
Chapter 908: The Path to the Myriad Worlds, the Small Thousand Worlds (I)

Guarding the Dragon-Breaking Lock, below is the Yuanying Zhenjun, and three hundred meters above are countless foundation-building cultivators and a large number of mortal special forces.

A top-secret laboratory is set up here, and more than a dozen of China's top cultivation research doctors shuttle back and forth.

"What's going on?" Xu Yangyi's voice came from below. More than a dozen doctors didn't look up, and pointed quickly: "Zhenjun, it's not good."

"The second layer shows signs of being unlocked, but... its prohibition structure is much more complicated than the first layer, and it is estimated to be exactly nine months later."

In the water prison below, Xu Yangyi frowned.

Nine months later... that is exactly when they will attack the lunar base.

"Not only that..." A doctor wondered: "His second layer of prohibition... seems to hide something, and the spiritual energy is extremely huge."


After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi's voice sounded: "As soon as possible."

In the water prison, he no longer cared about the shocked expression of the Jin Houzhu. The Dan Ding meridians and the golden apple opened at the same time, and a tornado of spiritual energy penetrated the water prison from the air.

Under the pale hair, the eyes of the Jin Houzhu were full of shock. Even the Moyun Patriarch and Yueying Fairy Grandma could not reach such a terrifying throughput speed.

Xu Yangyi could not care about other things. In the last nine months, the more strength he had, the more qualifications he had to come back alive.

In the past six months, all the named Jindan began to prepare supplies. The various trump cards of the country, the various elixirs of the major sects and the noble families were all unconditionally dedicated. An undercurrent surged even more violently under the sea.

In the third month, most of the Yuanying on the earth had been contacted, and none of the fifteen great Zhenjun refused. Then, the huge family behind them and their own tree-like connections had been fully mobilized.

Anything that could enhance their strength, any item that could strengthen their protection, as long as it appeared on the market, no matter how much the price was, it would be swept away.

There were already very few things suitable for Yuanying, and with the global sweep of the fifteen Zhenjun, the market had already seen inflated prices, but at this time, no one paid attention to these.

In this oppressive calm, the war finally broke out in the eighth month of a year and a half.

The Zhenwu Realm, which had swallowed up the entire Africa, and the fourth-ranked Wuya Cave Heaven, led by the Zhenjun Wuyazi, marched out of Algiers, the capital of Algeria, with 470 million soldiers, claiming to be a 500 million army, across the Mediterranean, gathering the five major caves and sixteen blessed places, and invaded Spain, Italy, France, and Greece at the same time.

The desolate horn of war resounded over the sky of this ancient sea, and the "Mediterranean War" that was later called the "Mediterranean War" in the history of the earth officially kicked off. It was one of the most numerous and most tragic battles in the Ten Thousand Worlds War. It was second only to the Moon War the following year.

Under the leadership of the Greek God-inherited family, the Ross family, the earth's 350 million troops covered the defense line from Spain to Turkey, with Athens, Greece as the capital. Backed by ten countries including Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, and Germany, they fought a bloody battle for several months with this plane fleet that had just conquered Greece.

"The Mediterranean Sea was dyed red. Countless airships rushed out of the five major African ports of Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Cairo, and Rabat. The blood flowed from Ankara, Turkey to Lisbon, Portugal, and finally merged into the Atlantic Ocean. It opened the last madness of the Zhenwu Realm." The history of the earth, the chronicle of the war of all worlds.

In the ninth month of a year and a half, the Mediterranean War, which had just started for a month, intensified again. Norway fell, and Sweden and Finland barely supported it with the support of Russia. The Hanhai Fairy Palace, which had just annexed Norway and was attacking the Scandinavian holy land, suddenly gave up the birthplace of the Nordic mythology that had been unsuccessful for a long time, and the troops went straight into the North Sea.

In the middle of September, the troops arrived in London, and the Netherlands, Denmark, and Berlin were simultaneously under the threat of 240 million heavy troops of the Hanhai Fairy Palace. Attacked from both sides, the situation in Europe was precarious.

In the eleventh month, the Bering Strait connecting Russia and America was heavily blocked. The third largest cave heaven, the Dark Blood Cave Heaven, and the second largest cave heaven, the Chaolong Cave Heaven, the True Lord Chaolong Daozu mobilized 230 million troops to block the passage between the two continents. At the same time, the Alaska Peninsula in the United States was bombed endlessly for half a year.

In December, the Hawaiian Islands fell. Using Hawaii as a springboard, the Zhenwu Realm army marched to the Pacific Ocean. The three major cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle were the first to bear the brunt. The half of Canada ignited the war. At the same time, the Queen Elizabeth Islands behind America and the twelve blessed places of Greenland descended. Canada finally entered the era of total war after more than five years of silence.

In the thirteenth month of a year and a half, the Indian True Lord Shiva took action, across Pakistan, the three Yuanying combined, hundreds of millions of Muslims and tens of millions of monks, from the holy city of Mecca to Jerusalem, recaptured the holy city of the three religions, and Zhurong Shenzong immediately asked for help. The Zhenwu Realm army left behind in Africa rushed out, which directly affected the Zhenwu Realm's troops invested in the Mediterranean, and the Mediterranean War was temporarily suspended.

In the fifteenth month of a year and a half, Manila, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands were all on red alert, the Spice Islands were all in danger, and Australia was in danger. So far, the "pearl chain" tactics against the four ancient cultivation countries of China have been fully deployed. The tactics of Zhenwu Realm to surround but not attack are only used on China and America.

"Sha..." Under the Broken Dragon Lock hundreds of meters deep, in the darkness, Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes.

An ancient bell was suspended above the water prison, and at the same time, it made a "dangdangdang" sound.

"Hua La La..." The Jin Houzhu dragged the chain, looked at the man sitting cross-legged in the void from his messy white hair, and suddenly let out a strange laugh.

"Hehehe... Hahahaha!"

"What?" In the past year or so, he has been tested by the Earth True Lord in various ways, and all that should be dug out of his brain has been dug out, but his expression is still calm, and he sneered weakly: "Are you scared?"

"Is the earth already in danger? It's time to change guards again, and no one is coming to replace you... You can't even take out the Yuanying guarding me?"

Xu Yangyi looked at him with pity, turned into a stream of light, and rushed out of the Broken Dragon Lock.

The sealed aura burst out at this moment, and black air penetrated the sky above the Thirteen Tombs, covering the sky and the earth, as if the devil had descended.

Cells revived one by one, blood began to flow again, and an extremely powerful feeling surged in the blood. He raised his hand and clenched it into a fist, placed it in front of him, and squeezed it with a crackling sound. With every force he exerted, cracks spread in the surrounding space.

The past six months were a half year for him to digest. He broke through again in the heavenly tribulation. Now, he has digested all the results of the battle and is stronger than before.

At this moment, a black paper crane seemed to have calculated the time and flew in front of him.

"Hubei, Shennongjia, the bottomless abyss below, twelve o'clock tonight."

Sixteen words, his eyes suddenly became hot.

The paper crane turned into a piece of ash in his hand. As the paper crane burned out, the black ash turned into a two-meter-sized teleportation array. He took a deep breath and stepped on it.

As the surrounding scenery rotated, he clearly felt a cry from his body and soul.

The fierce fighting spirit boiled from his bones inch by inch. He was like a stone sculpture, silent, with only his eyes remaining incomparably firm. A few seconds later, the light in front of him shone brightly, and he had appeared among the mountains.

The surroundings are primitive, with mountains stacked up and lush, and a stream of extremely rich spiritual energy covering the sky and the earth, turning this place into a fairyland.

I don't know where this is. Right in front of him, there is a huge platform, antique and fragrant, a hundred meters high. There are more than ten equally huge bronze rings around the top of the platform.

These rings are suspended in the air, engraved with talismans, each of which is two or three hundred meters in size. It seems like a black hole inside, the space is twisted and torn, as if something is about to come out of it.

The surroundings are silent, without a single living thing, as if this is an isolated place, separated from the entire plane.

On the platform, a figure stood proudly in the void, without turning his head, and said in a deep voice: "You are here."

Xu Fangyuan.

Xu Yangyi nodded and flew over. As soon as he arrived on the platform, his eyes moved slightly.

There was no wind, but standing here, it was like standing on a huge eye of the wind. A terrifying aura that was not like wind, but blew in all directions, and all the trees within a hundred miles bowed their heads. It burst out from the seventeen rings. If it weren't for the Nascent Soul, it would be impossible to stand on the high platform.

Xu Fangyuan slowly raised his hand, and with a golden light, a fist-sized golden warm jade appeared in his hand, engraved with a name.

"Here is the passage to all worlds. The largest hub on earth."

"At twelve o'clock tonight, the seventeen small worlds that help in the battle will come as promised. By then, the void storm here will reach its maximum. I am afraid that I am not strong enough alone, and other Taoist friends cannot get away. They are all making final preparations."

Xu Yangyi was silent for a while, looking at the space cracks that were slowly twisting in the rings in all directions: "Then?"

"Then?" Xu Fangyuan was a little puzzled. But he reacted immediately, looking at the sky, his voice calm: "Tomorrow at twelve o'clock."

"After twelve o'clock... Ten thousand swords will fly together, and the small world will join us to attack the six star destroyer motherships on the moon. Are you... ready?"

When the war was about to start, Xu Yangyi was calm instead. He also looked at the sky around him and said slowly: "I have asked my agent to prepare what needs to be prepared."

"Don't you need to prepare more?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer, and smiled after a long time: "The arrow is on the string, what's the point of asking whether the bow is tight?"


This battle may be the last one. If it succeeds, it will end the seven-year war. If it fails, the family will be destroyed and people will die. They have gambled everything they have.

Including life.

Xu Yangyi is like this, Xu Fangyuan is like this, Xuanyuan Sword Master is like this...any Yuanying on the earth is like this.

"Then...just wait." Xu Fangyuan put his hands behind his back: "See the true foundation of the earth and the appeal of being a big world."

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