
Chapter 913: The Gate of the Human Face (Part 3)

Xu Yangyi was observing, and they were also guessing and preparing for the other party's next method.

The top masters' decisive battles are not about fighting for their lives, but looking for opportunities to kill with one blow.

A good hunter is a hunter who can endure his temper, and even if the hunting ground is at the home ground of the Star Destroyer Carrier, they are not sure whether they are such hunters.

On the light screen, the three people suddenly separated, turning into three streams of light and rushing towards the three control cores.

"As expected, Lord Jin was captured. They should know how to break into the main control room of the Star Destroyer Mothership." The man in purple robe suddenly stood up: "Send the order..."

"Your Excellency King Wu Ling." At this moment, a voice appeared behind him, and a man in a red robe half-knelt on the ground: "Gate of the Human Face, please allow me to go forward."

"One hundred and eight demon sealing armies will definitely kill this beast in front of the door!"

The purple-robed man paused, turned around and said, "Uncle of the Jin Dynasty, Commander of the Guards Rong Shiyi, do you want to avenge the Empress of Jin and your niece Princess Rong? With all due respect, even if it's a hundred and zero All eight demon armies are no match for this person."

He looked at the screen with some lingering fear: "He... I felt like a humanoid beast when I saw it... This kind of pressure can even be felt through the light screen..."

Rong Shiyi's voice came out from between his teeth: "I know that I am no match for him, but... Master Shen who is above the Seven Realms, doesn't he have that thing..."

"You..." The purple-robed man was shocked and looked at Rong Shiyi in disbelief: "Are you... crazy?!"

"I didn't!!" Rong Shiyi suddenly raised his head, his expression distorted: "At that time...if I lose control, you seal the door of the human face and wait for Nascent Soul to come back and everything will be solved!"

"Kill my niece and destroy my Jin Dynasty. I will definitely kill him!"


After a few seconds, the man in purple robe made a decision. In other words, he was racing against time and had no time to make more decisions.

A red jade box flew in front of Rong Shiyi: "Either kill him, or he kills you."


In the passage, Xu Yangyi led Chu Zhaonan and a few others and rushed forward quickly.

No one, no one, no one!

The further he rushed in, the bigger the space became, and the huge space, the dead silence without human traces, and the ominous and chilling atmosphere in the corners made him feel that a large invisible net had been opened, and the monsters and monsters behind him and him As nervous as ever, he was holding on tightly to the device that closed the net.

Walking through hell is accompanied only by death and killing.

It is also like an invisible open net that catches the prey running in it.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? Brother Xu?" Chu Zhaonan, Zhao Ziqi, and Wangchen stopped immediately and looked at Xu Yangyi in shock, who was covering his eyebrows.

After a long time, Xu Yangyi stood up, gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay..."

Cat Baer didn't speak. It was too familiar with him. The other person's pale face, and the shock that flashed across his eyes for a moment, didn't think it was okay.

Xu Yangyi rubbed his eyebrows, his heart beating wildly.

Death...more than one!

The first god of death is the king of nuclear weapons in his hand, China's top nuclear weapon Pangu.

Once the 890 million-yield super nuclear bomb explodes, it is enough to destroy the entire mothership!

But only if he's in the main control room.

the second……

His eyes were a little melancholy, and the alarm in his heart was getting louder and louder. The terrifying existence connected to him had already passed Jupiter and headed towards the moon.

In about twenty more hours, the other party will appear in front of him.

"Let's go." He took a deep breath and rushed everywhere at full speed.

Physical cultivation also has the disadvantages of physical cultivation. If it is legal cultivation, facing this situation, it will release various spiritual powers, even puppets, and the search time will be much faster than physical cultivation. But physical cultivation can only find it bit by bit at a speed far exceeding that of legal cultivation.

Maze...maze! Still a maze! He didn't know how long he had been flying, but the various forks in the huge Star Destroyer Carrier really cost him too much time to search. Several times he thought he had found the Minotaur hidden deep inside, but there was no sign of the Gate of the Human Face at all.

"This won't work." Zhao Ziqi suddenly said: "Brother Xu, I thought you knew the way, but it seems that you are also walking in this direction? There must be top designers inside this kind of super carrier who have designed various circuits. One wrong It’s easy to get completely off track.”

He broke away from Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy, took a deep breath, his face suddenly turned pale, and when he opened his eyes, countless Yin spirits appeared.


Countless ghosts roared towards each passage. Zhao Ziqi closed his eyes and his ears beat rhythmically.

"Here!!" Ten minutes later, he grabbed Xu Yangyi and rushed towards a passage.

We turned a dozen more corners. He already knew he had found the right one.

The talismans were getting denser and more mysterious, and they were carved on the wall as if countless devils' eyes were watching them. Several Yin spirits in front led the way and rushed towards the place where the most people gathered.

Ten minutes later, the eyes of a group of people suddenly became clear.

All the talismans seemed to gather together into a sea here, and the density even made him feel dizzy. In the center where the talismans gather is a huge square.

Silence, sacredness, can only be described as this feeling. Pieces of top-quality spiritual stones, each one meter in size, formed into special crystals. They were guarded around the square like crystal clusters, with a rune flashing inside. Make this place look like a sea of ​​fireflies on a summer night, so beautiful.

And more importantly... there is a huge door standing in this space that is about a kilometer large.

The whole thing is connected as one, and a woman's face outlined by aura appears on it, eyes closed tightly. About two hundred meters high and one hundred meters wide.

"The maggot that does not return to the world." The woman's face suddenly made a voice, and she looked at Xu Yangyi coldly: "This is the human face created by Hanhai Immortal Palace's investment and the other four major forces. If you dare..."

Before she finished speaking, her voice suddenly rose in pitch and her pupils shrank.

In her huge pupils, Xu Yangyi had no nonsense at all. Suzaku flames all over his body soared into the sky, his left fist was clenched, and the surrounding void was buzzing and collapsing.

"Rumble!!!" The huge door showed no resistance and shattered in an instant. The human-faced woman suddenly opened her eyes and screamed in terror.

Amid the smoke and dust, he could see everything inside clearly.

A piece of holiness.

Inside is a pure white space. In the center, a talisman more than ten meters in size seems to be alive, floating and beating in a blue light pillar of tens of meters.

The earth is like the universe, and the top is like stars. Under the refraction of starlight, hundreds of figures below were illuminated.

"Those who stand in the way will die!!!" There was no nonsense at all. Xu Yangyi had already rushed out like a dragon, with pure flesh, his right hand was like a claw, and wherever he scratched, the space was as fragile as glass, cracked inch by inch.

"Form up!!" A man roared at the critical moment. One hundred and eight people gathered together to form a tiger shape, but it shattered in one blow. "Boom!!" Spiritual energy filled the ground, and the pure body of the Nascent Soul was clawed. Non-Nascent Soul could not bear it. In an instant, dozens of people screamed and flew up, shaking in the air.

However, they blocked Xu Yangyi's attack.

"Zi..." Xu Yangyi stepped on the void with his military boots, looking at the 108 people facing him as if he were facing a formidable enemy. My ears seemed to hear the scratching sound of the death knell ringing again on my hand.

Not a second can be lost.

Especially... the other party was shattered into pieces by his blow, but it did not disintegrate! Moreover...the surrounding starlight quickly repaired their bodies.

"In the middle stage of Golden dare to use your arms as a chariot?" Only the most primitive intention of killing was left in his mind. He opened his hands, and a circle of dark spiritual energy under his feet was like a deep pool, filling a radius of one kilometer in an instant.


There is no time to argue with these people.

Anyone who dares to block the road will be killed without mercy!

"Construct the Great Jin Demon Sealing Array!!" The leading man in a red cloak gasped. Everyone stood according to the heavenly stems and earthly branches and the stars. In an instant, the sky was filled with stars, and behind everyone there was a heroic spirit. film.

However, reality and imagination are often far apart.

"Rumble!!!" The earth hummed, and barbs like bone spurs suddenly erupted from the void. The Huanghuang military formation was as fragile as paper origami.

Following the bursts of screams, countless people were turned into powder by the barbs stabbing out from under their feet. In just a few minutes, only twenty of the one hundred and eight people were left.

Twenty people were covered in injuries and looked at the killing god in front of them in horror.

too strong……

It's really too strong... This feeling is like facing the Lord Jin.

Invincible, invincible!

"Wolfsbane..." The leading general's lips trembled. He was about middle-aged, wearing a golden crown and golden armor, his eyes were like blood: "You killed my people and destroyed our Jin Dynasty... Today is the day you will be buried! "

Xu Yangyi smiled.

"You are not me." He raised his right hand, and the thousands of murderous intentions in the field were directed at the leader: "Just don't use my attitude to talk to high-level monks."

"Boom!!" As soon as he finished speaking, countless barbs shot up into the sky, and when he was about to completely tear the opponent apart, he suddenly took a breath and took several steps back.

Behind him, at the remains of the gate, Chu Zhaonan and others looked at this scene in astonishment. Xu Yangyi didn't have a single general under his command. The opponent was indeed in the middle stage of the Golden Core, but how could he suddenly retreat from the Nascent Soul?

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's expression became serious. The leading general, who was beaten to pieces by him in just two moves, had a strange smile on his face and grabbed a red jade box in his hand, as if he was holding on to his life.

"Hehehe...hahahaha!!!" He laughed in a low voice at first, then looked up to the sky and laughed like a devil: "Are you scared?"

"Are you afraid too?"

"Why weren't you afraid when you killed my niece Princess Rong?"

"Why aren't you afraid of the day when the Jin Dynasty will be destroyed!!"

Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly: "It turns out he is a remnant of the Jin Dynasty."

"The remnant?" The red color on the box has crawled onto the general's arm as if it were alive. He smiled like crazy: "Today, you will die in the hands of the remnant!"

"Have you ever heard of His Excellency Shen Shenyang, the Pope of the Kunlun Taiyi Religion in Xu... Hahaha... The Pope of the Taiyi Religion of the State Religion... The Taixu monk who has studied Taichu the most deeply... As pitiful as you are, I'm afraid you don't even know what Taichu is. ?" He held the jade box tighter and tighter, and finally crushed it: "It doesn't matter..."

"Die with your ignorance!!"

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