
Chapter 905: Counterattack Blueprint

"Of course." Xuanyuan Sword Master leaned back on his seat, his eyes bright, but there was something in his words: "Here, every word is a nail, Fellow Daoist Xu, this is not a party, but a tactical study. We..."

He drew a circle with his hand: "Just the four of us will set the blueprint for the next war. The blueprint of the four of us will be executed by tens of millions of people for us. Do you know this burden?"

Tianzai didn't speak, but his eyes were also full of meaning.

Xu Yangyi did not answer immediately. He carefully recalled the role of Qiankun in his mind. The pressure from the three true monarchs had already passed over him. As soon as he opened his mouth, the matter was put on the agenda. It cannot be changed.

"If you're not sure, it's better to be cautious." Ten seconds later, seeing him thoughtful, Tianzai took the lead and took out the steps.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi raised his head: "No."

"I'm pretty sure this will work!"

There was dead silence.

Xuanyuan Sword Master's old eyes brightened, and he looked deeply at the other party: "Fellow Daoist Xu, do you know what your words mean?"


The beginnings of a counterattack. The final blueprint!

There was a voice roaring in Xu Yangyi's heart, but on the surface he was very calm: "I understand."


You can hear a pin drop.

Ten seconds later, Tian Zai stood up suddenly: "Jun Wu is joking, every word Han She says can affect the direction of the war in China and even the world. Since fellow Taoist is sure, then please say it."

The other two people didn't speak, but their eyes were filled with anxiety and deep anticipation.

Even if they were Nascent Souls, they could still hear the beating of their hearts in their ears at this moment.

This is not a national war, this is a human war. There are no national boundaries, only life and death.

Who is not worried?

Who wants to be a slave?

Xu Yangyi collected his thoughts and paced slowly while saying, "Ben Zhenjun once told fellow Taoists that the origin of the Great War of All Realms, do you remember?"

"Of course." Sword Master Xuanyuan didn't look like an old man who was hundreds of years old at this moment, with a stern look: "I remember this matter in my heart. The great contribution you have made to the earth is enough for you to come to this humble house."

"Otherwise, do you really think that Master Zhang will personally cook tea to welcome guests? Will you invite a new True Lord to come to your humble abode?" He glanced at Tian Zai with a half-smile: "Even Xu Zhenjun only became a Taoist fifty years after he entered Taoism. Come here. You are the first special case."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly and nodded: "Actually... I hid something, please don't mind."

Everyone's ears perked up. Tian Zai waved his hand solemnly, and the two doormen outside, Jin Dan, bowed and stepped back together.

"Our ancestors once participated in the World War and defeated powerful enemies. I have already said this. But... they left one thing behind."

"What is it!" Zhenjun Tianzai asked immediately with his eyes burning.

"Qiankun." A bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of Xu Yangyi's mouth. He licked his lips that were dry due to excitement and looked at the sky with hot eyes: "Full name: World Protector Artifact. Qiankun."

World-protecting artifact!


In just six words, the eyes of the three true kings instantly shone like stars.

Hidden away for thousands of years, it is called a world-protecting artifact...

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan." The next second, Xuanyuan Sword Master stood up silently, and with his arms raised, there was a bang! The whole humble house was filled with a fierce sword energy!

"Buzz buzz..." Every peach tree and flowers were in full bloom. The next second, they rushed into the sky like sharp swords and turned into small aura swords. In an instant, thousands of swords stood in the sky, turning into a real sword grave.

This is the domain of the first Nascent Soul in the two realms, where Wanjian returns to his clan.

Everything in the world can become a sword in your hand. And he is the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords and the Lord of all things.

"Please continue." The realm opened, and Sword Master Xuanyuan sat down and spoke solemnly.

"Okay. This world-protecting artifact is a giant cauldron. Its function..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Break the void and connect any two places in the solar system to a void passage! It can't be established within an hour. The huge teleportation array that was broken lasted for a week."

"And..." He paused: "I didn't know what this sentence meant before, but now I finally know..."

"Its second function is to automatically unlock all the 'secrets' on the earth when the earth is at its most critical!"

"What?!" The three Nascent Souls suddenly stood up, expressions of disbelief flashed across their faces.

There is such a thing!

An really can be called an artifact! This is simply a timely help!

"As long as the universe is activated, if the teleportation array to the moon is opened in China..." Even though he was as calm as Tianzai, he could no longer remain calm at this moment. The jade table made a rattling noise when he accidentally pinched it, and his voice was hoarse: "We... can break into the Star Destroyer Mothership! Completely cut off the 'Net' and the two dynasties outside the earth, the two holy places, and one The connection between the hundred and eight caves and heaven and earth!”

"Not only that, the headquarters of the Zhenwu Realm is also on the moon!" Sword Master Xuanyuan's loose robes fluttered, and the endless foil swords around the humble house echoed his mood, clanging: "We... may even directly attack the Zhenwu Realm. Headquarters!”

"Moreover, once we are dispatched, the earth's strength will definitely be empty. The Zhenwu Realm will definitely attack the earth like crazy, trying to get us to rescue. At this moment, Qiankun will automatically unlock all the mysteries of the earth... This... all directions have been taken into account." Xu Fangyuan was also shocked: "It's really hard to believe... Is this the trump card left by our ancestors?"

Is Qiankun strong?

No, maybe not that strong. There is no power to destroy the world of Zhenwu with one single blow. definitely fits!

It is simply tailor-made for the earth! As a counterattack artifact left behind by our ancestors, this is so suitable! Not a single flaw!

The waves were raging, and in the small humble house, none of the four people spoke. After three full minutes, Tianzai raised his head and said with great solemnity: "Little friend, I will say this one last time. Every word you say here will change the world. You..."

"I know." Xu Yangyi interrupted Tianzai and looked at him without flinching: "I am also from Earth."

"Okay!!" Xuanyuan Sword Master waved his sleeves: "However, I have one last question."

"If there is such a thing, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly: "It's not that I didn't say it, but from the beginning of the war, which Nascent Soul can move even half a step away? This is the time. In addition, if you want to completely defeat the Zhenwu world, you must enter their own plane. Everyone Fellow Taoist, do you think Nascent Soul alone is enough?”

"The teleportation array must be an elite tactic. A decapitation tactic. We use the strongest monks to enter the Star Destroyer Mothership, stabilize the teleportation array, and defend it. Only when a large number of monks from the earth enter can we have hope. If there is no Jin With this news from the rear master, we can only seek death if we go up there. Without the arrangement of the Star Destroyer Mothership, we will be in a maze."

"Finally..." He sighed: "This is also a one-time magic weapon."

Everyone was silent.

The shock came too fast and too big. Before, I was worried that Xu Yangyi was just talking casually and was eager to kill the enemy, but he was confused. In the end, I found out that this was not the case at all! This new Nascent Soul actually has a comeback weapon!

Victory or defeat depends on this!

The three Nascent Souls looked at each other and read the meaning in each other's eyes.

Qiankun only has one chance, and they only have one chance to stabilize the lunar teleportation array, break the six Star Destroyer Motherships, and allow the Earth to fall into crisis amid the Zhenwu Realm's return of reinforcements and crazy attacks on the Earth, thereby activating the second project of Qiankun. function, uncover all the mysteries of the earth, and then the main force enters the true martial world to complete the Jedi counterattack!

If we miss this time, it may be difficult for the earth to win.

After all, a quarter of the land is now dyed black. With frontline bases, an advance of troops several times larger than those on Earth, and higher cultivation, civilization and technology, the future is slim.

"This matter must be considered in the long term." After a long time, Master Xuanyuan Sword said in a deep voice: "Master Jin clearly knows the structure of three of the Star Destroyer Carriers. The other three are not clear. This plan is very dangerous, but it is definitely worth it. try."

No one spoke, even Xu Yangyi himself immediately realized how dangerous this was after he finished speaking!

The lone army goes deep into the lunar base camp of Zhenwu Realm. First of all, the other party's Nascent Soul must immediately come back for reinforcements! This is their big book, and they cannot accept any problems!

Then, these six earth troops will welcome fifteen Nascent Souls plus hundreds of golden elixirs, as well as nearly 100 million Zhenwu Realm reserve troops. And... all the major sects of Zhenwu Realm are not far away. The remaining troops.

What needs to be done to completely annihilate six Star Destroyer Carriers from within?

Everyone thought of one thing.

The four pairs of eyes crossed, and everyone could see clearly. However, there was only a wry smile in everyone's eyes.

nuclear weapon.

Nascent Soul's attack is powerful, but in terms of destructive power alone, it cannot compare to nuclear weapons. What the monks emphasize is that the Tao is in harmony with heaven and earth, and they are very strong in killing people, but shock waves, nuclear fusion, etc. are not at the same level as killing people.

Radiation damage and shock wave damage are the core of blasting. And... they know that there are still super-yield nuclear weapons on the earth!

Tsar Цapь-6om6a, NATO's early code name was rds-220 hydrogen/bomb, and the Soviet code name was "Ivan." It is also known as the "King of Nuclear Weapons."

Its explosion yield was originally equivalent to 100 million tons of tn/t explosives, and this was hundreds of years ago. Today, China has five nuclear warheads in its hands that exceed the "King of Nuclear Weapons" level!

Gonggong, Zhurong, Chang'e, Descendants, Pangu.

The equivalent is...

Eight hundred million tons! !

What is this concept?

The first nuclear weapon, Little Boy and Fat Man, has a power of 13,000 tons. Any one of these five nuclear warheads is enough to sink Japan! It is a super killer weapon comparable to the weakened Star Destroyer weapon!

Not only that, the United States and other developed countries also have their own nuclear weapons kings!

Any one of them is enough to blow up any Star Destroyer Carrier!

As for carrying, a super-capacity storage ring will do!

"But... if you do this... Nascent Soul can transcend the plane for six hours. Within six hours, you must rush from the Star Destroyer Mothership to the Zhenwu Realm itself, otherwise you will die with the mothership." Master Tianzai He said slowly.

Everyone here is mature, and as long as they think of the beginning, they can guess part of the subsequent direction.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it succeeds, even the Nascent Soul in the Zhenwu world will be seriously injured. The king of nuclear weapons is a taboo that none of us can resist. And once they are seriously injured..." Xuanyuan Sword Master sneered and looked at everyone: "Let me ask Zhenwu World, who can stop us!"

Everyone's eyes instantly became hot.


The Zhenwu Realm wants to devour them. As long as the Star Destroyer Mothership is destroyed and the net is shattered, the Cave Heaven Paradise without spiritual energy supply will surely fall as long as it persists for a week! At that time... what the earth will gain will be countless manpower, as well as the technology of the Zhenwu world, and maybe even the plane of the Zhenwu world!

Such a vast land... Just thinking about it makes people excited!

Xu Yangyi thought further.

If the two worlds are truly integrated, is there a glimmer of hope for the Earth to recreate the grand scene of the fairyland back then?

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