
Chapter 912: The Gate of the Human Face (Part 2)

"God said... He said let there be light, and there was light." On the other side of the sky, Saint Peter of Light faced hundreds of soul-gathering cannons, his expression unchanged, and he was desperately flipping an old code in his hand. With every word he said, the dark universe was filled with light.

"God said, he wants you to be destroyed, so... you are destroyed."

"God's Words!"

A huge circle of light instantly exploded from his body, sweeping across the void. Wherever the circle of light passed, everything turned into nothingness, as if it had never existed.

Not only them, but also the Yuanying Zhenjun who responded to each warship attacked together. Less than a thousand intercepting floating boats disappeared in almost the blink of an eye. Sixteen rays of light rushed straight to the six demons without stopping.

"Close the door! Close the door! They must not be allowed in!! Activate the self-protection setting of the Human Face!"

The six star destroyer motherships were already shouting. At this moment, the main body of the Zhenwu Realm, far away on the other side of the moon, suddenly burst out six purple lights, rushing straight into the sky and dissipating in the universe. The next second, the core transmission array in the center of the main control room flickered.

"Silence!" A majestic voice swept through the Human Face: "Listen to my command below, who dares not to obey, will be executed on the spot!"

The six golden elixir-level spiritual energy swept across the scene, and everyone calmed down. Looking at the six figures: "You are..."

On each mothership, there stood a majestic figure. Their spiritual energy may not have reached the Nascent Soul, but it gave people a feeling of extreme danger. In particular, they all wore purple robes.

White, green, black, red, purple, and gold. This is the level of cultivators jointly issued by the Zhenwu Realm Dynasty Holy Land, which not only represents their cultivation, but also represents their status.

Only the emperor and the lord of the holy land can wear a golden robe, and the purple under the gold...

"Elders..." On the Supreme Star Destroyer, the leaderless monks were stunned for a moment, then cheered and knelt on the ground respectfully: "Welcome the six elders of the Zhenwu Elders!"

"I am the King Wuling. From now on, I will take over the command of the Human Face. Who has any objections?" The voice of the purple-robed man swept across the audience, and no one dared to speak.


Not only did the Earth send out their sharpest swords, but at this critical moment, the Zhenwu World also drew their swords at the same time!

The six elders of the Zhenwu Elders came out in full force!

Ignoring them, the purple-robed figure stepped in front of the light curtain, looked deeply at the six figures only a thousand meters away from the Human Face, and gritted his teeth and said, "Six hours..."

"Even if the whole ship dies for the country, you must remember this! Within six hours, whoever dares to retreat, I will sacrifice his entire clan with blood!!"

In space, Xu Yangyi, Tianzai, Malorne, and several others, wrapped in the Nascent Soul spirit, rushed to the triangular gate that had just released the airship.

"Boom boom boom..." As if the mountains were closing, the triangle with countless gates was slowly closing. It was only about five meters away. Xu Yangyi said nothing, his body was like lightning, and Mistytin was unsheathed.

"Go!!!" At the moment Mistytin flew out, Tianzai and Malorne's eyes flashed, and they rushed with all their strength with others.

A golden light shone, Mistytin's weapon spirit boiled out, and the phantom of the knight in golden armor held the three gates tightly. How powerful is the huge mothership of hundreds of thousands of meters? In an instant, even the spirit of Odin's holy sword flashed all over and shouted at the figure a hundred meters away: "Hurry!!"

However... Even the Yuanying in space is not that fast. A few hundred meters can usually be reached in one leap, but now it seems like the gate between heaven and hell.

Yuanying Zhenjun can't stay in space for long. After an hour, if they can't get into the door, they will only turn into ashes.

"Buzz..." Just after rushing out a hundred meters, the talismans on the three doors all emerged and closed with a more violent force than before.

"Stop for this Zhenjun! ! !!"

Two angry shouts sounded at the same time, the fish intestines whistled out, and the sky was full of black light. On the other side, a black and white long sword flew out at the same time, shooting straight at the gap that was only one meter left.

The first hurdle is to enter the star destroyer mothership, and the king of nuclear weapons can exert its true power.

At this moment, the triangular gate was only half a meter away, and suddenly lit up with green light all over the sky.

"Go!" Malorne's voice came from behind, and the ancient forbidden area was pushed to the extreme by it. But... facing the super giant mothership of more than 100,000 meters that the whole world has put all its manpower into, even the Nascent Soul is not enough.

A seed grew out from around the gap, and then spread rapidly, turning into a vine several meters thick, covering the sky and the earth, entwining the three gates, and actually "clicking" to open to one meter!

"You..." Xu Yangyi turned his head, and at this moment, the slight hatred he had with Malorne disappeared, and he was only worried about whether the other party could come in.

One less person, this sharp sword will be blunt.

"Don't worry about me!!" Malorne looked up to the sky and cried: "This prince has lived for thousands of years and survived countless battles between holy spirits. Naturally, there is a way to get in. Human beings."

Xu Yangyi nodded, and his spiritual power wrapped Zhao Ziqi and the other two, all rushed to the gap.

No one could see, Malorne's white hair stood up, and his antlers, like the people who had called his holy name, quickly expanded and shone like gems.

At the moment when the three figures disappeared, with the sound of a deer, his body suddenly disappeared from the spot, and all the seeds carrying fish intestines, Mistedin, and the Yin-Yang sword rushed into the mothership at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

"Boom..." Behind him, the triangular gate slammed shut.

"Heh..." Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi both leaned against the wall of the mothership and panted. It was really a life-and-death race just now. If they couldn't get in and were locked outside the mothership, the other party would never open the door again. This group's action would fail.

Wang Chen wiped his forehead, his hands were full of cold sweat. His heart was still beating wildly in his ears.

Xu Yangyi, Malorne, and Tianzai looked normal. Each of the True Lords held a weapon in his hand and looked around with great vigilance.


Extremely quiet.

Compared with the life-and-death race in space just now, and the wildness of the nebula, this place was like a morgue, so quiet that it was terrifying.

You could hear a pin drop.

The extreme movement just now and the extreme silence now seemed to have happened in the last century. Move like thunder and stop like the river and the sea. When they have cultivated to this level, they know very well when to take the lead and when to calm down and observe.

In front of them, the interior of the Human Face was like a piece of steel plate, with countless talismans flashing on each piece. Xu Yangyi carefully passed his hand over each talisman and said in a deep voice: "Detonate, counter-detect, detect. Once the talisman is broken by force, the explosion caused can slightly injure the golden elixir. And it is dense. In addition, these talismans can detect the direction of our spiritual energy. When we use spiritual energy to counter-detect them, we cannot find the center of the talisman."

Maloen's light flashed and turned into an elf wearing a cloak covered with leaves. His face could not be seen clearly. He touched the wall with his hand: "It is very solid, and the talisman level is very high. If we break it forcefully, it will take too much time and consume a lot of spiritual energy. They should be expecting us to consume spiritual energy."

Xu Yangyi nodded. Although he could not recognize all the talismans in front of him, 90% of them were no problem. From the composition of the talismans, he could almost see what the arrangement was.

The current silence is for the next outbreak. After 24 hours of fierce fighting, every bit of spiritual power is very precious.

"What should we do?" Chu Zhaonan asked. His eyes swept across the black ring on Xu Yangyi's hand from time to time. Inside, there is a real devil flower. Once it blooms, I am afraid that except for the three Yuanyings, everyone on the scene will die immediately. Even the Yuanying will be seriously injured.

Tick... Tick... He seemed to hear the sound of the second hand moving inside.

The death knell sounded silently.

Whether it is for the Zhenwu Realm or for the Yuanyings on Earth.

Tianzai pondered for a few seconds, waved his hand, and a map composed of spiritual light appeared in front of everyone, which was the internal structure of the Human Face.

"We are here." He pointed to the tail: "And the main control room is at the head. We have to cross a distance of nearly 100,000 meters. And among them, there are three levels, which are the most difficult."

The hand gently tapped, and three red dots appeared above.

"This mothership has three control cores, located in these three places. Only when these three places are completely destroyed, the main control room door will open. We can't hope to directly blow up the main control room door, this hope is very slim. As the only six star destroyer motherships in the Zhenwu Realm, they can't help but guard against Yuanying." Xu Yangyi was calm at this moment, not like someone who was about to fight: "Divine Weaponry, Dianjiangtai, Human Face Gate."

He drew a line on the map: "And according to the memory of the Jin Houzhu, these three places..."

He drew a line and put his hand away: "All of them have means to kill or even defeat Yuanying."

"However, to resist Yuanying, it is enough to consume a few percent of the spiritual energy reserves of this ship." Malorne narrowed his golden eyes: "When we attack these three cores, we are stripping away the defense facilities of this ship. Once they are broken, the main control room of this ship is almost completely open to us. No need to talk nonsense, choose."

As a Yuanying, everyone has their own confidence.

Isn't the strength of nearly a thousand years just for today's complete bloom?

"Then, the Human Face Gate belongs to me." Xu Yangyi stood up, clasped his fists and said carefully: "Everyone... be careful."

"The generals' platform is what I want. Then, the divine weapon storehouse belongs to me."

After the division, the golden elixir followed each other, and the three Yuanying looked at each other deeply.

Perhaps, it was the last look.

At least remember the faces of the warriors.

"Go!!" Thunder made a decisive decision. After three loud shouts, white, black, and black, three-color spiritual lights rushed towards the three passages.

At the same time, in the main control room of the Human Face, thousands of people held their breath, and only the purple-robed figure in front was left.

The long sword was silent, and the swords of both sides were placed on each other's necks. One side came with the power of the Yuanying, and the fierceness was overwhelming. On the other hand, it was not impossible to rely on the mothership to resist the Yuanying.

"Only six hours..." The purple-robed man in front of the light curtain clenched his fists and made a crackling sound: "In six hours... the fifteen great true masters will return, and in an instant, they will send you flying back to annihilation!"

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