
Chapter 898: Relics from 100,000 years ago

In the Vatican, brilliant rays of light burst out from the holy dome, and a bronze crucifix of Jesus hung overhead, emitting infinite light.

The area around the Vatican was already a scorched earth, but the main city area was still as solid as a rock after more than five years of strong attacks.

Two old scriptures were suspended in two locations in the holy city of Vatican, forming a triangle with the crucifix of Jesus. The triangle was the absolute domain of Catholicism, and no one could get close to it.

"The sun will not hurt you by day. The moon will not harm you by night. God will protect you from all disasters. He will protect your life! You go out and come in, from today until forever, Amen."

In the seven holy temples, seven old voices sounded, and seven old men in white robes, whose faces seemed to be decayed, waved the bishop's scepter in their hands, and in an instant, a golden page opened in the sky. Countless golden words flew out.

"Old Testament, New Testament, God bless you! Defend the Lord's dignity, glorious Paladin!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" On the ground, fifteen ancient families in the main city were covered with golden light on their flags. The next second, groups of Paladins, riding on golden horses, soared into the sky.

Covering the sky and the sun, like a golden dove of peace. The white horse spread its angel wings and flew towards the huge Flame Mountain in the sky!

Countless nuns and priests sang in unison, and rays of light were injected into the bodies of the Paladins, making their armor instantly covered with flowers and patterns, and making their weapons shine with the glory of killing gods.

In the direction they rushed up, the Flame Mountain on the horizon reflected half of the sky in red. One cave, one blessed land, and countless monks were flying towards the Flame Mountain.

"Holy Lord." Deep in the Flame Mountain, in a magnificent palace, the ancestor Mo Yun was suspended in the void. Hearing this, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Holy Lord... The Vatican has dispatched fifteen cardinal-level paladin brigades, and hundreds of thousands of ascetic monks are gathering. The leaders are seven cardinals. They..."

"I know." Patriarch Moyun closed his eyes, no one could see, and his hands on his knees were clenched and creaked.


Really trash!

Millions of people surrounded the southwest gate of China, but they didn't take it down! And the last emperor of Jin was captured!

When he saw the fire of the fate of the Great Jin Dynasty extinguished, he immediately ordered the whole army to retreat. However, since a few hours ago, the Vatican, which has been taking a defensive posture, seemed to be on drugs. The direct paladins, the Inquisition, the cardinals, except for the Pope and that old ghost, even the cardinals were dispatched in person!

One after another, holy chants, various protection spells were thrown on these people, and ordinary monks' formations couldn't even break the armor.

The other party is trying their best to buy time and prohibit them from returning for help!

The building was empty, and Patriarch Moyun moved his fingers slightly, and a 100-meter light curtain suddenly unfolded.

"Saint Yueying, how are you doing?" He said in a deep voice, looking at the woman who appeared in the picture, like a banished fairy, all in white.

"Not good." The voice of the Fairy Yueying was a little low, suppressing the anger in her heart: "There is an extremely large space under the holy city of Jerusalem, the holy city of the three religions, and the bodies of the Islamic prophets of all generations are buried below. It was fully activated two hours ago. What's more serious is that the three giants of the Islamic holy city of Mecca, the Guards, and the Court have come to help. Although there are five caves blocking them, they are no match."

The two people's eyes met, and everyone saw the retreat in each other's eyes.

It's not to withdraw from the earth, but to give up the three major battlefields of Jerusalem, the Vatican, and Scandinavia that have been carried out halfway. Now... the only priority is to attack China with all our strength and rescue the last emperor of Jin.

But the key is... the current situation is no longer something they can leave as they please.

The ancient country of thousands of years of cultivation, inherited from the previous cultivation civilization, has a huge foundation. Just when China's message was sent to the world, all the countries that were previously suppressed by them broke out at this moment!

The mortal army finally joined the battle, and what shocked them was that the mortal army on Earth also had extremely strong combat power. Aircraft, missiles, small-scale destruction weapons, and... the kind of extremely terrifying weapons that could destroy the golden elixir that they had seen once on the moon, made them unable to break free!

If they wanted to leave, they would face a piece of meat being bitten off. Then... they arrived one step ahead, and the next step was the reinforcements from all directions of the earth, surrounding them on the land of China for a decisive battle.

Now forcing the earth to be enemies, it is the best result.

"All the major countries have deployed their trump cards. We can't leave. Once we evacuate, we will lose the current good situation." Mo Yun Patriarch was silent for a long time, and said with great determination: "If we can't evacuate today, then we won't leave."

The Moon Shadow Fairy's eyes flashed, and she understood: "Before the Jin Houzhu reveals all our trump cards, destroy the living forces of the Bugui Realm?"

The two glances met and then separated, and everyone saw the murderous intent in each other's eyes.

Give up the Jin Houzhu.

Now all the countries on the earth just want to keep them here, and have deployed most of their trump cards. If the Zhenwu Realm does not leave at this time, and opens the door to invite them into the trap... As long as it ends all this with a quick and decisive attitude, no matter what the Jin Houzhu says... Even if he says what they are most worried about, the overall situation will be decided.

"At least he is one of the five elder stars in the Zhenwu Realm." The old ancestor Mo Yun said coldly, "He should know his responsibilities. At least, he can delay us for a while. No matter where it is, we have been fighting for five years and we know everything. It is not too much to destroy it within a day."

At the same time, "Beep beep beep..." A busy sound rang out in the underground base of Zhongnanhai, and the two admirals frowned.

"Still can't get through?" An admiral sighed: "Where did the Wolf Poison Master go?"

"I don't know, the global reconnaissance system can't detect it. Especially..." Another admiral thought: "'Xing' also disappeared at the same time."

"'Xing' has no spiritual power, and it is understandable that the spiritual power system cannot detect it, but the millions of spirits of Wolf Poison also disappeared at the same time, which is too strange."


In a golden world, Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes.

Not far in front of him, Su Xingyao looked normal, as cold as a machine, looking at Xu Yangyi without emotion.

"Do you remember your sister?" He walked towards Su Xingyao. But after taking two steps, Su Xingyao's extremely cold voice sounded: "Warning, non-command character, judged as green, danger level red+. Approach within 50 meters, indiscriminate attack will be launched."


Xu Yangyi smiled. He was different from Liu Mingyang. He was a real Nascent Soul, not a fake one. If he wanted, Su Xingyao would never be his opponent now.

But, he would never attack Su Xingyao.

After the national battle, he returned to Laojun Temple and immediately applied to come here, taking the "star" that was about to leave with him.

"Your state is very strange." He approached step by step, walking slowly: "Are you a machine or a human now? Or artificial intelligence?"

Just when he stepped a hundred steps to Su Xingyao's side, Su Xingyao's black hair fluttered like a gust of wind, and slowly rose into the air: "Final warning, you have entered the cordon range. The deterrent attack system is turned on."

"Ka Ka Ka!" As soon as the voice fell, she raised her snow-white right hand, and the whole hand was like a lotus opening. The precise wooden instruments inside made a clacking sound, and a series of talismans were engraved in it. And in the palm of her hand, a magnificent white light spot was condensing crazily.

"Huh?" In the air, the voice of the stargazer sounded a little puzzled: "Little guy, you retreat two hundred meters first."

"Boom boom boom..." Su Xingyao had no expression on her face, and the surrounding spiritual energy gathered into her palm like a vortex. This attack actually reached the level of Jindan Daquan. But as Xu Yangyi retreated, the white spiritual light spot in her palm became smaller and smaller.

Until it disappeared.

"Interesting." The stargazer spoke indifferently: "I haven't seen such a sophisticated human body transformation technology for a long time. I don't know which plane this product is from, and it has ended up here."

"Plane?" Xu Yangyi was also stunned. He had already determined that Su Xingyao was not in human form, and shook his head and said: "No, she is from Earth."

"Impossible." The stargazer's voice was extremely certain: "Human body transformation technology is very common in those planes dominated by technology. Transforming people who cannot practice into the most suitable body for practice is generally because they have a decisive bloodline, but cannot absorb spiritual energy due to special reasons, so such transformation will be carried out."

"My experience is more than a billion times richer than yours. This technology can't fool me." In the twinkling starlight, the stargazer floated down from the spiritual pivot, like a group of stars falling to the ground, and slowly said: "Her body is at its peak. It has a history of more than 103,000 years. How could she be from Earth?"

103,000 years?

Xu Yangyi looked at Su Xingyao in astonishment. She... was a product of other planes 103,000 years ago?

But how is this possible? Isn't she Su Lianyue's biological sister?

He told the stargazer about Su Xingyao's life experience. The stargazer pondered for a long time: "This is impossible."

His eyes were like torches, looking at Xu Yangyi's chest: "You said... she is the last light of your Nascent Soul?"

After getting a positive answer, the stargazer said: "This is impossible. The cause and effect of the Nascent Soul has a great relationship with your future development. It is not possible that your 'first promise after graduation' can become a cause and effect. Otherwise, isn't this too much of a joke? How can those cultivators who can't remember their first promise deal with themselves?"

Xu Yangyi deeply agreed.

Not everyone has a Danling like him who can remember everything he has seen. If a long-standing promise to mortals can become a cause and effect, how can those cultivators without Danling advance?

But how does this explain Su Lianyue?

"In addition, there is a more important point." The stargazer said slowly, as if nothing could cause him to fluctuate emotionally: "Do you really think anyone can come in here?"

"You asked me to bring you and him in together. You can, you are allowed by the Tower of Babel. But her? Why?"

"However, I just tried it, and she came in by herself. I am sure that she is definitely not from this plane, and can even be traced back to the era of the great war in the fairy world more than 100,000 years ago."

At the beginning of the month,,, I excitedly asked for monthly tickets... I ask all readers to reward

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