
Chapter 900: South Gate

Heavenly merit list?

Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up. From the last time he exchanged the Earth Merit List, he came to a conclusion: If you want to exchange it, you should never exchange it for a magic weapon, but for a useful panacea. Or raw materials.

Chong Xiao collapsed a long time ago and was not unblocked from beginning to end, which made him very depressed.

The huge arch is about a hundred meters high and twenty-five meters wide. It is a typical style of Chinese mahogany door with red copper nails, and the words Nantianmen are engraved on a plaque several meters large above. Extremely eye-catching.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't excited. Although he was fooled by the Earthly Merit List, the Stargazer on the Heavenly Merit List once told him that the treasures hidden inside were all Buddha-level treasures. Although I don’t know if the deposit exists, and although I can’t afford to redeem it, it’s very helpful to take a look.

The golden light gradually dissipated, and infinite fairy mist rose from all directions. After staying in place for a few seconds, the stargazer walked up tremblingly, with the stars all over his body twinkling extremely. He stretched out his hand somewhat dullly and touched the mahogany door, his voice trembling: "It's really the Heavenly Merit List... Why? In the end? Why?"

"who are you!"

No one answered, Xu Yangyi looked at Su Xingyao warily, his spiritual energy quietly running through his body.

"Get out of the way." Su Xingyao's cold and emotionless voice came. The gentle voice just now was just a flash in the pan. She slowly raised her hand, and a golden rune appeared in her palm. Just as it shined, the stargazer gasped: "The seal of the fairy world..."

The stars all over the stargazer's body had turned gray, and he murmured: "This... is the seal and brand of the fairy world that can only be possessed by the saint of the fairy world... You... are the former Zhenwu fairy saint!!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed suddenly, and in the silence, there was a trace of alienation and indifference in his eyes. At the same time, doubts arose in my heart.

What on earth is this star map... actually made into a living coffin for a saint from the fairy world?

"Ka..." As the mark's golden light shone, a dull sound resounded throughout the space. Immediately afterwards... the majestic and desolate voice of "Kakaka" continued to sound, as if the sky and the earth were parted on the first day of the plane's birth. Thousands of white lights shot out from the sea and sky, engulfing everyone's figure.

"It's really opened..." The stargazer shook his head and stood under the Nantian Gate in shock, his voice hoarse as never before: "The saint of the true martial arts world, open the biggest secret in the realm of no return... The Heavenly Lord is here Go on...Have I always been wrong? I never saw the true nature of the battle between the two immortal worlds?"

"Boom!" As he finished these words, the starlight all over his body skyrocketed, and his body began to blur.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, he knew exactly what this was.

The Taoist mind is unstable!

For a stargazer who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, his Taoist heart should be as firm as iron and invulnerable to all demons. But now his Taoist heart is unstable because of this scene?

He didn't understand that stargazers were recorders, and the battle between the two immortal worlds was the most important event in this star field, if not one of them.

Because of this war, countless upper realms emerged. Because of this war, the two immortal worlds fell. Because of this battle, the gods and Buddhas scattered all over the sky.

Nowadays, the feeling of having someone overturn the "truth" recorded by oneself in front of one's face is even more harsh than the earthly monks questioning themselves after seeing Xu Yangyi's heroic appearance. It is tantamount to fundamentally denying the efforts of stargazers over the past 100,000 years.

Xu Yangyi didn't care about him. If he couldn't deal with this kind of thing by himself, it would be useless for anyone to go. It's useless to say anything.

His eyes fell on the door that slowly opened in front of him.

"Kakaka..." The talisman in Su Xingyao's hand was like a key. After a few minutes, the 100-meter door finally cracked with a two-meter crack.

Xu Yangyi lifted his legs and left.

Just as he entered the door, he didn't look back and asked in a deep voice: "Have you recovered your memory?"

"No." Su Xingyao's expression was as cold as a hibiscus in water, and she didn't even look at Xu Yangyi: "It just feels like there are some irrelevant memories."

After a pause: "For example, the so-called sister."

Xu Yangyi nodded, his feelings for Su Xingyao were very complicated. On the one hand, the other party is Su Lianyue's sister, and now it seems that she is obviously not a blood relative, which makes him a little colder. The second aspect was that the other party was from the True Martial Immortal World and was honored as a saint, which made him even more repelled.

Finally, it’s the other party’s current indifferent and unfamiliar attitude.

A backfire rose in my heart. It was he who fused the opponent's soul and body, and it was he who rescued the opponent from the puppet state. What qualifications does the other party have to show off to the savior?

"From today on, we owe nothing to each other." He raised his legs and walked towards the door.

"Wait." Su Xingyao finally glanced at Xu Yangyi, like an iceberg goddess, showing her favor: "Take me away."

"It's not about leaving here, it's about leaving this plane." She looked up at the sky calmly. The fairy mist was misty, and the fairy wind was blowing up three thousand blue hairs. Yuan Dai is not as good as Emei, and her pink lips are not as bright as red lips. Su Xingyao's beautiful face seems to be flying away in the sky at this moment.

The beauty is beyond comparison, as beautiful as a fairy on a moonlit night.

"I can feel that where I'm going is where you're going."

Xu Yangyi was noncommittal and turned into black light, floating in.

Su Xingyao followed closely behind.

Inside the door, there was a vast white world, and there was no trace of the redemption item he thought was there. But at the same moment he stepped in, with the sound of "swipe", all the white mist suddenly flew away. Like a giant taking a breath, Yuyu clarified.

A huge figure loomed in the white mist.

"Is this... a snake?" Xu Yangyi looked at the thing in front of him in astonishment. Even though he had been prepared, he was completely stunned.

There was no magic weapon, no exchange list, but a giant snake that was twenty meters in size, covered with layers of mist. However, it is not a living thing.

puppet. other words, it is a technological product.

Xu Yangyi walked up and slowly stroked the surface of the giant snake.

It's cold to begin with, it's a black material that I've never seen before. He tried it, but the Nascent Soul-level spiritual power could not penetrate the body, not even the surface.

"What the hell is this?"

He continued to look at it with doubtful eyes, and after dozens of minutes, he was sure of a few points.

First, it is a product of puppetry. More like a container.

Second, every part of this snake is made of a material that cannot be broken by the Nascent Soul. There is no gap in the whole body. It is a whole.

Third, after studying the universe, his talismans were already outstanding, but he could not identify any of the dark patterns carved on the surface of this snake!

"If I completely study the talisman on this snake, my alchemy should be improved to a higher level!" He thought with fiery eyes.

"Plane shuttle." At this moment, a cold voice came. Su Xingyao said slowly: "It is used for plane travel."

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to answer, she then said calmly: "Do you know what ascension is?"

"Ascension is to go from one plane to another. The distance is measured in light years. Even a monk in the last of the three realms cannot reach it in a lifetime. The so-called ascension is the opening of the upper realm to a level lower than one's own. Any space folding channel will take at least five years to fly.”

"The passage is filled with space turbulence and all kinds of manic space spiritual energy. There are too many dangers you can't imagine. For example, someone suddenly cuts off this passage. Then, the ascended person can only die in the passage. ”

"From ancient times to the present, any ascendant must be equipped with various magic weapons. Defensive and offensive weapons. They can be said to be armed to the teeth to deal with any emergencies in the plane passage. But no matter what, nothing can compare with the plane shuttle. "

"Ascension is a space journey. Only it can completely protect the people who are ascending. Even if the passage is broken, it can automatically find a plane with spiritual energy and intelligent creatures."

"So, when Ben Zhenjun ascends, he will ride on this thing?" Xu Yangyi said slowly: "The previous star map should be the road map. I see, these two things complement each other in this way."

I finally understand the use of star maps.

Road map, without which it is impossible to find the exact route in ascension, even with the call from the upper world.

Su Xingyao didn't look at him. To be precise, she only needed an ice palace on the iceberg, not anyone. Just said coldly: "Yes. I will go with you."

"Why should I take you?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "Are you going to take it for granted after you go to the Yuanxue Realm?"

A person’s character and emotions are something no one can figure out. The gentle breeze and drizzle one second may lead to weapons clashing the next second.

Such as now.

"At least you don't know how to operate it. You don't know how to avoid the danger of ascension." Su Xingyao still didn't look at him, and her snow-white jade fingers lightly scratched the black scales of the giant snake: "If my attitude makes you feel Displeased, I apologize, my personality has not yet been completed, and I am not good at handling complex emotions.”

"As a matter of course..." She paused and said, "This is just a transaction."

"I will return to China and will not participate in the war against the Zhenwu Realm. I will wait for the moment when you ascend. Only those who ascend can enter the ascension passage. Even if I open it, I cannot enter."

Xu Yang smiled angrily: "You are a saint from the Zhenwu Immortal Realm, and now you are watching a war between the two realms?"

Su Xingyao turned around and walked outside: "Such a weak true martial arts world... is only a true martial arts world."

It was vague, but Xu Yangyi understood.

The Zhenwu Realm is the Zhenwu Realm, and the Zhenwu Immortal Realm is the Zhenwu Immortal Realm.

She refuses to acknowledge the weak.

But the sentence "the personality has not yet been completed" made him feel a little better.

No one wants to be Mr. Dong Guo. He doesn't ask for repayment, at least everyone can live in harmony. Don't put on a cold face that puts people away from you. It seemed like it was natural for him to save her.

Perhaps because of Su Lianyue, he felt even more disappointed. To that miserable woman, his first woman, he did have a heart to repay his gratitude.

"The deal ends when I set foot on the Seven Realms." He looked at the giant snake and asked with his back to Su Xingyao.

"Of course." Su Xingyao's beautiful figure floated out: "From now on, life and death will never have to meet each other."


I'm quite depressed. Recently, several friends read it and said that they haven't written well recently. I asked black people about it. Sure enough, the author also has a theme that suits him. At one point, I started to question myself if I wanted to write a fantasy book. Was it wrong?

Should I go back and write about the city~

I’m quite depressed. I’m obviously very serious, but I’m not recognized.

But no matter what, I have to finish this book before talking about the next one~

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