
Chapter 919: Countdown



Four, four hours and twenty minutes, Your Excellency. The person who answered was frightened by this roar and his legs went limp.

No one answered. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the light screen.

The second hour and forty minutes after entering the Human Face, the Dragon Gate was broken, and the Demon Mother Jia Lan was buried by the combined attack of the three Yuanyings. The ancient forbidden land of Malorne was fully opened. Hundreds of prehistoric beasts galloped and made the 300,000 monks guarding the Dragon Gate not spared. The internal organs and limbs were splashed everywhere. The scene was more terrifying than the Liuhong Bridge.

Damn it... Damn it!! King Wu Ling roared to the sky and punched the control console with a fist, his eyes were bloodshot.

The ancestral spirits bless... He raised his head, took a deep breath, and waved his hand: The remaining 300,000 people...

Follow this king to lead the expedition!

Give up the way of destruction and retreat to Yin Yang Yin... Shut down all spiritual power except for all the main control rooms! Fight them to the death!

Under the huge pressure, even he had a broken voice. He gritted his teeth and spurted out a hexagonal crystal. Everyone below took a look and was stunned.

The Heart of the World Spirit? The adjutant took a look and instantly let out an uncontrollable scream and ran away like crazy!

How dare you! ! The Martial Spirit King laughed loudly, and thousands of golden lights burst out from the World Spirit Tears. Most of the people in the command room had a white soul on their heads and sank into the crystal.

At the same time, the majestic spiritual power of the Human Face, tens of millions of spiritual power, gathered like a tide, and rolled up a white tornado on the crystal.

When the time comes, the opponent's general is approaching, and you actually chased him away? !

The Zhenwu Realm has raised you and your family for tens of thousands of years. How dare you be afraid at this time?

At the same time, on the Supreme, a pure white wolf, hundreds of meters tall, with blood all over its upper body, and in front of him, an octopus-like monster was torn to pieces. Pieces of dark forests under his feet shrank back into his body.

The werewolf cracked his neck, gnashing his teeth and said: Prince Sword Master, am I okay?

Ten minutes wasted. Xuanyuan Sword Master looked at the hourglass floating in front of him: Let's go, the Yuanying of Zhenwu Realm must be carrying out a devastating attack on the earth at this moment, and at the same time, they must find ways to return here. We don't know when they can come back, but we must make the worst plan.

Can they come back? Ophir Covenus regained his human form and smiled coldly: When they come back, this place will have turned into a wreckage.

Sorrow, under the feet of the two Yuanyings of the Ross family in the royal capital, there are dead bodies. Opposite them, a huge rune is like an eye, emitting rays of light, but it can't stop these two supreme powers at all.

How far is it? Caesar said in a deep voice.

The last 50,000 meters. Uryen frowned: I always feel that something is wrong.

This is a room like a church, with countless stars gathered in the round arch. Caesar stretched out his hand and clenched it suddenly. The rune screamed heartbreakingly and turned into countless golden light spots.

There is indeed something wrong. Silence fell in all directions. Caesar looked at the surroundings that suddenly became quiet. In the space of tens of thousands of meters, the three Yuanying and six Jindan seemed extremely small: It is too quiet here...'Immortal King? '

Augustus opened his eyes. Beside him, countless blood bats turned into blood clouds and disappeared in all directions. He frowned: Zhenwu Realm seemed to have given up control of the core. What are they waiting for? Do they think they can hold on for five hours in the hands of the three Yuanying?

Killing, Alamuhan of the Sky, Baisamu of the Sand, Lugba, the three Yuanying looked around. Alamuhan picked up a broken scripture with a solemn face, looked at it for a few times, and quietly closed it: No... There is something wrong with the situation.

The remaining pages of the Quran are warning, why?


Boom boom boom! ! ! In the foggy city of London, thousands of planes formed a majestic formation in the air. On the ground, the ancient capital was filled with thick smoke. Countless missile launchers stood on the tall buildings, and tanks like black torrents shuttled between the cities.

Just at the edge of Paris, a cold iceberg of tens of thousands of miles was suspended in the air. Around it, more than a dozen caves and blessed places stood in a row, some were white cloud cities, some were cloud-top palaces, and some were seas that never sleep... There were also floating boats that spread over thousands of miles, and the monks of the Zhenwu Realm flying in the air with flying swords.

Release!! In an instant, the spiritual light flashed, and countless magic weapons in the sky fell like meteorites.

Rumble... With a loud bang, the centuries-old landmark Tower Bridge of London was shattered, and it was reduced to ashes in the tearful eyes of the British Prime Minister and all residents.

Elizabeth Tower collapsed, St. Paul's Cathedral was shattered, and the London clock tower turned to ashes... This ancient city was already filled with gunpowder. The attacks in the sky have never been so fierce, wave after wave, between cities, war puppets over a hundred meters high are everywhere.

Blood, smoke, and wreckage have become the final theme of this ancient city.

Lambeth fell... Hackney fell... Lieutenant General Jonas, commander of the Islington area, sent the last communication... The 44th Missile Brigade is missing...

One message after another is like bad news, gathering in the command room 300 meters underground.

The Prime Minister, members of the House and the Senate, think tanks, hundreds of people, no one left.

Fellow countrymen... After a long time, the Prime Minister turned around and said to the people below with a choked voice: Today, we may die here.

But please remember that we are the former empire on which the sun never sets. We have no regrets.

His hand has been placed on a black box.

The nuclear weapon launch button.

Beside him, countless guards had tears in their eyes, watching the other party tremblingly open the box.

Wait... At this moment, a woman's voice came. A golden scepter pressed on his hand.

Behind the prime minister, sat a kind old woman, wearing ancient European noble clothes and a crown. She looked at the screen in front of her: Wait a minute... Look... What is this?

Everyone looked over.

It's foggy...

London, the foggy city, suddenly had endless fog in the wind of war at this moment, and no matter how fierce the attack was, it couldn't be opened.

Palace Master! Hanhai Fairy Palace, not far from London at this moment, Yueying Fairy Grandma's face was livid, looking at the war in front of her.

Look here.

Yueying Fairy Grandma looked over, and she, as a Nascent Soul, frowned. This fog came too strangely, and... there seemed to be something in it.

Let Binglingwei stand by. The monks of Xianyue Palace prepared to descend and clean up. The seven caves and blessed places on the left were covered. She was also extremely anxious in her heart: no matter what it is, in the last few hours, this place must be taken!


She looked down at the hourglass in her hand.

Even she had cold sweat in her hands.

The last three hours... She closed her eyes and took a deep breath: In three hours, I will make you bleed five steps away! !

In the thick fog that permeated London, red eyeballs suddenly lit up. The next second, to everyone's shock, legendary creatures suddenly rushed out of the fog!

Witches in black robes, minotaurs... These things seemed to have come from ancient times and suddenly appeared in the thick fog.

Roar!!! A huge minotaur chopped off the tank in front of it with an axe and roared to the sky. In the air, several black witches who were as dry as bones, with the magic of ice and fire, instantly knocked down two foundation-building monks from the Zhenwu world.

No matter who is the enemy, as long as they are in front of them, they will definitely be killed!

What is this? Underground, the Prime Minister took his hand down, and everyone looked at the screen in amazement.

They didn't know that at this moment, the golden apple tree over Europe suddenly trembled, and then a beam of light shot into China and sank into the Ming Tombs.

In China, Chairman Gao looked at the information from various places and sighed: London... can't hold on any longer.

Their "secret" has been revealed...

No one can see that under the Ming Tombs, the giant tripod is immersed in the light of the golden apple tree, and the carvings on the tripod are vivid, glowing with colorful rays of light, and the entire huge tripod begins to rotate slowly.

A roar from the center of the earth swept the world like a wave.

No one knows, no one can see. Even if the Yuanying of the Zhenwu Realm on Earth saw it, they would never care.

Because their hearts are beating with time. The eyes of the fifteen Yuanying can see nothing except the hourglass in their hands.

At this moment, it was seven o'clock in the evening, and the sunset was bloody.

There are more than three hours... Patriarch Moyun looked up at the sky, like a stone sculpture, with missiles flying around for hundreds of thousands of miles and planes flying in the sky, ignoring them as nothing.

Finally, it was close to four hours. In the Bering Strait, the whole body of the Chaolong Patriarch was surging with spiritual power. He sat on the ocean, and the hourglass in front of him was spinning.

Three hours later, the battle between the Yuanying of the Zhenwu Realm and the No Return Realm on the moon will determine the direction of the war. Everyone on the moon, if you can't hold on... there is no need for you to live. I don't care who you are! Wait... thieves from the No Return Realm, in three hours, everyone will show their true colors and sneak attack the moon base, and you will pay the same price!

The burning flame in their hearts has made all the Zhenwu Yuanying on the earth have red eyes.

The killing intent is fierce in all directions, and they are also waiting, waiting for the moment of the moon tide.

The star-destroying gate 'Peacock' is open. The star-destroying gate 'Lotus' is open. The star-destroying gate 'Ruoshui' is open. The star-destroying gate 'Tengfeng' is open. The star-destroying gate 'Xingmie' is open.

The annihilation weapon 'Destruction' is ready. The annihilation weapon 'Shenlong' is ready. The annihilation weapon ‘Shura’ is ready. The annihilation weapon…

The four major annihilation gates and the thirty-two annihilation weapons are all in an open state.

The Zhenwu Realm has put down its last chip. Even if it leaves, it will destroy the Earth.

On Earth, the sharp blade is hidden in the sheath, waiting for the moment when the sword breaks the sky.

Every party is fighting for every second and every penny.

Whether it is the Zhenwu Realm or the Earth, they are using their lives to fight for time and their strength to fight for every second.



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