
Chapter 920: Yin and Yang lead to a decisive battle

"Boom!!!" The last gate of the third defense of the Human Face was broken with a sound, Xu Yangyi took the lead, and Tian Zai and the other two followed closely behind.

The third defense of the Human Face was broken.

However, no one was relaxed, because there was no one in the third defense.

"No... No!" Xu Yangyi rushed forward, and the two bodhi seeds in his body were running rapidly. From entering the Human Face to now, everything here has gathered into a sea, and questions jumped out one by one.

"Does the Zhenwu Realm know that it can't split up now? So all the people gathered at the Yin Yang Gui for a decisive battle?"

"After the Yin Yang Gui is the main control room, we are only 20,000 meters away. But... they should have calculated long ago that even a million people are not our opponents. Because I, the weakest on paper, have 5.2 million spirits."

"So... what are they doing?"

The same question appeared in the minds of all the people in the six major star destroyer carriers. However, no one dared to think deeply. Because they have no way to retreat.

Go forward, go forward, only by moving forward desperately and completing their tasks can we earn a glimmer of hope for the earth.

Whether it was their group, the Xuanyuan Sword Master, the two prides of the Ross family in Wangdu, or the prophet and pope of Islam and Catholicism, their speed at this moment reached the fastest in their lives! Because even they felt an unspeakable urgency.

Xu Yangyi's speed was also the fastest, getting closer... even closer... He could even see that in front of him, in a huge passage 10,000 meters wide and unknown how long, the last troops of the Human Face were waiting in full battle array.

In front of the army, a purple-robed figure stood proudly with a sword, and did not retreat from their charge.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly blurred and he stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong?" Everyone asked in astonishment.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, a thought surged up, extremely mottled, a series of pictures filled his mind, making his spiritual energy a little confused.

There was the scene of the old man in front of the experimental table, still with his back to him, and his face could not be seen clearly, and there were more... more, a child, living in the family, practicing, and finally joining the Royal Guards with fluttering flags...

Time passed minute by minute, and ten minutes later, Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes, and he saw... this child was Rong Shiyi!

"How can I have his memory?" He was stunned, and then immediately relieved.

Rong Shiyi merged with Taichu, and he swallowed Taichu, so he naturally had Rong Shiyi's memory.

Just as he was about to leave, the kaleidoscope-like picture in his mind finally stopped, and then, two sentences... made him sweat all over!

"In other words... we only need to hold on for six hours?"

"When the next moon tide comes, we can activate the resonance network? At that time, all the Yuanying will return immediately?"


It took him three seconds to react, and he suddenly looked at everyone. Because the emotions in his heart were too intense, he didn't say a word at this moment!

Damn... Damn!

This is a cage in the Zhenwu Realm. All his previous questions were finally answered.

The other party... is waiting for his Nascent Soul to return! That's why he wants to stop them at all costs!

They are not hopeless, but they are dragging their feet. And... now there are only three hours and dozens of minutes left before the six-hour deadline!

"Zhenwu Realm... Nascent Soul is about to return..." He said this hoarsely, and hammered the wall next to him fiercely. He used too much force and the wall was dented.

"How is it possible?! How do you know!" Tianzai and Malorne were also stunned, and then they asked in unison.

"This is true." After confirming it, Xu Yangyi's murderous intent had swelled to the most intense level. However, the more violent he was, the calmer he looked on the surface. He said in a deep voice: "I just got a memory from Rong Shiyi. It should be his last memory before he died, so it is particularly clear."


Death-like silence.

A few seconds later, Tianzai raised his head. Because of the excessive circulation of spiritual energy, his beard and hair fluttered without wind. With a fierce look in his eyes, he stared at the passage ten thousand meters ahead: "How long will it take?"

"Three hours and ten minutes at most." Malorne gritted his teeth and said,

No one spoke.

The turning point came too quickly. No one expected that the Zhenwu Realm was actually planning this. The time left for them was far from twenty-four hours! But two hours and thirty minutes!

One hundred and ninety minutes, eleven thousand four hundred seconds.

It was also the last eleven thousand four hundred seconds.

In silence, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and then rushed over at a speed countless times more violent than before. The speed was so fast that even after rushing over, the void was collapsing.

But he was not the fastest.

Just beside him, a black and white light suddenly burst out, faster than him! If he was an arrow from a bow, this was a bullet from a gun.

Infinite spiritual energy burst out from every pore of Tianzai, and the strength of the late Yuanying was fully unfolded. Wherever he passed, the ground was turbulent like waves. He did not look back, and whispered: "Next, it will be me and Fellow Daoist Malorne."

"You don't have to worry about us."

"I am willing to die for the plane. But I don't want you to not enter the main control room if I die."

"You only have one goal left."

"You must do it no matter what!"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, followed without any nonsense.

Actions are always more convincing than words.

Closer... Closer, just when they were about 10,000 meters away from the entire passage, they had already seen the face of the last fighting force of the Human Face, the Moon Base of the Zhenwu Realm.

The dark Zhenwu army, the trinity, blocked the entire passage.

The remaining 500,000 troops were all displayed here. No one made a noise, no one retreated, the silent city wall told them with actions. Either kill them all, or stop here.

In front of the crowd, a purple-robed man stood in front of the army with a sword, and the fierce spiritual energy emanated from his whole body, blowing his clothes excitedly.

His face was cold and solemn, his eyes were like a thousand mountains, majestic, deep, with black hair and a beautiful beard. Purple gold crown, nine python robes, white jade belt. The long sword in his hand was like blood.

There was no dialogue, no one spoke first, everyone knew that here it was a fight to the death, using life to exchange time.

There was no point in saying more.

Five thousand meters... three thousand meters... one thousand meters!

Eight hundred meters!

The purple-robed man suddenly drew out his long sword: "The Wuling King of the Elders' Council of the True Martial Realm is here! Those who trespass will be killed!"

"Kill!" The 500,000 troops behind him roared with earth-shaking fury. A dragon has a dragon head. The Wuling King of the Elders' Council, with such a noble status, is now personally on the battlefield. This not only shows that no one can retreat in this situation, but also shows how serious the crisis is, and it also gives everyone a shot of adrenaline.

"Cut the bright moon with a knife!" The spiritual energy of the virtual infant realm burst out. The Wuling King faced three Yuanying and six Jindan, and he was not afraid. His figure was like a spiritual crane soaring into the sky, splitting Huashan in mid-air, and the brilliant sword energy was like a river pouring down, slashing head-on.

Tianzai, who was at the front, had a calm face. Just kidding, the chaos at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty's entry, Guangmingding, Xiangyang City, which one has he not seen? One war after another, he has long known who should be treated with mercy and who should be killed.

"He is a great man." His figure was not slow at all, and the black and white Tai Chi under his feet suddenly spread out. Wherever the Tai Chi passed, even the cabin wall of the Human Face showed signs of aging.

"Ran... Anyone who stops me will die!!!"

With the last four words, the old man suddenly burst out with a fierce fighting spirit that Xu Yangyi had never seen before. Just like he usually hides the killing and fighting spirit in his old body, at this moment, it broke out completely!

The lion broke through the sheepskin and revealed the original face of the king of beasts.

"Tai Chi... White Crane Spreads Wings!" With his hands slightly folded, the pupils of King Wu Ling suddenly shrank. He felt... the old man on the other side was like an endless black hole. The murderous aura of 500,000 people behind him, and his own spiritual power, actually rushed over uncontrollably.

"Dang" the long sword chopped the old man's skinny hand, but it made a sound of metal. His eyes suddenly widened, but he found... no strength?

The essence of Tai Chi is to use force to fight force.

The next second, he opened his mouth wide and his whole body spun involuntarily. In less than half a second, with a loud bang, he disappeared directly behind the passage like a cannonball!

The Zhenwu army that was rushing forward was stunned for a moment.

A meteor streaked across, and their elders... Wu Ling Wang... just disappeared like that?

No power to fight back?

No... I only saw Lang Du Zhenren take action before, how come this old man... seems to be stronger than Lang Du?

Ten thousand meters away, the main control room door, the door engraved with a nine-headed lion, was covered with blood.

"Cough... puff..." Under the door, Wu Ling Wang was shocked, and with a light touch, he flew ten thousand meters across! He is one of the six elders! Although he has not reached the Nascent Soul stage, his strength can definitely withstand ordinary Nascent Souls for several hours!

Now... he can't even get through a single move?

His hand trembled as he reached for the storage ring, but found that it was somewhat out of control, and stopped one centimeter away from the storage ring, his eyes full of fear.

Too strong...

The feeling just now was like an immortal touching me. I was just a fly that was slapped away. Now my meridians were broken and my spiritual energy was disordered. I couldn't live for more than ten minutes!

"Damn..." He touched the door of the main control room with his bloody hand and suddenly cried loudly: "Damn it!!"

"Thousands of years of planning... failed at the last moment with me... Damn it! Damn it!!"

"Zila... Zila" The bloody hand left a trail of blood on the last door.

Suddenly, a calm voice came: "The six elders of the Zhenwu Realm, that's all?"

Wu Ling Wang turned his head suddenly, and at this moment... he felt... a feeling called "fear".

Before, he dared to rush forward in the face of Tian Zai, but... now just this voice made him unable to move.

There is no mentality of resistance at all.

The difference in essence!

In the Milky Way, Shen Chenyang had already stood up, no one could see, his lips moved silently, and his face was extremely solemn.

"Tell me, if I give you power, can you kill them?"

It's here...finally here...

He breathed a sigh of relief. Under the eyes of the other three great Taixu, his incarnation sneaked through Chencang and arrived here safely at a very slow speed.

It's not too late...

As long as he kills them, everything will be over. He is still the Pope of the State Religion, and no one can know about Chihong.

"I'll give you a chance."

"A chance to choose."

"Accept my power, kill them, and die here. Or..."

"Just like this, die like a maggot."

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