
Chapter 907: Resolution

"It seems that everyone understands the importance of this thing." Chairman Gao stood up and said, "Now, please express your opinions."

As soon as the last two words came out of Chairman Gao's mouth, the President of the United States stood up. Even he pursed his lips to prevent his emotions from leaking out.

"Chairman Gao... are you sure?" His voice was hoarse and his eyes were like hawks: "The King of Nuclear Weapons bombed the moon. This is really crazy... Moreover, this is just a prelude to the madness, we still need to use twelve more The most powerful king of nuclear weapons detonated six Star Destroyer Carriers! "

He twisted his tie anxiously: "This is not a science fiction film, let alone Hollywood, but it is really about taking human lives. Billions of people on the earth are used as bait, and everyone knows what the 'secret' is... The top secrets of various countries are buried No one dares to touch the remains of saints or the places where miracles are said to have occurred. I ask you, who can be sure how much disaster it will cause if it is opened?

"Is it allowed by Muslims? The holy cities of Mecca and Jerusalem are within easy reach! It is not a problem for a mystery to cover a province, and it is this kind of mystery..."

"I allow it." Before he finished speaking, an old voice sounded. Kongzhi Alamhan's face was livid, and the words came out one by one through his teeth, but he was extremely firm: "If it is for the continuation of mankind, I allow it."

The President of the United States moved his lips but said no more.

Just inside the United States, there is an equally terrifying secret hidden, the Devil's Triangle.

As soon as the US President finished speaking, the Indian Prime Minister had already spoken: "Once Zhenjun falls on the moon, the earth will no longer have the power to welcome Zhenwujie. At most, the earth will fall completely in a week. The consequences of this are too serious."

"I don't agree. If it drags on, the earth will also be in danger. It's better to give it a try." The Chinese Prime Minister said: "What worries me most... is the secret activation."

"Dozens of mysteries around the world are erupting at the same time, and strange phenomena will appear on the entire earth..." An Arabian king gritted his teeth and said: "What should mortals do... It is impossible for us to let them evacuate, and it is impossible for the Zhenwu community to notice the slightest abnormality! We...are going to abandon our own people in exchange for the victory of the majority?"

"Now is not the time to be kind to women! So, what do you mean, the fall of the world is more regrettable than the sacrifice of a small number of people? Where can there be no war without sacrifice? This is a perfect opportunity! If the network cannot be broken, sooner or later the earth will be destroyed Damn it! Yes, I admit that China’s Southwest Gate and Bohai Base have achieved brilliant victories, but how many Chinas are there on earth?”

"This war cannot be a country's war. You have only seen the victory of China. Those countries that have been destroyed are littered with corpses and blood. Why don't you go and take a look! Look how the Zhenwu community massacres the city. Yes! They have no humanity. At this time, you still tell me to persuade others with virtue? "

No one laughed. Just now it was a dispute between ministers of various countries, but once this taboo topic was opened, heads of state from all over the world began to argue.

There was no gentleness, it was a heated, bickering teleconference about the survival of the human race.

No one knew how long they had been discussing. It was nine o'clock in the morning, Imperial City time. In the Red Star command room, Chairman Gao rubbed his black eyes and his voice became hoarse: "Let's vote."

"It's been discussed long enough. No one can be convinced."

"So, let's take a vote."

"Should we put all our hopes on this bet, or should we continue to struggle with the Zhenwu community? Pass it once and for all. After that, whether you agree or disagree, you must fully support the content of the resolution."

No one objected.

Half an hour later, with a start, one hand after another, the hand that only determines the fate of mankind, the future direction, and countless lives and deaths, quietly raised or quietly put down.

Annihilation and redemption, in one thought.


"Passed?" On the same day, half an hour later, Xu Yangyi was practicing in the training room and suddenly opened his eyes. A golden paper crane fluttered in front of him.

"It actually passed?" He didn't expect it to pass. He originally planned to have a good talk with the government, but governments around the world were surprisingly courageous.

At this time, the strong man must cut off his wrist, otherwise... the strong man will have his head cut off.

"Very good..." He closed his eyes: "At least the next year and a half will be the time to make full preparations."

"Your spiritual power is disordered. How many times have I told you that even if you concentrate on it, you still can't achieve the goal of holding Yuan Shouyi?" As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately raised his voice. In this training room, four people, Mao Baer, ​​Zhao Ziqi, Wangchen, and Chu Zhaonan, were sweating profusely while meditating. Each person has a talisman on his head, oppressing them like Mount Tai.

But under this pressure, their potential was tapped bit by bit. In the room, empty pill bottles had piled up into a hill.

"Brother Xu...are we really going?" Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth.

"You don't have to go." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "If you don't want to go with me, don't come tomorrow."

No one spoke. Mao Baer opened one eye furtively and sneaked into Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness: "Yangyao, what's the matter with you? I feel like you're in a hurry? We don't actually need to go, right?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

Because...just a few hours ago, he had already felt an extremely terrifying existence coming towards the earth at lightning speed!

It has never been so clear... It has never been so clear. The goal of that existence is very obvious, it is him!

"We are all in the same place..." He gritted his teeth, tried to calm down, and began to recall the dark pattern on the snake's body.

Every minute and every second is extremely precious.

In the universe, a huge planet rushed at full speed, so fast that it was surrounded by strong flames.

"Finally almost there..." A relieved voice came from the planet: "The journey across light years is finally almost there... Wait for me... You can't run away... I want to see who you are, and how you can attract the attention of the emperor... Hehe..."

In front of it, a galaxy with nine stars is already in sight.

Solar system!

The leader of the Void Legion, Taichu is coming!

As time goes by, every person and every country on the earth lives a life like five years a day, deploying troops, sending generals, defending, attacking and testing, while the Jindan who really understands the inside story and is selected by the True Lords has begun the final sprint.

Those who are interested also feel a little abnormal. As time goes by, the prices of various disposable magic weapons, elixirs, and talismans are rising in an orderly manner. When it reached the end of the year, the first suppressed explosion came.

"The Jindan-level Heavenly Soldiers Talisman sold for two million medium-grade spirit stones? And someone bought it immediately?" A middle-aged man pushed his glasses in astonishment, looked at the trading area of ​​the cultivation network inexplicably, shook his head and sighed: "These six months... are really getting more and more blurred. The attack of the Zhenwu Realm is more fierce. The whole of Africa fell within six months... How long can we... hold on?"

No matter how you look at it, it's like the madness before the destruction.

Or... the sinking before rebirth.

Everything seems to be pushed by an invisible big hand. No one knows whether it is towards the light or the abyss.

The players have all come to the table, betting on the future of a plane.

At the beginning of the next year, Xu Yangyi changed to guard Master Huineng and met the last of the "Five Emperors" for the first time. He was kind-hearted and old, no different from other monks, but he looked at Xu Yangyi with a very deep gaze. He said three good words in a row before leaving the Broken Dragon Lock.

Unexpectedly, as a Buddhist monk, Master Huineng did not raise any objections to the decision of the other four emperors.

Perhaps, only they could see that it would never end well if it dragged on, and the most correct approach was to achieve success in one battle.

A general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of bones. This has been the case in all wars from ancient times to the present. Who says that thousands of bones must be warriors?

The Broken Dragon Lock is a square falling space with an extremely flat surrounding. Only monks can fly down directly. 320 meters deep underground, 150 meters before, there is a flat and smooth stone wall. Once you go 150 meters deep, the carvings of nine coiled dragons continue to spread downwards, and at the bottom 20 meters, nine heads raise their heads and spit water.

Yes, there is a water prison below. The deepest and most claustrophobic water prison in Chinese history.

From the mouths of the nine giant dragon carvings, a dark chain was pulled out, and it was made of unknown material. It tightly grasped the body of an old man with his hands raised and his head hanging down.

"Hua La La..." Xu Yangyi landed in front of the Jin Houzhu with his graceful steps. The Jin Houzhu, who used to be so majestic, now had his hair flying and his dragon robe torn. He was like a dead dog with his collarbone pierced through. When he heard the sound of Xu Yangyi falling, he just raised his head weakly, and the corners of his mouth twitched with a sneer.

"Good attitude." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "I hope you live happily here."

"Hehehe... It's the turn of a junior to be presumptuous in front of me..." Jin Houzhu shot a mocking look in his eyes: "I really didn't expect... You who were chased by me like a drowned dog in front of Qingcheng Mountain a few months ago can also step into my realm... It's really a shame for Yuanying."

Xu Yangyi sneered: "Let me guess, you are so calm now, are you waiting for someone from Zhenwu Realm to save you?"

"Don't dream, soon, I will put the heads of the other two emperors here, and accompany you day and night."

He fell a little, leaned down, and said coldly: "You know, China has begun to decipher your second layer of restrictions. I believe that soon, the truth of Zhenwu Realm will appear in front of us."

Jin Houzhu raised his eyes from his messy white hair, looked at Xu Yangyi like a dead man, and suddenly smiled.

"Frog in the well..." His laughter was as hoarse as a broken bellows: "When you can really unlock it... you will see the deepest despair..."

"How dare you, a junior who knows nothing about the domain, be so presumptuous in front of me?"

"Unfortunately, I have recently made up for my knowledge of the domain. Your provocation is really low-end." Xu Yangyi straightened up and grinned: "In three months, I will go to the moon, and all the small worlds on the earth will come. You will not be able to see the grand scene of the last battle."

"Let the heads of the ancestors of the two holy places tell you slowly."

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