
Chapter 904: Mystery, Crisis

Is this because you are afraid that you will take credit for yourself and become arrogant and arrogant?

Xu Yangyi understood the other party's good intentions and said through spiritual consciousness: "That's natural."

"Before I tell Lord Xu Zhenjun the secrets of the Zhenwu world, there is one thing first that Lord Wolfbane must know." Tianzai's voice deepened: "Jerusalem was defeated, and Islam retreated to the holy city of Mecca. At the same time, there are seven small countries in the world. , turned into scorched earth in this month.”

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, so fast?

Is the real martial arts world crazy?

"It's not that the real martial arts community suddenly used all their trump cards. It's that they made the most calm judgment on this crisis situation. Pretending to retreat, they knew that other countries would definitely make every effort to retain them. And when these countries used all their trump cards, they For a moment, they finally showed their sharp fangs. Our enemies are... very strong."

Tianzai told him bit by bit about the sudden changes in this month. Xu Yangyi listened quietly and sighed after a long time: "Please put yourself in the urn... Our opportunity is also their opportunity."

Xuanyuan Sword Master, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, holding the tea cup and slowly said: "Now, a quarter of the earth has been planted with black flags. After paying such a high price, the secret in the master mind of the Jin Dynasty is ours The last move, gentlemen..."

He looked at everyone with blazing eyes: "In the next large-scale battle, we must win, but we must not lose!"

The sound is as solid as a rock and clanging.

Everyone nodded silently, and in the next battle, Xiaoqian World arrived in full force, which was the strongest power they could muster. The Zhenwu world must also be on guard against this move.

If we win, this battle can become the Battle of Moscow in the Great War of All Worlds, completely turning the tide of the war. If we lose, we may be completely defeated.

After a few seconds of silence, Tianzai said in a deep voice: "There is still one and a half years... You already know the previous situation, Lord Wolfbane, so let me tell you what is in the first level of the mind ban of Empress Jin. "

"Where is he being held? Is he safe?" Xu Yangyi did not immediately agree, but asked.

"Absolutely safe." Xuanyuan Sword Master sneered and put down the tea cup: "Five hundred meters below the Forbidden City, the Broken Dragon Lock is imprisoned, just below the dragon vein. He can't fly out even if he has wings."

Xu Yangyi nodded, Tianzai's expression became serious, and his voice slowed down unconsciously: "The rules of spiritual power transmission in the Zhenwu world."

"Everyone should have discovered that the combat mode of Zhenwujie is similar to that of an aircraft carrier. The Dongtian Paradise and even the Holy Land of the Dynasty are their transit centers. However, they have never returned to the lunar base for supplies. With so many Dongtian Paradise, the number of troops invested in the earth is as high as More than four billion, and they haven’t replenished it even once!”

"Second, why can they penetrate the plane formation and descend into the sea of ​​the earth?"

He paused and said word by word: "Because...'net.'"

"Net?" Xu Yangyi frowned.

"This is the technology of the upper seven realms, and the real martial arts world buys it at a high price. to put it, you can imagine that outside the plane formation, there is a net, which is the net laid by the real martial arts world, invisible to the naked eye. , even the spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness cannot detect it, but it does exist. This network is composed of countless spiritual powers. They are invisible transmission belts that can transport endless spiritual power to the Zhenwu World troops on the earth. As long as the Zhenwu World spiritual power is available. If it is not exhausted, the network will not break.”

"No wonder they dare to set up a base on the moon and rush across such a distance to the earth." Xu Yangyi thought thoughtfully.

"This is a big formation. If the net is not broken, we cannot get out. In addition, the control center of these nets comes from the moon. There are six centers in total. As long as the center is broken, this net will be broken."

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes immediately brightened: "Six Star Destroyer Motherships?!"

"Of course." Xu Fangyuan and Xuanyuan Sword Master spoke almost at the same time, with solemn eyes: "The six Star Destroyer Motherships are the core of their ultimate formation! The formation base! If they are destroyed, the blockade of the Zhenwu World will be impossible. ! Moreover, they can’t even last a week because of the supply shortage!”

"But the distance from the moon to the earth is not far, they should be able to fill it soon." Xu Yangyi tapped his fingers on the table and said thoughtfully.

"No." Xuanyuan Sword Master's eyes were blazing: "This net... is disposable!"

"The purchase price is too high. After all, this is the high-level technology of the upper world. Zhenwujie cannot buy the core content. They can only buy it according to the number of times! There are shadows of the Seven Realms in the memory of the Lord Jin, how huge... Every time The world is as big as fifty Earths! It is equivalent to more than 350 times the size of the Earth! How can a world like this have the power to purchase core content?

Xu Yangyi's heart started beating wildly.

No one knows that he also has a trump card in his hand!

Never before appeared...the trump card buried deep in the Ming Tombs.

The reason why they were not dispatched was because...this thing is also disposable!

He didn't speak immediately, his blood was a little hot, and he took a deep breath before saying: "Are we going to break the Star Destroyer Carrier?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone's expressions became a little gloomy.

"It can't be done..." Xu Fangyuan sighed: "The Star Destroyer Mothership is far away on the moon... In the past few years, all the satellites of the earth have been wiped out. There is no platform to hit the moon."

"Then..." Xu Yangyi pursed his lips. Due to excessive excitement, the veins on his palms bulged out: "What can I do?"

"Although we can't hit the moon, we can attack this net. It is outside the atmosphere. We and the Nascent Souls of various countries have calculated that once all the 'mysteries' of the earth are revealed, the resulting spiritual energy shock wave will destroy this net. The mesh was torn instantly."

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to ask, he continued: "The so-called secrets are the places where the 'remains of saints' are sealed, such as the remains of Jesus, the remains of Confucius, the Pyramid of Khufu, the Colossus of Nongmen, etc. They themselves have great aura and are regarded by the earth Once these spiritual energy are released, the earth will return to the age of spiritual cultivation. Even if the world-protecting sacred vessels above continue to absorb the spiritual energy, it will not enter the Age of Ending the Dharma."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and they also knew that the world-protecting sacred weapon had not been restored yet. As for when these sacred weapons will be restored, I'm afraid I don't even have the intelligence. Can't count on that.

However, if there are really so many "mysteries" on the earth, why haven't they been revealed even though it has been hundreds of years since the Dharma Ending Age?

"They have very serious negative effects." As if he saw his thoughts, Xuanyuan Sword Master sighed: "No one under the Nascent Soul is qualified to know these things. Every Nascent Soul is responsible for guarding a large area. The mysteries of the area. When these mysteries are revealed, not only auras appear, but also...unnatural phenomena beyond your imagination."

"It has been sealed for thousands of years, and once it is opened...for example, the undersea city of Atlantis, once this mystery is unlocked, everything near the South China Sea will be submerged, forming a terrifying undersea black hole. This is one of the mysteries that can already be speculated on. 1. Even the mysteries of Khufu’s Pyramid, the Great Wall, and the Colossus of Memnon have not yet been speculated upon.”

"In some places, even a small country, I am afraid there will be no night. In some places, I am afraid it will become a netherworld. What's more, I am afraid there will be an unimaginable big explosion that will sink the continent. This is the last trump card of the earth. , if the secret is revealed and the 'net is broken,' the earth will be shattered into pieces. I'm's unknown whether this era of civilization will end. "

The result was so serious that Xu Yangyi's expression became extremely solemn.

The earth cannot bear this price. And that's just breaking the net, the demon on the moon is still out there!

Cut the grass without removing the roots!

"This is not the only thing I'm worried about..." Master Xuanyuan Sword stood up, his eyes extremely sad: "Have you never thought about... the problem of Empress Jin himself?"

No one spoke.

He looked at this paradise and said slowly: "This is the first layer of seal. As long as we figure out how to crack the network, we can counterattack the moon. This is already the absolute core top secret. But... it is only the first layer of seal. One floor!”

"What is hidden in his second layer of seal? There is a secret more terrifying than the 'net', I really don't dare to think about it..."

"Furthermore, where is the center of this network? Who knows? In addition, even if the moment the global secrets are revealed, this network should be scattered, but if the foundation of the network is not broken, will it be able to repair itself? "

Xu Yangyi almost opened his mouth several times, but a voice in his heart said to him, wait a moment, listen carefully, and think about it before speaking.

Yes, the six Star Destroyer Motherships are the base of the formation. Only by breaking through this can we completely break through the ban. But it is beyond reach, and the current earth is not qualified to attack the moon.


You can hear a pin drop.

For more than ten minutes, Xu Yangyi didn't hear anyone speak. He finally took a deep breath and stood up. His voice was trembling unbearably without even noticing it.

It was a tremor of excitement, the excitement of fighting back.

"Only this?"

The other three people looked at the tea in the cups and nodded.

This is the current situation the earth is facing. Every word spoken by this humble house is enough to cause huge waves outside. Whether it's the secret, the net, or the dragon vein that imprisoned the Lord of Jin. Only here, it is not passed on to the fifth person.

"I have a way." He took several deep breaths and said.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Before he could finish his words, all three eyes were fixed on him, as hot as fire and as bright as stars.

"Good nephew." Before the other two spoke, Xu Fangyuan said implicitly: "Did you know that your words will lead directly to Zhongnanhai? What kind of reaction will any decision made by the four of us have on the four ancient countries of cultivation? If it is not certain , it’s better to think more carefully.”

He said it very cryptically, and Xu Yangyi glanced at it gratefully. He understood the other party's concerns. When they first met, the four of them were the pinnacle of Chinese monks. This little loft can really sound the world. If he leaves the impression that he is in a hurry when he first arrives, it will be detrimental to his future development.

Moreover... he boasted so much that if he couldn't do it, there would be no way to stop it!

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