
Chapter 903: Luxury in a low profile

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, this sentence has too many meanings.

"Earth..." he asked tentatively.

General Liang did not speak, but nodded deeply.

Xu Yangyi knew the meaning of the fragrance, but he did not expect to have a breakthrough so soon. The emperor of Jin must have been transferred to the imperial capital, and he may have been forced to tell something.

Seeing his eyes, General Liang whispered: "Your Excellency Xuanyuan Sword Master, Your Excellency Tianzai personally took action, and there are already some speculations."

No more talking about this topic, this word cannot be passed on to a third person. General Liang carefully took out a jade card from his underwear pocket: "This is Tianzai Zhenjun's personal instructions, saying that once you are found, he will be handed over to you."

Xu Yangyi took it in surprise, and after a closer look, there was a video inside.

"This is..." He frowned and looked at it twice, his eyes suddenly shining: "This is when I formed a baby!"

Countless pictures rushed into his mind. On the earth, Qingcheng Mountain was shining with golden light and purple air. Just above Qingcheng Mountain, countless red spiritual energy formed a heavenly tribulation and blasted down towards Qingcheng Mountain.

But, what he was most concerned about was not here.

"This is the time of liquid fire." He closed his eyes, and the picture echoed in his mind. Those spiritual energies were like a red ocean, fluctuating. Far beyond the flames that became light before.

At this moment, four voices in the universe exclaimed in unison, "Original Seed?! Innate Spiritual Treasure!"

Then, four overwhelming hands fell down with a bang.

"Swish!" He suddenly opened his eyes.

An indescribable sense of crisis rose sharply from his heart. The situation was too critical at the time, even he had no time to worry about Xu Kunlun who was quietly watching all this outside the earth. But he didn't expect the other party to react so strongly!

"There are four in total... One of them is Xiahou, it should be four Taixu, hehe, Xu Kunlun's "care" for the earth has faded on the surface, but in the eyes of these real high-level people, it is really the same for tens of thousands of years."

A feeling of unwillingness emerged in his heart.

The former Bugui Immortal Realm and the Zhenwu Immortal Realm collided with each other, evolving the current scene of this star field.

The general trend of the world is that after a long period of unity, there will be division, and after a long period of division, there will be unity. But what he was unwilling to accept was that as a descendant of this fairyland, he was still being monitored by his former subordinates. Even the other party immediately took action when they saw the good stuff, how could there be any awe?

"I once promised that if one day, I could, I would definitely let the earth return to the glory of the fairyland. At that time, the response between heaven and earth had become a kind of great oath of the heart of Tao." His eyes were a little blurred: "I don't know how long it will take to achieve it."

"In addition, after I ascend, how should I face Xu Kunlun? If they knew... No, they would definitely pay attention and dare to take action without leaving any face now. Once I reach the upper realm, I might be greeted by a catastrophe."

Confidence, but not conceit, this is the foundation of his foothold. He has seen the horror of the Taixu Realm. Xiaoqing Fahai transformed hundreds of thousands of miles of cave heaven and earth in one breath, covering the entire Lanzhou, which is definitely not what he can compare with now.

"It seems that I have to think about it carefully."

Pressing down this anxiety, he found that there were other things in this jade.

"What is this?" He looked at the densely packed talismans below with some surprise: "Long-distance teleportation array?"

A stream of spiritual energy was sent into the array, and in an instant, the room was ablaze with spiritual light, and a two-meter-circle array appeared in the room.

"In that case, let's say goodbye for now. See you later." Xu Yangyi bowed to General Liang, who saluted in response, and he immediately stepped into the array.

The light and shadows in front of him flowed, and the side effects of ordinary teleportation would not make him dizzy, unless he was slightly dizzy from one side of the earth to the other. In just five minutes, the twisted space in front of him began to differentiate, and three seconds later, a white light flashed, and he actually appeared in a peach forest.

The fairy mist rose, and the surrounding mountains were layered, with peach trees in the shade. Not far away, a small attic was like a half-covered girl, looming.

"A tree without roots, a flower without form, it is difficult to draw a picture without form." At this moment, an old voice, as if resounding through the world, sounded leisurely in my ears.

With the sound of stepping on the petals of fallen leaves, an old man walked out from behind the tree, holding a peach blossom in his hand, and smiled: "Nameless, but listen to the call, captured into the three-day furnace of creation."

Layers of voices, like overlapping tides, hit Xu Yangyi's heart one after another. In the haze, a fairyland unfolded before his eyes, with rootless trees swaying and rootless flowers falling. For those below the Nascent Soul stage, I am afraid that this voice will make him lose his mind and fall into illusion.


Xu Yangyi was slightly stunned, and immediately reacted, smiling and bowing: "Senior Tianzai, don't you believe that I have entered the Nascent Soul stage?"

Illusions are useless.

Tianzai was wearing a Taoist robe, with a long beard and a celestial spirit. He looked at Xu Yangyi deeply and said, "Two hundred years of Yuanying, such talent... Lord Langdu, don't blame me for testing you. You are really jealous."

"You and I are both Yuanying, so you don't have to call me senior. Just call me Taoist friend."

The expert knew whether there was any with just one hand. After a short test, he had recognized Xu Yangyi's realm.

"Let's go." He smiled and raised his chin towards the attic: "This place is called 'Han She'. It is a safer place than the country's top-secret conference room. It is also the venue for the gathering of the four Yuanyings this time. I hope Taoist friends will not dislike it."

As soon as he finished speaking, two long laughs came from behind the peach tree: "Is there any reason to dislike being able to come to Taoist Zhang's humble home?"

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, Fellow Daoist Xu." Tianzai turned around, smiled and held his hands in his hands: "Wuliang Tianzun, when did the two fellow Taoists arrive? Where are the masters?"

"I've just arrived. Master can't get away for the time being. I'll convey this to you." Xuanyuan Sword Master did not shy away from his scrutinizing gaze and looked at Xu Yangyi. After a few seconds, he retracted: "You are very good."

Xu Yangyi also looked at the person who was the first Nascent Soul in the two realms. At this moment, the other person did not have any spiritual energy in his body. The group of them looked like several old men traveling freely among the mountains and rivers. This must be a secluded place, but even if someone sees it, they won't think that they are four of the five strongest people in China.

"Is this the life of Yuanying?" he thought somewhat divergently, and walked into the humble house with several other people.

The pavilion is not big, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant outside, it is a paradise scene. There is an ancient table and four chairs. No one would have thought that the Yuanying Festival would be much simpler than the Golden Pill! There is no such thing as Jindan, where there are always crowds of cars and horses, shouting in front and swarming behind.

Back to Basics.

Fame and popularity are already things that are external to people in their realm.

Xu Fangyuan leaned comfortably on the table and chair and said with a slight smile: "My dear nephew, please don't look at this place as being old-fashioned and simple. The beauty of it is hard to express in words. I just want to tell you that all the fragrant tea here is Zhang Old Taoist Master cooked it with his own hands, using the most secluded springs in China, the first snow in the far north, the most fragrant tea mountains, and the Yuanying's masterful hands. The taste is amazing..."

"A double master, you should be treated like this." Xuanyuan Sword Master looked at Xu Yangyi with interest. His expression was peaceful, neither happy nor sad, but there was a kind of appreciation in his eyes.

There is no need for temptation. At his level, he is only one step away from breaking into Yin Sheng. Just take a look and you will know whether Xu Yangyi is real or fake.

The four of them sat down. As soon as Xu Yangyi sat down, he let out a soft sigh and looked at the seat below in astonishment.

"But do you feel that the spiritual energy is overwhelming?" Xu Fangyuan flicked the fly whisk and said with a smile: "Do you really think this is a 'humble house?' My dear nephew, anything in this house is hard to find in the outside world. Just talk about this chair. The eight-hundred-year-old rootless tree was woven with the first buds grown in five hundred years. There are a total of twelve rootless trees throughout China. It has the effect of calming the mind and concentrating the mind. When it comes to meditation, even sitting down to rest is the same as ordinary meditation.”

He knocked on the table: "Besides, this jade table has a two-thousand-year-old forgetfulness tree. There is only one in Qingri Peak on the top of Wudang Mountain in China. Anything placed on it will remain immortal for hundreds of years. This is the only one in China. Do you think? Is he simple? No, he is luxurious!”

Xu Yangyi looked at the table with some peeling paint and felt that he couldn't laugh or cry.

What is foundation?

This is the foundation.

"Knock!" At this moment, the door knocked, and two voices asked softly: "Master Zhang, would you like some tea?"

"I'm two incompetent Taoist boys." Tian Zai stroked his long beard gently, with an air of immortal Taoism, and said with a smile: "I will serve the best tea to these true monarchs."


In less than three seconds, four cups of fragrant tea were brought in. However, what surprised Xu Yangyi was that the two people serving tea were actually two early stages of the Golden Elixir!

He raised his eyebrows in astonishment. It was such a grand occasion, with golden elixirs as doormen and treasures as tables and chairs. The low-key luxury was vividly interpreted by Tian Zai. Compared with him, Jin Dan looked like a nouveau riche. This is the nobility. The mentality and taste cultivated over hundreds of years.

The law is not spread to the six ears. This place can be said to be a forbidden place, much more secretive than a meeting in a national conference room.

However, only many Nascent Souls can enjoy and understand the information, techniques, and some thinking methods, and they will not cause trouble to the national decision-making because many golden elixirs cannot be understood.

Discuss, decide and submit here, this is what Nascent Soul does.

They are the independent State Council of Cultivation. They are the "Five Emperors" on the heads of tens of millions of monks in China.

This is the emperor's table.

Of course, what was discussed at the emperor's dining table could only be imperial matters such as opening up territories and expanding territories, splitting soil and sealing kings.

"Good tea." After drinking a cup of fragrant tea, Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up. With just this cup of tea, he actually felt a trace of his spiritual energy flowing through his net. I don't feel like I'm drinking tea, I just feel like I'm drinking a strong fragrance, and the dense spiritual energy that can't be dissolved rushes into my limbs and bones, making me feel refreshed.

After a few seconds, Tian Zai gently put down the tea cup, and with a "dang" sound, the entire attic became quiet.

"There are two layers of restrictions in the brain of the Queen of Jin." He said nothing nonsense and went straight to the point: "The first layer has been broken and it took a month. The second layer is estimated to take eight months. Originally we estimated that it would take one year. Now that Lord Wolfbane has broken through to the Nascent Soul, seven months should be enough."

Xu Fangyuan glanced at Xu Yangyi and transmitted the message into the secret: "Listen carefully."

"With your current strength, you are qualified to join the major event that dominates the Chinese cultivation world. Every five years, the four of us will choose a place to gather together. This is regarded as the five-year plan for the cultivation world. The establishment of the cultivation university, the level of the aristocratic family The divisions, including the establishment of the practice network, the dissemination of practice materials, and the development efforts of each major province, are all reshuffled based on the five-year cycle. "

"Whether it is strengthened or weakened is originally decided by the four of us. Since you have now broken through the Nascent Soul, you are naturally qualified. This is your first time to participate, so talk less and watch more. Although you have strength, for major events that focus on the entire cultivation world When it comes to decision-making, we should learn more from the seniors.”

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