingcheng Mountain be said to be complete.

As if by induction, the moment he looked over, the whole mountain suddenly shook.

"Rust, rustle..." There was a subtle rustling sound, so clear in the total silence. The ink paintings surrounding the entire mountain turned into fly ash bit by bit and scattered bit by bit.

Everyone's eyes turned over, and without Xu Yangyi's words, they immediately surrounded the entire mountain. At the moment when their formation was settled, all the ink paintings made a violent sound, and then they were like black butterflies, flying in the air, beautiful, and like money and paper burned on the battlefield after the war, being sent into the yellow sky by the strong wind. In the sand.

No one said anything, they were all ready.

Lord Jin...the seven million Nascent Soul monks are finally coming out.

The black light spots gradually disappeared, but there was no movement. Ten minutes, twenty minutes... half an hour later, with a loud "crash", thousands of black lights shattered. A figure roared out from the black light and rushed out without looking back.

Just as everything rushed out, the figure was obviously stunned, but he didn't pay attention at all, but turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the horizon.

"Want to leave?" Xu Yangyi raised his feet, the wind and clouds under his feet shrank, and the next second he suddenly appeared in front of the figure: "If you are allowed to escape in this situation, how will I lose my face?"

"Go away!!!" A loud shout came from the figure: "You are so bold and unruly that you dare to stop the emperor? You are seeking death!"

Before he finished speaking, an overwhelming spiritual light came quietly.

A palm.

The same palm as Qingcheng Mountain that day.

The palm breaks through the void, the power breaks through reincarnation, the same power, the same person, but the opponent is completely different.

"Brother! Potato!" Zhao Ziqi, Chu Zhaonan, and Mao Baer stood up immediately, before they had time to change their minds. And... no matter what, Xu Yangyi is also a new Yuanying, how can he be the opponent of a great monk like the Master Jin who has seven million souls at the peak of Yuanying?

Xu Yangyi watched the approaching palm coldly. The palm that once felt unavoidable was now so slow in his eyes that he could even see the spiritual structure of the palm clearly.

Because of you, the war started.

Then, it will be destroyed because of you!

"True Lord! Why didn't the ancestor hide? This, this is the top Nascent Soul at the level of seven million spirits!" He stood there, as motionless as a rock, but the Chinese monks surrounding him were already extremely anxious. After all, their backgrounds and years of practice are not at the same level! Everyone knows that the higher the level, the greater the gap between the same realms, especially... now the opponent has surpassed the three minor realms of True Lord Wolfsbane!

Smiling slightly, he circled his left leg, twisted his waist slightly, and his muscles bulged, and then, a bolt of shocking flames burst out!

"How dare you act like an emperor when you are at the end of your rope? You are really brave."


The flaming sword!

Before the wind from his legs arrived, Empress Jin took a deep breath. What was reflected in his pupils was not Xu Yangyi, but a red bird flying up to the sky.

So strong!

"Boom!!" Without hesitation, he immediately flew down fifty meters. Just overhead, a river of flames roared by. He felt unbelievable. With one kick, he felt like thousands of swords were flying and the Suzaku was flying in the sky!

"Kara..." A soft sound sounded from his head, and he stood up in shock. The golden crown on his head shattered and his white hair was scattered.

Time seems to be silent.


Empress Jin dragged his hands in vain, looking at the pale hair hanging in his hands, his eyes anxious with a hint of shock. But then, he didn't dare to think too much. The space under his feet tightened layer by layer. When he took a step forward, he wanted to reach the edge of the sky.

"Boom!!" At this moment, there was a sudden explosion sound under his feet, and he finally couldn't help but let out a shocking sound: "Disordered spiritual energy?!"

"Are you disappointed?" Xu Yangyi stepped forward, stood in front of the figure, raised his hand, and the area of ​​20,000 meters was completely sealed and became a prison: "Still shocked? Do you think you are in the wrong plane?"

"Fellow Taoist Master Jin Hou?"

It only took a second for Master Jin's expression to change from shock to calmness.

He seemed calm, but his heart was in turmoil.


How can it be……

This is simply unscientific!

The kid who was chased by him for tens of thousands of meters like an ant actually formed a Nascent Soul! How many months has it been?

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