
Chapter 893: Capture the thief and then the king (Part 2)

He hadn't seen the first kick yet... No, it wasn't that he hadn't seen it, but he simply didn't dare to believe it, and he didn't want to believe it. He had been trapped in the Mountain and River State Map for several months, and his spiritual power had already approached the Golden Core level, and he no longer had the power of the Nascent Soul. The opponent was originally strong, so this was reasonable.

But... when he used the Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, and was interrupted by the opponent's forced spiritual energy disorder, his heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

There was a tiger in front and a pursuer behind, no matter how calm he looked, his vest was already soaked.

His silence was seen by all the cultivators around him, and they all widened their eyes.

"This..." A middle-aged cultivator whose spiritual power was almost exhausted was flushed with excitement at this moment: "Langdu Zhenjun... just defeated the Jin Houzhu?"

"The opponent... couldn't even block one of his moves?"

No matter what spiritual power the Jin Houzhu had.

But his name, on the monument of heroic spirits, is the Five Elders of Zhenwu! The top cultivator with seven million spiritual power!

That's enough.

"How could it be... True Lord Wolf Poison... forced back the Jin Houzhu of 7 million spirits? This is the emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty! My God!! True Lord Wolf Poison is so strong after just being promoted?! Daozu, this, this is really a genius? This is a devil?!"

The discussion became louder and louder. After a few seconds, hundreds of thousands of people gathered into a magnificent flow of people, all with one voice, shaking the earth!

"Surrender or not!! Surrender or not!! Surrender or not!! "

"Bold..." The lips of the Jin Houzhu were trembling, not panic, but shame!

The king of a country was besieged by a group of defeated soldiers and generals, and they all asked him whether he would surrender or not? The enemy was at the gates, and he was like a fish in a pond. This feeling... nailed him, a dignified 7 million spirit infants, to the pillar of shame!

"Bold... Bold!! Bold common people!!"

A roar, like thunder. The remaining Nascent Soul spiritual energy exploded, covering the entire venue like a dark cloud. The Jin Houzhu's chest rose and fell sharply, and his trembling fingers pointed at the crowd that was instantly silenced by the Nascent Soul's momentum: "I am the king of a country, the supreme ruler, and you are just lowly people, remnants of the army... How dare you force me to abdicate?!"

The momentum is too strong.

The Five Elders of Zhenwu, the peerless Nascent Soul, the Emperor of the Great Jin, the aura of awe without anger, actually forced no cultivator on the scene to respond.

Of course, except for Xu Yangyi who was sneering at him.

He is strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and he looks fierce on the outside but is weak on the inside.

He just came out of the Shanhe Shejitu, how much spiritual energy can he have left? It is a question whether the current Jin Houzhu can have the strength of the middle stage of the Golden Core.

If not... his eyes flickered slightly, then don't blame him for stripping him of his face and his inside.

The Jin emperor gritted his teeth. His golden crown had been lost, his white hair was disheveled, and his dragon robe was tattered. However, he still maintained the majesty of a monarch, suspended in the air, as immovable as a mountain, as majestic as a peak.

He reached out to lift his white hair and looked at Xu Yangyi. He knew that he could not leave.

His spiritual power was almost dry, but his eyes were still there. He could see at a glance that Xu Yangyi was definitely not a newly promoted Yuanying. The spiritual power fluctuation that made the surrounding space blurred was at least more than 4 million spiritual power!

Now he... could not withstand 3 million spiritual power.

There was no escape.

Straightening the broken golden crown and tying the dragon robe, he looked at Xu Yangyi coldly: "I have something to ask."

"Where is the palace of the Great Jin Dynasty? Where is the blessed land? Where is Liu Mingyang? And where are my millions of troops?"

With his mind settled, his expression calmed down: "As the king of a country, you, the common people, have the obligation to answer me."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a "dong" sound, and his pupils suddenly shrank. The space in front of him had collapsed layer by layer, and a fierce fist wind blasted towards his chest.

"Bold!!!" His eyebrows suddenly raised. When had anyone dared to not answer his orders and fight back? Such a person... Such a beast, if he was in the Great Jin Dynasty, he would have dragged him down and tortured him to death!

He didn't know that his Great Jin Dynasty had turned into ashes under Liu Mingyang's crazy heart.

"Boom!!!" With a loud sound that shook the earth, the Jin Houzhu groaned and his figure suddenly fell 300 meters.

All the cultivators in China were stunned.

The 7 million spirits of the Jin Dynasty, now had no power to fight back, just like an adult beating a child, punching him hard.

"Good question." Xu Yangyi stepped on the void, looking down at the Jin Dynasty, "Unfortunately, this True Lord is unwilling to answer."

Screams continued, and a string of blood fell in the air.

All the cultivators were stunned.

Is this really the 7 million spirits of the Jin Dynasty?

How... so vulnerable?

"This punch is to start a war for you." Xu Yangyi looked at the bloody Jin Dynasty below with murderous intent. The murderous intent that he had endured for a long time suddenly burst out, and his body turned into black light, and he pounced on it, so fast that he couldn't see the trajectory of his movement.

"Untouchables..." The Jin Dynasty could see it, but he couldn't react at all now. In his pupils, Xu Yangyi's fist brought up the sky with flames, and the Vermillion Bird spread its wings.


The second punch hit the top of the Jin Dynasty.

"Pah!" The gilded jade bead crown that had just been tied shattered with a loud bang.

"Puff!" The Jin emperor's seven orifices were bleeding, like a blood demon, with only Xu Yangyi's figure in his eyes.

Damn it... Damn it!

Disrespectful... Rebellion! Such evil creatures should be thrown into the evil dragon abyss and bitten to death by thousands of dragons!

"Panlong!!!" He shouted. This lowly person, it was his blessing to touch him after several lifetimes of cultivation. Now he dared to move the dragon body. Even if he had to sacrifice a thousand years of cultivation, he would kill this disrespectful bastard on the spot!

However, there was no reaction.

His heart suddenly hung.

How could it be...

The Panlong Golden Sword is the luck of the Great Jin Dynasty. As long as the Great Jin Dynasty does not fall, the Panlong will not be destroyed. Where he is, thousands of miles away in an instant, this...

"Bang!!" He could no longer think. With golden stars in his eyes, he felt that his skull was shattered. Only the feeling of blood gushing out was left.


This was his last thought.

Absolute Yuanying, this attack is comparable to the peak of the middle stage of Yuanying! Coming and going without a trace, the spiritual power condensed into a point of explosion, it is indeed a sign of Yuanying. The little bit of luck at the beginning is now completely gone.

"This punch is an explanation to the millions of dead monks."

"If you are still useful, I will cut off your head and offer it at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain."

"Bitch..." Just as the eyes of the Jin Houzhu were a little bright, the spiritual energy immediately moved all over his body. At this moment, he was horrified to find that his arm was pulled.

Unable to move.

"Bang!!" In an instant, the third blow came. He could no longer see his injuries, but all the monks could see them.

His whole body was bent like a shrimp, his eyes bulged, and there was no trace of dignity. The dragon robe, golden crown, and jade belt were instantly shattered and tattered, more like a refugee than a refugee.

This blow made him fly hundreds of meters into the sky like a fountain.

"It's cruel." Chu Zhaonan licked his tongue and looked at Xu Yangyi's figure with passion.

When will he be so strong?

Slaughtering Yuanying like nothing, he has just entered Yuanying!

"Too strong... With Wolf Poison Master here, the country will never be broken! Seven million spirits? They are nothing but chickens and dogs in the hands of our Wolf Poison Master!"

The sneers of countless cultivators came to his ears, and the Jin Houzhu actually woke up from his semi-coma.

Dignity and honor were all shattered by these three punches. Under the watch of countless earthlings, he could not fall as a king of a country...

"Wolf Poison..." He opened his eyes tremblingly, and all his spiritual power gathered in one palm: "I! Want! You! To! Die!!"

"Boom!" A black giant hand fell from the sky with a radius of 10,000 meters. Xu Yangyi just sneered and didn't dodge at all. Just when the giant hand was approaching, he suddenly shouted!


"Boom boom..." The spiritual energy dissipated, revealing the figure of the Jin Houzhu who was full of resentment, panting, but unbelievable.

Then, he was kicked into the dust.

"Bang... Shalala..." Like a cannonball, the arrogant Jin Houzhu fell into the gate of Laojun Temple and collapsed in front of Laozi's statue like a dead dog, which was very appropriate.

"Cough... cough cough cough..." He supported himself to stand up, but was stepped on the head by a foot and fell to the ground with a bang.

This... pariah...

The last consciousness flashed through his mind, his eyes went black, and he fainted completely.

There was silence.

Three punches and one kick, knocking out Jin Houzhu. Even if the opponent's spiritual power is not good now, his vision and magical powers are still there. If it is not too much, it is completely crushed, it is impossible to do this.

After a long time, cheers rang out from all directions. Xu Yangyi was like a warrior who slayed a dragon, stepping on the opponent's head under the Laozi statue.

"Kneel down and kowtow..." He suppressed the murderous intent in his heart and licked his lips: "Then, you won't even have the chance to kneel down."

The hypocritical dignity was broken in one blow, and he fell into the mortal world. He was just an ordinary cultivator.

Amid the cheers, endless green leaves suddenly floated in all directions, and flowers bloomed. Another figure rushed out.

However, when the figure rushed out, he was completely stunned.

"This is..." Xu Fangyuan looked at everything around him in astonishment. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Where is Dujiangyan?

Where is the palace of the Great Jin Dynasty?

Where are the fifteen great caves and blessed places?

Where are the millions of monks in the Great Jin Dynasty?

And... where is the Jin Houzhu!

"What on earth happened!?" He opened his mouth in shock, but immediately felt the meager spiritual energy of the Jin Houzhu. When he turned around, he looked like he was struck by lightning.

Xu Yangyi sat on the Jin Houzhu, who claimed to be an emperor and was extremely noble. The other party faced the earth, as if he was kowtowing to me, and his blood was all over his body. Xu Fangyuan dared to guarantee that the other party was not like this when he escaped!

"Hi." Xu Yangyi put his hands on his knees, like a throne in the backlight: "Hello, Taoist friend."

Xu Fangyuan nodded and rushed over immediately. The last emperor of Jin could not die. As one of the Five Elders of Dajin, he knew too much!

However, after flying a few dozen meters, he immediately stopped as if he had been electrocuted. Then he exclaimed, and his voice changed.

"Daoyou?" His voice was a little hoarse, and he stepped back a few steps. His eyes suddenly widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "Early Nascent Soul!?"

"How is this possible!?"

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