
Chapter 917: Liuhong Bridge

Soon, Xu Yangyi saw Tianzai and Maloen. The other golden elixirs were undamaged, and Gu Song gave Xu Yangyi a complicated look.

None of the three people spoke. They looked at each other, nodded, and were about to rush forward at full speed. Suddenly, Tianzai stopped.

He raised his finger to his lips and made a "shh" gesture, but no one spoke.

Everything was silent, and in this morgue-like 100,000-meter spaceship, the first sound after they entered finally sounded.

"Ka...ka...ka..." There were slight clicking sounds, from far to near. Looking up, the light that illuminated the entire mothership quickly disappeared. Behind them, a daunting darkness rushed in. .

"There's a power outage?" Mao Baer was dumbfounded.

No one answered it, everyone looked deeply, and as the darkness gradually came behind them, an extremely strong spiritual energy burst out!

"Boom!!!" There was a loud noise like a tsunami, and the pupils of the three Nascent Souls suddenly shrank. All the talismans on the wall shone with astonishing brilliance for an instant, and then flew away like colorful butterflies in the sky. to the direction they are heading.

"Shu La La..." The spiritual energy rushed past like a huge wind and waves, and everyone's clothes were rustled by the invisible wind.

"This was just now..." Master Tuoba wiped the cold sweat from the top of his head. This moment was too fast. The sudden explosion of the sea of ​​spiritual energy behind him, he was sure, was definitely higher than any Nascent Soul! That’s tens of millions of levels of spiritual energy! Rushing towards him, he just thought that he was going to be crushed into powder by such a huge spiritual energy.

Xu Yangyi walked to the wall and touched the wall with his slender fingers. The place where he touched it was as hot as fire.

"Dong dong dong..." At the same time, bursts of dull sounds came. A few seconds later, the sound was in front of them. On the way they came, there were animal head gates that were at least three meters thick and full of talismans. The constant sound fell firmly, and then the animal head on the door rotated, cutting off all spiritual energy.

"They are draining the spiritual energy of the ship." Xu Yangyi felt the changes in the talisman and said in a deep voice: "They turned off all the unimportant places and concentrated all the spiritual energy. The talisman just now shone and dimmed instantly. The process of transmitting spiritual energy.”

He looked towards the brightly lit passage ahead: "This is a desperate attempt to fight us to the death."

In the universe, it was clearly visible that the thousands of lights on the Human Face were extinguished bit by bit, and all the talismans were dimmed. In an instant, the entire Human Face was dimmed by one-fifth, tens of thousands of meters away.

As they dimmed, 10,000 meters in front of Xu Yangyi and the others, four consecutive passes shone brightly! Each ancient talisman slowly stretched out under the stimulation of terrifying spiritual power, and demon statues and puppets quietly walked down the wall. In the shadows, countless footsteps sounded in unison, and the torrent of steel formed an indestructible line of defense here.

In the passage, the three of them looked at each other.

Ahead, the road was like a devil's huge mouth, roaring at them.

In the rear, the back road is blocked, which shows that not only them, but also the real martial arts world also wants to show off with them.

See you in the picture!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and without any hesitation, the black light rushed into the bottomless passage.

Even if there is an abyss ahead, they must fly across it!

Everyone's eyes flashed, Tian Zai stroked his long beard gently, and sighed quietly: "The world is like my generation."

"The new Nascent Soul is like this, but I, the old master, was slightly confused and ashamed just now." As soon as he finished speaking, the cultivation of the late Nascent Soul exploded! Without any concealment, he announced the arrival of the king and rushed towards the passage.

Behind him, several spiritual lights were like arrows leaving the string, and the majestic spiritual power gathered into a sea, the sky was majestic, and it went straight to the center of the man's face.

The further you fly, the wider the road becomes. Ten minutes later, the surrounding area had grown to 10,000 meters wide and 10,000 meters high. Huge patterns with different styles from the earth were placed all around, almost all of which were pictures of nine-headed lions.

Across this huge hall, a very high staircase appeared in front, about a thousand meters high, divided into three floors. On the platform of each floor, there was a nine-headed lion looking up and roaring.

Xu Yangyi took the lead and rushed forward. Just as he stepped onto the stairs, his eyes suddenly focused.

"At least ten million souls!" He said solemnly, but his figure did not slow down at all.


In his spiritual consciousness, at the top of the high platform, there is a square that is estimated to be thousands of miles away, with spiritual energy rushing and condensing like clouds.

That sharp murderous aura can be felt thousands of meters away.

"Are you scared?" Malorne laughed loudly. As he charged forward, his figure transformed into the shape of a deer. Countless elven-like things were flying around him, and patches of grass and flowers bloomed wherever he stepped.

Xu Yangyi looked up to the sky and laughed, as if announcing to the people at the top of the steps that they were coming, and said with a smile: "No more than ten million souls."

"What's there to be afraid of?"

If you start a war, we will destroy you.

With Huanghuang's overwhelming momentum, even if he is defeated, he will have no regrets.

The first platform, the second platform... The perception of spiritual energy also climbed from tens of millions to twelve million, three million... At the last level of the second platform, the three of them shouted together, no longer caring about calculations There were tens of thousands of souls, rushing in three directions in a coherent manner. Three major areas suddenly opened up!

"Brush!" To the left, the forest spreads, with thousands of trees growing thickly, and countless elves flying. The white deer charged forward and turned into a monster hundreds of meters high, and stepped on it with one foot.

On the right, Tian Zai Ruo banished the immortal to come, and a black and white spiritual energy gathered into Tai Chi.

In the center, a pitch-black realm spreads out like a demonic realm, ready to choose people to eat.

"Let go!!!" At the same time, a thunderous roar came from the top of the steps. The next second, long arrows made of tens of thousands of spiritual energy were like locusts, with flames all over the sky, pulling out the scorching Milky Way and shooting towards their heads. Down.

However, the moment it came into contact with the realm, it immediately turned into ashes.

The three of them stood proudly in the sky like demons, looking around below.

In a square about tens of thousands of meters long, a hundred thousand people stood in darkness, wearing silver armor and carrying flags. Nervous, uneasy, but unflinching eyes came out from behind the visor, looking at the group of people like tigers and wolves.

Behind them, there are vast white clouds, and a vast palace suspended in the air, with carved beams and painted buildings and dense pavilions. Below is the dark stagnant water, and huge figures can be vaguely seen jumping out of the water and slamming down again. Between the palace and the platform, a rainbow-like spiritual light turned into a bridge, about three hundred meters wide, connecting each other.


Directly leading to the main control room's door, Zhenwujie finally couldn't hold it any longer. The troops that have been gathering for a long time finally come face to face with the Earth's assault team here, and there is no longer any cover.

From now on, every inch of road, every inch of blood.

"Swipe..." A piece of purple light fell, and before a towering spiritual light appeared in the square, one hundred thousand monks in the Zhenwu world knelt down: "Greetings to the King of Martial Spirits!"

King Wu Ling nodded slightly and looked at the people in front of him. After a long time, he said coldly: "What a courageous dog."

"Take this king's tolerance as a sign of weakness. Since you insist on seeking death, I will give you a ride."

"Isn't it true that the base of the Zhenwu world is empty and they dare not send troops? Why do you need to say it so grandly?" Tianzai smiled and took a step forward: "No need to talk nonsense, today, only one of us can survive."

"life and death!"

Just do it, time is extremely tight. Tian Zai slowly stretched out his hand, as if he was controlling the world. The black and white Tai Chi under his body was flowing violently. Everything he passed was alternately destroyed and reborn. At the edge of the field, the entire platform exploded, sending sand and rocks flying towards the army.

"Then let's see who can survive!!" King Wu Ling also said no more. With a wave of inspiration, three talismans made of top-quality spiritual stones were immediately shot into the three puppets: " Jialan War Demon, get up!”

"Boom, boom, boom!" The realm of life and death was so powerful that the monks from the Zhenwu realm on the opposite side turned pale, but they gritted their teeth and did not dare to retreat, nor could they take a step back. At this moment, a knife flew from the sky, the antelope hung its horns, and there was no trace to be found. Infinite sparks suddenly bloomed at the edge of the realm, and the fierce sword energy actually blocked the advancement of the realm of life and death.

"Buzz buzz..." With three trembling sounds, three huge puppets rose up from the ground. Each one was twenty meters tall. Although not huge enough, the spiritual energy in them had climbed to the early stage of Nascent Soul!

As the only six major motherships in the Zhenwu world, they naturally have the capital to defend Yuanying.

"Roar!!!" The three demon statues looked up to the sky and roared, and then turned into three black lights, shining directly at the three true kings.

In the main control room, King Wuling had stood up completely and issued orders one after another in a hoarse voice.

"Quick, how much spiritual energy does Jialan Demon Mother still have?"

"Six million, Your Excellency!"

"Stop the magic treasure house and the spiritual power operation in the training room for this king! Send them all over!"

"Yes...but this will stop the mothership by a third..."

"Are you questioning my decision?" In the face of a powerful enemy, King Wuling no longer cared about his dignity. He grabbed the herald and his eyes turned red: "How long do you think we can stop here?!"

"One hour is the limit, these are three true kings! The artificial Yuanying can never be the opponent of the real Yuanying! Haven't you learned!!"

"Go immediately, even if the whole ship stops, as long as the true king returns, they will die!"

"Yes..." The herald was put down with lingering fear, and he pursed his lips and said: "Your Excellency...then when will the people here...retreat?"

"Retreat?" King Wu Ling seemed to have heard a huge joke, and laughed to the sky. Then he punched the light screen with his fist, and a few words floated out from between his teeth: "We can't retreat..."

"I am saying that it will only take one hour to kill all these people and deal with the three demons."

"Their role is to give time for the next three levels to be constructed!" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "If you die here, you will be considered a worthy death."

In front of Liuhong Bridge, the battle just broke out and then entered a fever pitch.

No one dares to spare any effort, every second is critical now. Xu Yangyi saw a war demon charging towards him without any hesitation, his soul guard pulled out a long golden river in front of him, and then without any hesitation, he launched a full-scale attack.

"Drink!!" The shadow of the fist is like a mountain, and every punch is enough to collapse the void. There is no need to defend, because it will waste time. He believes in the defensive power of Soul Shou. All he has to do is attack, attack, and attack again!

Defeat these three man-made Nascent Souls as quickly as possible!

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