
Chapter 897: Good news: The national team won a great victory! (IV)

"Amitabha." Also in Shaoshi Mountain, a golden light flew out from the Main Hall, and an old man suddenly appeared. As soon as he appeared, all the monks below were stunned, and then they knelt down and worshiped enthusiastically: "Welcome to the abbot!"

The present generation of the Buddhist sect is presiding, and the abbot is thinking of you!

In the late stage of Jindan, there are 820,000 spirits!

Without saying a word, Xing Si rushed straight to the Shrine of the Sun behind the Main Hall. Pieces of his clothes flew away. A few seconds later, he pushed an ancient bell with his bare upper body.

"Dong..." The melodious bell resounded through Shaoshi Mountain, and after ringing eighteen times in a row, he seemed to let go of the excitement in his heart, clasped his hands together, and bowed deeply toward the southwest: "The power of the donor is unrivaled in the world. "

Dozens of real people, except those who were meditating, were all shocked by this scene.

One versus twenty-two... actually won!

Not only did he kill the opponent to pieces, but also... actually shattered the opponent's Taoist heart?

"This person should only exist in the sky, and is rarely seen in the human world." At the northern gate, Master Liuhuo let out a long sigh, and an extremely complicated meaning arose in his heart.

However, it’s still early!

Next, the Empress of Jin personally took action, flooding the sky with the power of the Nascent Soul. Everyone's hearts broke into a cold sweat, and invisible giant hands grasped their hearts tightly.

That thin figure, like an eagle striking the sky, and like a petrel in the stormy waves, attracted the attention of all the top people in China. Whether it was political dignitaries, financial groups, or Jin Dan, everyone's eyes jumped and focused on that figure.

"Rumble..." The hellish black spiritual energy condensed into a huge palm and came overwhelmingly.

At the Taihu base, Wei Chenyuan's pupils suddenly shrank. Even when he was watching, he felt like a light on his back, and his spiritual energy exploded like a powerful enemy!

What a powerful move!

What is he going to do?

The real person who usually controls the situation outside is now taking photos like a student, and no one dares to miss his eyeballs.

At this unforgettable moment, Xu Yangyi suddenly turned around, and tens of thousands of people behind him volleyed into the air. One hand, two hands... Tens of thousands of hands, hundreds of rivers converged into the sea, and all the spiritual power was input into his body.

Tens of thousands of people resisted Nascent Soul's attack!

Wei Chenyuan's scalp was numb with excitement. At this moment, he almost wanted to look up to the sky and scream! The pleasure of riding a horse in front of thousands of people and facing the enemy at the snap of his fingers simply gave him goosebumps all over his body!

"Boom..." The light flashed, and with endless shouts, Xu Yangyi received this crucial palm with his golden elixir body. Next, it’s time for the battle to turn around.

Xu Fangyuan suddenly took action and pulled the Lord of the Jin Dynasty into the Mountain and River Sheji Map, and the two Nascent Souls disappeared together. The Jin Dynasty went crazy instantly.


In front of the light curtain, there was silence, silence to the point of death.

Countless real people have asked themselves, faced with this palm, can they accept it? Do you have the courage to take it?

"Can't..." In Hong Kong, the contemporary Xuanyuan Sword Master Wanli Canxue let out a long breath, unable to explain what he felt in his heart.

Xuanyuan Sword Master, his ancestor ranked first, but he was so suppressed that he could not even lift his head.

Is this really the monk who still needed to be open-minded when he returned to China?

Is this really just two hundred years of practice?

The appearance of such a monk is obviously a celebration for the whole country, but...

What does it feel like to feel this awkward feeling of unwillingness, unwillingness, dissatisfaction, and wanting to catch up?

"Not good!" Suddenly, he opened his eyes, a flash of disbelief flashing in his eyes. The next second, countless spiritual energy erupted from his seven orifices. These spiritual energy were like small swords, lingering around and swimming around his heart.

Dao heart is shaken!

"This..." He looked at the room full of spiritual swords in shock for a few seconds, then said nothing and immediately closed his eyes to adjust his mentality.

Thirty golden elixirs, several of whom were sitting quietly before, at this moment, on the light screen, at least seven or eight golden elixir masters look at their noses with their eyes, their noses and their hearts, and their hearts are like still water.

Everyone is surrounded by countless spiritual energy. When they arrived here, almost half of the real people had already been frustrated and chose to stop watching and adjust first.

Wei Chenyuan gave a bitter smile, and on the other side, Master Gu Song also smiled silently and bitterly.

"Are we the only ones left?" Gu Song finally said slowly: "This is only a third of the time, but more than a dozen fellow Taoists are actually unstable. I hope we can finish it."

He paused: "It would be a pity not to watch such a wonderful decisive battle in one sitting."

After being silent for a long time, Master Tuoba spoke on the light screen: "Fellow Taoist Gusong, you are a good disciple."

"However, I can't wait to finish reading it."

Gu Song's eyes flashed and he said in astonishment: "Could it be that you..."

"This kind of fight can't shake my Taoist heart." Master Tuoba shook his head: "The so-called Taoist heart is shaken, which means questioning oneself. When this kind of doubt exceeds the original intention of seeking Taoism, and the belief is shaken, it may be possible in the future. Most of them stopped here. I didn’t expect this group of videos to go this far. It shows the brutality of the national war.”

"What about you?" The remaining dozen or so veteran Jindans were all puzzled.

Master Tuoba laughed loudly: "How can there be no luck in such a battle?"

"Let me contribute to this war." He paused and joked: "And I will teach them the correct way to open this war photo."

They were delighted and shocked to see it. But there are too many people outside, and they are filled with resentment.

Understanding is understanding, depression is depression.

“It seems that we can’t watch it…” In the Imperial Capital Cultivation University, countless cultivators tried to hold back their desire to vomit blood and spoke weakly: “In fact, I had expected it long ago that it might not be fully open… But who knew that even the seniors who had established their foundations did not have enough authority…”

“Ah… I am so depressed! Real people should be enough! I wonder if there are any real people who will come out to answer my questions. I can’t practice without knowing the detailed results! Is what is said on TV true? The more I think about it, the more panic I get! If it is true, it’s okay to fully open it…”

Just as everyone was talking about it, suddenly, a line of golden words appeared on the cultivation website.

Real-name authentication user “Tuoba Hong” rewarded the official post “West Gate Battle” with one million medium-grade spirit stones.

“Fuck!?” A young cultivator almost jumped up from his chair.

He was still lucky, but the bad thing was that many people around him had already jumped up.

"Only Jindan Zhenren can see the content?! No... It doesn't matter who sees it, what matters is that I can't see it! In other words, Zhenren Wei has watched the entire video? He didn't deny it! Is this true? Quick! Check out the Zhenren on that floor! Maybe there are comments! It can also give us a glimpse of the fog."

Instantly, countless people clicked into that floor. However, the above paragraph made everyone who clicked in almost think they had seen it wrong.

"This photo is not suitable for observation by those below the Jindan level. Even for Jindan Zhenren, the Dao heart must be extremely stable. If you want to observe and learn, you must do it under the supervision of the academy. However, this method is also not recommended. This Zhenren recommends that it be explained by the Jindan with years of experience as a model in the monthly Jindan class."

"Watch privately, beware of unstable Dao heart. There are already more than a dozen new Zhenren in the Jindan group whose Dao hearts are turbulent. It is not recommended for any cultivator below the Jindan level to observe."

"Don't, don't."

"Ling, this reward is because this Zhenren saw an unimaginable reversal and an indescribable victory. A little thought, a small token of respect."

The words were like dropping an atomic bomb in the sea, which instantly blew up the entire group of cultivators!

"Tuo, Tuo, Tuo, Tuoba Hong..." A female cultivator stood up in fear, covering her mouth lightly, and was just about to scream: "This, this, this is... This is Zhenren Tuoba?!"

Tuoba Zhenren's name is well-known, and now he has appeared in person, rewarding one million medium-grade spirit stones!

Million-level reward!

This doesn't mean much, but it's enough to show the mood of the rewarder at the moment.

In particular, this is not a reward from ordinary people, this is a reward from the Jindan level! In other words, they have watched the video and confirmed the news!

But now there are too many shocks, and everyone doesn't know where to start. Anyway, the whole person is a little numb.

The Mo family of Longhu Mountain, the supreme elder looked at this line of words, moved his finger on the mouse several times, and refused to click on the video.


The Jindan Zhenren showed his own experience and solemnly warned that if he didn't listen, he would die.

"Don't watch it anymore?" A woman behind him asked with pursed lips: "I... I'm not willing..."

A big meal is placed in front of you but you can't eat it. That feeling is too unwilling.

With a few glances, he might be able to see the opportunity for his advancement and understand some of the unclear points. But now, he was told by Jindan that "maybe his Tao heart is unstable?"

"You are unwilling, and neither am I!" The old man gritted his teeth and stood up: "Disperse! What can we do? Jindan Zhenren has warned you so, do you want to test the law with your own body?"

Not only him, but countless noble families sighed silently and finally chose to listen to the advice.

This big storm that was enough to shake China finally calmed down gradually. However, this was just a suppression. When the Jindan class started a month later, it would be a storm.

However, there were also many people who did not give up.

For example, the patriarchs of those top families, facing such a gluttonous feast, they had no reason not to watch it, especially some people who had been trapped in the Xudan realm for decades. They are deeply rooted in China and naturally have their own channels.

However, within a week, all kinds of words on the cultivation network, such as "The head of the Ming family was injured in his Taoism and secluded himself for ten years. The Cao family's supreme elder's Taoism was unstable and he secluded himself for eight years", etc., made most cultivators dare not cross the line.

No one knows what will happen in the future, but right now, there is another thing that makes the Chinese cultivators almost boiling.

Dragon and Tiger List!

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Xu Yangyi's bounty has risen to an unimaginable price!

"This..." People who looked at the webpage felt dizzy, and many people rubbed their eyes, thinking they had seen it wrong.

There is no price.

There is only one sentence.

"If you kill the wolf poison, the Zhenwu world will use the power of the whole world to build a holy land for him, and worship him as the master of the holy land."

"If you capture the wolf poison alive, the Zhenwu world will use the power of the whole world to build a holy land for him and worship him as the master of the holy land."

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