
Chapter 901: Washing Sea Jade, Awakening Pills and Engraving Dao Leaves

Xu Yangyi walked out of Nantianmen after a long time.

By the time they went out, the stargazer was back to normal. He looked at the other party deeply for several times. For such a subversion that overturned the meaning of his own existence, the other party actually stabilized his Taoist heart in such a short time. He was indeed an old monster who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

"I will go with you." The stargazer's words were startling, but he was calm.

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to speak, he immediately said: "I feel... there may be another secret behind the war in the immortal world hundreds of thousands of years ago. Once I think of this, I can no longer stay here. My mission is over and I will not return. The world no longer needs my surveillance..."

"But as one of the weapon spirits of the Tower of Babel, how do you go?" Xu Yangyi interrupted him. He would definitely go to the upper world. After going there, it was a big help to have someone familiar with him, especially since the other person seemed to have a high position in the Nether Dragon Clan, and he could be considered a trump card because he was not familiar with the place.

The stars all over the stargazer's body flashed: "I can also make some coffins of life and death."

"Now, my body is the Tower of Babel, and my soul is in front of you. In the Earth Merit List, there is an object called Bishui Xuanqing, with a texture above SSS level. I can transfer my soul into it, as long as You redeem it.”

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly.

Regarding the Earth Merit List, after the last exchange, he already had some ideas. Not everything is good, only what suits you is the best.

"Once I can return to the upper realm, you can still communicate with the people of heaven and earth at any time." The stargazer once again dropped a heavy weight: "This is the territory of the flying immortals, and no one dares to enter. As the weapon spirit of the Tower of Babel, I still have some methods. Even if the heavenly merit list cannot be opened, the earth-level and human-level ones can be exchanged every five years. "

Is there such an operation?

"Okay." Xu Yangyi agreed immediately, and in the next second, a vast golden light flashed around him.

Lines of text and pictures at the top were engraved on countless golden jade slips. The entire jade slips were like mountains, surrounding him.

"Statistical merit." A cold voice sounded: "One hundred thousand... two hundred thousand... three hundred thousand... five hundred thousand..."

"A total of 640,000 earth power."

Xu Yangyi was stunned, not because of the number, but because the earth power was directly exchanged this time, and there was no need to convert it again on the human merit list.

"Is it because all the people I killed this time were Jindan level monks? Even if they are not Jindan, their strength is close to that of Jindan, and I also killed Liu Mingyang, a fake baby?"

Without thinking about it anymore, he immediately said the name of Bishui Xuanqing. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and a green Guanyin statue floated in front of him.

It is lifelike, with a Buddha wheel behind it and shining golden light. Although it is only one foot high, it looks mysterious and sacred.

The rhyme of Tao penetrates into the bones.

"This is the Sea-Cleaning Jade that is only found in the upper world. A fist-sized Sea-Cleaning Jade is usually worth at least one million high-grade spiritual stones. This Buddha statue is carved from a solid jade. A foot-long Sea-Cleaning Jade is worth at least tens of millions." Above." The stars all over the stargazer's body lit up: "Only this kind of precious treasure can carry my soul."

Xu Yangyi nodded, suddenly realized what he had done, and suddenly looked at his achievements.

Three hundred and twenty thousand!

There are 320,000 left! This piece of jade is actually worth 320,000 yuan!

"It's really expensive." He rubbed his teeth and gritted his teeth.

The stargazer made a move with his hand, and the Jasper Guanyin flew into his hand, caressing it gently: "It's worth the money."

"The actual value of such a large piece of sea-washed jade is still higher than the estimated value, because there is a price but no market. However, there are still 320,000 yuan left. I have something to recommend to you."

"Why didn't you recommend it last time?" Xu Yangyi laughed angrily: "Tens of thousands of earth skills were exchanged for a magic weapon of little use. It cannot withstand a blow from the Nascent Soul."

"Some things can't be remembered by others. Only by practicing them yourself can you know what you can do and what you can't do." The stargazer floated up with the jasper Guanyin in his hand. The stars were bright and moving like nebulae. Fly to the merit list and tap the top twice with your finger.

"The Awakening Pill costs 100,000 yuan. The carved Taoist leaves cost 100,000 yuan."

"Brush!" Two lines of handwriting glowed with golden light, and instantly, a black pill as big as a thumb and a half-withered, half-grown leaf floated in front of Xu Yangyi.

As soon as they appeared, he knew that these two things were anything but ordinary.

The Awakening Spirit Pill is as black as the universe, and what’s even weirder is...

It's alive!

In the center, there is a circle of something like the Milky Way slowly surrounding it. The circles of dark red lines are almost dark lines and cannot be easily seen. If you look carefully, it looks like a dark sea with many mountains. Coupled with the constant rotation of the Milky Way stars in the center, it seems like a gem imprisoning the universe.

The carved leaves are as hot as fire on one side and as cold as ice on the other. Just holding it in my hand, I feel as if bursts of chanting are ringing in my ears, light and long, as if it makes people feel sacred.

Thinking in the air, he was surprised to find that the meridians on the carved leaves were covered with meridians, and each meridian spiraled into tiny invisible talismans. Once the mind is immersed, it is like swimming in the sea of ​​talismans.

"What a treasure." After watching for a long time, he let out a long sigh of relief. Not to mention the Ke Dao Ye, the Awakening Pill method was definitely not something he could refine now. There are ninety-nine circles of elixir patterns in total, and each circle is perfect without any breaks. The sky that forms the alchemy path.

"There are all kinds of temptations and traps in the list." The stargazer turned around and said lightly: "I remember that you once had two ancient treasures. The charm of watching them is extraordinary. Now they are not on you, but are they 'unsealed'? In hibernation?"

The tattoos on Xu Yangyi's left and right hands have disappeared. Hearing this, his fingers can't help but move.

He really missed the feeling of killing all enemies in the world with Mistydin and Yuchang in his hands.

The reason why the soul guard of the natal magic weapon finally chose the defensive attribute is largely because he has two swords in his hands and does not need new spiritual treasures for a long time. And it fits the fighting style of the body cultivator very well. Now that the two swords are missing, every battle feels like something is missing.

"Awakening Spirit Pill, can awaken all sleeping spirits. All spirits in the middle three realms can be used. And let them reach the state before they are unsealed..."

"Reset?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and his eyes looking at the awakening spirit pill were suddenly hot.

As a modern man, he is not a wooden man, and he has also played online games. This is almost exactly the same as the reset in the online game!

His mind was spinning rapidly. It was only a matter of time before the Jin emperor was captured and revealed all the secrets. At that time, the earth would sound the clarion call for a full-scale counterattack.

The two sides had been fighting for five years, and everyone knew everything. It would not be too much if either side was caught with a fatal flaw and destroyed instantly.

This time may not be too long. Within two or three years, the secrets will be asked and the plan will be made, and everything will be completed. And by that time... the two swords have not been "cooled down".

This awakening pill came too timely!

"Exchange." He spoke without hesitation, and suddenly, two black lights flashed, and the earth power was brushed down 200,000, and two black pills appeared in his hand.

"If we can study it carefully, we should have a bigger discovery, but... time is running out." He put the two awakening pills into the storage ring with a little regret, and asked: "Senior, what about the engraved leaves?"

"This is a treasure. A real treasure." The stargazer said slowly: "I can see that there is a Bodhi seed in your body. And the engraved leaves... are the leaves of the real Sha Luo twin trees in the center of this sky."

"Not all secret treasures grow only in the upper realm. The original body of the Sha Luo twin trees grows in the Baiyuntian, a subordinate world of the 'Huangxing Realm'. Huangxing Realm is also one of the seven upper realms."

Sha Luo twin trees!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he suppressed it instantly.

He knew too well how much the Bodhi seed could do to him. If it weren't for the Bodhi seed's quick thinking, he might have fallen several times.

And... that's not the original body. Even the fake has this effect. What about the original body?

The more he thought about it, the hotter his heart became.

The stargazer continued: "The carved Dao leaf itself does not have the magical effect of the bodhi seed, but... it is one of the main materials for upgrading the natal magic weapon!"

Natal magic weapon!

He was very confident in the guardian ability of the soul guard. When forging, he closed his eyes for decades and thoroughly studied the talismans left by Zhuge Wuhou. But the biggest disadvantage was that he was no longer able to carve more talismans.

After the Qingcheng Mountain War, he had even less time to do this. And it was impossible to hand over the natal magic weapon to others for carving. He finally understood why the top magic weapons took decades or even hundreds of years to make.

"How to upgrade?" He raised his head and looked at the stargazer with a fiery gaze.

"For any magic weapon, the more talismans are engraved on it, the higher the level and the greater the power. However, many magic weapons are limited by their innate nature and do not have much internal space. The engraved Dao Leaf can expand the internal space. Moreover, even if you have enough internal space, it still has a magical function. It can upgrade the internal talismans by one level."

Xu Yangyi's heart was burning. Zhuge Wuhou's talisman was upgraded to another level. What level would that be?

He drew several talismans casually: "Senior, what level of talisman is this? Can it be upgraded?"

The stargazer looked at it for a few seconds: "C-level. It's still far from A-level."

Xu Yangyi was slightly stunned, and then relieved.

In Zhuge Liang's era, the earth had long been reduced to the lower realm, and the seven upper realms were in full swing. No matter how strong the cultivators in the lower realm are, they have not reached the level of Zhang Daoling and Jiang Ziya, and they definitely do not have the foundation of the upper realm.

Besides, Zhuge Liang is the reincarnation of Jiang Ziya, and it is unknown whether all his memories have been revived.

It's understandable.

"Don't underestimate the level of talismans." The stargazer said solemnly: "Alchemy, talismans, refining, and even prohibitions are all closely related to the original talismans. It can be said that talismans are the foundation of these three side sects, and the three side sects have just built different buildings on this foundation."

"After mastering the talismans, it is like building a towering building. If the talismans are different, whether you can become a master is a question mark. How many talisman practitioners have been wandering at the D level all their lives. The upper level of C is already considered a heavenly figure. In the major side sects, they are all The seed of a candidate for succession. ”

He looked at Xu Yangyi deeply: "In the lower realm, there are too few ways to contact the way of talismans. Only the upper realm is the paradise of talismans. And... you are even more different. Your many magical powers are now almost all restricted by the laws of the plane. They are too powerful and do not belong to, or even transcend, this plane. You have at least three such magical powers. ”

"Even if placed in the seven realms, it is a rare secret technique. I am looking forward to it... looking forward to the moment when you reach the upper realm and are completely "unsealed." ”

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