
Chapter 906: Heads of State Meeting

Humble House was closed for two months.

Master Huineng guarded the dragon vein of the imperial capital and prevented the emperor from coming. Four of the five Yuanyings, representing the entire Chinese cultivation world, planned a shocking blueprint here.

Was it eaten away step by step by the Zhenwu world?

Or was it a final counterattack, and the earth swallowed Zhenwu?

No one dared to slack off. In the first fifteen days, the four Zhenjuns did not tell anyone, even the two Jindan boys at the gate of Tianzai did not know. They quietly left the humble house and flew directly to the Ming Tombs. When they arrived in the imperial capital, no one noticed except Huineng who frowned slightly while sitting cross-legged in front of the Broken Dragon Lock.

Because of the position, Xuanyuan Sword Master saw Chunjun above. What made Xu Yangyi relieved was that Chunjun did not follow the sword master. The sword master was very moved.

Fifteen days later, the four quietly returned to the humble house. Immediately announced the retreat, which lasted for dozens of days.

Two months later, when the four of them stepped out of the humble abode again, even the Nascent Soul had a trace of fatigue on their faces, but there was a fanatical flame in their eyes.

"Too bold... too cruel..." Xu Fangyuan flicked his whisk and looked at the jade slip in Xu Yangyi's hand: "But, to eliminate the trouble forever, the last year and three months are really exciting..."

The four of them narrowed their eyes slightly after not seeing the sun for too long. Tianzai turned around and said to Xu Yangyi with a smile: "Then, I'll have to trouble you, Brother Xu, to explain to the heads of state. By the way, you haven't been to the imperial capital since you came back from the battlefield, right? I guess those old men are going crazy looking for you."

Xu Yangyi's heart moved. This jade slip recorded the hard work of the "Five Emperors" for four or two months, and the deduction of the war situation reached a terrifying level. Let him publish it...

This is to let him show his face and increase his authority.

There is no unconditional dedication, nor is there an unconditional "good for you." He told the Earth about the Ten Thousand Worlds War and the existence of Qiankun, and they were willing to give up this opportunity that would go down in history.

This opportunity belongs to this young man, and no one wants to compete with him.

Xu Fangyuan glanced at Xu Yangyi, and the look in his eyes made him agree immediately. As a Yuanying, you must make your own voice in the world. When resources are allocated, people will remember you and speak with confidence.

"Then it would be disrespectful to refuse." Xu Yangyi was not hypocritical. He took a deep breath and bowed to everyone: "Everyone, then in the last year and a half, everyone should clean up their assets. Prepare for the gathering in a year and a half!"

"Good." The three of them bowed together, and he turned into a black light and rushed straight into the sky.

Without hiding his figure, he quickly arrived at the imperial capital and immediately contacted the highest level. With his identity, he could already talk directly with the chairman and the prime minister.

The jade slip was handed over to the chairman's assistant in person. If it was not opened by the chairman himself, it could not be opened.

However, it was as if a stone had sunk into the sea, and the central government had no reaction at all. Xu Yangyi was not in a hurry either. He knew the contents of the jade slip too well. It was no longer shocking. Even the chairman needed a think tank to evaluate and digest it. He even felt that as long as the chairman could bring this plan to the world, he was bold enough.

He did not care about this matter anymore, but immediately pulled Chu Zhaonan, Zhao Ziqi, Wang Chen, and Mao Baer to practice hard every day and night in the villa allocated to him in the imperial capital.



The starry sky was like a curtain.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, but the Zhongnanhai, which represented the highest power in China, and the Red Star Base, which was armed to the teeth, two hundred meters below, were brightly lit.

"Where are the people?" An admiral came down from the helicopter, accompanied by more than a dozen secretaries and assistants at the level of school officers. His expression was extremely solemn. A secretary immediately greeted him, and everyone walked quickly. Mystic was sweating profusely, and he didn't even have time to say hello. He immediately whispered, "It's down there. The Red Star Base is under full martial law. Please bear with me."

"I know." The general quickened his pace and asked as he walked, "What's going on? All the military-level cadres are gathering in the imperial capital? This has never happened since the founding of the country."

Mystic paused and gritted his teeth and said, "You... will know when you go down."

At the same time, several helicopters stopped, and several more generals walked down with their teams.

Tonight, China's highest authority, both military and political, gathered in the imperial capital.

The general walked down the elevator quickly, and after entering, he found that the specifications were extraordinary. There was a guard every three steps and a sentry every five steps. Even when the Ten Thousand Worlds War began, it had never been so tense.

"What's the matter?" When he walked to the door of the innermost mahogany door, a guard said, "General Zhu, only you can go in, please forgive me."

General Zhu nodded, and as soon as he pushed open the door, there was a commotion inside.

What shocked him was that the chairman and the prime minister were sitting in the central position, and there was such a loud noise. The two top leaders frowned and did not stop it.

"I don't agree! This is a desperate gamble! Have you ever thought about the consequences if it fails!? The whole earth is destroyed! All living forces are destroyed on the moon!" An old man with white hair stood up and shouted to the other side.

Minister Zhou of the Ministry of National Defense... General Ji's eyes were stern.

"I agree, what is the current situation, Lao Zhou, do you see it clearly?" On the other side, an old man shouted back with his crutches: "The whole earth, a quarter is stained black! How long can it last? How can we let go of such an opportunity! ! Don't you have a sense of crisis!"

"I don't agree! The risk is too great! The 'secret' is the top secret of the country! Once it is solved, the consequences are unpredictable! I don't agree! Especially, this is solved spontaneously and cannot be controlled by humans! The tiankeng Jedi in Chongqing and the Death Valley Jedi in Kunlun Mountain, we haven't calculated the consequences of these mysteries yet! What are you going to do with the tens of millions of people in Chongqing?"

"People can be evacuated, but can time wait? I agree! This war must be fought! It must be fought! Then let me ask you, if the king of nuclear weapons is dispatched to bomb the moon, what will happen to the moon? Have you thought about the impact on the earth!? Silly in office! Stubborn! Who are you talking about?"

The fierce dispute and the sound of slapping the table rang out, and the admiral's heart tightened. As soon as he came in, he heard countless terrible words.

The secret... the king of nuclear weapons... are both top secrets of the country. Usually, everyone is afraid when talking about these two words. Now...

He took a deep breath and sat down, clenching his fists tightly. What the hell happened?

He didn't dare to say much and sat in his seat. Chairman Gao glanced at him and said, "Old Zhu is here. Please take a seat first. Two generals have come all night. In any case, we will not adjourn the meeting until there is a result today."

"When the result comes out, you can leave this meeting room."

The Prime Minister looked equally solemn: "From now on, everyone who enters this meeting room is forbidden to have contact with anyone. Where to go and what to do must be approved by both me and the Chairman. Don't worry about us."

Something big has happened...

General Zhu said nothing. A women's minister beside him smiled bitterly and put a document in front of him: "Take a look..."

He opened it and almost jumped up after just a few glances.

"This... This is..." His hand holding the document was full of blue veins, and his voice was trembling: "This..."

"Are they crazy?!"

This sentence was his first reaction. Immediately, several white-haired war advocates stared at him. He immediately swallowed the following words, but he was already sweating.

The content of the document made his heart beat fast as a general. The king of nuclear weapons bombed the moon... planned to blow up the star destroyer mothership... used the earth as bait to hold back the Zhenwu world's backup forces, waiting for all the mysteries to be revealed...

Which lunatic came up with this plan? !

"This is the battle plan of the Yuanying Zhenjuns. The Wolf Poison Zhenjun proposed the plan and made the connection, and the others completed it." At this moment, the last two people arrived. The chairman stood up and pressed his hand, and everyone stopped talking. He said solemnly: "I will give you half an hour to look at the contents of the Wolf Poison Zhenjun's plan."

"In half an hour, the global summit will begin. Every country, head of state, and think tank that still exists will be present. Vote to decide the feasibility of this operation."

"This..." General Zhu just opened his mouth, but found that his voice was hoarse: "Is this... too fast?"

"Only one and a half years! No, one year and three months! Four hundred and fifty-five days!" The usually gentle prime minister suddenly slammed the table, shaking the room: "It will take at least one month to complete the plan. We only have more than four hundred and twenty days!" days of preparation time! This is our countdown, and it is the countdown for the entire earth! "

"We are not anxious? We are more anxious than anyone else! A quarter of the entire earth has been invaded, thousands of years of civilization... Ladies and gentlemen, the most important thing now is to repel the Zhenwu world! Please consider this as the basis! Half an hour, you only have half an hour! Unless you come up with a better idea within half an hour. Otherwise..."

He took a deep breath and said forcefully: "My opinion and the chairman's opinion is 'execution. '"


General Zhu trembled as he looked at the information. A few thin pages of paper were more important than a thousand pounds.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely heavy. No one expected that the sudden few pages of paper and the battle plan of the Nascent Soul were so resolute, so leaving no way out, so... regardless of everything.

As long as victory, as for sacrifice?

How to calculate sacrifice when the earth is in danger?

If mortals cannot sacrifice, then how to calculate the lives of tens of thousands of cultivators in each country?

The more he looked, the more panicked he felt. A minister trembled and said, "With such a huge price, if we don't take down the Zhenwu Realm, the earth will be devastated and civilization will regress hundreds of years!"

"Then if we take it down, we will advance hundreds of years!" A general said in a deep voice: "Mr. Gao, you can't always think negatively. This is our biggest opportunity! Even the Zhenwu Realm can't think that we have such a thing as a protective artifact!"

"Ding..." At this moment, dozens of screens in the room lit up.

"The President of the United States and all ministers, think tanks, are ready. The Prime Minister of France, and all ministers, think tanks, are ready to attend the meeting. Germany..."

One voice after another sounded in the room. Different faces, the same thing is that everyone's face is not optimistic.

Behind the rulers of each major country, there are think tanks from various countries that are more solemn and even have signs of fighting.

No one can laugh.

Calling for monthly tickets, why are monthly tickets so scarce...

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