
Chapter 922: Star Gate Battle

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed forward like a cannonball!

"Asura Prime." He shouted softly. As he rushed forward, the black light surged and the evil spirit filled the air. In the blink of an eye, the three-meter-tall Asura appeared, with three heads and four arms, two swords in his hands, and the talismans all over his body suddenly shone, and he accelerated again!

"God King Pattern!!" Surrounded by twin weapon spirits, ancient knights and old assassins were all facing powerful enemies, and everyone felt the heart-stopping spiritual power fluctuations in the other's body.

"Whoosh!" The wings opened behind Xu Yangyi, and he advanced to Yuanying. He could already use the dual swords to reach Yuanying level. This time, the wings spread out by the God King Pattern were even larger than before, with a length of fifteen meters. The blue spiritual energy formed the wings of the God King, and it charged at the opponent with the power of thunder.

At this time, no one can hold back, and no one can hide their cards.

There was faint thunder in the impact, and the lightning moved with the wind. The forward momentum of this attack had been stretched to its maximum, exerting more power than usual. Just a hundred meters before rushing to the giant beast, there was a shocking roar, and the three green lions roared and took action. Where the giant claws landed, the space fragments collapsed layer by layer.

What a strong pressure!

At this moment, Xu Yangyi felt the weight of the mountain above his head, and the fundamental difference between nine million spirits and five million spirits appeared. His mind flashed with lightning, and he instantly gave up the idea of ​​fighting hard. He spread his wings and flew like a butterfly, flipping over. The side of the giant claw.

However, it is not avoidance.

The next second, his wings moved again, and his body was as fast as lightning, drawing a gully several meters deep in the giant beast's claws. From paw to shoulder.

"Ouch!!!" King Wu Ling looked up to the sky and screamed. There was no blood in the wound, but countless spurts of white spiritual energy. His eyes that were several meters big stared, and he immediately opened his mouth and sucked the scattered spiritual energy into his mouth.

With the sword withdrawn, Xu Yangyi had just stabilized his figure when he heard a sound of piercing the air behind him and bursts of sonic booms. He didn't even have time to turn around, his spiritual consciousness swept away, and a bolt of lightning nearly twenty meters thick suddenly struck him.

I couldn't see clearly what it was, I could only see the afterimage in the sky.

"Soul Guard!!" At the critical moment, he did not defend and counterattacked, opened his hands, and the golden river around him suddenly flowed. When the afterimage entered within fifty meters, it finally slowed down a bit.

He finally saw clearly what it was.


The tails of three green lions transformed by King Wu Ling.

Although his body was big, his movements were so fast that he couldn't figure it out. It actually suppressed the speed of his physical training!

"This is a gap of more than four million souls..." Tail slowed down for just a moment. He took a deep breath. Just when the cyan lightning came to him, he tightened his abdomen and grabbed the opponent with both hands. tail!

"Wake it up for me!!!" He also tried his best, with a green face and fangs, and a head full of red hair. The other two hands also pulled over, with veins all over his body, and he tried his best to pull towards the other side.

"Seeking death!!" The three green lions roared angrily, one of their heads tilted, and a red breath came suddenly!

Forty-seven minutes.

Xu Yangyi didn't care at all.

This is not your own battle.

There were two other Nascent Souls, both fighting for the earth, and he chose to believe in them.

"Boom!" Just when the breath was fifty meters away from Xu Yangyi, there was a clicking sound and layers of white ice swirled around him. In the ancient forbidden land of Malorne, a banned ice dragon soars.

The ice dragon spreads its wings and is frozen for thousands of miles.

"Don't underestimate me because I'm just a deer..." Malorne stepped lightly on her hooves and stood in front of the giant beast: "It's not like the dragon hasn't eaten me if I can survive the Holy Spirit War."

"Do you think the holy name of the White Deer King was blown out?"

As soon as he finished speaking, golden light flashed in the holy land, and groups of griffins soared into the sky like arrows. They were wearing armor, and each one had the strength of the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Among the griffins, Malorne stepped on the void, like stars over the moon: "The griffin legion of the Holy Roman Empire thousands of years ago was swallowed up by my king in a hundred and twenty years. Come... let you see it now. Look at the power of the earth thousands of years ago!”

"Hiss!!" Hundreds of gryphons turned into black shadows all over the sky, streaks of thunder lingering in their wings, circling and flying, condensing into a magnificent thundercloud above the blue lion's head!

Thunder subdues the devil!

"Roar!!!" The three green lions let out an uneasy roar. The will belonging to King Wu Ling has almost dissipated. It now only has the instinct of fighting and not too high wisdom. Even so, he felt the horror of this move.

The gryphons flew into black clouds, and the black clouds twisted into cloud caves. In the cloud cave, a terrifying spiritual energy is gathering crazily.

Get away...the last thought in his mind, just when it opened its legs, it found that it couldn't move!

It froze, then moved again.

Or not!

Forty-three minutes.

Above the head, the lightning has shone to the extreme! Malorne's eyes projected several meters of green light.

This is……

The giant beast turned around and looked at Xu Yangyi who was pulling its tail in shock. The huge head is still a little confused, how is this done? How is it possible to hold its body with human power?

Not to mention its current weight of several hundred tons, the nine million spiritual energy in his body, approaching the limit of tens of millions, is definitely not something that a Nascent Soul can pull.

However, there is no such thing as physical cultivation in its memory.

Xu Yangyi had blue veins popping out on his forehead, and his muscles were as hard as steel. He didn't look behind him at all, he only glanced at the thunderous thunder in the sky, and shouted with all his strength: "Hit!!!"

Forty minutes.

Kacha, kaca... The God of Death, who is counting down the time, comes from the underworld in time.

"Δ?a?Zeus!!" With a deer cry from Malorne, he raised his front hoof, and the sky and the earth changed color!

Ten thousand thunders roared down, as if the sky was blown apart. For the first time, a look of fear appeared in the eyes of the three-headed beast.

Yes, the spiritual power is much worse, Malorne only has four million spiritual power. But... in its few memories... any Nascent Soul must have his killer move!

For example, Xu Yangyi's Unsealing, Wuxiang Guanyin, All Killing, and Wrath of the Gods are the three killer moves. The latter two are the most powerful, but the price is that the weapon spirit sleeps for five years.

This move is the biggest trump card that Malorne has survived countless Holy Spirit Wars, ascended to the throne of the four Holy Spirits of the Elves, and is as famous as the King of White Crows, the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes, and the Black-Eyed Wolf King!

This move is close to the peak of the Nascent Soul!

However, this move did not explode!

In mid-air, the three-headed beast had shrunk in fear, and the spiritual power condensed into armor, but something more terrifying happened.

"Tai Chi rotates." The old voice resounded overhead. Tian Zai looked coldly at the sluggish giant beast below. As the black and white Tai Chi rotated, almost all the thunder was swallowed up.

Between his hands... a huge thunder ball with a radius of 100 meters was formed.

The thirty-fifth minute.

Time flew by minute by minute. Everyone knew that since they had taken action, they would have to fight life and death!

Life and death are only a matter of one door. One second difference.

"Ka Ka Ka..." Thunder was surging. Even as strong as Tian Zai, his hair and beard were all flying. Blue arcs were wandering around him. The few Jindans behind him and Chu Zhaonan, Wang Chen, Zhao Ziqi were all stunned.

Is this the top Yuanying's full-strength attack?

This... is simply inhuman!

This is a natural disaster!

Whether it is Xu Yangyi, a purebred physical cultivator who "located" hundreds of tons of seeds by himself, or Malorne who read the name of Zeus and formed a terrifying sea of ​​thunder. And now Tian Zai, who swallowed the thunder ball and controlled thunder like Thor, any one of them is like a god descending to earth!

"One day..." Everyone's eyes were burning.

"One day... I will also come to this point!"

Of course, except Mao Ba Er.

"One day... I will definitely not come to this point..."

No one heard their voices. In the field, Tian Zai suddenly smiled slightly, and pushed out his hands: "Hit the cow across the mountain."


The speed, power, and might of this thunder ball cannot be described!

Tai Chi, using force to fight force, with Tian Zai's realm, borrowing is no longer a force, just like the previous Wu Ling King was hit and flew thousands of meters away, almost shaking to death on the door.

It borrowed several times the force of the attack!

The huge thunder ball turned into the sun and the moon in the pupils of the giant beast. As it took a breath of cold air, before a scream came out, there was a loud bang, and the whole ground turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

Xu Yangyi immediately pinched a spiritual energy to protect other people far away.

"Zizizizi..." The blue-purple thunder surged on the ground, and with the heart-wrenching screams, the three blue lions' seven orifices all spurted out electric light, and howled miserably.

In this attack, the three Yuanyings joined forces and had already surpassed the realm of Yuanying.

Almost Yin Zun.

The twenty-eighth minute.

Thunder accompanied the second hand, and the god of death and killing went together. The last battle of the Human Face, outside the main control room, the sea of ​​thunder was like a prison. In the ring, the god of death hummed and prepared to spread his wings.

But... it's not over yet!

"No... I can't die... I can't!" Although Wu Lingwang's thoughts were scattered, his obsession was deeply planted in the blue lion. Its red eyes looked at the blurred people, and it roared to the sky. The spiritual energy in the main control room behind it swept again. It was repairing its body visibly.

Tianzai's eyes flashed, and he had understood that this was not the complete form of this blue lion, because it had not evolved to the final state due to the interruption of Malorne and Wolf Poison just now. Otherwise, tens of millions of spirits have already entered the next realm, and their trick of barely entering the next realm cannot cause such damage to the other party.

Then the remaining spiritual energy, since it has been summoned, must have been concentrated in one place. Now it can be seen that the remaining spiritual energy is all in the main control room. Although it cannot condense on the giant beast, it can continuously repair its body.


Unless the spiritual energy of the entire star destroyer is exhausted.

Thoughts flashed, and an idea suddenly came to his mind. Since Xu Yangyi can hold it, can he...

"Wolf poison!!" He turned around and shouted before he could say more.

He hoped that the other party could understand his thoughts.

Just as his voice came out, the whole void was already trembling slightly.

Malorne and Tianzai looked at him in astonishment, Xu Yangyi had already rushed over with all his strength. The full outbreak of spiritual power caused the void to rumble with every step he took!

The silver saddle shines on the white horse, rustling like a meteor.

Time seemed to slow down.

A kick with all his strength, exploding muscles, a sonic boom, and an afterimage that broke through the air.

With a shocked expression on the giant beast's face, the flesh on his face was twisted by the kick, and then with a loud "bang!", he flew hundreds of meters and hit the main control room door!

Everyone behind was stunned, and Malorne's eyes twitched a few times.

He actually kicked it away...

He weighs hundreds of tons... Who is the monster? A body weighing hundreds of tons can be kicked away with one kick? This... This is more magical than magic!

Before they could finish thinking, a dense voice rang out.

“Kara… Kara… Zizizizi!” Just as the gate talismans of the main control room flashed together, trying to dissolve the impact, the giant beast was visibly extinguished one by one by thunder. Dense spider web patterns appeared from the impact point. Finally…


In the smoke, the control room door was completely broken!

Time, twenty minutes.

The last twenty minutes.

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