
Chapter 915: The Gate of the Human Face (V)

"We still have to fight hand-to-hand." He tore off the camouflage on his body, leaving only a vest. With a muffled groan, the spiritual energy moved through his body, and on his almost pure body, a series of green lights condensed. The demon patterns and god king patterns on his body shone together, and his muscles bulged, making people feel great pressure when they saw him.

He half squatted down.

The four people behind him flew away again with extremely solemn expressions.

It was obviously just a simple posture, but they felt... Xu Yangyi seemed to be hunched over the sky. Just now, his body was pressed down, and the air pressure and the sky seemed to be shorter.

Extreme suffocation, like being pinched by a prehistoric monster. It was difficult to breathe.

With a light sound of "Deng!", the lips of the four people couldn't help but grow.

This was the first time Xu Yangyi had a full-scale outbreak after his Nascent Soul. They only felt a gust of wind, and the sleeves of the three people fluttered together, their hair was waving, and the cat waves all over his body were undulating. And Xu Yangyi was no longer there.

"This is..." Wang Chen opened his mouth wide, his face full of shock: "This... This is just the wind pressure of Master's full-speed impact..."

"Is he really a humanoid dinosaur..."

Before he finished thinking, Xu Yangyi's body suddenly appeared in front of the meat cocoon and punched down. At this moment, the meat cocoon suddenly broke, and a hand made of intertwined tentacles suddenly came up.

"Boom!!!" The body cultivator's punch was enough to rub out flames in the air, and the intersection was full of gunpowder smoke. The shock wave visible to the naked eye exploded in a ring, and the entire meat cocoon sank dozens of meters, but Xu Yangyi's face became more solemn.


This is definitely not an ordinary Taichu!

In the first cocoon form, it was directly knocked hundreds of meters away, but now it was only shaken down dozens of meters?

"Just that?" The meat cocoon cracked piece by piece, and dark auras lingered around Taichu, and its body had soared to five meters high. The smoke dissipated, and Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly.

This time, Taichu was covered with stratum corneum, as if... it had evolved in battles with him!

"Do you know what kind of existence you are facing? A mortal!" Taichu roared to the sky, and Rong Shiyi's voice was completely gone. He lay on the ground like a tiger hunting prey: "Immortal, indestructible, the most perfect creature in the entire plane."

In the control room of the Human Face, countless people stared at this scene.

"Can it... win?" A general gritted his teeth, and his voice was a little floating.

"I don't know whether it will win or not..." Wu Ling Wang's face was also extremely ugly: "The only thing I know... is that even if it wins, it needs to be completely eliminated."

"This kind of monster is listed as a taboo in the upper realm. It should not appear in the lower realm."

"Sir Wu Ling Wang, what is this?" The general asked. Even through the light curtain, he could feel the ominousness coming from there, which made his whole body goosebumps.

Wu Ling Wang was silent for a long time before he uttered two words from his teeth.


"It is a demon, a devil that devours everything..."

The gate of the human face, Xu Yangyi was suspended in the air, looking coldly at the Taichu who was roaring at him below.

At this moment, his eyebrows moved slightly, and two voices suddenly came from his spiritual consciousness: "We have solved it here, what about you?"

"There are some small troubles." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, as if he had finally decided something: "But it will be soon."

After saying that, he looked down at the monster that was already five meters high, with stratum corneum all over the body, bone spurs all over the joints, and almost lost its human form, lying on the ground like a hound, with golden eyes all over the body. He said in a deep voice: "You really pissed me off."

"A Taichu that cannot completely devour genes, even a master with a higher level than you dare not be self-righteous in front of this True Lord."

As soon as the voice fell, his whole body of spiritual energy exploded!

This time was different from the past. The shock wave formed by the spiritual energy did not spread, but formed black air, condensing into a four-elephant mandala behind him.

"Swish!" The next second, the muscles on his back suddenly bulged, and in the unbelievable eyes of the four people behind him, four arms suddenly stretched out!

And on both sides of the head, two more heads grew!

"This is..." The core of the human face, Wu Ling Wang's eyes were instantly straight, and before he could exclaim, countless people behind him had screamed.

"Three heads and six arms!? How is this possible!? Isn't this a high-level physical cultivation technique? In addition... there are only a few physical cultivation techniques in our Zhenwu Realm. A mere Bugui Realm... unbelievable... this kind of technique has only been seen in ancient books."

Not only them, but everyone at the scene was stunned.

"Three heads and six arms?" Zhao Ziqi looked at Xu Yangyi in shock, his lips trembling a little: "This technique... the name sounds vulgar and straightforward, but it is indeed the only way to cultivate the body! It is known as one of the two supreme magical powers... Now the inheritance has been lost, and my brother actually knows it?"

"No..." Chu Zhaonan's eyes were solemn: "This is a little different from three heads and six arms."

In the field, all the golden eyes of Taichu turned into vertical pupils, looking at the man in front of him with great vigilance.

The skin turned black inch by inch, no... not black, but dark blue, dark blue close to black. A golden line appeared in the middle of the three heads, the eyes expanded, the eyes were really about to burst, and several fangs grew out of the mouth.

The hair grew longer and scattered, and golden light gathered on the arms and turned into golden wheels. Pieces of talismans spread from the arms and were engraved on the back of the hands, forming runes of Yuchang and Mistydin. The whole person looked not only without any fairy spirit, but also like a demon.

Chu Zhaonan took a deep breath and pulled everyone further away.

Three heads and six arms definitely don't have so many additional conditions. This... looks too weird. Moreover, the aura of murderous intent and tyranny surrounding the other party makes those who have built their foundations feel uneasy even though they are more than a thousand meters away.

A vortex of murderous intent.

A violent tornado.

And Taichu is at the center of this storm.

"Asura phase." Xu Yangyi raised his head and looked at Taichu, who was several times bigger than him: "The fifth level of Qianli Bulixing, the heavenly tribulation breakthrough. When I saw it, I thought it was a three-headed six-armed, and I was happy for nothing."

"You should be relieved to die at the hands of Asura."

He had originally prepared this move as a killer, but now time is running out. It's not that Taichu can't be tortured, but that he is too difficult to kill!

It's better to cut the Gordian knot quickly and kill a chicken with a butcher knife than to block it here like a sticky candy!

"Bang!!" Before he finished speaking, a hand on his left slapped lightly, and Taichu's eyes all over his body trembled. The next second, he screamed and was pulled hundreds of meters away!

"Roar!!!" It roared and stood up, and a frightened beast desire rose in its heart again. At this moment, if it weren't for Rong Shiyi's obsession, it would definitely turn around and run away.

Because... it can't see.

It can't see Xu Yangyi's attack at all! It's like the opponent really has Shura behind him. With a light palm, without even using any strength, it actually flew hundreds of meters away!

"Stand up." Before it could finish its fear, a voice came from the front, and it trembled all over.

So fast...

Like a shadow!

What kind of cultivator is this? What kind of magical power is this? Without the spiritual power to transport, without pinching the formula, is he a shadow!

"You are looking for death!!" Hundreds of golden eyes split open in an instant, revealing a huge white mouth in the center, countless tongues with light yellow saliva, and a huge mouthparts at the tip, biting towards Xu Yangyi like a long snake.

However, wherever the snake shadow passed, it was all empty! Only the sound of teeth closing could be heard.

"I have seen these tricks before." Xu Yangyi's voice came from behind him, and all the pupils of Taichu shrank.

Can't see... It was clearly in front of him, but suddenly it was behind him... This speed... It made a simple desire monster like it tremble, feeling incredible.

"You..." It turned its head quickly, but at this moment, all its bodies exploded!

"Buzz buzz buzz..." Yuchang and Misteding could not see any traces at all, and could only see that the space around Xu Yangyi was blurry for hundreds of meters.

The sword shadow was left in the air, and even the sword swing could not be seen!

The ultra-high-speed slash, the Asura phase is to stimulate the maximum potential of the body, completely exclude the magical power, and activate every muscle in the body. In this state, his reaction and speed are far beyond the usual.

"Puff..." A piece of meat was chopped into pieces. Before the pieces of meat could scream, they immediately turned into smaller pieces of meat. There was a faint blood rain around him. After just a few minutes, no piece of meat could be seen. All the meat was mixed with Taichu's blood, forming a light green mist.

Five minutes later, a flash of light appeared, and Xu Yangyi suddenly put away his sword. The two swords turned into brand marks on his hands again. He turned around and said calmly: "Let's go."

The boundless green mist fell with a rustle. It became a curtain of death.


The four people behind him were already stunned.

Their eyes could not catch each other's movements at all. After a few seconds, Zhao Ziqi asked: "Brother... Is this... Is this enough?"

"It won't be reborn?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi didn't even look back: "It will take about a month."

Just kidding, it was chopped into stuffing. This level of resurrection would take too long even for the master, not to mention that this was just a high-level Taichu.

Wang Chen swallowed his saliva and was about to catch up when his eyes suddenly became sharp: " seems..."

Xu Yangyi also turned around suddenly.

Weird...those fragments that were almost invisible actually emitted red light on the ground.

Spreading in the void, it seemed like roses covering the ground.

Ugly twisted, but turned into a gorgeous carpet.

"Not dead yet?" Xu Yangyi frowned. He had expected Taichu's vitality, but he could still be resurrected in this situation...

At this moment, a blue light suddenly burst out from his chest. Wherever the blue light passed, all the red light actually rolled up quickly, forming a red whirlwind around him!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi looked at the blue light in his chest in astonishment. A sense of expectation and hunger was revealed from the blue light. And just as these emotions erupted like a tide, the red whirlwind surrounding him suddenly burst into an earth-shaking scream.

Fear, shock, with the fear of death.

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