
Chapter 918: Jialan Fights the Demon

Three Yuanyings vs. War Puppet.

"Kill!!!" Below, the Zhenwu Realm garrison condensed into a black river, with Jialan War Demon as a shield and them as spears, rushing towards the three Yuanyings like a tide.

"Form a formation!!" With a shout from the Zhenwu Realm general in the lead, his figure soared into the sky like a stream of light, and a white light rose from the bodies of tens of thousands of people below, condensing into a nine-headed lion, roaring and grabbing!

No need to talk nonsense, at this moment, the figures behind the three Yuanyings suddenly dispersed, not only Jindan, Mao Baer, ​​Chu Zhaonan, and Zhao Ziqi attacked at the same time!

Time is life, killing a chicken with a butcher knife, the king of nuclear weapons in the storage ring is roaring in hell, waiting for the moment when the other shore flower blooms.

One hundred thousand people, how huge, in an instant, this space trinity, all turned into rotating black. Like a tsunami, like a landslide, the last strength of the Zhenwu Realm was pressed on the people in front.

"All things ultimately come down to a three-foot sword..." Gusong Zhenren's beard and hair were flying, and the shadow of terror was overwhelming. He looked unmoved, looking at the golden elixir in front of him with a fluttering cloak and a golden light all over his body, his face was calm.

As he finished speaking, a small black flag on his head soared into the sky and spun endlessly.

"Kill!!!" The deafening shout of killing shook the space, and the knife light illuminated Gusong's old face. He took a deep breath and shouted: "One spirit shakes the seven-star flag!!"

"Boom!!" The terrifying spiritual energy burst out from the small flag, and the mountains and seas of swords in front of him all stopped. The leading golden helmet golden elixir roared: "The thief surrenders!!"

A gun shadow was like a long snake galloping, and with a "click", the space in front of him bloomed with countless spider web patterns, and the barrier of the seven-star flag was actually hit with a hole.

"Die!!!" Suddenly, the figure of the collapsed mountain and river rushed over immediately, and Gu Song shouted: "What are you waiting for!!"

"The winding path leads to a secluded place!" Zhao Ziqi had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Facing the aggregate of 100,000 foundation-building and Qi-refining people, he, Wang Chen, Chu Zhaonan, and even Mao Baer did not retreat at all.

They knew very well that if they came, they would have to kill their way in!

Shadows opened up beside him one after another, his eyes closed and opened, and behind the body of the elves, an ancient door slowly opened, exuding the coldness of the underworld. Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth fiercely, and the yin and yang Tai Chi appeared in his eyes. He cut off his index finger and flew into the door.

"Shua La La..." The yin energy in the door instantly turned blood red, and the talismans lit up one by one. After a few seconds, the bull-headed and horse-faced demons appeared in the same place wearing broken armor and holding steel forks.

"Blood food is good. What do you want, the descendant of Tongyoutong?"

"Kill them!" Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth and cut the artery. Blood immediately splattered into the sky. The blood was like clouds and all gathered into the seven orifices of the bull-headed and horse-faced beasts.

"Moo..." He looked up to the sky and howled. It was as if the bull-headed and horse-faced beasts in the statues turned into green light and rushed into the place. The steel forks were flying, and corpses were everywhere wherever they passed!

Mao Baer screamed wildly, saliva splashed, tongue swung, rushed to the front of the enemy formation, but suddenly turned around and hung on Chu Zhaonan's back.

"Fuck your uncle!!" Chu Zhaonan's eyes turned red with anger. He threw him back and kicked him along the way. Mao Baer screamed and rushed towards the enemy group. He was about to be skewered on the sea of ​​swords and mountains and became dog meat skewers.

"Oh my mother..." This time, he was frightened so much that his eyes turned green. The next second, his whole body swelled rapidly, and his hair was like steel. In an instant, the 50-meter-long, three-headed giant dog appeared again.

"I don't want to pay attention to you, but you still want to kill me all!?" Mao Baer was also anxious, and his body spun in the air like a ball: "Meat, bullet needle chariot!"

The hair turned into sword-like steel needles, and rushed towards the crowd like a tank.

Chu Zhaonan ignored him. At the moment when Mao Baer rushed out, the impure body cultivator rushed out like a cannonball to help Gu Song relieve other pressures. Where his fists and feet passed, several people spurted blood and flew out.

On the other side, Wang Chen, who had only been practicing Taoism for a short time, threw out a handful of talismans in his hand without paying.

Thunder talismans, thunder talismans, magic weapon talismans...In an instant, the light haze at least a hundred meters in front of him was not penetrated by anyone.

The bottom instantly turned into a sea of ​​spiritual energy and magic weapons. The three golden elixirs and the four foundation-building masters tried their best to carry 100,000 iron hooves, and above, it was already a precursor to the collapse of the void.

"Swish!" The knife light was dark, and each Jialan War Demon had three heads and six arms, and the six arms held six Yuanying-level magic weapons. Once they passed, the space would shatter.

Xu Yangyi dodged a knife lightly, and looked down with great concern. Although he held on for a moment, he had retreated layer by layer under the pressure of the 100,000 troops.

It can't hold on for long!

"Dang!" The man stood still and slapped the knife with his palm. His eyes became colder and colder. When the next knife came, he suddenly said in a deep voice: "Get out of the way."

Tianzai and Maloren heard it, and their eyes flashed, and they retreated a thousand meters in an instant.

"Swish..." The knife light cut into the golden river of Hun Shou, like a mud cow sinking into the river, without a sound. The other two Jialan War Demon opponents suddenly left, all looked at Xu Yangyi, and let out a thunderous roar.


The terrifying Yuanying early stage spiritual energy swept across the whole place. The puppet did not know how to restrain the spiritual power. In an instant, cracks visible to the naked eye appeared in the hall of Liuhong Bridge. The next second, eighteen black knives came with a gust of wind.

"Asura phase." At the same time, Xu Yangyi clasped his hands together, and his body suddenly expanded. With a blue face and six arms and hair like cinnabar, the Great Asura appeared again.

Four arms, one holding Mistedin and the other holding Yuchang, firmly caught the eighteen blade lights above. A magnificent shock wave suddenly erupted in the air. Even if it was a puppet, it was a genuine Yuanying. The four Yuanying auras were so terrifying. In an instant, the thousand-meter stairs behind him were broken layer by layer!

Don't want to die... No one wants to die. No one dares to let go of the four major passes. Once they start, they will do their best!

Malorne's eyes moved slightly and took a step forward. Tianzai immediately stretched out his hand to stop him and shook his head.

"He is going to burst out with all his strength." Tianzai said solemnly: "My domain group killing has a delay. Since he dares to take it, he has absolute confidence."

Before he finished speaking, countless green light spots rotated around the big Asura, a hundred meters... a thousand meters... five thousand meters! Countless green lights were like moonlit elves, surrounding Xu Yangyi into a green ocean vortex.

The next second, countless green auras all rushed into the body of Asura. An ancient and vicissitudes armor suddenly appeared on it!

Dense forest fighting numerous stars!

"Asura phase, dense forest fighting numerous stars, this is the strongest form of this true lord now." Xu Yangyi stared at the front for a moment, and then dozens of meters of green flames burst out of his eyes. He roared like a devil and rushed towards the three war demons, and slowly said: "Kill."

A sword flowed.

Maybe it was the moonlight, but it was not as bright as this sword.

Maybe it was the starlight, but it was not as bright as this sword.

Like a falling meteor, like Chang'e flying to the sky, a light slash, the fish intestines suddenly burst into a sky-high black light, and the junction of the sky and the ground seemed to be separated.

Time seemed to be silent at this moment, and the three Jialan war demons stood in front of Xu Yangyi in a daze. The eighteen black knives were only one meter away from his forehead, but they all stopped.

The aura suddenly disappeared, and everyone below was stunned. When they looked up, they saw this incredible scene.

"This is..." The three leading Jindan of the Zhenwu Realm looked up in astonishment. Why did the Jialan War Demon stop? This is impossible. This kind of killing weapon will never stop once it is activated. What's going on now?

There are countless foundation-building and Qi-refining people in the back, all looking up in shock.

The next moment, a slight "click" sounded, and then the three demon statues collapsed together!

"Pah!!!" In front of the light curtain, Wu Ling Wang stood up suddenly and looked at the scene in disbelief.

"He... Isn't he 5.2 million spirits!?" His voice was a little out of tune, and he said hoarsely: "Each Jialan War Demon with 3 million spirits costs as much as 43.2 billion high-grade spirit stones... Actually... Can't withstand this sword?!"

No one answered.

Not only him, but everyone behind him was stunned.

The first barrier protecting them collapsed so quickly!

The captain looked at the hourglass with trembling lips.

Just thirty minutes...

Thirty minutes later, the three Jialan War Demons were all destroyed, and Liuhong Bridge was broken!

In the dead silence, Xu Yangyi, who looked like a devil on the light screen, raised his hand and looked at the 100,000 dazed monks below with no emotion in his eyes.

"This True Lord said that anyone who stops me will die."

"Since you don't listen, this True Lord is not afraid of your killing sins."


"Boom!!!" The black space of 10,000 meters in radius suddenly spread out. Before the retreat below, endless barbs rushed out from below, and countless black poisonous fog filled it.

Suddenly, screams were endless. This is the biggest difference between Yuanying and Jindan. The domain is the most terrifying weapon for mass killing. Wherever the True Lord passes, the place where the domain opens is a dead zone. No matter if there is one person or 100,000 people.

In the domain, they are absolute kings.

If the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die.

"Ah!!!! Help... Help!! True Lord, spare me, spare me! Run!"

Instantly, the Zhenwu army, which had just been in good order, was in chaos. The three leading Jindan were pierced by the barbs without any resistance. Without even a groan, three thousands-meter-long red spider lilies instantly illuminated the earth. Under this splendid death, their morale collapsed instantly.

However, there was no mercy, and the barbs rushed up one by one. In just a dozen minutes, this place was already a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

"Mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy!" The last Zhenwu world cultivator, with weak legs, leaned on the 100-meter-high bone spurs behind him. His nerves were almost out of control. The 100,000 people just now, the battlefield of Liuhong Bridge, turned into Shura Hell in more than ten minutes. The lethality of this field completely broke his heart.

"Mercy! Spare me, True Lord!" He kowtowed, and as soon as he kowtowed, a black and white long sword immediately cut off his head.

"To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself." Tian Zai looked at the blood-flowing scene around him calmly, without changing his expression, and shouted: "Go!!"

Forty-eight minutes later, Liuhong Bridge was breached.

In the human-faced main control room, there was complete silence. King Wu Ling was trembling slightly all over, and suddenly turned back: "How long will it take to activate the tidal resonance!?"

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