
Chapter 894: Good news: The national team won a great victory! (I)

"Yeah, how is that possible?" Xu Yangyi wiped his mouth and finished the last step. A feeling of sky-high and vastness rose in his heart, and he looked at the sky: "This world is so fantasy."

"Boom!!" As soon as he finished speaking, his Nascent Soul came out with great pressure, and a dark, lightless realm spread rapidly from his feet, covering tens of thousands of meters in radius, covering the sky and the earth.

The surrounding monks were already so excited that they didn't know why. When they saw this scene, they all knelt down in the air with hoarse voices and shouted in unison: "Greetings to True Lord Wolfbane! Greetings to True Lord Xu!!"

"Congratulations to the True Monarch Wolf Poison for being honored as the Nascent Soul! He has achieved great supernatural powers! His martial fortune is prosperous!!"

Thunderous congratulations resounded from all directions, Xu Fangyuan looked at the surrounding monks blankly, and finally fell on Xu Yangyi's face.

Nascent Soul...

Absolute Yuanying!

That kind of boiling spiritual power, like a mountain or a sea, contained but not released, delicate and subtle, a typical sign of Yuanying!

But...this is too fantasy!

More than two months ago, the other party came here and was chased by the Empress of Jin. Now... he actually stood in front of the Empress of Jin in a majestic manner! Never take a step back!

His lips moved, and suddenly he realized that he was in a mess.

How to call it?

This is his descendant for who knows how many generations, and now... I have to call him Taoist Fellow?

I can’t scream at all!

The cultivation of the descendants of dozens of generations and hundreds of generations has caught up with him. He doesn't know whether he is not a genius enough or the other person is too talented.

With mixed feelings, he finally moved his mouth: "My dear nephew..."

Hmm...that's a good title.

It's reasonable and well-founded, and there's nothing wrong with it.

After saying these three words, his voice turned cold, and he looked at the Jin Empress who was sitting under Xu Yangyi's butt like a dead person: "Can we start cooking for this noble wolf king?"

Chengdu, Southwest General Headquarters, Canglang Base.

Three hundred meters underground, there is a bright light. Countless light curtains, lights, and data streams form an underground world here. In fact, this is a separate world. Even if a "Tsar"-level 50-million-ton nuclear bomb explodes outside, it will be extremely safe here and completely isolated from radiation.

Those who can work here are all core personnel of a country. They don't need to panic because it's safe. Don't worry, it's safe. You can even do all the research without worrying about the war of all realms, just because of safety.

However, today's Canglang Base. In the main control room, all the researchers of Special A level and above, all S-level doctors and specialists in the entire Canglang base are gathered here.

There are at least thirty people, and each one of them is a real winner who can be chosen from one hundred thousand, or even one million. However, there was silence at the moment.

Although there were many people, there was no chaos at all. Thirty meters away from the main control room of Cang Lang, every two meters, there was a special soldier wearing camouflage uniforms and a javelin, and a monk with white hair and a perfect foundation. , one left and one right, not a fly can fly in.

Because... just in front of the thirty people, two three-star generals were looking at the light curtain solemnly.

The main control room has been completely cleared, leaving only these thirty-two people and a group of guards.

Director of the General Logistics Department, military rank, Luo Guangyao.

Director of the General Staff, military rank, Liang Quan.

There was silence. Each of them held a cup of tea in their hands, but they didn't touch it. The tea was cold.

Time passed minute by minute, five minutes, ten minutes, every second passed like a year. Just twenty minutes later, the light curtain in the entire main control room suddenly flashed at the same time. The two old men stood up suddenly, like big rocs and eagles, holding on in front of the light curtain.

"This is Canglang Base. Please report immediately." Luo Guangyao spoke first to the light screen, emphasizing the word "immediately".

Seeing his appearance, the major general on the other side was stunned, and then immediately gave a military salute. Although he tried to stay calm, his voice became hoarse, and he almost shouted: "Great victory! Great victory at the Southwest Gate! Qingcheng Mountain was saved! The Lord of the Jin Dynasty was captured! The Jin Dynasty collapsed! Guiling Cave Heaven, Lanxue Cave Heaven, Burial The entire army of Yuedongtian and other fifteen great caves were wiped out, and none of the tens of thousands of Jin monks survived! There are only 530,000 people left on our side!"

"What?!" As soon as he finished speaking, General Liang Quan next to him almost jumped up from where he was and rushed to the light curtain, only to find that he was blocked by Luo Guangyao. Liang Quan, usually two gentle old men, pushed Luo Guangyao away and said in a trembling voice: " say that again!?"

It's not that he doesn't want to believe it.

But I don’t dare at all!

The southwest gate was guarded, and he believed the news. It is possible to capture the Lord of the Jin Dynasty alive. but……

Why did the Jin Dynasty collapse? !

How could tens of millions of Jin monks do it all in their lifetimes! There are also fifteen cave heaven paradises, which are more than one province, or even equivalent to the terrifying power of three or four provinces. What does it mean to annihilate the entire army! ?

What the hell happened?

Luo Guangyao almost fell to the ground. The guard behind him had sharp eyes and wanted to help him out of habit. But when he saw that the person pushing him was General Liang Quan, his body bounced hard, but he did not dare to move.

But... the next second, Admiral Luo, who was already about seventy years old, actually bounced up like a carp before landing, and rushed to the light curtain at an incredible speed, completely ignoring Liang Quan's push, hoarse He said in a loud voice: "Speak clearly! Hurry! The Central Committee is waiting for our report! You should know what the crime of falsely reporting military information is!!"

He almost shouted the last few words.

The two white-haired old men, who usually look elegant on TV, are now squeezing the light screen like two children, but no one can laugh.

The major general in the light screen was silent for a moment and moved the camera away. Then, everyone in the room gasped.

Endless desert.

Regular lotus-shaped cenotes.

And in the middle, an oasis in the yellow sand, a paradise in the desert.

Everyone was stunned, silently in front of the light screen, looking at it inch by inch.

Three minutes, five minutes... Half an hour later, the light screen disappeared, General Luo took a deep breath, and then said loudly: "Quick! Connect the video to the central government immediately! Use a dedicated line! Lao Liang and I have to make a personal report!"

"Beep beep beep..." The light screen communication in the top-secret room underground in Zhongnanhai only flashed twice, and was immediately connected.

"It's me." The chairman personally opened the light screen, and there was no expression on his deep face: "Don't say anything extra, the result."

The two generals pursed their lips tightly, and their chests rose and fell violently.

"A miserable victory."

"Heh..." The chairman sighed to the sky, and not only him, but everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

The big stone in his heart fell silently. No one could see that the chairman's hand on the table had turned white. The prime minister grabbed the teacup and almost crushed the armrest with his other hand. The other people who were qualified to sit in the room all sighed to the sky as if they had walked out of the torment of hell.

However, before they could finish sighing, bombs exploded one after another below, and the highest-level meeting room in China was instantly turbulent.

"At the southwest gate, three million versus ten million! Annihilate the enemy! No one will be left alive!"

"Capture the last emperor of Jin alive! Langdu Zhenren advances to the Nascent Soul stage! All fifteen great cave paradises are destroyed! The Jin Dynasty collapses!"

"A great victory in a tragic victory..." On the light screen, the eyes of the two generals were a little red: "Chief, please inform the whole country immediately! A great victory! A great victory! This is no less than the three major battles during the civil war! This is a turning point! A great victory! A great victory!!"

"What?! How is this possible! Lao Luo, don't joke! You can't joke now! It's time now! Are you still in the mood to joke!?"

The scene that happened at the Canglang base half an hour ago is now replayed in this base. All the politicians stood up and looked at the light screen in disbelief.

About two hours later, the gate of the base opened with a bang, and one black car after another disappeared in the vast traffic of the imperial capital like a big fish entering the sea.


“Are you still not asleep?” In an apartment building in Wuhan, a mother said to the lighted room: “What time is it?”

“It’s okay, Mom, you go to bed first.” A man’s voice came from the room, with a hint of impatience: “I’ll go to bed soon.”

“Then hurry up. "

The mother went to sleep. In the room, a man's ten fingers flew, but he had no intention of sleeping at all. He was desperately posting on the Chinese cultivation website.

The battle of the southwest gate touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. Because of the protective formation, the Zhenwu Realm could not descend to a place that was not near the sea. Even if they wanted to attack the southwest gate of China, they could only attack from the Middle East. Wuhan, as the center of China, is inland and very safe.

But this kind of security has also been broken in the past month. Countless planes and tanks in the Central Theater, and the cultivation worlds hidden in the thousand-year-old ancient city have appeared one after another. Every day, countless flying swords can be seen patrolling in the suburbs of Wuhan, and waves of cultivators and troops gather here. Ready to rush to the aid of the ancient capital of the Sixteen Dynasties, Xi'an.

Once Chengdu and Chongqing are broken, the next step is for the Zhenwu Realm to come to Jiange. The two twin cities cannot be defended, and the hinterland of China will usher in locusts.

"Impossible! Chengdu and Chongqing are both thousand-year-old cities, the famous Western Theater, and the Five Provinces Alliance. How can it be broken with the Zhenjun in charge! ”

“That’s right! The second floor, millions of monks coalition forces, millions of monks army, must be unbreakable! ”

“Everyone, don’t be too optimistic, Xinjiang Province has been completely occupied, once Chongqing falls, the source of the Yangtze River is cut off, even with the national defense formation, the battle situation is not optimistic! Everyone has seen that the real body of the Zhenwu Realm has arrived on the moon, which is three times larger than the earth! This means that they have at least three times our military strength! ”

“Get out! Where did the spy come from! Get out of the way! Get away! ”

The boy desperately replied to the post. He also knew that this was everyone’s voice, but now different voices are absolutely not allowed on the Internet.

Once Sichuan is broken, Shaanxi and Hubei are in danger, and Yunnan and Guizhou are even more in danger. Even if it is a voice, he never wants to see it.

“I always feel my eyelids twitching...” He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes hard: “It’s like something big is going to happen...”

At this moment, countless cultivators across the country who were anxiously watching the Huaxia Cultivation Network discovered at this moment...

“Big news, the battle at the southwest national gate is over. The cultivation network will be shut down for maintenance for five minutes, and all information will be released.”

“Damn it! !” The boy threw his glasses to the ground and stared at the screen in amazement.

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