
Chapter 911: The Gate of the Human Face (I)

"This is..." Emperor Bei Ming looked at the scene on the screen, and then his body trembled quietly.


This is Yuanying!

All sixteen and great Yuanying are dispatched!

And... follow this chain to kill the moon! This is... to raid their nest!

"Return to defense!!!" Without any hesitation, his voice suddenly became sharp, and the roar instantly spread throughout the Bei Ming Dynasty: "All troops return to defense immediately!!"

"What the hell is this!?" In the Eastern Tang Dynasty, Tang Wuzu looked at the golden lock with sixteen bright moons rising to the sky in shock, and his voice trembled a little: "Earth... can actually hit the moon?!"

This is impossible! In the assessment of the upper seven realms, the earth has no cross-dimensional weapons!

But how to explain it now? !

After two seconds, he reacted, and without hesitation, all the command arrows on the table in front of him flew out: "Return to defense! Return to defense immediately! Return to defense of the moon base with all your strength!"


The Zhenwu Realm was indeed panicked.

This is like the ancient Battle of Guandu, when Yuan Shao's army was on the frontier, but the Wuchao granary was burned. Now, the fire has not been lit yet, how can they not be anxious?

"Cannot return to defend..." In the Hanhai Fairy Palace, Yueying Fairy stared at the deputy palace master in front of her, and the other party said tremblingly: "The last moon tide, the spiritual resonance network has just been activated..."

Before he finished speaking, he was grabbed by the neck and lifted up. Yueying Fairy's hair fluttered, and her clothes fluttered. She asked word by word: "How long! It will take!"

"Six hours! My lord! It will take another six hours!!"

"Damn it!!!"

On Earth, all the heads of state in front of the screen stood up suddenly, and the think tanks behind them did the same.

Take off...

Sixteen swords came out of the earth and pointed at the moon. This is their last hope!

There was no cheering, only worry, everyone's chest rose and fell sharply, their breathing weakened, and they stared at the light screen.

"Can't go back to defend?" Zhurong Divine Sect, Moyun Patriarch closed his eyes, his whole body trembling slightly.

A critical moment...

This is true for the sixteen Yuanyings on Earth, and it is also true for them!

"All troops attack!" After a few seconds, he opened his eyes, which were blood red. He slammed the table suddenly: "Order the twenty-two caves and fifty-eight blessed lands in the world of no return to attack with all their strength! Don't leave any trump cards!!"

"Before they attack the star destroyer, defeat the world of no return for this True Lord! Beat the world of no return to pieces! No matter what!!"

Both sides drew their swords at the same time!

The long swords were green, shining with the brilliance of death under the moonlight. On one side, there were sixteen, fourteen great Yuanyings, and forty-eight golden elixirs. On the other side, there were fifteen great Yuanyings in the Zhenwu Realm, hundreds of golden elixirs! Hundreds of millions of troops!

The silent long swords, invisible and intangible, confronted each other between the moon and the earth.

Every second counts, the world's martial arts can only be broken by speed, whoever defeats it first, wins!

"How dare you!!!" The Dongtang Dynasty was now over India. A roar like thunder sounded in the vast sky, and then a terrifying pressure erupted.

Like a deep abyss, like a mountain, like a sea!

"Swish!" A gray area spread over tens of thousands of meters. In the area, a man in a dragon robe, with his hair and beard flying, looked at India below: "You thieves from the world of no return..."

"You are looking for death!!!"

"Destroying the spirit area!!"

The area exploded with all its strength. Below him was Kolkata, one of the seven major cities in India. It was the first to bear the brunt of the wrath of the Nascent Soul.

"Boom!!!" A huge spiritual energy explosion resounded over Kolkata. On the screen, the Indian Prime Minister slowly opened his eyes. All the world leaders looked at him.

"No rescue?" Chairman Gao's lips trembled. Even he felt heartbroken.

His own people... were suffering under his nose, but he was unable to help.

"It is impossible to rescue." The Indian Prime Minister gritted his teeth. The gentle scene on TV was gone, leaving only a heart-wrenching expression: "Defend New Delhi, this is what we have to do."

"India...can no longer divide its troops..."

Not only India, at this moment, all the Yuanyings of the Zhenwu Realm on Earth have taken action! And the protective arrays of the cities they visited have all been opened to the maximum!

"Boom boom boom!" One after another soul-gathering cannons resounded through the sky. At this moment, the night on Earth was reflected as day.

All this, the sixteen Yuanyings did not know, their eyes were only fixed on the six motherships that were getting closer and closer.

Even from such a distance, they could clearly see the figures of the six demons and one demon king on the moon.

It was them...covering the sky above the earth for seven years and blocking the moon for seven years. Now, there is finally a chance to touch them!

Six teams, ready to fight!

The Human-faced Star Destroyer: "Wolf Poison True Lord" Xu Yangyi, 5.2 million spirits, killing field. Zhang Sanfeng, the "Taiji" Tianzai Zhenjun, 8.63 million souls, the realm of life and death. Malorne, the King of the White Deer, 4.8 million souls, the realm: the ancient forbidden land. Gusong Zhenren, Tuoba Zhenren, Duanming Zhenren. There are also Mao Baer, ​​Chu Zhaonan, Zhao Ziqi, Wangchen.

The Killing Star Destroyer: Aram Khan of the Sky, 8 million souls, the realm of the sky. Baisam of the Sand, 7.28 million souls, the realm of the crazy sand. "Ancient Behemoth" Lugba, the realm: the Behemoth Arena. 7.42 million souls, plus three prophet preparers, the quasi-prophet Muhammad, the quasi-prophet Abdulabu, and the quasi-prophet Qiaoli Ganda.

The Star Destroyer Carrier: "King Garuda" Dirangjawala, 7.62 million souls, Mandala Domain. "King of Heaven" Halvi, eight million souls, formless realm. "Shiva" Shahrukh, nine million and two hundred souls, destroyed the realm. Plus three great masters of Indian Buddhism.

Wail Star Destroyer Mothership: The Rus family of the Greek capital, the "Godslayer" Wrynn, the capital of Rus, 7.9 million souls, the realm of glory. "Transcendent" Caesar King Duros, seven hundred and three thousand souls, transcending the realm. "The Immortal King" Vampire Prince Augustus Tagule, 5.99 million souls, domain: bloody hell. Plus three semi-pure blood vampires.

Supreme name: "King of the Full Moon" Ofir Covinus, 5.9 million spirits, domain: hunting kings. Xuanyuan Sword Master has nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand spirits. There are also three most elite monks from the two major families.

Kongwu number: Xu Fangyuan, 7.2 million spirits, domain: immortality domain. Phoenix of Fire, six hundred and eighty-nine thousand spirits, Phoenix Realm. Plus the three "executioner" captains of the Tirasong family.

All the elites on Earth are showing off!

Not expensive, just expensive.

Only a small group of elites can destroy the six major motherships.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the six motherships that were getting closer and closer. Closer... closer... Just as they entered five hundred kilometers outside the moon, there was a sudden "kakaka" sound.

"Moon's crystal wall system!" Xu Yangyi shouted, unable to take care of the four people behind him. He had given them all the protective treasures before, and now the spiritual energy was flowing away from his body: "Broken!!"

All Nascent Souls burst out with the same loud shout. The four people behind him were dumbfounded. All the Nascent Souls on the earth took action at the same time, without any reservation. This grand occasion was rare in a thousand years!

"Crack!!!" Outside the moon, fireworks bloomed, and as the majestic spiritual power rushed into the crystal wall system, a hexagonal circular shield suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, wrapping the moon like a ball, but just Under the impact of spiritual power, the hundred-meter barrier was broken.

"Let's go!!" Someone shouted, and the sixteen moons suddenly turned into stars and moved away, and everyone rushed towards their goal.

Tonight, the moon is destined to be stained with blood.

"Swipe!" The Yuanying's spiritual power enveloped itself, allowing the Yuanying to swim in the void for a short time. But the moment they broke through the crystal wall system, the black ultra-small floating boats had already disappeared from the six major star destroyers. Swarming out of the mothership!

Like the night, like the tide, the bright moonlight suddenly cast a dark shadow. Everyone on the Star Destroyer Carrier was panicking.

"Stop them!! All the remaining troops attack in full force! We must not let them get close to here! Contact all the true kings in the realm of no return immediately! Activate the spiritual energy resonance network at all costs! As long as we can open it in advance, we have a chance of winning!"

At this moment, fifteen light curtains shined on the six motherships.

The Nascent Souls of the fifteen major true martial arts circles all came forward.

"Everyone." Yueying Immortal Grandma was the first to speak: "The situation is extremely critical, and I have only one request."

"Before the next resonance opens, stick to the core of the mothership! The true martial arts world is your strongest backing!"

"No matter what, you must defend! Even if you die for your country, I will protect your entire family!!"


Closer...closer...Xu Yangyi's eyes were hot. Right in front of him, thousands of miniature floating boats were arranged in a row. He could even see the roaring spirit gathering cannon.

"Let it go!!!" With a loud shout, the moon surface became bright. Before he could take action, a deer roar sounded. Before them, the endless forest spread out.

"Here I come, charge with me!!" Malorne, the King of White Deer, took the lead. It was only the size of an ordinary elk, covered with long snow-white hair. It was too late to care about the grudge against Xu Yangyi. The ancient forbidden land area opened, and countless trees rose up in the air. Covering a kilometer radius around them in emerald green.

"Boom boom boom!!!" Countless spirit-gathering cannons hit the forest, but before they even made contact, they turned into ashes all over the sky.

How powerful is Yuanying's attack? How can a thousand floating boats stop it?

"There are not enough of them!" Xu Yangyi shouted, only 100 ships dared to be dispatched? The six Star Destroyer Motherships are empty of troops. This is the best opportunity!

Before he finished speaking, the pure passion erupted in full force. Auras of spiritual energy wrapped around his limbs, and suddenly, he kicked out his legs.

"Brush!!" The wind from his legs cut through the void like a sword. In an instant, more than a dozen floating boats in front exploded into space.


On the other side, Augustus let out a sharp scream, and a little bit of scarlet blood in the universe condensed all over his body, forming a violent wind of blood. The next second, the violent wind turned into a tornado, sweeping thousands of meters around.

After the violent wind passed, the wings of the God of Death spread out, and a thousand-meter-long vampire looked up to the sky and roared. The terrifying sound waves made the moon tremble.

"Death... you provocative bastard!" With a claw slapped down, dozens of floating boats in front of him exploded.

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