
Chapter 916: The Gate of the Human Face (VI)

Countless red lights converged into a twisted human face, with a broken golden eyeball in the center looking at Xu Yangyi in shock: ""

"You are the beginning?!"

"The purest...real advanced life form?!"

Xu Yangyi did not answer. These green lights were the strange seeds given to him by Quetzalcoatl. They only appeared once and swallowed the master. They appeared again this time. Could it be...

Before he could finish his thoughts, the sky was covered with green light. This time it was different from the last time. This time the light was like a whirlpool, twisting everything around him and converging towards his chest like a black hole. In the rotating light belt, some animals can be vaguely seen.

There seemed to be mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, dinosaurs, swordfish... even Xu Yangyi couldn't see clearly. But he could see the nearly immortal Tai Chu rushing towards his chest without any resistance as the vortex rotated!

"!! No!!!"

With a burst of heart-rending screams, everything around him became quiet. Taichu seemed to have never appeared, leaving only a room that looked like a starry sky, and a few people behind him who were panting and staring blankly at Xu Yangyi.

"Brother... what about... the monster?" After a few seconds, Zhao Ziqi swallowed his saliva and asked.

"Were you eaten?" Mao Baer looked at Xu Yangyi's face tentatively: "Crack?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head, seemingly denying it. Only he knew in his heart that Mao Baer had hit the mark.


Devoured for the second time!

The first time he swallowed the Lord, he didn't know what happened. Before my eyes, it actually happened for the second time!

"Buzz buzz..." A wave of spiritual power surged up in his body, bypassing the sleeping seeds in his chest and rushing into his Dantian.

He frowned tightly and immediately sat cross-legged to meditate. This spiritual energy carries extreme evil and primitive desires, and is not controlled by his spiritual power at all. It rushes through the body like a wild horse, following an indescribable trajectory. Once this spiritual energy rushes into his meridians, It's harmless in the short term, but who knows if there will be any problems in the long term.

Especially... this is still the aura of Taichu. Naturally devouring and mottled, he simply did not dare to let them enter his meridians and merge with his body's aura.

Just when he was desperately suppressing these spiritual energies, suddenly, the Nanming Lihuo in his dantian moved slightly and began to beat slowly. All the spiritual energy from Taichu was automatically absorbed into the Nanminglihuo. In a moment, those mottled distracting thoughts and The original desire was instantly burned to ashes. When the black spiritual energy spread out, it was exactly the same as what the main body had absorbed, and it was extremely pure.

In just ten minutes, he had just been promoted to Nascent Soul, and the spiritual energy in his meridians, which was only a thin layer, actually increased by one-tenth!

Three tenths is the middle stage of Nascent Soul... A different Taichu actually brings such majestic spiritual energy, and there are no worries at all!

"Feathered Serpent God Seed and Nanming Lihuo, these two things rarely appear. They are so silently rooted in my body, but they have formed such a strange and pure system." Xu Yangyi looked thoughtfully. To the chest and abdomen: "Is this specifically for Taichu? Or can the aura of anything be refined?"

"However, this kind of opportunity is rare. I can still hunt Taichu alone. However, Taichu is a system, even an empire. A single legion can overwhelm the seven realms as if they were facing formidable enemies. If I can If you go to the upper realm and hunt too much, you will eventually encounter a real predator.”

High-level Taichu.

His eyes moved slightly. He didn't know how many levels there were above the Overlord, but he definitely had a role similar to that of an "executor."

But now was not the time to think about this. He stood up, moved his spiritual energy with both fists, and looked at the huge rune in front of him. Suspended in mid-air as if alive.

The human face opened one of the three talismans in the main control room.

"Boom!!!" A figure rushed forward, followed by a bright light. This was the final scene seen in the main control room of the Renface.

King Wu Ling pressed his hand on the light screen, causing a circle of ripples. He was completely unaware that a central talisman was destroyed, and his eyes were filled with shock. His sanity was still left in the scene just now.

He saw clearly.

Not to destroy...but to devour!

This man devoured that demon!

"Plop..." He fell down on his seat. He didn't even know what was in the jade box. When Chen Shenyang gave it to them, he only knew it was called Red No. 7, but there were ten boxes.

The year given by the box was a thousand years ago. During this thousand years, they once attacked the Yanshan Realm of the Great Thousand World. Five boxes killed five Nascent Souls!

However, they finally gave up on Yanshan Realm.

He finally knew why Taiyi Sect gave these boxes to them. These were devil's boxes. Once opened, the consequences would be unimaginable!

The entire Yanshan Realm collapsed within two hundred years. Only the Five Elders, the Council of Elders, and the prime ministers of various countries knew about this matter. And that kind of collapse is not destruction, but... being devoured.

Five Taichu ate up a whole world in five hundred years!

Since then, this thing has been completely banned. If it hadn't been for today...if it hadn't been for this emergency, he would never have taken out this demonic seed. However, what surprised him even more was that the Devil's Seed lost. He lost easily and couldn't make any trouble at all.

No, that wasn't enough to scare him.

What was really terrifying was the last bright green light, which had eaten the monster that had devoured a whole plane for two hundred years!

Who is the monster?

He looked at Xu Yangyi on the light screen with lingering fear, and didn't react until the people around him shouted several times.

"Your Excellency, what should we do now?" A general's face turned green: "The Divine Armory and the Point General Platform were also lost at the same time. They are about to approach Liuhong Bridge."

King Wu Ling gasped lightly, trying to pull his thoughts away from the terrifying scene just now, and gritted his teeth and said: "How much spiritual power is left on the mothership?"

"Seventy million, Your Excellency."

"Stop the operation of spiritual power in all secondary sites. After Liuhong Bridge are the four major heavenly gates, Liuhong Bridge, Guillotine Gate, Destruction Path, and Yin and Yang Yin. These four key points must be guarded by me!"

"Inform all the remaining monks, the Japanese Army, and the Xiangfeng Army to gather at Liuhong Bridge, activate the Jialan War Demon, and guard the Guillotine Gate. All the stopped spiritual power will be imprinted into the Dao of Destruction, preparing to awaken the false world spirit..." He paused. , Moya said: "If they break into Yin Yang Yin... I will attack personally! Stop all spiritual power supply outside the main control room! Use Zhenwu crystals to plant them into my body!"

He stared at the light screen and said, "It's only six hours...I...will fight them to the death in front of the main control room!"

"Yes!" The general behind him took a deep breath. Sure enough... Nascent Soul cannot be man-made. Any man-made object that is close to Nascent Soul cannot be their opponent. As the picture shows, now the only way is to mobilize the entire army. A fight to the death.

At the same time, in the universe, a pair of old eyes suddenly opened and looked at the moon in disbelief.

"A replica of Red No. 7?" Shen Shenyang stood up, her face as dark as water: "Actually... was completely wiped out?"

"How can this be?!"

"One of the most powerful Taichu created by me, the four major forms of immortality, even if it is a copy, how can there be an existence in the lower world that can destroy it?"

His eyes looked complicatedly at a Star Destroyer Carrier, which was the Human Face.

"Idiot... Idiot! How many times have I warned them! Unless they can definitely eliminate the opponent, they must not reveal these things in front of other planes... This... is taboo in Kunlun!" He seemed calm, his eyes were calm. Rudian scanned the Milky Way and sensed the locations of other Taixu. For the first time, he felt uneasy in his heart.

If other Taixu were to know... that the great Pope of the State Religion had secretly created this kind of thing...

The entire Taiyi Sect may be in trouble!

what to do?

Destroy the Human Face?

It's not that it can't be done, but there are so many eyes around, and there are three experts of the same level watching here, especially... there is Xia Hou.

Not destroyed?

Once there is any glitch in the human-faced account, Taixu’s spiritual consciousness will be swept away and he will immediately know what is going on! By then it will be completely too late!

"You have to be bold when things get tough." After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief. The surrounding space blurred slightly without anyone noticing, and a nearly invisible shadow rushed toward the human face like lightning.

The real martial arts world is trustworthy...

Then, just borrow this knife and kill anyone who has seen the red.

At that time, he will still be the aloof state religion pope, and everything here will be covered up.

Face number.

Xu Yangyi's body was like lightning, and after destroying the talisman of the Gate of Human Faces, he rushed forward at full speed.

"Ahead is the meeting point, Liuhong Bridge." An aura map shone beside Xu Yangyi, and he said in a deep voice as he rushed: "We have already crossed a quarter of the distance. Behind is a straight road, leading directly to the main control room."

Everyone's face became serious.

A road seems to be very close to the main control room, but this road shows that both sides have no retreat! All battles, the final battle between the two sides, will take place on this road.

Even if the true martial arts world hides again, they will never hide on this road. Instead, they will gather their last strength and fight them to the death.

Just when he turned a corner, Xu Yangyi suddenly groaned and stopped.

"Brother? Brother Xu? Master!" The three people suddenly exclaimed.

Xu Yangyi pressed his temples and shook his head.


In my mind...some memories of Ban Za suddenly appeared. A man in a purple robe solemnly took over ten jade boxes...These jade boxes were exactly the same as the ones Rong Shiyi took out just now...

There were screams, and in a pool of blood, surrounded by talismans, an old man in white clothes, completely unstained, was doing something on a stone platform about 100 meters away, which was covered with demon gods...

He couldn't see the old man's face clearly, and he always felt that there was a name in his heart that he wanted to call out, but it was like it was stuck in his throat and he couldn't call it out.

And... he had a hunch that once he saw the old man's face, something extremely bad might happen.

"This is not my memory."

"Who is it? Is it... Taichu?"

In the void, the black figure rushing towards the Human Face suddenly paused and said hoarsely: "Gods, humans and heavens have given me a warning... Someone is looking at my face? Damn it... A defective product is a defective product! Actually There are still fragments of memories from the past!”

"You can't keep... You can't keep this person you saw! Although this body is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, killing someone with a borrowed knife is not a big problem. As a last resort..."

He paused: "Let me kill you myself."


Some Taoist friends said that I didn’t update last night? I remember that it was updated. I will post an extra chapter today because I can’t remember that it was not updated last night...

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