
Chapter 921: The Power of the Void

King Wuling did not speak.

This voice...he recognized it.

This belongs to that adult! The real behind-the-scenes master of the Zhenwu world, one of the four great gods in Kunlun!

In his heart, he suddenly came back to life from despair.

As long as this one person can take action, not to mention these few people in front of him, even the entire plane of the earth is not a problem!

But he hesitated to sacrifice himself.

At this moment, endless screams suddenly came from the front, so clear from thousands of meters away. Here he could see the rear of the Zhenwujie army, which was already retreating in fear.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

"Do I... have any choice?" After a few seconds, King Wu Ling laughed miserably: "Come on... give me your power..."

"Let me guard the last gate for the true martial arts world..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a surge of spiritual power that could shake the world was suddenly transmitted.

So powerful, so urgent, so... impatient.

King Wuling felt that his consciousness was slowly dissipating, and he suddenly realized that maybe...even if he disagreed and was as eager as the other party, he would not consider it for himself...

"Boom!!!" In front of the main control room, King Wuling's body erupted with thousands of golden lights.

"My power has two parts."

"First, repair your entire spiritual power and body so that you can support the strength of this mothership... for half an hour, that is, one hour. Don't doubt it, I know your trump card."

"Second... I will advance the moon tide by more than half an hour."

In the Milky Way, Shen Chenyang finally breathed a sigh of relief. Cut off contact.

That’s it…

He didn't dare to use too much power, otherwise he would be discovered by the other three Taixu. Especially inducing the tides of the moon, which involves the rules of the plane, and will definitely be discovered.

He also took a huge risk. If he didn't dare to use too much power, he was not sure whether he could withstand it for more than two hours. After all, they were three Nascent Souls. Therefore, he must trigger the moon's tides in advance.

"As long as it triggers within the Zhenwu world, it doesn't matter." His eyes flickered slightly, and he glanced at the human face number for the last time: "Idiot... let me take such a big risk. Fortunately, your plane body is here. As a plane The six most powerful weapons, the Star Destroyer Mothership, are also protected by plane laws. Otherwise... I really wouldn't dare to activate them in advance."

"Once it is triggered in the galaxy, it will definitely be discovered."

He breathed a sigh of relief, his brows relaxed, and he regained his benevolent look. He waved his hand, and a beautiful woman next to him said loudly: "The holy king starts and drives back to the palace."

A bright light flew towards the depths of the universe.

Human Face, the battle has reached its most critical stage. All Nascent Souls were separated and unable to inform each other. Tianzai and the others could only do their own things.

By the way, I pray in my heart, praying that everyone can be alert to the final trump card in the Zhenwu world.

It is also the final madness.

King Wu Ling sat cross-legged at the door, watching helplessly as the troops in front screamed and retreated. From time to time, groups of people were knocked into the air, or rushed to the door by the shock wave, smashing into pieces on the huge and hard main control room door. In an instant, the doorway was already covered in blood.

He just watched quietly, his injuries all over his body had been fully recovered. In front of the eyebrows, a crystal is suspended. There was no emotion in his eyes.

"Rumble!!" A sea of ​​black and white spiritual energy erupted violently like a tide, and the passage was like a sea of ​​black and white pouring over, even condensing into substance. An unknown number of people screamed and were smashed two thousand meters away. They suddenly landed in front of the door and turned into flesh.

"Bah bang bang..." The end of the passage is the final door. King Wuling still hasn't gotten up. At this moment, the figure is like a mosquito and the door is like glass. This place has become a Shura hell. And he is Ksitigarbha in hell.

"Boom!!!" There was a loud noise, and all the last people in front of the passage screamed and fled, revealing a figure in the center.

Surrounded by black and white aura. With Bagua on his feet, anyone who wanted to attack would be immediately whipped thousands of meters away by an invisible hand. They would fly out like bullets, hit the solid hull, and turn into flesh.

After hundreds of years, Tai Chi, the martial arts leader at that time, finally took action again. In the realm of life and death, formless Tai Chi.

At this moment, King Wu Ling felt as if a giant dragon was stepping over him, and the crowd parted. Finally he stood up.

"Are you not dead yet?" Tian Zai looked at King Wu Ling with some surprise: "Not only are you not dead, your spiritual energy has returned to the same state as before. Yes, in the past hundreds of years, apart from Nascent Soul, you are the first one who can be defeated by me with just one move. Immortal person."

King Wu Ling looked at the group and suddenly laughed.

He looked at the sea of ​​blood around him, laughed up to the sky, and crushed the crystal in his hand: "Ancestors..."

"King Wu Ling is incompetent, this down..."

"Brush!" As the crystal shattered, all the talisman lights on the entire Human Face were extinguished!

"Click, click, click..." Starting from the bow, inch by inch, like a city losing power bit by bit, this space fortress cut off all external sources of spiritual power at this moment.

However, the spiritual power is still circulating, and the tens of millions of spiritual power rushing like a sea are still looking for an outlet.

"Rumble..." In front of King Wuling, the crystal fragments turned into fine talismans, spinning in front of his eyebrows, getting faster and bigger! With a loud noise, it turned into a whirlpool several meters large!

At the same time, all the talismans in front of the main control room shined together, turning into streams of light and rushing towards the center of the vortex!

In an instant, King Wuling was enveloped in a golden light that reached the sky. Tianzai's eyes moved slightly and he slapped him away with his palm.

"Split the flowers and the willows!"

"Boom!!" The spiritual power blasted through the void, but it instantly collapsed in front of the King of Martial Spirits. Malorne gasped: "He... is extracting the aura of the entire Star Destroyer Carrier!"

"I'm afraid only the main control room is still in use at this moment! The aura of such a huge mothership must be more than tens of millions. Is he crazy? Is he looking for death? Can his body bear it?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

When has it been? The difference between victory and defeat is just a door. Everyone knows that in a few hours, the Nascent Soul of the Zhenwu Realm will madly return to support. At that time, it will be a fateful war. How dare the other party go crazy at this time?

"Kill." He whispered, and the black field under his feet opened instantly. The next second, countless barbs rose into the sky from all the bulkheads, destroying all the runes that transmitted spiritual power.

Malorne's eyes flashed and she shouted without hesitation: "Ancient Forbidden Land!!"

Elves were flying in the forest, unknown types of ancient flowers, towering trees, prehistoric behemoths, Cyclops, Beamon, black dragons... stepped out of the forest with heavy steps.

"Roar!!" The Cyclops looked up to the sky and roared angrily. He was a hundred meters tall, and the mace in his hand was dozens of meters long. A piece of talisman was destroyed in one swing.

The black dragon soared into the sky, spitting out the dragon's breath of death. In an instant, all the talismans turned into charred ashes.

The two Nascent Souls tried their best to destroy everything in front of the door. They all saw that no matter how the weird crystal rotated, the supply of spiritual power came from all directions and the talismans engraved on the bulkhead. When these talismans arrived, they were so complicated that Xu Yangyi felt dizzy when he looked at them.

"Hiss..." A heart-piercing scream came from King Wuling's sky-reaching light pillar. Malorne sneered, and in the flash of spiritual light, his true form was revealed.

White Deer Holy Spirit.

The antlers are getting bigger and brighter, like gems, and the antlers of nearly a kilometer grow out of the small body, like spreading roots.

Then, hit the bulkhead hard!

"Rumble..." Cracks finally bloomed from a thousand meters below Lujiao. In less than five seconds, they cracked into cracks covering the entire space, and then they all shattered!

With a crash, countless wreckage fell, but the entire door did not sink. Instead, it floated in the air together with the main control room behind it.

It was a spherical object.


The continent, rivers, lakes and seas are vaguely visible above, about a thousand meters in size. The control core of the Human Face is actually a room that looks like a planet.

At the moment when the space in front of the main control room completely collapsed, with an earth-shattering roar, a behemoth hundreds of meters in length slowly stepped out of the sea of ​​​​light in golden light.

Three-headed lion!

The King of Martial Spirits no longer has a human form. Thousands, hundreds of millions, of spiritual energy flow from all directions to the sea, and the source is the main control room behind him. It looked at its own body, and without saying a word, slapped it with its paw.

He remembered clearly that he was in this state for only an hour.

The last hour...

On both sides, no one had time to talk, nor did they have the leisure to talk.

Fifty-nine points!

Tianzai's eyes narrowed, and before Xu Yangyi and the others could take action, he punched out.

The giant claw seemed to be able to crush Tianzai into a meat pie in an instant, but it was held up by an old hand.

"Boom!!!" The moment the claws and hands came into contact, a crazy shock wave swept around, erupting in a ring, visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Tian Zai suddenly snorted, looked up in surprise, and his whole body slumped.

"Fellow Taoist! What is this?"

Before Xu Yangyi and Maloen could ask, veins popped out on Tianzai's forehead and he suddenly shouted: "Others, stay away!!"

All Jindan, Chu Zhaonan and others left immediately at full speed. They know that others are talking about them.

"Lanque!" Tian Zai shouted, his wide-sleeved robe whirring and twirling slightly. The giant beast above him turned around involuntarily.

He closed his hand and released his palm, as fast as lightning. There was only a muffled sound, like a bull being beaten across a mountain. The giant beast screamed and flew backwards a hundred meters, slamming into the main control room door.

Only the main control room of the entire ship was still functioning, and a talisman on the door was shining, as if it was doing its best to support the impact.

Eventually, the runes are extinguished and the gate becomes impenetrable.

There was darkness in all directions. The terrifying shock wave just now swept across. Other places that were not protected by talismans were destroyed and dilapidated for thousands of meters. Tianzai looked intently at the giant hand that stood up with a flick of its head and tail, and said solemnly: "At least nine million."

Malorne was stunned and gasped: "Spirit?"

More than nine million souls?

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with murderous intent as he looked at the closed planet door behind him.

The final destination is right in front of him. He can already feel the call of the King of Nuclear Weapons on his fingers. How can he stop here?

"Qiang!!" The two swords buzzed, and black spiritual energy spread all over his body. He licked his lips that were dry due to the killing intent: "Come together."

"Open this door and leave the rest to me!"


I have something to say... I hope all readers will be patient and read.

I have some manuscripts on hand, and I have also read them to other friends. They all said that the final battle was written very well, so starting from the day after tomorrow, I will update it 3 times a day until I ascend (I hope I can persist) comes the point~

I am very happy to write this paragraph~ Why are there so few votes~ Why have the subscriptions dropped a little since last month~

Is it because of the renovation last month~

It may be, then, I hope that I, who have not PSed for a long time, can guarantee it with the next three updates. I am very confident in this paragraph. The quality of the second battle may have declined last month due to the renovation~

I don’t want to stay in the 30th or 40th place. I hope to move forward. I hope that readers who like this book can cast their own votes. This is the first and last fantasy book. I have high hopes for it. The previous one may not be well written, but friends who have been following it should be able to find my continuous progress in fantasy~

Please encourage me with monthly tickets. The most important thing is... please subscribe to the genuine version. I really hope to see this plot increase subscriptions, but~I haven’t written the plot from Danxia Palace to Kaiyun Realm well. I guess the hope is slim, but I will still work hard to write it. In any case, this book will not end badly. I originally planned to write about the fairy world, but looking at the current results, it would be good if I can finish writing two large planes without being cut off~

Sure enough, I am still suitable for writing urban materials~Did I choose fantasy wrong? However, seeing that I had entered the industry, I couldn't let go of the idea of ​​writing a fantasy novel.

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