
Chapter 895: Good news: The national team won a great victory! (Part 2)

Not just him, the whole of China was in an uproar.

"The Battle of the Southwest Gate is over?!" If people were awake the last, it must be the two major provinces of Sichuan and Chongqing. Countless people's hearts were focused on the Battle of Qingcheng Mountain. Once the country is breached, a massacre ensues. Haven't you seen that the troops in the entire Western Theater Command have now been concentrated in the center of Sichuan Province? This is to buy time for ordinary people to evacuate once the country's borders are breached.

At this moment, thanks to the efforts of the state machinery, this message was immediately spread through all available channels to every place that could be conveyed, whether it was provincial capitals, prefecture-level cities, towns, or rural areas. People from different places, whether they are elite or mediocre, poor or rich, as long as they are still in the land of China, they all put down what they are doing at this moment. Thousands, billions and billions of eyes are on them, All are invested in all channels where information can be accessed.

"The national war is over?! Have we won? How is the situation of the war? You must not lose... Tens of millions of people behind you are watching you, you must not lose!"

"This is CCTV...this is the Provincial Broadcasting Station...this is the China International Channel..."

One country, one voice. At this moment, all China's radio stations, radio, Internet, television...all media platforms are speaking with the same voice.

"Zi..." The screen flashed, and the normally gentle host's expression changed significantly after seeing the new news. Not just him, but the hosts of all the TV stations had a slightly hoarse voice: "Dear tonight viewers, here is a very big news. The Battle of the Southwest Gate is over. The specific results will be available in five minutes..."

Five minutes is usually not felt at all, but this moment is extremely long.

Days are like years.

In one family, a teenager clicked the mouse quickly, but it couldn't load at all!

The server is stuck!

"Quick...quick! Hurry up!!" He refreshed the web page desperately, but he didn't know that at least tens of millions of people across the country were doing the same thing as him, causing the web page to become increasingly stuck. After another minute, he cursed, rushed to the living room, and turned on the TV.

My parents were already sitting here, but the family didn't say a word at all, just watching CCTV.

Central Station.

five minutes later.

"Dear viewers..." CCTV's announcer is the highest-quality announcer in the country. However, this calm woman who looked to be in her thirties had red eyes and a hoarse voice at the moment, without any courtesy. Immediately he said: "The Southwest Gate suffered a tragic victory! A great victory!!! Everyone, we won! We won!!"

This sentence should not have appeared in the news at all, but now it has appeared, but no one feels it is out of the ordinary.

After saying this, she was about to speak, but she was choked and unable to speak. I couldn't help but shed tears, and immediately said, "I'm sorry."

Wiping tears in public, everyone in front of the TV felt the same and was blameless.

At this moment, the entire Chinese Internet and television were all conveying one voice, one inspiring word.

A miserable victory! Big win! Won! !


The whole country was silent.

A few seconds later, wherever the news could be seen, no matter where it was, provincial capitals, prefecture-level cities, counties, or towns, there was joy!

Time seemed to be silent for this second, and then exploded! !

The suppressed enthusiasm and precipitated passion turned into endless fireworks at this moment, exploding over China!

Cathartic shouts resounded from every corner. I don’t know how many living rooms, how many people threw away the pillows in their hands in an instant, and their expressions that were biting their lips nervously and staring at the TV suddenly turned into ecstasy: "Win!! Win!! Hahaha !”

"Won...won?" A man at the Cultivation University looked at the TV in astonishment. The happiness came so suddenly that he didn't react. But the next second, the excitement in the whole room immediately turned into a terrifying sound!

Every floor, every room, is like this.

The basketball court was covered with sweat. The monks who had just entered the training academy did not move. After hearing these words, with an extremely excited cheer, countless basketballs and badminton rackets flew into the air. There were also people who used small magical powers that they had just learned recently.

"We won!! We won!! Hahaha! A big victory for the national team! I knew it! I knew it was like this!! I can finally have a good fucking sleep!! I's really unbelievable! Damn... I’m so excited that I want to cry!”

On the school's radio, the repeater repeated the voice just now: "The country has won a great victory! The five western provinces have been saved!! Well done! So beautiful! I check the website until what time in the morning every fucking day! Just to wait. this moment!!"

This is broadcast.

How can there be swear words?

But none of that matters now!

Win... These two simple words are so powerful! Everything must give way before these two words!

When hearing these two words, countless ministers and section chiefs in the Family Affairs Council of major provincial capitals slumped on the sofa as if they had lost their souls. They had different positions. They knew better how much the country valued this matter and how the situation was. How nervous!

"Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang!" An elderly woman, with tears in her eyes, brought a bottle of medicine: "Quickly, take some medicine, your heart is not good..."

Lao Zhang pushed open the medicine bottle with one hand. He was dozens of years old, and his eye circles were red. He spoke slowly and hoarsely: "You don't know... you don't know..."

"I dare not say that there are no reinforcements in the whole country. Two years ago, Qingcheng Mountain gathered more than 7 million troops from the 15 major cave paradises... A few months ago, they increased their troops again, reaching a terrifying 10 million troops... We only have more than 3 million! Only more than 3 million."

He choked up, took off his glasses, and wiped his eyes: "Didn't you ask why we worked so much overtime? I'm telling you now... The top has decided that the Central Theater will support the West at any time, and all the missiles of the Second Artillery are aimed at Chengdu... As long as the national border is broken, at least thousands of missiles will be launched at the same time... Win well... Win well!!"

Under his palms, tears flowed.

However, the commanders-in-chief of the five theaters were more excited than them.

With eyes that had turned bloodshot, he stared at the light screen without saying a word. When the word "tough victory" was spoken, at least three or four commanders and deputy commanders fell to the sky.

The string was stretched to the extreme.

When it was released, it brought a trembling of weakness all over the body.

"Chief! Lao Ma, are you okay!"

The guards around him were panicked and rushed forward to help the old man up, but they were slapped away by a hand. The old man who had just fallen stood up like a lion and waved his hand: "It's okay!"

The guards looked at the old man nervously, fearing that there would be some problems with his body.

"Good! Good...good!" From all over the world, several generals trembled and said: "It's been two years...The Magic City was defeated, the economic center disappeared, and now there is finally an inspiring victory! Beautiful...too beautiful!! Xiao Zhou, prepare the communication! We must immediately congratulate the Southwest Theater!"

The whole country formed a sea of ​​​​jubilation, the land was flying, and countless people were immersed in this moment. The victory after two could the crowd not be excited?

Ten seconds later, the female announcer wiped her red eyes and her voice became brighter. In front of hundreds of millions of people, she said loudly: "The Southwest National Gate won a great victory. Xu Zhenjun and Langdu Zhenjun led three million people to defeat the enemy. Killed 10.21 million enemies."

"Oh!!! Beautiful!!"

This is a carnival in the country, and a roar in the hundreds of millions.

"Langdu Zhenjun advanced to Zhenjun, annihilated the fifteen great cave heavens, and none escaped. The Great Jin Dynasty collapsed, and the last emperor of Jin was captured! Dujiangyan was completely destroyed, and Qingcheng Mountain was still there. We lost more than two million..."


All the screaming people, whether monks or mortals, were stunned at this moment.


Did I hear something wrong just now?

In Xi'an, a thousand-year-old family, several family heads and elders stood up suddenly and looked at the screen in disbelief.

"The Great Jin Dynasty disintegrated... The fifteen great cave paradises were all destroyed?" An old woman trembled as she watched the TV: "This, this, how is this possible?!"

This sentence shocked not mortals, but monks.

As this special group, how could they not know what the Great Jin Dynasty represented after years of fighting?

"No way..." Several young men and women around the old man jumped up as if they were pricked by needles, almost screaming: "This is impossible! Every additional 10,000 monks brings a qualitative transformation! This, this, this is unrealistic!!"

In Nanjing, under the Leifeng Pagoda, in an ancient Buddhist temple, three middle-aged men stood in front of the TV in shock, looking at each other, unable to say a word.

"Old Third... This..." Two seconds later, a one-eyed man looked at the other two as if he had seen a ghost: "This... This is too incredible..."

They are looking forward to victory and eager for victory, but when this victory is too beyond imagination, or even becomes too beyond hope, no one believes it.

It's not unwillingness, but fear!

The Great Jin Dynasty disintegrated?

My god, that was a collection of tens of millions of cultivators and billions of mortals, a dynasty that had existed for ten thousand years, with its own tradition and heritage, and now, it actually disintegrated? !

Disintegrated in front of the national gate?

I dare not think about it.

The fifteen great cave paradises were destroyed?

My god... that was hundreds of thousands of cultivators, a ten thousand year heritage, and now none of them escaped?

All the cultivators were stunned. This surprise was too big and too sudden, and it had turned into a shock. Everyone looked at each other, and couldn't believe their ears at all.

"Look at the cultivation network!" Finally, someone reacted. The cultivators used a dedicated line, and they could get in anyway.

The moment they opened it, the whole world changed.

A blood-red post was posted on the Internet, not pinned to the top, but a banner! All the cultivators who clicked in at this moment could only click on this post.

"The Southwest National Gate won a big victory! Special precious photo stone information!"

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