
Chapter 899: The Ancient Starry Sky Road Reopens

Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and looked at Su Xing, his mind already racing.

Is Su Xingyao an ancient cultivator from hundreds of thousands of years ago? So how did she survive until now? How did it become China's war weapon? Is she human or something else?

This was an unsolvable mystery. He pondered for a long time and decided not to think about it.

With his current strength, thinking about these things would be harmful but useless.

"Does senior know this technology?" he continued to ask.

The stargazer glanced at him in surprise: "There is no need to pay attention to this kind of prehistoric item. It will not benefit your practice. It is impossible to find any benefit from the other party."

Xu Yangyi looked at Su Xingyao and said slowly: "It is a matter of loyalty to someone who is entrusted by someone."

"In any case, her sister has a romantic relationship with me. Now that I have agreed, I will resolve this matter completely."

"Boring insistence." The stargazer sneered and said lightly: "This is the method of talisman cultivation, called the transformation of the spiritual coffin. The soul of the dying person is stabilized with secret methods, and the talisman is carved on the bones. Completely separated from the soul. The soul is entrusted to a certain object and can be immortal for thousands of years."

"But this item cannot exist in this world, and when the soul and body are divided into two parts, it must escape like a spirit. I don't know why, but the laws of the plane think that this method is too unnatural. Only when the two items are reunited Only when they meet can this person have a glimmer of hope for rebirth.”

He sighed slightly: "This can be regarded as an alternative method of immortality, but the conditions are too harsh. It's not that there are powerful people who want to capture the souls that have escaped, but no one can succeed. Even the peak of the Third Realm cannot capture them. "

"Most of the people who are reborn in the psychic coffin have extremely strong cultivation before, and the forces they belong to are unwilling to let go. After obtaining consent, this lineage will be given heavy rewards and the body will be used after death. All the upper seven realms First-rate sects all have similar backgrounds.”

"Second, the bloodline is too heaven-defying, but due to various reasons, it is impossible to practice. Maybe it's oneself, maybe..." He paused, and his voice was extremely normal: "It's just that a certain great sect master found a good seedling and wanted to seize it. This kind of transformed spiritual coffin is called a living coffin, and the previous one made into an object while the person is still alive is called a death coffin."

"There is another kind of legend, which is the most mysterious. I have only heard of it. I have never seen it. They are just rumors, so don't mention it."

Xu Yangyi couldn't wait to give this non-human and non-ghost thing a kick.

In the other person's long life of more than 100,000 years, he has only heard of things he has never seen. How mysterious is that? It was like a hook that whetted his appetite.

Then the other party said, "It's okay not to say anything?"

The corner of his mouth twitched a little, and he said gently: "Tell me about it?"

Facts have proved that the stargazer is indeed not a arrogant person. After asking this question, he thought about it and said: "This is just a rumor and cannot be taken as true."

"This universe is very big, very big, far beyond your imagination. Some secrets cannot be allowed to exist in this world, but they are indeed too involved in the main plane, and I can't bear to let them disappear."

"This kind of secret can be big or small, depending on the level of development of that plane. However, those who can make the life and death coffin must be in the world. Therefore, the life and death coffin has become their best choice, exiled from the plane, wandering In the universe. In other words, there is a secret hidden in such a carrier that the world doesn’t want people to know, but it has to be passed on. "

Xu Yangyi glanced at Su Xingyao, and before he could speak, the stargazer poured cold water on her: "You don't have to think about it. This is just a vague legend. I am sure that she was born in a coffin. As for which kind, unless you are lucky, , find her soul,, what is this!"

Before he finished speaking, the stargazer, who had only lost his composure when Quetzalcoatl was resurrected, suddenly stood up and looked at Xu Yangyi in surprise.

"It seems that I have always been lucky." Xu Yangyi held a necklace in his hand. At this moment, a faint blue light flashed on the necklace, and a mysterious and mysterious feeling permeated the necklace.

The necklace Su Lianyue took out when she entrusted him with it!

"Core...heart?" The stargazer looked at the necklace blankly, unable to believe his eyes.

"'s not a complete body, it's half broken. Whose coffin is this...and half of the core of the soul is actually's too hard to imagine."

After calming down for a few seconds, he moved his hand, and the necklace flew into his hand, and he performed several weird spells. Above the necklace, blue light suddenly flashed.

"Sure enough..." He took a deep breath, and his techniques became more and more mysterious. A feeling completely different from the earth lingered on his hands. As he moved, the golden talismans were like flying ribbons, moving with the wind.

"Brush!" Ten minutes later, the surface of the necklace suddenly broke open, Su Xingyao's photo floated away in the wind, and then the entire necklace turned into blue light. Shoot directly at Su Xingyao.

Su Xingyao, whose expression had never wavered, looked at these blue lights for the first time. For the first time, a hint of human emotion appeared in his eyes.

The next second, seven rays of blue light rushed into her seven orifices, and a golden beam of light burst into the sky.

In the pillar of light, an extremely ancient talisman emerged spontaneously. Looking at it made people feel that the world had changed, and even a living person felt extremely small in front of it.

That is the worship of years and time.

"This is..." The stargazer was stunned, and then suddenly rushed to the light pillar at a speed that Xu Yangyi couldn't see clearly.

"This... is impossible..." He stared at the light column absentmindedly, with starlight flashing wildly all over his body: "This talisman... is exactly the same as the legendary top-secret coffin? And... and it is the Zhenwu Immortal Realm?"

Xu Yangyi was also stunned.

In an instant, he figured out a lot of things.

Why is Su Xingyao his last cause and effect?

Not because this is his first promise, but because Su Xingyao hides a huge secret! And he accidentally got the key to unlock this secret!

It is related to the two major immortal realms... This cause and effect is even more important than his Dao Heart Great Oath!

No wonder he has been unable to ignite it.

"The secret of the fairy world... The last secret of the fairy world was the Tower of Babel, where Quetzalcoatl flew out, and here there is another one." He looked at the light column with a burning gaze, muttering to himself: "The enemy of the earth, the former Zhenwu fairy world, the secret spanning hundreds of thousands of years... What made them seal it? What made them have to pass it down?"

"Is it because of the war back then? Or is it for other reasons?"

There were thousands of doubts in his heart, and at this moment, the entire Lingshu made a loud bang, and a golden image opened in the sky.

"Swish, swish, swish..." The golden light was like a tide, and he looked at the sky in shock. This picture... He actually recognized it!

Starry Sky Ancient Road!

This turned out to be the Starry Sky Ancient Road that the Zhenwu world had opened once in the Taoist Tibetan Land!

"Pure-blooded vampire... The road that Quetzalcoatl walked... Now, with the Zhenwu fairy world?" He frowned and looked up, but soon, even he took a breath of cold air.


This picture is different from the last one!

Just outside the seven realms last time, the Starry Sky Ancient Road was paved again! The old Starry Sky Ancient Road only occupies one-fourth of this map!

The remaining three-fourths are dark, and it is hard to see what is there.

This map is much more complete than the previous one.

"Swish..." At this moment, a green light flashed in his chest again, and the little snake appeared again, rushing towards the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Starting from the lower left corner, it swam in a winding way, and the route was exactly the same as last time, flying through one plane after another, passing through the chain of the seven realms, leaping over the seven realms, and finally... rushing into the blood sea with all its strength!

Yuan Blood Realm.

But... it hasn't stopped yet!

Last time, the little snake representing Quetzalcoatl stopped at the Yuan Blood Realm, but this time, it still moved forward. In less than a few minutes, it broke through the Yuan Blood Realm. Suddenly, the whole map was flashing with golden light, which was extremely dazzling, forcing the two people to close their eyes.

"Swish..." The golden light was like a tide, and when the two opened their eyes, the Starry Sky Ancient Road had completely disappeared. And Su Xingyao, who had regained her cold expression, stood quietly in place.

The first thing Xu Yangyi did was to recall the entire map immediately.

He had a vague feeling that this map might contain a great secret. The Seven Star Divine Calculator behind him calculated quickly, but the result was "good luck."

The realm was not high enough, and the Seven Star Divine Calculator could not calculate the specific situation.

"What is this..."

"The road to the sky." Before he finished speaking, the stargazer spoke in a trembling voice: "This... may be the road to the sky!"

"Little guy... you will definitely go to the Seven Realms. Remember, after you get there, don't let anyone spy on your memory. Don't mention anything about this star map... Remember, remember! Otherwise... even if you are a great cultivator in the Taixu Realm, you will definitely fail."

He took a few deep breaths and stared at Xu Yangyi: "I didn't expect... His Excellency Quetzalcoatl actually passed the Plane Seed to you... Little guy, keep this thing well, its function is beyond your imagination. Maybe... the Unreturning Realm can return to the Immortal Realm in the future, and it is unknown."

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly and continued to ask, but the stargazer did not speak again anyway.

"210725 north latitude, 112427 west longitude." At this moment, Su Xingyao suddenly spoke. With these words, the whole space was filled with countless golden lights.

"Swish!" In an instant, golden light covered the sky and the earth, and the shadows of Buddhas and Taoist masters slowly solidified around them, and a feeling of extreme holiness arose spontaneously.

It was like a mortal stepping into the kingdom of God, with smallness and grandeur intertwined.

"This is..." The stargazer's emotions, which had just calmed down, fluctuated instantly. There was a hint of disbelief in his voice: "Heavenly Merit List?!"

"Boom!!!" After a few seconds, there was a tremor, and golden light appeared in the spiritual pivot. A magnificent ancient gate suddenly appeared in the golden clouds.

There are three big characters on it: "Nantianmen."

"This..." The stargazer took two steps forward in a daze, then turned his head and looked at Su Xingyao in shock: "This... what is going on?"

"I don't even have the right to open the Tiangong List... not even Lord Quetzalcoatl! Why... why did it open automatically with this sentence?"

For tens of thousands of years, the Tiangong List has been opened for the first time!

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