
Chapter 902: Return to China


This is not the first time Xu Yangyi has heard this word. But he just frowned slightly and didn't say much.

You will know what it is when you go to the upper world. Thinking too much now has disrupted my determination to fight this war to the end.

"If you trust me, you can give me your natal magic weapon. I have lived for such a long time and am proficient in many things. There is no problem in helping you upgrade your natal magic weapon. It only takes half a year."

"In addition, I am connected with the Tower of Babel. You also know who the real owner of the Tower of Babel is. He gave you the seed of the plane. If I have any hostility towards you, I will Even the entire Dark Dragon Clan will not be spared from being killed across planes. I can make a great oath."

Xu Yangyi did not move immediately, but looked deeply at the stargazer: "Why are you helping me like this?"

The stargazer did not answer directly: "You just need to know that I have no hostility towards you."

After pondering for a few seconds and watching the stargazer make a great oath, he took out the soul guard and handed it into his hands.

The matter was done, he turned into a stream of light and flew downwards, impatiently looking forward to the moment when the two swords would shine again in his hands.

Behind him, the stargazer watched his back intently until he disappeared, then sighed: "I...did I gamble too much?"

"But... what can be done about this? The Dark Dragon Clan is destined not to appear above the Great Void Realm. If they don't enter the Great Void, they will end up as ants. I might as well block everything on him. After passing the test of His Excellency Quetzalcoatl, Chuang Those who reach the Tower of Babel are by no means mediocre.”

"Maybe... it's true as he said, it won't stop at that level."

One month later, with a clear whistle, a certain level of the Tower of Babel shone with light. A knight, an old man, lingered around him again, and the brand reappeared on his left and right hands.

Fish intestines, Mistertin wakes up!

"Where did you find this thing?" Mistertin was shocked: "The sleeping of the weapon spirit is not affected by the will of the outside world. You actually have the magic weapon to reawaken the weapon spirit? And let us return to the top?"

Xu Yangyi also lamented that his intensive training in alchemy was really too shallow, and there were actually elixirs specifically targeted at weapon spirits. Worlds, full of wonders. He couldn't help but begin to look forward to seeing what novel techniques the upper world would use.

He didn't practice too seriously in the lower realm because he was unique and reached the pinnacle of this realm. The two Awakening Pills made his little pride that had just risen drift away in the wind.

There are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

"When the War of All Realms is over... it's time to practice alchemy." His eyes moved slightly: "It won't work when I reach the light realm. In the past, I underestimated alchemy because of too much burden. If I want to use it in the future When it comes to getting the elixir, I still have to ask for help. The situation of the earth's elixir path being broken has made me feel complacent. "

If he realized something, he pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Senior, please send me to the southwest country gate general command post."

In a flash of golden light, his figure disappeared into the Tower of Babel.


In Chengdu, all the main streets are decorated with lights and colorful decorations. All major schools and squares are a sea of ​​celebration. Different voices of discussion resound throughout this ancient city. No matter where you are in any corner, you can hear the discussion.

"Have you seen the video of Dujiangyan? Tsk tsk, the whole thing is flat. Qingcheng Mountain is like an island in the sea. Do you even need to tell me? Have you seen the bird's-eye view shot? A tiankeng tens of thousands of meters... It's simply unimaginable. It's a pity. No one in my family has tested positive for spiritual root, and my son has to sign up to go to the front line every day, but I can’t do anything about him.”

Everyone's face was filled with joy, and the words "Yourong Yan" were engraved on their expressions. But no one knows that the Southwest Theater Command was never abolished after the war.

"No response yet?" General Liang didn't know how many days he had slept well. He never thought that the post-war period would be more difficult than the war. He had come to the general control room to ask questions countless times. The answers he got were all no, no, and no that made him anxious.

"Reporting to the head..." A scientific researcher moved his lips and could not continue speaking. He also said too much with similar answers. But in the end he still said: "All monitoring systems have not found... From the day the war ended to now, the spiritual energy of Xinghe Wolfbane has all disappeared..."

"Boom!!" At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and everyone was startled. General Liang's personal secretary was breathing heavily, pressing his knees, almost paralyzed at the door, but his expression was as exciting as ever.

No... In other words, it's not an exaggeration to call it excitement or piety.

General Liang frowned and looked at the guards behind him. Unless he brought the secret technique with him, there was no way to enter this room. And the other party actually came in now? What do guards do for food?

At a glance, he was also stunned.

All the guards showed no regrets. Instead, their faces were filled with suppressed excitement.

He knew very well that as a bodyguard for a top figure in the military like him, it was basic to keep his emotions and anger a secret. What could make their emotions fluctuate so intensely?

"What are you doing?" I just frowned, but before he could finish speaking, Mi Shu, who was always as docile as a rabbit, shouted in a hoarse voice: "Back, back, back, back..."

"What's back?"

"Report to the chief! Lord Wolfbane is back! He is heading towards the general command room now! He just passed through the ground of Canglang Base, you... you better go and have a look, it is almost impossible to perform official duties up there..."

Before he finished speaking, General Liang had already pushed him away and rushed out.

"This guy!" He laughed as he walked, and finally turned into a laugh: "Don't he know that he can cause chaos now!"

"But, it's good to come back, it's good to come back! Hahaha, come on, comrades, let's see our heroes!"

Just as the elevator below quickly rose up, people in almost all positions in Canglang Base stretched their necks to look at the man walking over.

A dragon walks like a tiger, but he is not angry... He is dressed in camouflage. No matter how you look at it, he is a figure in our military community!

"That's Lord Wolfbane! A real person! A real person!!" As soon as Xu Yangyi entered, the two soldiers on guard exchanged words with their eyes like crazy. It wasn't until a colonel rushed over after hearing the news that he felt like the wind was blowing, and the colonel didn't react. Something is wrong.

What about the salute?

How is the chief?

However, now is not the time to worry about this. The colonel rushed to Xu Yangyi's side. He was in his forties, with admiration in his eyes: "Xu Zhenjun, it's been a long time!"

Behind him, a group of school officials all looked at Xu Yangyi hotly.

A living person...

The real-life version of the Battle of Qingcheng Mountain! One of the four true kings of China! This status is not far worse than that of the Prime Minister and Chairman! Now I'm actually here at Canglang Base!

I read too many rumors through various channels, and as the major monks returned to their places of origin, the mortal armies in the Southwest Theater returned to their respective armies. This name has almost become a myth. The grand birth of a baby, which has not been seen since the founding of the People's Republic of China, has not been released on the Internet, but it has made everyone talk about it.

People like Tian Zai, Xuanyuan Sword Master, and Xu Fangyuan are too far away from this era. Even in the feudal empire, only Xu Yangyi belongs to the present, to the Nascent Soul!

On the Internet, there are endless stories about "when a baby is born, the sky shakes and the earth shakes, and I witness with my own eyes the fire phoenixes flying together, the boundless green lotuses blooming, and the Taoist bells ringing in the sky" and so on.

How can this make people who can see this legend with their own eyes not excited?

This is still a mortal. If a monk were here, he would definitely be kneeling on the ground.

"Hello, Zhenjun!" Several school officials saluted at the same time, and then the leading colonel stretched out his hand with great enthusiasm: "Mr. Xu, you have come a long way, and we have been looking for you, so let me show you the Canglang Base. "

"Thank you." Xu Yangyi was also a little embarrassed. He didn't care much about this, but how sharp is the Nascent Soul? He felt intensely that from the moment he walked in, scorching eyes had been glued to his back.

Hurry down...he came here to use mortal skills to return to the imperial capital. After all, it is not only the earth monks who are staring at him now, but also countless real martial arts masters. He can appear here, but his next whereabouts cannot be discovered by anyone. If he flew in the sky, he might have fallen into the ears of the Zhenwu world before he returned to the imperial capital.

As soon as he got off the elevator, something even more embarrassing happened. There were about forty or fifty foundation-building monks on both sides of a 100-meter passage. When they saw his figure, they immediately fell to their knees.

"Meet the true king!!" The pious and excited kneeling sound echoed through the passage, which was even more polite than the reception General Liang received.

"Get up." He waved his hand and quickly followed the others inside. There was barely concealed, thought-it-very-low-pitched chatter in the corridor.

"I'm so tired." He leaned on the sofa. There were only two people here. The senior colonel, and a man holding a teacup excitedly, the teacup and base clinking incessantly.

"Yes, I understand, I understand." The colonel rubbed his hands: "Mr. Xu, can you sign your name? My son is also a monk and studies at Xi'an Xiuxian University. You are his role model."

Are you waiting for me here?

Xu Yangyi signed his name painfully, and the door was opened immediately. The guards behind General Liang couldn't keep up and closed the door immediately after entering.

"Okay... okay!!" He looked at Xu Yangyi deeply for a long time, and the more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became. Are he looking for an opportunity to recruit him into the military department? It seems that the government army only has Jin Dan Zhenren, which doesn’t make sense...

"A battle at the national gate to show off the prestige of our country. Well done, well done!" He took the tea handed to him by Secret Technique with a blush on his face and drank it all in one gulp. He immediately straightened his expression: "However, Mr. Xu, you may not be able to return to the Imperial Capital for the time being."

"What?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows.

General Liang winked, and the others immediately left knowingly. He then lowered his voice and said solemnly: "The four Nascent Soul Lords gathered in Zhengzhou, the center of China, to study counterattack strategies. You disappeared for about a month In September, the situation changed significantly.”

Xu Yangyi listened silently.

"What's the situation? I'll show you the video soon. But for this Nascent Soul event, firstly, I congratulate you on being honored as the Nascent Soul, and secondly..."

He paused and said in a deep voice: "The doors to all the worlds, big and small, will be completely opened."

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