
Chapter 914: The Gate of the Human Face (IV)

Shen Chenyang?

Xu Yangyi's mind flashed with the figure who warned him in the Tower of Babel. He colluded with Shangguan Hong to capture the living Taichu. He didn't expect that his shadow was here.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Countless red tentacles suddenly spread out from the box, and an eye as big as a fist appeared at the bottom of the box. It was originally asleep, but it opened its eyes immediately, with unspeakable desires and the most primitive evil in the world, and instantly jumped onto the general.

"Remember my name... Rong Shiyi, hehe..."

The next second, his entire body was swallowed by endless tentacles.

"This is..." Behind Xu Yangyi, everyone was stunned.

A small eyeball, spreading so many tentacles? No... This is not the point, but the indescribable evil in the eyeball, which is too chilling.

"Get out of the way." Xu Yangyi's face was as dark as water. He didn't step back because he was afraid. But...

The seed given to him by Quetzalcoatl in his chest suddenly sprouted.

It was as if two hearts were beating.

"Is it particularly sensitive to Taichu?" He calmly watched the tentacles in front of him pile up into a meat mountain and evolve wildly: "Before... it devoured the master, but at that time there was no such palpitation... What is this?"

"Shua La La..." The hands blended and differentiated. In less than two minutes, a huge meat cocoon was formed. A blood-red eye stared at them.

Xu Yangyi did not act immediately. This Taichu was different from the master he had seen.

The master had thoughts, but this Taichu... was purely desire. Standing here, you can hear the low whispers. Killing, madness, devouring...

This is the most primitive evil desire.

"In order to stop us, it really gave everything." He took a deep breath, twisted his waist slightly, and the void where his right foot was was slightly collapsed, which was a sign of accumulating power.

"Boom!!" The next second, a leg knife swept out, and the void was visible to the naked eye, split in half.

At the same time, everyone on the six warships found their opponents.

Around Tianzai, black and white spiritual energy was swaying. Opposite him, a six-armed saint girl on the stone wall shed her stone skin and slowly fell down in the purple clouds.

"A war puppet in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul... Is this Master's opponent you?" Tianzai looked at the killing weapon in front of him leisurely: "This Master understands... The so-called ability to resist or even defeat the Nascent Soul refers to the middle stage or below, right?"

"But it's a pity." The black and white spiritual energy slowly flowed, forming a Tai Chi phantom behind him, with his beard and hair all raised, his old eyes flashing, and he took a Tai Chi stance: "Old man, but what about the late stage..."

Saint Peter of Light stepped into a dark kilometer-long room, which was full of the figures of heroes.

Some were wearing silver helmets and silver armor, some were wearing gold helmets and gold armor, and some were riding headless war horses. Every one of them was shining with the light of glory.

Thousands of troops formed a formation, and thousands of spears pointed directly at the Pope.

"More people than me?" Saint Peter of Light was filled with murderous intent. He opened the Bible in his hand again. Golden light flashed beside him and condensed into a glorious Paladin.

"Do you many people have been buried by Catholicism in religious wars in history?"

"The wronged souls in my hands are more than you can imagine..."

"Swish, swish, swish..." The golden light was like a sea, endless. Two minutes later, in front of the battle formation of a thousand heroes, three times the number of Paladins condensed!

The heroes were completely stunned.

At this moment, Augustus Tagule had already bitten the neck of a giant beast fiercely. With bursts of wailing, the body of the giant beast quickly dried up, and Augustus' figure became more and more blood red.

"It's really hard to drink." After a while, Augustus stood up, spitted, and sneered at the golden gate behind him: "Unless the prince, no one can stop the prince, no one can make it. This simple truth, the princes of the Zhenwu world have not taught you?"

The battle of the six motherships broke out instantly, the Human Face, the Human Face Gate, and the Leg Wind quickly approached Taichu, and deep gullies appeared in the void. However, at this moment, a blood-red arm suddenly broke free from the flesh cocoon, just like a hand with only muscles left after the human skin was peeled off. The next second, the Leg Wind and the hand collided with each other.

"Boom!!!" The terrifying shock wave erupted crazily. It was obviously the void, but it was kicked up by this kick. The ground was full of smoke and dust. The visible impact spread for thousands of meters. Zhao Ziqi's eyes moved, and he instantly set up the Yinling formation. Chu Zhaonan's muscles were already tense. The next second, their defense was like paper, and they were directly blown away hundreds of meters by the aftermath of the impact with a muffled groan.

Xu Yangyi did not look back, his eyes were completely focused on what was in front of him. In the smoke, a huge figure three meters tall crossed his arms. Although he was instantly blown hundreds of meters away by the attack, he managed to block it.

It's a bit troublesome... Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and looked at the opposite side. Floating away. He was too familiar with this feeling.


I didn't expect that the box actually contained the core of Taichu, and I didn't expect that this person would feed the devil with his body and let Taichu devour him.

The trouble is... this Taichu is a little different, he doesn't know what level it is, and... Taichu is too difficult to kill.

He doesn't have the time for this now!

"Is this power?" In silence, a body hundreds of meters away, as tall as a floor, slowly stretched out. With its appearance, the whole space was trembling slightly. It was a sign that the huge spiritual energy could not be suppressed, or it was suppressed without understanding, and began to affect the space.

Rong Shiyi still retains half of his body, half of his head, left shoulder, and left chest. On the right, there is an extremely swollen, skinned monster, with countless golden eyes looking at Xu Yangyi in horror.

On the remaining head, the eyes looked at his body with bloodthirsty excitement, as if admiring a work of art: "This feeling... is worthy of the upper world, worthy of the so-called seed of perfect life."

Countless golden pupils turned to Xu Yangyi, and in the next second, its body soared into the sky at a ghostly speed, and it rushed over like a tiger.

Just in mid-air, its body suddenly split open, revealing the giant golden eye in the center, and countless tentacles surrounding it came overwhelmingly.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Each tentacle pierced the void, like countless spears thrust from the sky. Xu Yangyi turned slightly sideways, clenching his right fist, and the surrounding space was instantly covered with dense spider webs, and he heard an overwhelmed cry.

"Who gave you confidence?"

A punch shot out, like a meteor rising into the sky. Visible to the naked eye, the void was partially dented by the punch.

"What kind of magical power is this?!" In front of the light curtain, King Wuling's eyes suddenly widened.

I can't feel spiritual power, and there is no pinch... Is this the physical body?

Can you deliver such a punch with just your physical body?

This is incredible!

What is the difference between this punch and magical power?

Not only him, Taichu's pupils in the sky also shrunk to the shape of needlepoints, and Rong Shiyi's unfolded body immediately merged to protect the center of his eyeballs. At the same time, all the tentacles attacking Xu Yangyi immediately rolled back and wrapped themselves into a ball.

Even the most primitive desire has an emotion called fear.

When a beast encounters a beast more powerful than him, he will never take the initiative to attack.

When a lion shows its fangs, the wolf will automatically retract its claws, even if it mistook the lion for a kitten.

"Boom!!" A frightening shock wave suddenly erupted from the intersection. The impact quickly tore and twisted, and Rong Shiyi's shocked face soon appeared in front of the disintegrated defense.

The next second is destruction.

"Bang..." Fireworks of flesh and blood exploded in the sky, and the four people behind were stunned.

In the early stage of Nascent Soul, one punch can solve it!

Chu Zhaonan's eyes were even more intense, looking closely at Xu Yangyi's back.

This is physical training...

Because his spiritual energy was destroyed, he inexplicably embarked on this path. He had never even heard of physical cultivation before.

His fists can split the sky and his feet can shatter the earth. Today is the first time he has experienced the full burst of physical training.

"Is it solved?" Mao Baer asked blankly.

Xu Yangyi unfolded his spiritual consciousness. After two seconds, he looked at the minced meat falling like rain on the ground and sneered: "No."

"These maggot-like things are so tenacious and scary."

After the last word fell, the flesh on all sides began to tremble crazily and quickly climbed towards the center. In less than two seconds, a larger flesh cocoon appeared.

"Don't...die?" Mao Baer gasped and looked at the cocoon in shock.

"It's useless, mortal." The voice of a man and woman named Mo Bi, who was completely different from Rong Shiyi, came from the cocoon, and a golden eye suddenly opened: "You have no idea what I am... I am God is an immortal creature! He is immortal and immortal.”

"Besides, I am the most special one among the gods..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already raised his hand and said calmly: "Isn't it even a master level that can't swallow completely defective products at once?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Taichu's pupils on the cocoon suddenly became sharp, and he looked at his own cocoon in disbelief: "This is..."

The entire flesh cocoon turned black!

Extremely poisonous!

As Xu Yangyi clenched his fists, there was a sound of "Boom!!!", Taichu, which had not yet been conceived, once again turned into a fountain of flesh and blood in the sky.

Every time Taichu suffered irresistible damage, it would explode completely, but this was not enough to kill it.

Therefore, the poisonous function was directly activated in the field of killing.

However, at the moment when all the flesh and blood spurted out, Taichu from all directions gathered towards the center again.

Xu Yangyi cursed secretly. Now he was really in a dilemma.


It's not a problem that he crushed Taichu. The problem is, what about time?

"Sure enough... Wolfsbane is the strongest demon body, and now it can only exert four to five tenths of the killing field. And the most important thing..." He looked at his hands and gritted his teeth: "You still have to rely on yourself to defeat the poison. Only if you get injured can you fully perform.”

Just think about the legend that Shen Nong died after picking off the wolf's poison and swallowing it. In the battle at Bohai, he was seriously injured, and the wolfsbane monster expanded its territory and massacred them all.

No matter which time, he was injured and the poison was stronger. The battle with Taichu also confirmed this. The current poison may be able to kill the Overlord, but it will definitely not kill Taichu, whose status is lower than the Overlord but whose realm is higher than the Overlord.

But, does he dare to let Taichu get hurt?

He didn't know that in the beginning, it was like a pathogen. Once it stuck, it couldn't be removed at all. To tear it off, you have to cut off the entire piece of flesh shortly after the injury.

However...does he dare to do this in the current situation?

Facing the Nascent Soul-level Taichu, can he guarantee that he will not be injured?

He has no bottom, but he knows very well that now he can only fight hard.

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