
Chapter 896: Good news: The national team won a great victory! (Part 3)

Picture stone?

These three words instantly touched everyone's nerves.

It is impossible to have a video. Everyone felt the terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations at the southwest gate before. It should be an annihilation level weapon, or even higher. There is absolutely no way there are airplanes or satellites in that kind of terrifying environment. Can be photographed.

But the photo stone is different. This is something that can only be used by monks. Qingcheng Mountain has the opportunity to film all the battle scenes.

The people in front of the computer instantly became excited. In Jiangxi, at the foot of Longhu Mountain, countless aristocratic families relied on the behemoth Taoism for their survival. In a family with an ancient plaque with the word "Mo" on it, a young man immediately clicked on the post.

Behind him, several middle-aged men were supporting an elderly man and looking at the screen with burning eyes.

"You should hurry up!" The old man who usually loves his grandson is impatient now and keeps patting the young man on the shoulder: "Why haven't you opened it after waiting for dozens of seconds?"

"Don't rush me!" The young man was also anxious: "The number of views now is at least hundreds of millions! Not to mention tens of seconds, it is good luck to open it within a minute!"

The young man was afraid that he was trying his best to refresh. Several middle-aged men behind him were solemn and suppressed their excitement. They spoke softly in a hoarse voice: "Elder, look... is this true?"

is this real?

The results were so huge that they couldn't believe it. They clearly knew it had been sent out, and the announcement from CCTV and the confirmation from Cultivation Network must be true. But no one dares to say for sure until they see it.

This is anxiety, worry, and suppressed expectation. They are afraid that the greater their hopes, the greater their disappointment.

China, no, the earth needs such an inspiring victory.

There is no room for a single typo in this message! There is no room for an edge ball!

"It should be right..." The old man seemed calm, but in fact his beard was trembling: "But I really can't imagine... that was the Jin Dynasty... a whole dynasty, and our Mo family can be considered a five-hundred-year-old brand. The family, I think it is absolutely impossible to send this kind of news to everyone, there should be some restrictions..."

At this moment, the webpage suddenly flashed and opened.

The next second, the young man was sent to the sofa. The old man immediately sat down and looked at it for a few seconds, extremely angry: "Come here! Click somewhere!"

The boy had already rushed over, opened the post, pointed at a video and clicked on it.


"Your permissions are insufficient. Please increase your permissions before viewing."

A line of red letters confused everyone.

"Insufficient permissions?" A man's eyes narrowed: "Use my account!"

All accounts are real-name authenticated. He believes that his should be enough. After all, he is the head of the Mo family for five hundred years.

"Your permissions are insufficient. Please increase your permissions before viewing." Within five seconds, a line of red text appeared again.

Still not enough?

"Use mine!!" The old man was also anxious. He had long expected that there would be permission issues. The war had just ended and it was impossible to release this kind of thing immediately, but... couldn't you understand our hearts? ?

My heart has turned into a cat nest, with countless cats fluttering around and scratching at my heart. It's really a hundred claws scratching my heart.


Still not enough!

"How could it be..." The old man was also stunned and looked at the red letter blankly. His account was a steward of the Chinese Monk Association. Isn't this enough?

Who can see this?

Was this fucking released for us to see?

Changbai Mountain, Chen family, a family of psychics. At this moment, you look at me and I look at you.

Everyone, including the Supreme Elder and the head of the family, has insufficient authority!

"This..." The Supreme Elder looked at the post in astonishment,

There has been a huge uproar under the post. Many of those hidden sects and extremely powerful sects are famous. Countless replies have reached thousands of floors in an instant!

"This is the Jinling Royal Family." The elder pointed at an ID and trembled: "A family that has been in existence for 1,200 years, they... don't have enough authority?"

"Too much! My permissions are not enough! I strongly request to open all permissions... No, forget it! I just want to ask what permissions I can see! In addition, maybe tell me what requirements!" King Jinling.

Behind his ID is a medal. The realm label clearly indicates that it is the late stage of foundation building.

"It's not just him." A middle-aged woman next to her gritted her teeth and said: "There is also this, Huang Yifei of the Huang family in Guangzhou, who has reached the middle stage of foundation building in a hundred years, and is known as the first genius after Wolfsbane. His ID is the Deacon Department of the Monk Alliance. The special awards are not enough for him?"

"My authority is not enough! Seniors, please stop making trouble! I just want to know what authority is enough! I really can't practice without seeing it clearly!" Huang Yifei.

Scanning the posts line by line, not only these people, but also the princes, the huge thousand-year-old families, the family heads, and the supreme elders were almost all dispatched, but none of them could reach the authority!

But...not everyone can't achieve it.

Taihu Base was prepared from all sides. At this moment, a violent wave of spiritual energy suddenly erupted from the Taoguang Pavilion at the top.

"What's wrong?" Countless people raised their heads and looked at this piece of spiritual power in shock. It was not aggressive, but more like an explosion of emotions. A circle of golden ripples swept through the void, and then floated away bit by bit, like a golden butterfly in the sky.

"That's... Zhenren Wei's command room? What happened?"

Outside the command room, several monks in the late stages of foundation building flashed their eyes and were about to rush in, but when they hit the door, a loud shout came out: "No one is allowed in!"

In the command room, Wei Chenyuan faced the light screen with an excited look on his face. His hands were gripping the table so hard that his knuckles were turning white.

Around him, dozens of light curtains appeared, all of which were Chinese golden elixirs. At this moment, everyone was like him, with their chests rising and falling sharply, and their eyes looking fiercely ahead.

On the light screen, it was the scene where Xu Yangyi first beheaded Tao Qing and then Princess Rong.

But when he saw the knife falling from his hand, Princess Rong fell into the air, and the flowers on the other side bloomed. In an instant, dozens of voices resounded through the hall at the same time: "Beautiful! This knife leaves no trace, the wind is silent, even I can't stop it! Master Wolf Venom is indeed the most powerful golden elixir, I am convinced that at least I can’t cut it with this sword.”

"Good kill!!" Wei Chenyuan slammed the table and stood up, licked his dry lips, waved his hand, and a bottle of wine appeared in his hand: "This knife should be white."

"Everyone, don't worry." Master Tuoba said in a deep voice with eyes like an eagle: "Currently we are the only ones who can see this. We not only want to see it, but also confirm it and confirm the credibility of this news for the whole country. This has just begun. …”

Before he finished speaking, twenty-two rays of light flashed out from above the light curtain, shooting straight into the sky!

"How dare you, Shuzi?! I, the real Ancestor Lanxue, have come to take your life! You show off your power before the Jin Dynasty, and even the gods and Buddhas in the sky today can't save you!"

The angry shouts made all the real people's pupils sharpen.

They recognized...Zhengyuan Marquis Su Changqing, Zhengbei Marquis Xiong Anguo, Tianmu Boy, Blood Hand Dao Lord, any one of them is a real person with a reward of more than 10 million yuan, a true martial genius.

What to do with Wolfsbane?

The screen of light that had just boiled fell silent for an instant, and everyone's hearts beat in response to Wolfsbane's actions. There is no speculation because they cannot speculate. After seeing Lien Zhan and Princess Tao Qingrong, they knew that they were not in the same dimension as Wolfsbane now.

But the next second... the scene above the light curtain made all the real people stand up together!

"Is this...isn't it...he is already so strong? Is this a million-level golden elixir?"

"Brush!" Shenyang, the Forbidden City, Master Tuoba stood up, his movements were so fierce that he almost overturned the table. However, he didn't pay attention at all, but stared straight at the light curtain.

"One person faces twenty-two people... this is..." He exclaimed in surprise: "A battle between generals?!"

I couldn't help but take a few steps back, with cold sweat on my forehead. When I woke up, I realized that my Taoist heart was shaken!

He asked himself, could he make it this far?

Tuoba, Qingyue, Liuhuo, guarding the Small Thousand Worlds, are the strongest among the golden elixirs. However, he has a clear answer in his heart.

Can't do it.

Even the three of them cannot do this at all! Among the twenty-two geniuses, there are many real people who are similar to them, but Xu Yangyi dares to face them proudly!

There was a collective silence, and then several new Jindan members immediately stopped the video and sat cross-legged in meditation.

Master Tuoba looked at the light screen in shock. At least five masters were meditating. Above their heads, a stream of spiritual energy left the body. This was a sign that the Taoist heart was shaken and was about to become unstable.

"Haha..." He laughed bitterly: "I have been practicing Taoism for many years, and my Taoist heart is still strong, but this is not stable. Your newly promoted golden elixir is actually frustrated by the mere photo stone... Wolfsbane, wolf Poison...what kind of person are you?"

"Actions and strength are all extraordinary. You can intimidate other golden elixirs just by relying on your influence. You... really shouldn't belong to this plane..."

He didn't know that people who meditate are in trouble.

Their strength is, at worst, about the same as one of the geniuses. However, Xu Yangyi is one against twenty-two, and no matter what the process is, the others are now advanced Nascent Souls. They are all golden elixirs, and the gap is so huge, how can they not be shocking?

"Wolfsbane..." At the top of a nine-story pagoda, Hua Jieyuhua, the real person, had her hair flying, and her eyes kept trembling under her eyelids: "You are really...fortunately you are not an enemy of China."

"I am also considered a genius of a generation. I have never obeyed anyone. I have mastered the seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin and mastered the twelve skills..." In an ancient Buddhist temple in Shaoshi Mountain, Baima Temple, a young monk crossed his legs in the sky, with lingering fear in his heart. : "I have never served anyone like I do today."

"But today, I am really convinced."

"No matter the result, I can't achieve this kind of spirit..."

They didn't dare to watch any more. They never expected that a video would have to stabilize their Taoist hearts before they could continue watching. But those golden elixirs that have been accumulated for many years are only shaken, and they are far from being unstable to the point of Taoism.

They continued to watch.

Figures of people flickered on the light screen. Even though they had already guessed it, when they saw Xu Yangyi defeating the Twenty-Two Talents, a burst of spiritual energy in Taihu Base and Taoguang Pavilion exploded that was even more terrifying than before! The entire base shook!

A complete explosion of emotions!

"Okay...Okay! Okay!!!" Three good words, like flying dragons in the sky, roared out from Taoguang Pavilion, followed by a loud laugh: "Serve the wine! Serve the strongest wine!! Tonight, Taihu Base There is a big banquet in all directions, and all the monks who are not on duty will not return until they are drunk!"

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